• Published 25th Apr 2016
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Monster vs. M0nstrum - n3sstor

quick one shot using my first character. the elements are seperated and twilight needs time to find them.Luckily she brought a friend.

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the one and only (maybe)

"Twilight go find the others I'll hold her off for now!" I shout.

"But." She stammers.

"No buts! You need to find them and I'm the only one who can hold her off so go!"

"Fine just don't overdo it." She shouts as she runs out the room and I just respond with a thumbs up. "I'll take that as a promise." I take a deep breath and turn towards my new problem.

"Hmm that's quite brave of thee after we crush thee we may keep thee as a pet or maybe a concubine." Bellows the dark mare.

"I'm flattered but I won't be losing."

"We like thou's bravdo but we will break thee." With that I'm sent careening into a wall.

wait stop I should tell you how I got to this point.

It started two years ago on earth me and several friends were murdered in a attempt to make mythological soldiers it worked, but not how they expected. First we ended up as different creatures from vampires to minotaurs, but we would look the same unless we used our ablites. Second was the ablites which were anything from flight to psychokinesis. Last and most interesting were the spirits powerful being of old who would guide us and give us even greater strength. I ended up as a ghoul a stronger form of a zombie that is impossible to kill, but I had no ablites unlike my friends until my spirit gave me eight powers in exchange I could be killed but I don't know by what.

We called ourselves M0nstrum. The next eight months we hunted down the ones responsible. Two months after that I woke up here in Equestria in front of Twilight and Celestia covered in wounds Celestia explained that she was teaching Twilight a spell to look into other worlds and summoned me by mistake. The truth is they saved may have my life at the time I was being attacked by some religious nuts who learned about what I was and wanted to lynch me. When I explained my situation Celestia told me I could stay in Equestria. Over the next year I grew close to Twilight Celestia and Spike along with a few other ponies around Canterlot and Ponyville. It wasn't easy ,excluding two mares who already knew about humans and certain party planner, most ponies panicked at the sight of me and some were openly hostile and still are to the point where I don't feel safe traveling with out Celestia, Twilight, or another pony with me. Unfortunately I ended up rarely leaving the castle to the point Celestia felt the need to send me to Ponyville with Twilight she told me it was to act as a guide, but I've learned to see through her lies even when there for my own good. When we arrived things went well, but she had trouble dealing with each pony she met five in particular and when we found a party in the library me and spike broke down laughing at Twilights face. Although the next day, today, things went arwry(Everything from the first two episodes leading up to the confrontation.)

There we are Twilight and the others all revealed as the elements, but before they can blast Nightmare moon she teleports everyone but me and Twilight away.

Now you're up to speed back to the violence.

"Well that hurt." I quip as I get back on my feet. "Before this escelates can we just talk."

"After we take over Equestria there will be time for thou to speak in our bed chambers, but for now thee shall entertain us with a fight and when we win thou will be our first conquest." She says the last word very huskily.

"Well as nice as that offer sounds I won't be losing this fight."

"Let us see about that." With that she rushes me I dodge and see her fist punch a whole clear through the wall.

"What I seek is thunder: Izuchi!" A blue sigl appears and two bolt of lightning fly toward her and miss. When the smoke clears she is just standing there smiling. "Why am I not surprised. Fire burst." I release a fireball from my mouth and she swats it away and closes the gap between us and lifts me by my throat.

"Thou are even more interesting than we first thought show us more!"

"Solar Flare!" I release bright light from my left eye and it seems to stagger her, " Stone point." My body becomes covered in barbs and she drops me and is still smiling. When I get to my feet I catch a fist to the gut and sent back to the wall. "Sorry but this time I was ready." I dust my self off and take in the room.

"How is thee still standing our punch now was much stronger than the first."

"This time my body was reinforced." I pat my stomach and prepare my plan. "What I seek is Thunder : Izuchi." This time ten bolts fly in a arc toward her and she knocks all of them away and it creates a thick dust cloud.

"Ha! It won't work." When the dust clears I'm in front of her.

"I know, but this might: Earth Breaker." The skin of my left arm turns to stone and my fist becomes the size of hellboy's. This happens in the blink of an eye and I deliver a punch that sends her across the room.

"Hmmm." She steadies her and smiles, "Good we were worried thou did not want to get close to us." she pouts then becomes a shadow and rushes toward a dark area.

"Two can play at that game." I do the same and give chase, but she was ready and pulled us both out and pinned me.

"Good our assumption was correct." She gloats.

"What do you mean?" I cock an eyebrow as I try to think of away to get from under her.

"We guessed that thee had a form of shadow magic after seeing that thou had multiple elements tied to different body parts. Now thou will explain then we will claim thou as our," She leans in and whispers. "prize."

I swallow a lump in my throat, and try to shake off my nerves. "Fine you got it my powers are tied to my body parts. They are as follows: left eye light, right eye dark, mouth fire, left arm poison, right arm lightning, legs wind, my skin uses earth, and my muscles and internal organs use water."

