• Member Since 6th Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen Jul 12th, 2022


Will be looking to weaponize autisim with my writings one story at a time.

Comments ( 33 )

I think I hurt myself laughing when he threw the jarate.:pinkiehappy:

Lots of typos in the first few paragraphs and throughout, and in the Ghostly Forge paragraph, which seemed a bit awkward overall.

However, very amusing and I look forward to where this goes. An upvote to you :trollestia:

You did good. I thought that the mare jizz was a bit over the top for a revenge thing but I would have gladly just chased her everywhere yelling as loud as I could that it wasn't fair she finished and splashed me with her love then took off.

I so shouldnt like this but i do so keep it commin :rainbowwild:


Haven't read this story yet, on my read later list, but when I saw your name attached to this, I knew...I knew that pineapples would be involved...

Typos are my worst nemesis, and they haunt me till the end of time, or at liest till I get better, which is the purpose of this fic. Its my get to be a better writer fic!

Luna is a crazy mare, simple as that. Stick around you never know what might happen next.

I intend to, its like a train wreck its so horrible to watch yet you cant turn away. My only hope is that I improve as a writer to make even more horrible train wrecks :trollestia:

Dont worry this fic will be 99.9% pineapple free, you read it and you might get a free pineapple! Once you do read it let me know what you think, this is a starting point in which I want to improve my writing.

And thanks everyone who read my first 'official' fic. Ive come a long way shitposting and green texting nonsense to a point where I want to write a decent story...That point has yet to come but stick around as I try to improve!


W-wait, that's it?! The end of the fic?!

Nope this horrid concept of a story is far from over, I actually do have plans for this story and I intend on following through with it. Oh so many plans.:pinkiecrazy: Its more of a question if anyone will stick around long enough to tolerate this nonsense to see the end, when ever that may be. Look at diaries of a mad man that shit won't end till the author dies, even then I suspect it would still continue.
None the less this train has started to roll full steam ahead!:trollestia:


You ever seen the fic titled "chase"
It's the longest fanfic topping out at over 2 million words and still going.

I made it about halfway before I just wanted to die.

If I somehow manage to make it to a million words it would be short if a miracle. I know where I want to take this story its just a mater of how to pull it off. I doubt this one would go that long. Then again I might end up eating these words years later when I'm hitting two million and wondering what I'm doing with my life. Well at least I have a goal to reach before I go that far.

Ha! Urine trouble. Nice.

Well, aside from some odd... spelling mistakes. I... I don't even know. But much like a dork fish you have cast out the hook with a corn dog on it and I so eagerly snatched it up... a thumb and fave from me.

Fun fact 90% of this story was done via mobile phone then converted to gdocs which decided it had terminal retardism and refused to spell check properly. For the rest of the chapters I intend on making notes on mobile then doing the typing on here directly as the spell check seems to work better for me for some reason. Then again it's probably just a convent excuse.:trollestia:

7268076 Convenient excuse! Do not give me excuses! FIX IT! :rainbowwild: but seriously, it's cool. The story thus far is rather funny.

This is more or less the fucking best.
Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that this was the best fic I ever red or something silly like that, but do you know the feeling when you are watching or reading something and then you put a palm on half of your face while making a sound that is half way between giggling and snickering and think "this is the fucking best"? That's a really good feeling, so thank you for giving the opportunity for me to experience it today.

This is what I hoped to accomplish with my writing. To let someone feel good after reading a stupid story.
I write for entertainment and if I manage to make someone else entertained then I know I at liest did something right, no matter how many likes or dislikes I get as long as someone has as much fun as I did writing this the it all worth it.
I can only hope that the rest of the chapters I write also carry on the spirit of silly good fun. May a many face palms be made in the life time of this story.

Loving the story so far and I am interested in what you shall design this gluenade into.

If I was the one designing this device I would make it dodecahedron shaped so that it is round enough, but doesn't roll off of flat surfaces. (Also it would be dice shaped, just roll with it) :pinkiehappy:

As for the contence and glue factor, I would take the anti magic idea' and depending if the rings anti-magic properties were based off of a specific enchantment or if the material just naturally has that property, enchant a gem with it or take that anti-magic material, grind it into a fine dust, and mix it into the goo, anti-magic goo stink bombs away.:trollestia::yay:

Close oh so close. I have a plan :pinkiecrazy: a oh so fun plan.
Thanks for reading and putting up with my nonsense so far!:yay:

I can't wait to see what kind of bullshit this teem will come up with.
And Anon will fit right in, half of the teem has no place in this kind of institution just like him.

And now when I think about it Blueblood actually hired experts in "muffinology" and "partyology" in hopes of creating a weapon that could surpass Metal GearElements of harmony?

I am somewhat happy that I am not fully sober as I am reading this.

No one should be sober when reading anything I write

I can only think of The Outer Gods and Old Ones for that last bit...

Amazing. :rainbowlaugh:

Would you like a proofreader? :pinkiehappy:

Absolutely! It most certainly make my life easier if I had someone to go over this stuff I work on

The hell was I reading?

A written interpretation of cancer. I blame Flutter priest for letting me use Lyler. If it makes you feel better it can only get better from here. After all once you hit rock bottom there is no where to go but up!

7360080 Nah man, there is something below rock bottom, the center of the planet! Dig deep my friend! Dig deep!

Huh, that happened... when I saw Tender in time I got really confused and thought this was the Lyler Archives. While not as grotesque or violent it was still hilarious to read.

Its part of a prompt that Flutterpriest put out to any author that wanted to use lyler in their story, so I figured why not?
I've been following priest and other 4chin writers for years now before I left there and had found them here, so when I saw a opportunity to work with them I couldn't miss my chance. It was fun to write a silly chapter and still squeeze in some foreshadowing of future events, that and to abuse the fact that equestria has so many failed timelines it was fun to make one where Twilight was surpassed by someone else, but in the end failed because they lacked the spark she had that started it all.

Is Anon Mr. Fantastic from Fallout: New Vegas?


They asked me how well I understood theoretical physics. I said I had a theoretical degree in physics. They said "Welcome aboard".

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