• Published 4th Aug 2016
  • 8,256 Views, 666 Comments

Sunset Vs. - MythrilMoth

Sunset Shimmer rages over everyday annoyances...and the occasional inexplicably weird thing that should not be.

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Sunset Vs. Sexual Harassment (Part 2)

ShimmyToTheLeft has joined the chat.
ShimmyToTheLeft: Hey guys -.-
IAmTheHer: What is the matter, the Shimmy?
LeaveMeAlone: Problems at school?
ShimmyToTheLeft: That creep. -.-
LeaveMeAlone: Ugh.
GreenDudeYo: Ugh.
IAmTheHer: The ugh.
ShimmyToTheLeft: Yep.
CircusBoy: What'd he do now?
ShimmyToTheLeft: It's not so much what he did
ShimmyToTheLeft: It's more that he is a thing that exists
LeaveMeAlone: Yikes.
ShimmyToTheLeft: Yeah -.-
ShimmyToTheLeft: But anyway, enough about that...

* * * * *

It only took two days for Zephyr Breeze to find an enabler among the student body at CHS.

Or rather, Sunset mused wryly, for him to find someone narcissistic enough to interpret his constant stream of lewd behavior as abject flattery and bask in it while simultaneously deflecting his every attempt to actually consummate said flattery.

"Really, the Great and Powerful TRRRRRRRRRRRIXIE!! appreciates your kind praise," Trixie said airily, fanning herself. "Trixie knows she is the epitome of grace and beauty." She shot Zephyr Breeze a superior smirk. "Now, do make yourself useful and bring Trixie a fruity refreshing fizzy beverage. Trixie is thirsty!"

"Oh, I've got something you can drink," Zephyr said, waggling his eyebrows suggestively. "Riiight here in my pants."

Sunset stared. *Oh, he did NOT just—*

Zephyr pulled a strawberry soda out of his pocket. "It's still cold, just bought it," he said, handing it to Trixie.

"Thank you," Trixie said primly, uncapping the bottle and taking a swig as she sashayed away.

Sunset facepalmed. "It...it hurts to watch..."

* * * * *

When Sunset walked into Home Ec, she was suddenly grateful she only had the elective twice a week.

Because Zephyr Breeze was holding court in the middle of the room wearing a frilly pink apron.

Or at least, he believed he was holding court.

"Hey ladies!" Zephyr announced obnoxiously. "I'm gonna make some pickle bread! How about it, huh? Any of you ladies wanna knead my dill dough?"

Sunset growled, her hands curling into tight fists. Her fingernails dug into her palms.

The other girls in the class shot disgusted glares at Zephyr and muttered angrily to each other. The few guys in the room were frowning at him.

When the Home Ec teacher, Miss Lemon Hearts, arrived, she began the lesson as normal, but the class was quickly derailed when Zephyr Breeze started turning everything in the lesson into a sexual innuendo, annoying the girls nearest him. By the middle of class, Miss Lemon Hearts had ejected him from the class with a detention slip. The rest of the class was subdued and nowhere near as fun as Home Ec usually was; everyone was in a sour mood.

"I want to punch that little asshole in the nuts," Bon Bon complained from nearby.

"Oh, dude, I totally feel you," a green-haired eco girl whose name Sunset could never remember said in a laid-back voice. "It's a good thing I already did a little baking before I got here or that dude would so totally have harshed my mellow!"

Next to Sunset, Pinkie Pie frowned. "We really need to get Fluttershy's brother under control," she said.

"I agree," Sunset said. "But how? It's not just that he's an obnoxious creep, it's, well..."

"He's stupid?" Pinkie offered.


Both girls sighed.

"I'll think of something," Sunset said. "We can't just let this keep going the way it is. He's bad for the morale at CHS, not to mention the effect he's having on Fluttershy."

Pinkie shuddered. "Yeah...I'm worried about her too..."

* * * * *

Fluttershy sat on the stage in the auditorium, a jet black bass strapped across her torso. She was wearing heavy black eyeliner, dark eyeshadow, a black tank top, black jeans, and heavy black boots, and had a black streak dyed into her hair. The bass vibrated angrily under her harsh plucks of the strings, filling the auditorium with angry, thundering notes.

