• Published 14th May 2016
  • 539 Views, 14 Comments

Hugs and Snuggles - TheHeartsSisters

After a long day, Ruby finally gets to spend time with her coltfriend, Kasper.

  • ...

...Also Cuddling

The rainbow colors of the sunset dimmed second after second. As night fell on Equestria, Ruby Hearts laid comfortably on her bed reading a science novel. Her hooves cradled the book like baby foal as she read silently to herself. A light yawn escaped her lips and she squeezed her eyes closed. Then there was a knock at her door.

"Who is it?" she asked.

"A night time present for Ru-Ru," a colt answered outside. Ruby smiled to herself as she magically opened the door for Kasper.

"I didn't order any room service," she said with a giggle.

"You didn't have to." Kasper took it upon himself to enter the room and laid down next to Ruby. She didn't mind at all, but the unannounced visit was a bit rude. Kasper looked over at Ruby hooves. "Wha'cha readin'?"

"A science novel." Ruby turned her gaze to Kasper.

"Who's it by?"

"Don't know. I just saw the word 'science' and picked it up."

Kasper chuckled. "That's my mare." He then looked into her eyes and Ruby did the same. "You are my mare."

They stared into each others eyes. Kasper put a hoof around Ruby who instinctively moved closer and laid her head on Kasper's shoulder. He smiled and rested his chin on her head. They embraced tightly before letting go to stare back into each other eyes. They just stared at each other smiling away.

Then Ruby broke the silence. "I love you, Kasper," she cooed.

"And I, you," Kasper replied. He then brought a hoof to her cheek and held her face just inches from his. Ruby blushed a bit. She then slowly closed her eyes as Kasper pulled her face closer. They kissed. For what was only minuets seemed like hours for them both.

When Ruby opened her eyes, she was pinned to the bed in a warm, tight hug. Her hooves were free enough to hug Kasper back. She wrapped them around him in a lovingly embrace. Kasper lifted his body gently off of Ruby and let go of her. He laid down on his side and lifted an inviting hoof to her. Ruby laid down next to Kasper and faced him as she rested her head on his chest while Kasper wrapped his hoof around her.

Outside Ruby's window, the light taps of rain could be heard. "Is it raining?" Ruby asked.

Kasper looked at the window and shrugged. "Yeah, but don't worry," he said, "It's not that bad." It was as if the second he opened his mouth and said those words, the flash of bright lightning and loud thunder clouds could hear him. Ruby jumped from the sudden explosion right outside her window. Kasper gripped tighter to Ruby's body and smiled. "It's OK. I got you."

"But the lightning is scary," she quivered.

Kasper just kept smiling. "You are such a little foal." He held her tighter. "I'm right here, OK? I'm not going anywhere." Ruby pulled her head away from Kasper's chest. She looked into his eyes and pecked his on the lips. Kasper grinned at her and kissed her forehead back. "Just relax and listen to the raindrops. I'll be right here if you need me."

Ruby nodded as she let out another yawn and berried her head into Kasper's warm chest. She sighed and closed her eyes, listening to her lover's heartbeat. His heart thumped like a steady drum in his chest and only pumped for Ruby. She smiled at his heartbeats.

Kasper laid there holding Ruby quietly until she said one more thing that broke the silence. "Can you tell me a story?" she asked.

Kasper's expression seemed lost. "OK?" he said, "What kind of story do you want me to tell you?"

With her eyes still closed, Ruby sighed. "Any kind. I just want to hear you speak." Kasper raised an eyebrow at her. "Talk about the weather for all I care. Just say something."

Kasper smirk. "Something." Ruby looked up at him, annoyed. "You told me to say 'something', so I did." Ruby rolled her eyes and shifted her body to get comfortable.

"Are you gonna tell me a story or not, silly head?"

Kasper rubbed his chin. "OK. Just let me think." Ruby nuzzled Kasper's coat as he thought of a story to tell her. When he thought of one, he smiled at her warmly and smirked a bit. "Are you ready?"

"Yes," Ruby said with a yawn.

Kasper spoke softly as he told the story. "Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess named Ruby-Anna." Ruby giggled when she heard her name being used in the story. "Ruby-Anna was the most sweetest, nicest, kindest pony in all of Equestria. One day, Ruby-Anna travelled from a far away land to meet her real mother, but instead found a noble prince who fell in love with her at first sight." Kasper paused for a second to think. He then continued. "His name was Kasper Outland Blaze and he cared for Ruby-Anna every night and day. The prince always thought about Ruby-Anna and Ruby-Anna always thought about the prince. So one bright and sunny morning, Kasper came up to Ruby-Anna and kneeled before her asking for her hoof in marriage. Ruby-Anna began to cry tears of joy and her answer was 'yes'. And they're living happily ever after."

Kasper looked down at Ruby who was fast asleep in his hooves. He smiled and magically turned off the lights as the rain outside continued to tap against the window. The tick of a clock in the room could be heard as well. Kasper glanced at it and notice that only hour had past since he first got in the room. He snickered to himself and yawned loudly. Quickly, he shut his mouth so he wouldn't wake Ruby. He then rested his head on the pillow and closed his eyes. Before he know it, he was already asleep.

Author's Note:

This has got to be the first story on FimFiction that I've finished.... And in the day/night too! Now to submit. Hope you enjoyed.

Comments ( 12 )

For your first story on here, not bad and also welcome! But I would like to know more about these charicters, get a bit of backstory and all.

7215136 This is not my first story. It is, however, my first completed story. This is my first story and it's not finished yet but it should help you get some background on these two lovebirds. :heart:

7215147 Ah, my bad. I read through the Author's notes a bit too fast. Sometimes that does happen with my reading speed.:twilightsheepish::facehoof:

Pretty sweet fic.

As for things to improve on: I think you may need to change foul to foal (from you're such a little foul to you're such a little foal)

7216107 Oh my, thanks for seeing that. I can't spell even the simplest of words to save my own life :pinkiegasp:

Oh my lord... only if there was a fireplace instead of a night light!:rainbowkiss: That was so sweet though!:heart::rainbowkiss:

7297398 I said there was a night light?! Wow, Ruby is a little foal.

7298024 Night light.. Oops. I meant just the small light that was turned on... Sorry about that. I forgot English used that as a small light for kids/foals... Sorry about that!:twilightsheepish:

7842548 No. It was supposed to be a sadfic in the beginning but I changed my mine.

What’a cute story I love romance.

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