• Published 12th May 2016
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Fall's Hearths Warming - Yosh-E-O

When the orphanage staff decides to leave the orpans unsupervised over Heath's Warming, they band together to discover the true meaning of Hearth's Warming

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Chapter 1 - Pint and Bucky's Announcement

Two inches of snow glistened in the morning sun as Pint and Bucky paid their after school visit to Fall at the orphanage.

“I’m really surprised nobody has noticed us out here,” stated Bucky. There was definitely no blending in against the snow-covered trees, fence, and ground. Especially on a partly cloudy day like today.

“Not really,” replied Fall with a shrug. “Shortly after Pint’s birthday party a whole bunch of grown-ups started to come in and adopt all the babies from the first floor. There isn’t a single baby left now. Some of the younger fillies and colts got adopted, too. So, the place is pretty quiet with the exception of Rawhide and the other older kids being mean.”

“Speaking of mean,” wondered Bucky. “You’d think the ponies running this place would be keeping an eye out for kids who want to play outside in the snow.”

Fall shrugged again and shook her head.

“No pony wants to play outside,” she stated. “Ms. Powder Puff and the other adults told us they weren’t allowing us to play outside and have spent most of their days up on the fourth floor where they keep the heater.”
“That reminds me,” said Pint as he pulled out a small, sealed pouch and tossed it gently over the fence.

“Thank you,” smiled Fall upon catching the pouch and tucking it under her head band. “These have been really helpful.”

“I’m just glad we found something to help you stay warm despite how awful those grown-ups are to you,” stated Pint.

Up until recently, Pint the Unicorn and Bucky the Pegasus had tried bringing Fall clothing items to help her keep warm. However, Rawhide’s gang, would take them from her, so the pair tried to figure out another way to help their brown, Pegasus friend. This came to them when they realized that enchanted hot packs, particularly the generic ones, looked a lot like used wash cloths. Every pony in the orphanage knew they could force their chores onto Fall, like dishes, which require a similar looking cloth, so they thought nothing when they saw her walking around with the hot pack. Since the hot pack had to be activated through tearing a small strip from it, Fall could take it to her special perch by the uninsulated window, snuggle up with her flat pillow and paper-thin blanket, and rest warmly without anybody bothering her.

“I think snow is pretty,” said Fall. “I like watching it fall from the sky through my window. It’s like a bunch of beautiful stars from the sky.”

“It’s even more fun to play in!” exclaimed Bucky before galloping around in a circle. His actions kicking chunks of white powder into the air with a majority of it landing on Pint.

Pint shook off the snow that had landed upon him and asked, “Do you like playing in the snow, Fall?”

“I would,” she replied. “But the only ponies I’d have to play with are you guys since no pony in the orphanage likes me.”

There was a brief silence.
“You know,” said Bucky as he drooped his wings. “This is probably as good of time to tell her.”

Pint sighed while nervously rubbing his booted hoof upon his exposed horn.

“Hearths Warming,” he said.

“Hearts Warming?” asked Fall. “What do you mean?”

Bucky shook his head.

“Hearths Warming,” he corrected in a kind tone. “It’s when you.. uh…”

“It’s.....,” strained Pint. He, like Bucky, was very worried about not only telling their friend about what Hearths Warming was all about, but even more concerned on how their families were heading off this afternoon for their annual Hearths Warming Vacation together at a ski lodge that was located a number of towns away from the orphanage.

“’Hearths’ Warming?” wondered Fall. “What is it? It sounds warm.”

Pint and Bucky stared at each other for a moment. Then a sort of agreement was made as Bucky nodded, tapped Pint with his hoof, and the small, Pinto Unicorn nodded back.

“Hearth’s Warming,” he said. “Is a time when family and friends gather to remember how friendship brought the three tribes together.”

“Three tribes?” wondered Fall.

“Yep!” added Bucky. “They are the earth Ponies, Pegasi, and Unicorns.”

Fall wondered about why it was such a big deal that Pegasi, Earth Ponies, and Unicorns had all become friends. There was always a bunch of each in the orphanage and it never seemed like a big deal. Well, it sometimes could seem unfair since Earth ponies tended to be the last to be adopted. That is unless you count how older ponies were less likely to get adopted with those who had Cutie marks being even less likely and with Fall herself being reminded almost daily how a ‘False Foal like her would never be adopted…’.

“I’m guessing you never got to see the Hearths Warming Ceremony?” asked Pint.

“No…,” replied the under-developed, brown Pegasus as she shook and lowered her head. “It sounds fun, though.”

“Our families are heading to Canterlot next year,” stated Pint with growing enthusiasm. “It’s where the biggest and best presentation of the play is performed. Since we’ll have you out long before then, Bucky and I will take you with us to see the biggest and best presentation of the greatest story of friendship in pony history!”

“What’s Canterlot?” asked Fall. “Is it one of those places you showed me in town?”

Pint and Bucky exchanged frowns.

“You’ll see,” assured Pint. “Not even I have gotten to see Canterlot yet.”

Hearing that Canterlot was a place that not even Pint had seen made Fall feel a little better. More for the fact it could be a new thing for all of them instead of just her.

“That sounds great,” she stated.

“You have to tell her,” insisted Bucky.

“But,” pouted Pint. “I don’t want to.”

“I know,” stated Bucky. “But I don’t want to be grounded over Hearths Warming for not doing as my mom and uncle want me to do before we leave.”

“Leave?” asked Fall. “So soon?”

“Well…,” Pint said while nervously scraping his hoof in the snow. “There’s something else about Hearths Warming we need to share.”

“What’s that?” asked Fall.

“That…,” the Pinto Unicorn gulped.

“Our parents are taking us out-of-town for an extended weekend,” Bucky bluntly said.

Pint felt his heart sink as he noticed Fall sit herself in the snow.

“So…,” she said somberly. “I won’t be seeing you guys for a while?”

“Well,” stated Bucky. “Today’s Thursday, Hearths Warming Eve is Saturday, and Hearths Warming is Sunday. So… we should be back to see you on, I think, Tuesday?”

“And we’ll be here as soon as our parents bring us back!” announced Pint. “We’ll even bring you back some presents!”

“Presents?” asked Fall. “Like those you got for your birthday party?”

“Yeah!” Pint continued to exclaim in an effort to remain happy despite how sad he really was. “But even better!”

“Speaking of presents and birthdays,” grinned Bucky. “My birthday is coming up in about two weeks and you’re invited!”

“Really?” Fall smiled. “I can’t wait! I think I still remember some things from what I saw at Pint’s and all you’ve shared with me about birthdays should make it so much more fun, too!”

Pint was happy to see Fall cheering up.

“There’s one more thing,” he said while reaching into a coat pocket and pulling out a folded sheet of paper. “It’s an early Hearths Warming gift for you.”

Fall took the folded paper and opened it up. It was a picture Pint had drew of the three of them, along with candy cloud, around a fireplace that had dolls on a spot above that looked like each of them.

“It’s not as good as the drawing you made for me,” blushed Pint. “But, I hope you like it.”

“It’s wonderful!” exclaimed Fall. “Thank you.”

“It’s a picture of the Hearths Warming we’re all going to have together,” the Pinto Unicorn stated. “That will be us next year. I promise.”

Fall smiled.

“Thanks, Pint.” She said.

“Well,” the much larger, but truly average-sized, Pegasus said. “I’m afraid we have to go now.”

“But we’ll be back as soon as we can!” announced Pint.

“Thanks guys,” she said. “I love both of you and am so glad you’re my friends.”

After a few closing words and warm wishes, Bucky and Pint headed for their homes as Fall made her way back into the orphanage.