The theater arts class, which was mostly comprised of CHS' drama kids, stared, slack-jawed, as Fluttershy rasped out angry, violent improvised lyrics in her soft voice which somehow carried across the auditorium without the benefit of a microphone:

Then friendly Mr. Bear will DISEMBOWEL YOU
Leave your large intestine hanging from a tree
To be feasted on by all the PRETTY BUZZARDS
Feed the birds you dirty hairless chimpanzee!

The drama teacher rushed up onto the stage, the lights gleaming off his balding head. "O-KAY!" he said in a high, lilting voice. "Thank you, Fluttershy, that was...unique...now, does anyone else have anything they want to share? Come on, kids, it's free self-expression day..."

Watermelody raised a hand. "Yeah, I'd like to express something. I'd like to express Zephyr Breeze's guts out of his butthole."

Half the class laughed. The other half applauded. Fluttershy made devil horns.

The teacher sighed. "I'm just...gonna make this a free period..."

* * * * *

By Thursday, Zephyr Breeze had already racked up two weeks' detention and a two-day suspension. He'd also been pepper sprayed no fewer than fifteen times.

It didn't deter him. Every afternoon without fail, he showed up wherever the girls were hanging out and made a complete ass of himself. Sunset found herself growing increasingly frustrated and agitated, and she wasn't alone.

Friday afternoon, Sunset apologized to the girls and said she wanted to spend some time alone for a change. The other girls, it turned out, were all similarly inclined; nobody wanted to be anywhere that Zephyr Breeze might turn up. He'd managed to singlehandedly drain any fun out of spending time together as friends.

Sunset turned on her computer at home, started to log into the chat room she hung out in, paused, then fired up a fantasy golfing MMO Flash Sentry had introduced her to instead. It was an anime-style game with lots of cute characters and tons of fun outfits to dress them up in; Sunset found the character customization and animations to be almost more fun than the actual game.

Sunset selected her favorite character—a tall, leggy blond with her hair in a tight bun—and spent a few minutes customizing her wardrobe. When she was finished, her character was clad in a knee-length skirt, black pumps, and a low-cut black leather top, along with a pair of orange-tinted sunglasses. Once she was done, she browsed the list of available games to join in the lobby.

While she was looking for a game to join, her private message notification chimed. She clicked on it, and smiled.

Message From: FlashFire101
Up for a game?

She replied 'yes', then received an invitation to a game. She joined the room, and smirked as Flash's character loaded up on the wait screen: a tall, pretty girl with long dark blue hair and huge, bouncy breasts in a trailing, low-cut black evening gown with dark purple tights and black slippers. Sunset rolled her eyes.

ShimmyToTheLeft: Really?
FlashFire101: Oh come on, you think I wanna stare at a dude's ass for an hour?
FlashFire101: Pinkie's on, let's wait for her.
ShimmyToTheLeft: OK

A few seconds later, a third character appeared in the room: a young girl with long pink pigtails and bright red eyes, wearing a striped red-and-white top, a checkered miniskirt, and tall striped socks with red-and-white Mary Janes.

PunkyPie: Hi! ^_^
ShimmyToTheLeft: Hey Pinkie!
FlashFire101: Everybody good to go?
PunkyPie: Yeppers!
ShimmyToTheLeft: Ready when you are

Sunset clicked 'Ready' and waited. Just as the room screen shifted to the loading screen, a fourth character briefly appeared...

When the game loaded and Flash's character walked up to the tee box, Sunset noticed a fourth player had in fact joined their game.

Zeebee: Hey ladies whats up?
Zeebee: Gonna be fun swingin with a buncha cute chicks
Zeebee: Whoa FlashFire101 ur so hot

Sunset facepalmed. It wasn't uncommon for players to hit on other players based on the character they were using. She'd seen Flash get hit on before whenever he was using one of his female characters.

FlashFire101: Dude
FlashFire101: I'm a guy
FlashFire101: Using a girl character
PunkyPie: Zeebee? Be cool & be nice, OK? We're here to have fun.
Zeebee: Hey dont stress
Zeebee: Just wanna have fun
Zeebee: With some hot girls
ShimmyToTheLeft: This is a game, not a dating site.
Zeebee: o hey
Zeebee: i know you
Zeebee: saw u in another chat
Zeebee: ur not nice

By now, it was Pinkie's turn to tee off.