"Quite interesting we would have loved to see more of thines power, but we feel a hunger for thee." As she finishes she rips my shirt.

"Oh no you don't mist body!" My does exactly what you expect and I float and reform on the other side of the room.

"We tire of thines games." She summons four swords and a staff with a crescent moon. "We will end this."

"Aww, but I was just now having fun." I state doing my best Drake Bell Spider-man impression.

"That is how we felt moments before." She retorts angrily. I hope Twilight gets back soon.

Twilight POV

I managed to find the girls and tell them what happened. "Hurry up slowpokes I don't think he can hold off Nightmare moon forever." Shouts Rainbow Dash.

"We know Rainbow, but have some faith he not a fool and he told Twilight that he could handle it." Replies Rarity trying to calm the pegasus down.

"But Rarity that mean ole Nightmare Moon is an alicorn who knows what she can do." Shouts Pinkie waving her arms wildly.

"Don't worry Pinkie because we're back girls we need to be quiet and get in position to use the elements." I say and the others nod.

First person POV

Damn I am on my last legs here Moon's magic and strength are amazing. She spins her swords and they begin shooting beams. "Jet Cutter!" I kick and send jets of air to stop the beams, this only angers her more, I think. "Give it … hu… up moon…hu… butt."

"Why dost thou referr to our flank in that manner? If thou would like to hold our moons just surrender."

"Maybe later, but for now I need to make sure the sun can come up so I can sleep the day away."

"Thou art strange what is thine name?"

"Nito Crowley I hope you remember it after you lose."

She starts to laugh, "Lose? No we have just won this fight." Suddenly her swords start spinning again, but before I can react her staff catches my leg and flips me. "See time to end this." I am now airborne and defenseless and she capitalizes on it with a kick that causes a loud cracking noise on impact and the beams connecting and slashing through my skin one cut going two inches deep and going from my elbow to my hand another going across my stomach and many more of lesser degree.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" My mind is left reeling from the pain, but I know I'm done I saw the girls getting in to position.

Third Person POV

"Did we overdo it apologies Nito, do not fret we shall make thee feel much better later." She kneels down next to Nito's withering form.

"Nightmare Moon we have come to stop you and save Equestria from your eternal night now girls." Shouts Twilight as she and the others are lifted into the air and this happens

The focus of the room changes as day brakes and the diurnal princess appears. "Princess." They all collectivelly shout and kneel.

"Rise my ponies. Today you have done something truly amazing in stopping Nightmare Moon."

"Princess you told me it was just an old pony's tale."

"No I only told you to make friends. But yes I knew of her return, but I had faith in you if there was anyway I could have help I would have. Now one last thing to attend too." Celestia turns and walk towards where Nightmare Moon once stood and now lies Luna. "Luna will you accept my friendship?"

"Yes big sister." Luna wraps her arms Celestia and they both start to tear up.

"Thank you all of you now I have my sister back."

"Don't just thank us Princess if it wasn't for Nito we may not have stopped Nightmare Moon." States Twilight.

"Really well where is he?" Asks Celestia looking around for the young man.

"Right *cough* here sunbut don't worry." States Nito as he limps from behind a pillar. The entire room goes silent at the sight of his wounds. Celestia and Twilight both seem more worried than the others.

"Nito you're hurt bad why haven't you healed yet?" Asks Twilight sounding very scared.

"I can't *cough* the elements took *cough* my magic don't *cough* worry iiiiiii'lllll…." The rest is cut off as he collapses and is caught by Twilight and she realizes the extent of his injuries.

"We need to get them to the hospital now." They all nod and rush to the hospital once there he's taken to the ICU and the mares wait for a sign that their friend to be OK. "Princess why did the elements take his powers?"

"I am not sure my student, but remember he told us that he wasn't born with them that maybe why the elements removed them." They continue on this until they are called into his room and told that he is in a coma. This news seems to upset Luna the most. They all tell him how they feel and that they'll visit them and thing of that nature excluding Luna who promised to check on him in his dream.

NC's Dream First Person POV

I'm sitting on the balcony of Canterlot castle thinking about how I got here and I realize something's wrong. "I should be in the old castle." As I say this the world changes around me. "Twilight Tia come out please." My fear is building and they appear behind me. "Oh there you are could you two please stop what ever you're doing I'm not in the mood." They only smile and stare.

"Thou should not expect a reaction from figments of thine own imagination." States a voice I don't know.

"Who oh you must be Luna nice to meet you Celestia has told me a lot about you." I reach out my hand and she seems shocked.

"Oh hello." She takes my hand. "Wait why are you so calm after what happened between us? We put thou in a coma."

"No you didn't Nightmare moon did."

"Reguardless we have decided to help thee recover."

"Thank you Luna let's get to work."

Author's Note:

This was just a random thought and I wanted to use the original NT for this story.

Hey if you for some reason read this after June 26, 2021 the character's name was changed.

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