• Published 21st Apr 2016
  • 318 Views, 2 Comments

The Last Forgotten One - Song Shard

A long lost race of ponies has returned from the depths of Equestria. Will the race be accepted or annihilated? Read to find out...

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Chapter 1 : Found By Royalty. Swore To Keep A Secret.

I trotted through the halls of the castle I had recently found after being hunted. I stretched my teal dragon like wings and yawned. I stared down the hall I am walking through. I continued my search for a place to sleep and regain my energy. "Ow!" I cried. I looked down to see what I hit my hoof on. A piece of green rock was jutting out of the floor. I muttered that I didn't like the colour green. With a burst of purple light, the rock changed its colour to red. I stared at the rock with an opened mouth.

" That's some incredible talent of magic you have there."

I whipped around and spread out my wings as if to try and scare a pony. My mouth dropped, there standing in the shadows was a pony twice as tall as any other pony in Equestria. I shrunk back in fear. "Wh... Who..oo, are you?" I eventually spurted out. "Stay away from me you monsters!"

I turned and started to gallop away. "No, wait I'm not your enemy!" I turned around, and the pony came out of the shadows. I gasped again. This pony had white fur a unicorn horn pegasi wings. But the most eye-catching things about her, was her mane. Her mane floated out behind her with blues and pinks.

I eyed her carefully to see if she would make any attempt to try and exterminate me. "Please don't go. Please I need someone to talk to.". I just then noticed the tears streaming down her face. I lowered my wings and unhunched my back. "I see, thank you for not running off."

I just nodded. I pondered a bit about my knowledge on the normal ponies in Equestria, but I have not known about a pony with pegasi and unicorn body parts.

She turned around and put her hoof against wall and pushed. Two massive doors that were hidden swung inward. I fought the urge to gasp. I decided that this place was full of surprises around every corner. We entered a room on the other side of the doors. I looked around. The walls looked like murals depicting great accomplishments. I also realized that in every one of the murals the white pony I was following was being depicted along a second pony that looked like her, but instaed had black fur and a flowing mane that looked like the night sky. At the end of the room sat two really big thrones. One was white with a sun at the top. The other throne was a soothing dark blue with a moon at the top. I looked down when I realized I wasn't trotting on stone like the rest of the castle, underneath my hoof was a red carpet and on either side it was trimmed with gold. I finally found the courage to speak. "Um... excuse me but what are you and who are you?"

She turned around and sat down on the white throne. "Oh I'm surprised you never heard of us... well excuse me, I mean me. My name is Princess Celestia. I am an alicorn. An alicorn if you did not know is a pony that has the magic of a pegasus, a unicorn, and an earth pony. Alicorns are also almost completely immortal. And who may I ask are you? I have not seen a pony with the wings of dragon before."

I panicked. I debated whether to tell her what I am. I looked at her again and saw a tear doll down Princess Celestia's cheek. I have to tell her I can't bear to stay and watch her cry. "My name is... is... Flight Scale. And I am from the race of two races. Your majesty."

She stared at me for a few moments as if trying to figure out what to say next. "First please don't call me your majesty or princess, please. Just call me Celestia."

"Well, then you may call me Dragle, everypony used to call me that before the fire massacre came along. Would you like to know about the fire massacre and my race?" I said then looked up at Celestia. She nodded with curiosity in her eyes. I opened my mouth and began the tale.


The double pony race was a race that tried not to get in touch with ponies of other races. The ponies of Equestria discovered the double race after they migrated from where they came from. The ponies looked up to the double race as mythical creatures. Eventually the ponies of Equestria became scared of the double race and began a massacre. The massacre was done by the unicorns.

My race was scared and we ran. We didn’t get cutie marks because of our dragon side. The massacre started on a night of a red moon. That started the end to fire massacre.

The red moon shone above the last village of the double race. I stared at the moon unblinking. I heard a yelp. I took my gaze away from the moon and set it on the front gates to our village. Another howl came from the front gate, I tensed myself. I jumped into the air and flew to the top of the bell tower. I grabbed the string that would make the bell ring in my mouth, and shook it. The air was filled with the sound of ringing of the bell. A third shout came from the gate, and then the gate exploded inwards. The unicorns ran onto the village with their battle armour on. They ran to all the huts and started burning the ponies inside. Yells and screaming came from every which direction. I flew up high, so I would not be seen. The red light coming from the moon began to dim on the village, because I flew up high enough to have the moon at my back. My shadow engulfed the village making many unicorns look up. They started to back away towards the entrance of the village once they saw me. I started to lower myself towards the village, what I saw horrified me almost every pony left in the village was battered or dying of their wounds. I landed in the village and franticly looked around. I strode to the middle of the town and with my voice I announced that we must stop running if we wanted to survive. They all stared at me with a sad look in their eyes. The elder strode up to me.

“Boy we must run and if you would like to fight then go for it.” With that he turned around and strode out of the town with all the ponies that were able to walk. All the other ponies looked upon in envy and called out for them to come back and rescue them. I turned away from the horrifying scene and followed the elder and the rest of the ponies out of the town.

A few days had passed since the attack on our village. We were growing tired and I could smell the unicorns following us. I’m sure others could smell them too because of our dragon smell. “We shall set up camp here for the night.” The elder announced. “Also if you could, please take watch duties over the night. Oh, and Flight Scale.” He said pulling me to the side. “I would like for you to go see where the unicorns are.”