Zeebee: PunkyPie ur a little girl?
PunkyPie: Does it matter?
Zeebee: dont wanna talk to little girls
Zeebee: wanna talk to hot chicks
Zeebee: like shimmy
Zeebee: but shes not nice

Zeebee's turn to tee off came. Sunset drummed her fingers on her keyboard, brow furrowing as she scrolled back over the chat. Meanwhile, Zeebee sat there, doing nothing, letting his shot timer tick down.

FlashFire101: Hey Zeebee
FlashFire101: Are you gonna play the game?
FlashFire101: Or are you just here to be a creep?
Zeebee: not a creep
Zeebee: be nice
Zeebee: why u all hatin on me
Zeebee: i just wanna meet hot chicks
PunkyPie: Wow. This is exactly what we wanted to get AWAY FROM today -.-
ShimmyToTheLeft: No shit. This asshole's just as bad as Zephyr Breeze.
PunkyPie: What's he talking about, meeting you on another chat?
ShimmyToTheLeft: Hell if I know.

With less than three seconds left, Zeebee finally took his shot. His ball landed farthest from the green, so his turn came up again. Sunset groaned.

Zeebee: come on i just wanna talk
Zeebee: ur all quiet
Zeebee: shimmy
Zeebee: u still mad
Zeebee: about last time
ShimmyToTheLeft: What last time?
Zeebee: u know
Zeebee: in that chat
Zeebee: with iamtheher

Sunset spat out a string of curses.

ShimmyToTheLeft: You're that BananaHammock freak?
Zeebee: yeah
FlashFire101: Wait what?
PunkyPie: OMG WHAT?
ShimmyToTheLeft: Ran into this fucktard in a chat room I hang out in
PunkyPie: I didn't know you hung out in chat rooms! >.<
FlashFire101: Wait, is it that thing for that show you don't want anybody to know you watch?
ShimmyToTheLeft: ...yeah, that one, and thanks for that, Flash. -.-#
FlashFire101: Oops
FlashFire101: My bad ^^;;
Zeebee: look im sorry ok?
Zeebee: u said bad things about me
Zeebee: i got mad
Zeebee: were cool tho rite?
Zeebee: i wanna get to know u
Zeebee: cuz i bet your hot
PunkyPie: O-M-G will you just PLAY THE GAME ALREADY?
PunkyPie: AND SHUT UP?
FlashFire101: Wow, Pinkie's pissed
FlashFire101: Don't see that every day

Zeebee finally took a shot, and Sunset's turn came up.

Zeebee: man why girls always gotta be like this
Zeebee: its the same with my sisters friends
Zeebee: their all hot
Zeebee: but they act like bitches
Zeebee: it sucks

Sunset frowned. As her ball landed and came to a stop and Flash's turn came up, she picked up her phone and texted Fluttershy.

Fluttershy, what's your brother doing right now?

A minute passed.

Playing some computer game, why?

No reason, just checking.

PunkyPie: That's Zephyr Breeze, isn't it.
ShimmyToTheLeft: Yep. >.>;;
PunkyPie: Oy...

Sunset blocked Zeebee's chat, then PMed Flash asking him to do the same. They continued playing as if he wasn't there, talking to each other and trying to keep the mood light. When Zeebee's next turn came up, he let his shot timer time out three times before finally quitting the game.

FlashFire101: Man, what a dumbass.
PunkyPie: I am so sick of him.
ShimmyToTheLeft: I'm about ready to kick his ass.
FlashFire101: Yeah, you said it. I caught him trying to take a picture up Twilight's skirt yesterday. If Beats hadn't dragged me into the bathroom I'd have broken his fucking arm.
PunkyPie: OMFG are you serious?
FlashFire101: No joke -_-
ShimmyToTheLeft: OK that's it. Flash? Borrowing your car tomorrow. Pinkie? Meet me at my place at about ten. We're putting a stop to this shit.
PunkyPie: Oooh, you came up with a plan?
ShimmyToTheLeft: Not yet, but I'll come up with something by tomorrow.
FlashFire101: OK but why my car?
ShimmyToTheLeft: Because your trunk is big enough to stuff him in.
PunkyPie: O_O!!
FlashFire101: ...dude what the FUCK?
ShimmyToTheLeft: Oh, like I've never stuffed somebody in the trunk of your car before. :P
PunkyPie: ...O_O!!!!
FlashFire101: :sigh: Don't get arrested, OK? My dad'll kill me if my car's impounded.

