• Published 17th May 2016
  • 4,074 Views, 44 Comments

A-X-O-L-O-T-L - GermanAntasma

Bill has been defeated but is now in Equestria. Can the ponies live in peace with an insane Dream Demon around them?

  • ...

My time has come to burn...


"Oh, I'm here. I'm finally here." Bill Cipher exclaimed.

He felt like a kid at Christmas, finally is he Stanford Pines mind. After all those days of torturing the six-fingered man, he finally let the all-seeing eye into his mind to get the equation and break the barrier around Gravity Falls that kept him from spreading his weirdness.

Right now, Bill was in a pure white area with only one single door in it. It seems that Ford organized his mind to keep a clear head.

"Look at this place. A perfect, calm, orderly void." He said as he floated over to the wooden and only door.

"Gotta hand it to you, Ford. You really know how to clear your m..." He didn't finish that sentence after he opened the door, only to find behind it a room. One that looked similiar to the Living Room in the Mystery Shack. And in the middle of it, sitting on a yellow-orange armchair, was Stanley Pines.

Not Stanford, Stanley. The wrong twin.

The old man played with a paddleball toy in his left. He opened his eyes and turned to Bill and winked at him while flashing a toothy grin.

"WHAT!" Bill exclaimed in shock as his eye bugged out. How could he be tricked by an old man like Stan?

Stan didn't lose his grin and pointed at himself. "Heh, heh, did a pretty good impression of my brother, don't I? Switch clothes and no one can tell us apart." He then threw his arms to his sides, gesturing to the small room they were in. "Welcome to my mind. Surprised you didn't recognize it."

"WHAT! The deal's off!" Bill said in anger but as he was about the leave, the door behind slammed shut. He turned around to face it, only to see it erupting in light/cyan blue flames. He was trapped, he couldn't get out.

"What the! No, no, no, NO!" Bill brought his hands to his sides, head?, as he backed away from the door. For the first time in one trillion years, he felt slight panic.

Stan on the other hand, leaned back in his chair without a care in the world and put his hands behind his head. "Oh yeah, you're going down Bill. You're geting erased. Memory Gun, pretty clever, huh?" He said, pointing with his index finger at his head to prove/point out what he meant.

The flames covered now the entire room, everything in the background started slowly to disappear. Bill looked frantically (I'm not sure if the word is right) around the room before he turned his attention back to the old Pines twin.

"Y-you idiot! Don't you realize you're destroying your own mind too?!" He stuttered, not believing what he's seeing right now.

"Eh, it's not like I was using the space for much anyway." He said calmly. Did this man really not care?

This is a joke, Bill thought, it has to be.

Well the triangular demon wasn't having any of that. Turning his back to Stan, he summond his own blue flames and tried to escape. "Let me outta here! Let me out!" Bills iris shrunk as he saw his flames disappearing as soon as they came. "Why isn't this working!" He fell down to his knees, fear creeping into him.

He hasn't felt emotions for so many years that it felt alien to him.

Stanleys shadow was slowly looming over Bill, making him seem even more imposing. "Hey, look at me. Turn around and look at me, you one-eyed demon!"

Bill didn't want to look, he really didn't. He thought if he doesn't see him then he isn't real. But he did. He turned around and looked Stanley Pines in the eyes. In the mans eyes, the demon sees flames that reflect the ones surrounding them. And for a moment, the flames in Stans eyes burn with a fire of their own.

Stan points an accusing finger at him, looked at him with nothing but anger and hatred. "You're a real wise-guy but you made one fatal mistake! You messed with my family!"

The flames close in and the terror finally sets in. Bill tries one last, desperate attempt to save himself.

"You're making a mistake! I'll give you anything. Money!" His eye turned black and showed a green $. "Fame!" The sign switched to a yellow star. "Riches!" It switched from a star to a pink pot with gold. "Infinite power!" This time the eye showed a galaxy. "Your own galaxy! Please!" His eye turned back to normal, the fear still there.

Stanley Pines only stares and gives Bill Cipher his answer.

"NO!" He exclaimed as he tried to escape with his eyeball, unsucceesfull.

Bill feels as his form begins distorting, as he feels everything he is and has ever been being torn apart despite his tries to pull himself together. He knows he won't yield, no matter what he tries.

"What's happening to me?"

He knows what's happening to him and as he loses control over his own being, he tries one last chance not to disappear here and now. He doesn't want this to be his end, he refuses this to be his last day, he refuses to let them and their rules to win. The rules of physics are an illusion, they are NOT going to stop him.


He doesn't know why he screamed the mans name. He doesn't know why he rushes towards him, he knows full well that he's barely holding it together, that there is nothing he can do and a well-placed punch is all it takes to make him shatter.

Bill Cipher screams and it's the last thing he remembers doing before falling into darkness.

*Canterlot Castle, after the escape of Discord*

Things weren't going well for Twilight Sparkle. First the weather to get chaotic and the animals grown large legs and eat nearly everything in sight, then she and her friends were called to Canterlot Castle to meet Princess Celestia and learned that Discord returned and now the Elements of Harmony are gone. Today couldn't get any worse.

But they did as Discord used his version of the stained glass windows to talk and taunt them. She could get why he was disliked, he is able to drive anypony into utter madness and annoyence with just toying with them.

"Enough distractions Discord! What have you done with the Elements of Harmony!" Celestia snarled, almost ready to blast the window to smitherns.

Discord rolled his eyes, annoyed that his fun comes to a short halt at the moment. "Oh so boring Celestia. Really. Fine, I tell you. But I tell you only my way."

He disappeared for a moment, only to reappear much larger on another glass window and took nearly the entire space of it. He moved through them while telling them his riddle.

"To retrieve your missing elements,
just make sense of this change of events.
Twists and turns are my master plan.
Then find the elements back where you began."

Before the Chaos God teleported away, a loud, pained scream echoed through the entire hall. The present mares and draconequess listened closer and heard the faint sound of glass puting itself together.

A blinding light flashed in the room and everypony covered their eyes. But what shocked them possibly the most was the the voice. It said some weird gibberish but already listening to it made them shiver a bit.

"!nruter yam I taht rewop tneicna eht ekovne I !nrub ot emoc sah emit yM !L-T-O-L-O-X-A"

It sounded inhuman (I'm not sure if that's correct) to them. One last flash of light came and it was over.

When they got their senses back, they stared at the strangest thing they had ever seen. Well besides Discord.

Before them stood a small, two-dimensional, yellow triangle with a brick pattern at the bottom. It had four appendanges, two black stick-like arms and legs. It wore a black bow tie , which looked like two small triangles put together, and a black, thin top hat. But the most unnerving was it's eye. It was large with a slitted iris, like a snake or cat.

It's eye looked around, taking in every detail of the hall before it finally settled on them. The eye curved up like it was smirking. Then it did something they didn't expect.

It spoke. In Equestrian.

It's voice was definantly male but was kind off high-pitched and had always some kind of echo to it.

"Now isn't. This. INTERESTING!"

At the last word, it's or rather his voice became deep and demonic.

The mares and draconequess stood there, speechless. Everypony in the room thought the same thing.

What is that thing?

Author's Note:

And here's my next story.

And the maincharacter is of course our Bill Cipher.

I hope that this story goes well and that I get enough time to write on it.

Well see ya in the next chapter.

P.S. For people who want a backstory to Bill's life and how he became the character we know, here is a link to an awesome story. I think it fits as headcanon backstory to Bill.

Flat Dreams by PengyChan