• Published 16th Jun 2012
  • 891 Views, 39 Comments

The Alchemist - Hummingbirds

The universe had more in mind than the perfect world of equestria...

  • ...

Seeds to Sprouts

Twilight sat at her wooden desk, reading a large sheet of parchment. It was a scroll she had received, from none other than Celestia herself.

It was a list.

Upon it were notes, and lines upon lines of spells, all with references and basic descriptions. The princess had meant it as a little side project for her student, a list of practical spells. Some were simple, like summoning a lesser sentient mind to aid her, and some were complex, like temporarily shifting in and out of certain universal “layers” that lay within her dimension. It, in theory, was simple. It was like becoming a ghost, able to pass walls, appearing as a soft ethereal glow, and walk about free from material obstruction. She took note of that one.

Rainbow dash wouldn’t know what hit her.

Reading through some more, she found some transmutation spells. Give and take, it seemed. Wish adequate molecular mass to compensate, she could transform things to any structure and composition. Following its references, she soon found the book that described its steps in detail, and began to practice. First, she had to memorize the molecular structure of whatever she was creating, and what she was disassembling. Deciding to try a simple one, she took a small pile of iron dust from her basement, and placed it into a beaker. Now, focusing on her horn, she did a simple test, connecting the local oxygen with the iron, which she noted caused a slight warmth to spread through the metal. Soon, a small pile of red iron oxide lay. Smiling contently, she placed the substance in a small vial and stored it away with her other ingredients. Just as she finished so, a young voice echoed down her basement.

“Twi, Fluttershy’s here to see ya.”

Noting that it was spike, she briefly recalled seeing him with the crusaders, looking a little scared. She had decided to rescue him from their mischeif yesterday, but he had refused to say what was wrong. Boys. But back to matters at hand. The demure Pegasus rarely came to the library for any books, and she usually asked spike to show her to them. Something was a little off about that.

“One second! Tell her I’ll be right up.”

Taking off her labcoat, she proceeded up the stairway, to be greeted by a soft smile from her friend.

“Hey Fluttershy! What brings you here this time?” She chirped in her usual attitude.

“You see, um..well.. I was looking for a book..” The Pegasus’s voice downed to a whisper.

“Im sorry, I didn’t quite catch that.”

“Im looking for a book on..um..” She trailed off again.

“Um, could you whisper into my ear?” Knowing her, this was probably the best way.

Leaning in a little to Twilights ear, she whispered again.

“Im looking for a book on…um…dating.”

Now that, the student couldn’t have expected. Quickly becoming exited, she let the next question slip out.

“Oooh, who is he? Wait, is it Dr. Whooves? No? Braeburn?”

The yellow Pegasus let out a small whimper. She figured that her purple friend deserved to know, though. “Um… Big Macintosh..”

Twilight looked shocked for a second, but quickly understood. The large colt was simple, yes, but he was also very wise. Kind, too, so she figured they would connect well. She raised an eyebrow in understanding.

“Hmm, well, I don’t think we have anything like that here. Nobody really reads up those things anymore, but im sure I can order some right away, and have them here by tomorrow. Just a question though, what would you need help with? I may be a little naïve, but I have a good understanding of some things. I could always offer my advice, if you need.”

“Oh thank you, I just don’t really know what to do right now. We usually just spend time sitting together, occasionally talking, and other things.. but we never really..” She hid behind her hair, her face resembling a tomato at this point.

Now Twilight understood.

“Oh dear, Im afraid we only have books on anatomy and such, but as far as stuff like that goes, I really don’t know. All I’ve heard of were special herbs and such, but nothing from a book. I guess that’s more of a natural thing. Buuut, I do have something that might help. It’s a special blend of tea I have, and its wonderful for before bed when I read. It really helps the mood.”

Spike, who was in the kitchen, overheard that. Having seen the collection of books under Twilights bed, he simply nodded.

“I..um.. could I perhaps try a little? I mean..if that’s okay..” The demure pony said, slowly coming out from behind her hair.

“Of course.” Twilight chuckled. “Let me go get some”

Walking upstairs to her bedroom herb closet, she picked up a small burlap sachet. Opening the small door, she went over to her special blend, and dropped two cups in. Then a thought occurred to her, Big Macintosh was rather… large.. not to mention disciplined, and probably very respectful. The tea would need to be strong to affect him, but he'd probably only do anything if Fluttershy asked, and if she knew Fluttershy at all, she definitely would not approach him. It would have to be his decision. Turning a little, she opened a small wooden box. Inside were various vials full of powders and grains. Looking over them, she pondered what would work.

The tea already has a long term effect, so sulphur wont do much..

Looking at some white crystals, she pondered adding some potassium.

No.. that just accelerates the effects..

And then she saw it. A little beaker full with little pink seeds, her own little species of Hearts Desire that she grew in her secret garden in the everfree forest. Adding a few of these would surely enhance the tea. Pouring a tablespoon in to the sachet, she pulled the little cord shut, and shook the mixture.

Closing the box and exiting her little closet, she walked down, and floated the little sack over into Fluttershy’s saddlebags.

Offering many thanks, the yellow Pegasus proceeded to walk out, and begin her flight home.

“Now, do enjoy yourself.. Im sure you will.” Twilight said as she left, a mischievous grin upon her face.

And as the days events went on like universal clockwork, time slowly passed. Seeds planted some time ago began to sprout beyond simple roots, the first visible trace of life beyond life.

And as the student finished her day, she went to bed yet again. And the stars above called yet again.