While they played the rest of their game, Sunset fired up Streamflix on her TV and put on a favorite old movie. By the time they were done golfing and had logged off for the night, Sunset had a plan. With an evil smirk, she texted Zephyr Breeze, inviting him to meet her at Hinny's for lunch...

* * * * *

Something wet and foul-smelling splashed harshly in Zephyr Breeze's face. He spluttered and coughed as he woke up. "What the—"

"Wakey-wakey," a sweet voice said in a cold tone. "Pink and Bacey."

It took Zephyr several seconds to ascertain his situation. He was duct-taped to a hard, uncomfortable chair in some kind of workshop or garage. Wherever he was, it was filthy and abandoned; the bare concrete floor was dusty and stained, wooden work benches along the walls were littered with old, broken debris, and what few windows weren't boarded up had been obscured with shoe polish, casting a dingy pall over the place.

Standing in front of him, wearing black suits with skinny black ties, were Sunset Shimmer and Pinkie Pie. He blinked. "What the—"

A cupcake covered in hot sauce found its way into his mouth. His eyes bugged out as he spat and choked, spraying cupcake everywhere.

"It's time we had a little heart-to-heart chat," Sunset said as she crouched down to stare him straight in the eyes. "Way past time, really."

Zephyr coughed, then looked between the two girls. "Look, girls, if...if you wanna do some kinda kinky S&M thing..."

Pinkie punched him in the gut. "That right there!" she exclaimed shrilly. "That's the problem!"

"You're a pig," Sunset said. "You're an obnoxious, rude, filthy pig. You think you're charming. You think you're God's gift to women. Let me assure you right now, you're not. Every girl at CHS finds you revolting."

"Yeah, see, there's 'charming', then there's 'coming on too strong', and then there's you," Pinkie said, standing back and filing her nails. "Nobody likes you, Zephyr Breeze. You're a jerk, you're a creep, you're a pig, and you make everybody's skin crawl. Even me! I try to like everybody, but you? I just can't. There aren't many people I wouldn't throw a birthday party for. You're at the top of that list."

"What?" Zephyr asked incredulously. "C'mon, girls, where...where's this comin' from? Y'all love the Breeze, right? This is...this is playtime, right?"

Sunset kicked him in the face. "No, this is us telling you we're sick of your shit," she spat. "This is us telling you you're never getting anywhere with a girl because you're the most annoying, obnoxious creep in the world!"

"That stuff you think is cute come-ons? It really isn't," Pinkie said. "In fact, it's pretty much sexual harassment. You do know what sexual harassment is, right?"

"Uhh...not really?"

The girls looked at each other. Pinkie shook her head. "Oy."

Sunset frowned. "Ms. Pink? You got his phone, right?" At Pinkie's nod, she said, "Why don't you go erase everything on it while I explain things."

"Okay, Ms. Red!" Pinkie whistled as she walked out of the room, Zephyr's phone in hand, her fingers dancing across the screen. Sunset took off her suit jacket and spread it on one of the least dusty benches, then tied her hair back in a ponytail.

"H-hey now, that's my phone!" Zephyr cried. "All the hot babes' numbers, all my pics—"

"You won't be needing any of that anymore," Sunset said as she picked up a roll of duct tape and tore off a strip. "Now...I don't know if it's even possible to explain to you how harmful and annoying your behavior is." She turned to face Zephyr. "And to be honest? I don't really give a hot fuck." She spread the tape across his mouth and wrapped it around the back of his head. "I don't care if it's possible to make you understand what a pig you are or not, but I am gonna torture you. Not because I think it'll change anything, but just because I want to." She stepped back and tilted her head, examining him.

Zephyr's eyes widened. He tried to yell protests through his gag, but could only produce muffled grunts.

Sunset walked over to a bench on Zephyr's left, on which sat a small, old-fashioned boombox. She put her foot up on a stool, rolled up her pants leg, and pulled a folded straight razor out of her left boot. "Ever listen to Wayback When's Sounds of the 70s?" she asked rhetorically as she fiddled with the buttons on the boombox. After a minute, a droning voice emanated from the speakers. "One of my personal favorites," Sunset said as she walked back into the center of the room, brandishing the razor.

An old, jangly tune filled the empty room. Sunset began dancing around the room, half-singing to herself, waving the razor around, always keeping it in Zephyr's line of sight. He watched her nervously as she danced close; the razor flashed out and nearly caught him across the cheek. "Ooh, that's a close shave," Sunset joked. "That one coulda left a scar, huh?"