I nodded, and with a twitch of my tail I lept up into the evening sky and started soaring up over the trees. A few minutes later I caught the scent of a unicorn. No, more like a couple unicorns. I shook my head even harder, it was around fifty unicorns and about seventy-two dying dragon ponies. I shrieked and flew back towards the encampment. I saw smoke rising in the air and slowed my speed. I heard a mortified yell of a feminine voice. I immediately thought: Glamour Eyes. My sister was with the group that survived the first night. I landed in a tree on the edge of the clearing where we were going to spend the night. I tried to hide my teal wings, knowing that they wouldn’t see me with my dark blue coat and green mane unless they saw my wings. I looked around the clearing seeing dragon ponies both young and old, male and female drop like a swarm of dead flies. Then I noticed the elder right underneath me. He was being pinned to the ground by a few of the unicorns. I leaned closer to try and hear what they were saying. The elder noticed me and then stared straight into the murderer’s eyes.

“I haven’t seen the winged one that you are talking about. But if he came here I’m sure he would fly away before you can catch him.” The elder smirked. “I sent him off a while ago. He was a coward that one always running, knew he wouldn’t be much help against ye.”

The guards that had him pinned down turned and said. “The one we seek is not here he has fled.”

The guard growled and drew back his sword readying to strike. I closed my eyes. Then the scream came. One everlasting note high and shrill echoed through the forest scaring the birds away. I opened my eyes to see the elder half grimacing and half smiling. He moved his head away as far his neck could extend. I understood what he meant. I turned around and fled the clearing that was filled with smoke. I twitched my tail and soared off. But not after shedding a tear that dropped down onto my elder’s hoof. One soul tear was shed from me. It dropped down, it took a while to drop but as it did, it let out a glow that enclosed the clearing and made everything and everypony within the light was erased. It proves that one tear could change a lot.


I finished my story about the massacre. Celestia stared at me, dumbfounded. I took a breath to relax myself and hit myself with my hoof. I tried to force back the tears that were trying to escape my eyes. I looked at Princess Celestia. I finally had the nerve to ask: "So please if you're able to, I'd like to know why you were crying."

She stared at me blankly. I waved my hoof in front of her muzzle. She blinked and shook her head. "Oh, I'm sorry. Actually yes I would like to talk to you about what happened. I need somepony to talk to at the moment." A tear rolled down her cheek. "Have you ever lost a sibling before?" She asked.

"Well if you were just listening to what I was just telling you then you should know that I lost a sibling before, in fact three to be exact." I said to her in an accusing tone.

"No, I was listening. It's just you haven't lost a sibling like I did." She let her head drop, and I noticed her mane start to descend a bit. "I... I... you saw that rainbow that came from the castle. Well that rainbow was created by the elements of harmony. My sister grew envious of my day. Today she disagreed to lower the moon. She said something about wanting the residents of Equestria to adore her night. Just now her jealousy and envy took over her mind and body. She transformed from my once beloved sister Princess Luna into ghastly being which announced herself as Nightmare Moon." I winced, that name sent a shiver down my spine. "Th... th... then I c-called upon the strength of the elments of harmony to banish her to the moon. I-I..."

"You don't need to continue talking about it if you don't want to." I cut in. I saw more tears roll down her cheeks. "But I have something that must come to your attention. The residents of Equestria have been hunting us double races as I have just told you in my story. I fear they hunt us because they fear us and our magical ability."

Celestia nodded in agreement. "I think they deserve a punishment for hunting your kind." She smiled devileshly. "I've been needing entertainment lately."

I shook my head vigorously. "That shall not do. For there is another part about our race I still have to tell you about.". Princess Celestia raised an eyebrow. "Us double races have may only die three ways. One way is to undergo extreme pain. Two is to last long enough to die of age. The final way for us to die is to embrace somepony of another race in a relationship, or just a hug. But we won't die from that. No, we shall die as the same pony we embrace shall die. Also every life we end will take a day off of our life if we don't embrace somepony."

Celestia looked at me with her mouth open and giant eyes. She blinked, and then she pondered for a bit. "Have you embraced somepony yet?" She asked

I snorted. "No why would I do that? It just makes my life shorter since I have about three hundred moons left to live. I would only embrace a pony that is semi-immortal or immortal."

Princess Celestia smirked. "Well then I have something to tell you. Alicorns do not age very well. We tend to live for almost all of time. If you'd be willing to I'd be happy to keep your race alive for as long as I live. I also do not feel the same aura of dragon mixed with pony anywhere else in Equestria, and further."

I winced. Was I really the last double race pony left in the land. "All right Princess Celestia. I accept but remember this's a lot like a pact. I have some conditions if you are willing to agree." I informed her. "I shall disappear from anypony's radar except yours for a thousand moons. I promise to not to be captured or found. After the thousand moons I shall resurface in the town closest to here. I shall be lurking in the Everfree Forest if you ever need my assistance. And do not ever tell anypony about me or my race. I would prefer my race to be known as a myth but nothing more. Do you accept?"

I cocked my head at Princess. The princess nodded. "I swear to tell noone about your race, my lips are sealed. And I accept these terms you have chosen. And in a thousand moons I shall be waiting for you in the closest town to the Everfree Forest."

I strode forward to meet Celestia's outstretched hooves. The bonding magic began to work as soon as we hugged each other. I smiled. At last someone who may understand me.

Author's Note:

I'm working on the next chapter at the moment.
Oh and sorry if the next chapter will be a bit short.
Have fun reading :) Thx
~Song Shard~