• Published 15th Jun 2012
  • 508 Views, 0 Comments

Invitation - SP

Pinkie finds herself awaking in her own personal paradise, or is it all just a trap...

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1. Doldrums and Emotions

It was a bit of an overcast day in Ponyville. The sun looked like a pale shining bowl of milk hidden behind the translucent grey up above. There was no moisture however, not a drop of rain to avoid and not a single bit of water in the air to frizz up your mane. The ground felt dry as a salt chip and the streets were surprisingly empty, barely a filly to be seen chasing one another nor a mare waiting for her colt at the café tables. However, although the streets seemed as lifeless as rock, there was always one specific pony to make even boorish days like this seem grand. There was Pinkie Pie, hopping up and down making even the bounciest rabbit jealous of her leaps, heading right on over to a large tree with a candle on the door able to be seen from a mile away.

*knock knock* As she pounded on the door with a light hoof, she hummed a little tune in her head, waving it side to side with her eyes shut closed in her own little world. Almost as soon as she planted her hoof on the floor, her purple friend had answered the door, her mane a bit frazzled.

"Hiya Twilight!" squeeled the pink pony, almost completely oblivious to the fact that Twilight was half-asleep. " Hey Twilight, you okay? You don't look so good" asked the now bamboozled Pinkie.

"Ugggh, sorry Pinkie, just a bit drowsy today, you know how the weather effects my mood sometimes. I think the overcast is giving me a migraine or something, my head feels like its gonna split open," explained the drowsy pony, rubbing the right side of her head with her eyes slightly squinted. " You needed something?"

Although Pinkie Pie was usually one to skip right to conclusions, she had noticed the sluggish attitude and appearance of her friend. But did that stop her? A little…she then asked in a last attempt, " How's about a little mini party to clear out your oozy-woozy little head? There's gonna be caAAAAAKE-" she then stopped almost immediately when Twilight groaned and rubbed her head again.

" Ooopsy, sorry Twilight. W-why don't you just get some sleep or something?" she stole a quick peek into the library and noticed a mountain of books. " You must've been reading all day or something, aint Spike there to clean everything up?"

" No, he's on a business trip to Canterlot with Princess Celestia, he isn't coming back till the day after tomorrow. I gotta clean up, study, and- oysh…" Twilight swerved a bit on her hooves as Pinkie let out a leg to help her regain balance, but Twilight kept afoot. " I think I gotta pass, sorry Pinkie."

Pinkie did not hesitate for a minute as she softly nudged Twilight back into the library and plopped her onto the sofa. Twilight almost immediately closed her eyes and dazed off, mumbling incomprehensible words.

" You gotta relax, Twilight. Yeeesh, studying does WEEIIIRD stuff huh?" she talked to herself as she tiptoed out and closed the door. " Welp, at least I've got the others to head on over to!" She leapt away in her still happy go lucky mood, through the pale blank streets and in no time ended up in front of a beautifully detailed boutique.

*knock knock* She kept her hooves planted on the ground and awaited for a fashionable fashionista pony to appear in front of the door. However, when the door opened, it was not what little Pinkie Pie expected.
Rarity opened the door at such a speed that it brought Pinkie to a little yelp as she lightly hopped back a step, gazing with wide eyes on the seemingly panicked unicorn.

" Rarity?" Pinkie tilted her head slightly to the side in awkward eyes.

" Y-yes, what i-is it darling?" stuttered the stunned unicorn looking back into the room then back at Pinkie then back again. " Well????"

" Ummmmm, well I am hosting a mini party today, ya see. The town is so booooring and I wanted to lighten up the mood a little is all" Pinkie said with a light hearted almost musical tune. " But from the looks of it you look pretty jittery. OOOHHHH, is it Jitter-Day? It was drowsy-day for Twilig-"

" PINKIE DARLING! Really deary, I have no time today for any shenanigans, I have 12 orders to fill in by today and I am only PRAYING that the rain will allow me some delay for these orders, deary! I have to get back to work, like-" Rarity looked back at the clock and gasped in a terrible fright, " RIGHT NOW! Sorry!" and she shut the door almost as quickly as she had opened it.

Pinkie stood there in awe and confusion with silence by her side for a good 5 solid seconds. Her ears tilted as she wondered to herself if this was almost identical to the time when her friends were planning a surprise party for her last Gummy birthday. She then shrugged her shoulders in denial and squeeled happily " Oh well!" and hopped away as she had previously done on her way to the boutique as well as the library. She had then come to a strange realization, remembering the famous previous events that had her think that her friends didn't like her or her parties anymore.

She paused and thought to herself for a moment, " Wow, that's weeeird, its almost like everypony is avoiding me again. Geee, next thing ya know even AJ, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash are busy." She continued on her trek over to Sweet Apple Acres, but even with one little look while under the main gate, she noticed that AJ was sound asleep under an apple tree, her mane bustled and apple barrels completely surrounding her.

" She must've been working all day or something?" she tilted her head to the side and twisted her face in confusion. " Better let her sleep, she sleeps like a rock that much I know!"

As Pinkie trotted away, no longer bouncing yet still with a smile on her face, she found a slight giggle escape her mouth as she remembered the time everypony tried methods of every possible way to wake up AJ at their last sleepover, but had no such luck. AJ just snooooored it all away.

Upon arriving at Fluttershy's house, Pinkie had noticed a note hanging from the door. Pinkie already knew what that meant, but she read it anyway.

Dearest visitor,
I am sorry to say that I will not be here today. My good zebra friend Zecora is teaching me how to find healthier plants and medicines for my animals of which cannot be found here in Ponyville. I will be in the Everfree forest with her for the rest of the day. Sorry for any invonvenience.
Sincerely, Fluttershy

Pinkie sighed and already knew that Rainbow Dash was busy with the other pegasi with the weather problem. She IS in charge of the clouds after all.

" Sigh, well….might as well just go home…" she walked back to Sugar Cube Corner, mane still puffy, but her face as dull as the weather. She looked up at the sky by her window view, staring outward into the blank streets of Ponyville. Occasionally she would catch somepony walking around, but they almost seemed as bored as Pinkie at this point.

Pinkie then, after what seemed like forever to her, felt a slight tug on her tail. She jumped a bit from the unexpected sudden movement and turned around to see her nice toothless friend, Gummy. Her cotton-candy like tail almost clogging his whole mouth. She giggled and lifted him right up onto her head.

"Heheheeee, you're funny, Gummy! Hey! That almost rhymed! Funny Gummy, funny Gummy, funny funny Gummy-bummy…" she continued her so called "rhyme scheme" until she had landed on her bed seemingly using every letter in the alphabet in her merry little tune, making up words of her own that rhymed with "Gummy". She let out a long yawn as Gummy looked curiously into her big stretchy mouth.

He sure is curious, the little guy.

"MMMMMMMM, welp, I guess parties can't solve any problem, huh Gummy?" she let out as she stretched her long pink arms. Gummy curled up into a little ball, almost sleeping like a cat and cuddled right into Pinkies hair. " Love ya Gummy, g'night." She shut her eyes and went right to sleep, ready for her happy little dreams to engulf her slightly glum mind….

Silence engulfed the dark room, only a pink lava lamp night light came to darkness's aid. Although darkness had engulfed the room, silence had yet to do so….

Sleep my dear Pinkie Pie, dream as happy as can be,
Dream without anypony with you to disagree,
They neglected you, scolded you, neglecting your calm smile,
Don't fret my dear Pinkie Pie, you will awake in a while...

A shadow with seemingly long thin hair had just left the room…