Then she grabbed hold of his ponytail and yanked hard on it. Zephyr cried out in pain. "Hold still," Sunset advised as she closed in with the blade. Zephyr screamed...

A minute later, the sharp pain of hair being pulled was replaced with a dull, throbbing ache. Sunset held something up in front of him; Zephyr stared at it.

It was his hair. Man-bun, ponytail, everything.

"Well, that was a hair-raising experience," Sunset quipped, tossing the shorn hair carelessly to the floor. She patted Zephyr lightly on the cheek. "You could use a shave," she said. "How about that? Want me to give you a shave while I'm at it?"

Zephyr shook his head frantically, eyes wide with terror.

"No?" Sunset asked. She shrugged. "Suit yourself." She bent down and tucked the razor back into her boot. She tore the duct tape off Zephyr's mouth, then patted his cheek roughly. "Don't go anywhere, I'll be right back." She danced and swayed toward the door, leaving Zephyr struggling to comprehend what had just happened.

A minute later, she returned carrying a large bucket. She danced toward him; Zephyr watched her in terror and dread fascination. As she approached, she drew back the bucket and sloshed some of its contents in his face.

It was ice water. Freezing cold ice water. He spluttered and choked as his face was drenched once, then again.

"I bet that shit's cold," Sunset said. She took a step back, gave the bucket a good swing, then threw the rest of its contents right into Zephyr's lap. He shrieked as what had to be at least three gallons of ice water introduced itself to his man parts.

Sunset turned the empty bucket upside-down and sat on it, watching him calmly while he shrieked and hollered and gasped until the only sound he was capable of making was a high-pitched wheeze. She then stood up, pulled out a slim black canister almost as long as her forearm, and held it up to his face. "You see this?" she asked. "This here's a can of mace. Now..." She pulled something else out of her back pocket: a brochure. She held it up so Zephyr could see it.

It was a brochure for military school.

Sunset slapped him with it to get his attention, then waved the can of mace back and forth in front of him. "I'm gonna empty this whole can right into your eyeballs. Burn 'em right out of your head," she said menacingly. "OR! I can cut you loose, give you this," she waved the brochure in his face, "and send you on your way. You pack up, you leave town, and you stay gone. Which is it gonna be?" Her finger squeezed menacingly on the spray trigger...

Zephyr whimpered and nodded at the brochure.

Sunset smiled. "Good choice," she said, stuffing the brochure in his mouth. "Now, Fluttershy and your family? They don't hear a word about what happened here today. You leave tonight, you go to this military school, and after that, enlist, move away, whatever. I don't really care. You've lost your Canterlot priveleges." She leaned in close. "If you come back, if I catch sight of you at CHS ever again, next time I'm cutting off something you'll miss a lot more than that stupid man-bun. Got it?"

Zephyr nodded frantically.

"Smart kid."

* * * * *

Monday, Fluttershy was all smiles as she joined her friends at the front entrance of CHS. "You're in a good mood," Sunset observed with a smile.

"Girls, you'll never guess what happened!" Fluttershy exclaimed breathlessly. "Zephyr Breeze enrolled himself in military school!"

Rainbow gaped. "No shit?"

"Uh-huh!" Fluttershy nodded rapidly, a beaming smile on her face. "He came home Saturday with his hair buzzed and a clean shave and said he decided he needed a new direction in his life, so he left to go to military school! He even said he's thinking of joining the Navy after he graduates!"

"Well good for him!" Pinkie said.

"Wonder whut made him shape up so fast," Applejack mused, tilting her hat back.

"I don't know, but he seemed super excited to leave," Fluttershy said. "I guess he finally realized what a creep he is and decided he needed help..."

"Hmm, could be," Sunset said.

"Well, who cares why?" Rainbow said. "As long as he's gone, that's good enough for me!" She turned to Pinkie Pie. "I say we party down after school!"

Pinkie giggled. "You know it!"

As the seven girls headed into the school, Sunset hummed to herself, occasionally letting out a snippet of an old, forgotten song.

Author's Note:

Tarantino references. :pinkiecrazy:

(Gonna be honest: I feel like there's a couple of scenes missing here, but this chapter was starting to drag and I wanted to get it in the can and put it to bed. I may come back to it at some point and flesh it out a little.)