• Published 18th Apr 2016
  • 2,776 Views, 40 Comments

Godzilla and Gamera: The Return of Iris - Godzilla2020

Iris rises again to wreak havoc on mankind but must find a new host. Now only Godzilla and Gamera can save the world from Iris's wrath.

  • ...

Memories of Darkness

Author's Note:

Godzilla is owned by Toho co. ltd.
Gamera is owned by Daiei studios
MLP is owned by Hasbro
Next Time:
The King vs The God

Sunset Shimmer kept looking up at the sky to see if there were more falling stars but nothing was there. She walked a few feet before scratching her head.

"What was that?" She said aloud to herself.

"It looked like falling stars." a gray skinned girl with a flat expression on her face suddenly appeared next to Sunset. She shrieked and jumped back putting her hands in a karate pose. The gray skinned girl looked at Sunset her face staying the same, "Have you seen my sister? She has big pink hair."

"Um do you mean Pinkie Pie?" Sunset asked nervously.

"That's her I'm her big sister Maud Pie." Maud Pie answered with the same flat tone, "I'm here to pick her up."

Sunset pointed to inside the School just a group of five began to walk they were followed by Big Mac, who had Apple Bloom, sleeping on his back. Scootaloo was walking next Rainbow Dash trying to climb up her back for a piggy back ride herself. Sweetie Belle was trying to get Rarity to give her one as well but she kept refusing. Apple Jack looked over at her little sister.

"Doesn't little Bloom look adorable when she's sleeping." She said in her country accent.

"Yep." Big Mac answered.

"Hey Rainbow can I stay with you tonight pretty please!" Scootaloo begged Rainbow Dash.

"I don't know maybe if you beat me in Attack of the Mane-iac!" Rainbow Dash said lifting Scootaloo over her head. The two adoptive sister started laughing at each other with Scootaloo putting Rainbow in a mini headlock. Suddenly a flash of pink jumped into them.

"Oooooooooooooooooooooh! That sounds like fun! Can I come!? Can I, Can, I Can, I Can, I Can I!?" Pinkie Pie shouted shaking Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo.

"Pinkie!" Maud Pie called out to her sister.

"Maud!" Pinkie let go of Rainbow Dash and in a blur of speed ran up to her big sister giving her a big hug.

"Mom and Dad wanted me to bring you home." Maud said.

"Okay!" Pinkie Pie said. The rest of the main 5 showed up behind her.

"Hi Maud." Fluttershy said in a small voice she then looked over to Sunset Shimmer nearly cowering away from her, "Oh and hi Sunset Shimmer." Sunset rubbed the back of her head when the others looked at her.

"Um... hey." Sunset said nervously looking at them.

"Hey... so you cleaned up nicely.... Iiiii love what you did with your hair." Rarity said feeling the awkwardness of the situation rise considering the massive elephant in the room. Sweetie Belle hid behind her big sister Scootaloo doing the same when they both saw their former bully standing in front of them.

"Thanks." Sunset said with a nervous chuckle. A breeze blew by everyone.

"This is awkward!" Pinkie said with a smile.

Sunset let out fake yawn, "I think I'm going to head home it's getting pretty late."

"Yeah Mac and I gotta wake up early to harvest." Applejack said with a smile putting her hand on Sunset's shoulder and giving her piece of pay paper with a phone number on it, "But if you ever want to get together just give me a call."

Sunset took Applejack's phone number with surprise, "R-Really?"

"Well we did promise Twilight that we'd be friends didn't we?" Applejack responded with a smile. Fluttershy held out a piece of paper to Sunset as well with Rarity, Rainbow, and Pinkie following her lead. Each of them gave their phone numbers to Sunset.

"Thank you." Sunset was getting choked up about the entire situation trying to hold back her tears.

"Don't mention it now if you excuse me I've got a date with a cake. Let's ride Maud!" Pinkie shouted pulling a pink motorcycle helmet out of no where. Maud was already wearing her own black helmet and was sitting on a Harley Davidson motorcycle. Pinkie clung to her big sister as the bike began to move, "See ya!" And just like that the Pie sisters took off leaving everyone with dropped jaws.

"How did I not notice her ride up to the school in that?" Sunset asked.

"I've known Pinkie and her family for years it's best if we don't question what they do." Rainbow Dash answered.

"Especially the whip cream in the fridge." Fluttershy shuddered.

"Hey we all took a vow of silence after that incident!" Rarity shouted.

"Should I ask?" Sunset whispered to Applejack.

"No never ask." Applejack looked at her seriously.

Mountain Range

The cougar began to slowly close in on his prey, a lone deer who was cut off from the rest of it's herd. Each step he made was silent eyes focused on the prize. His back legs were poised ready to pounce. The deer continued to feed on the ground not noticing the predator. Suddenly there was a shift in the air both animals sensed it another predator was coming. Both of the animals instincts kicked into full survival mode. The cougar ran out of his hiding running past his former prey as the deer followed after. The forest began to come to life as all of its inhabitants could sense the danger in the air. Both predator and prey began to runaway in fear from the mountains something was up there and it was coming down.

Massive cloven feet touched down on the forest floor bioluminescent orbs lit the night sky as 300ft long tentacles waved around violently as their owner let out a hate filled shriek. Iris was shaking with pure rage he was so close to that power source it was nearly his! But those two reptiles got in his way they will suffer for their interference! The turtle first. He can't remember why but that turtle it filled his body with nothing but rage and hate.

Iris felt a sharp pain in his head flashes of a burning city appeared in his vision along with the screams of humans. The memory soon shifted standing him in front of was a girl holding her hand out to him offering her life. But why? What did she want from him? He suddenly heard the cries of the turtle his anger broiled. This feeling he had this turtle, this guardian it was his enemy. In it's hands was the girl. NO! What was it doing?! She was important to him!

Iris roared in pure fury his tentacles shaking widely the arrow shaped tips on the ends opening. Suddenly fire balls erupted out of them into the night sky. Iris brought looked at the sight above him. That was the turtles attack. Why can he use it?

Another memory flashed in his head one him over the turtle stealing it's energy using it as his own. A pulse went through his body. It all began to come together.

Piece by piece Iris began to remember his old life.

His memories went from a few years all the way back to 70,000 years ago, Atlantis. They wanted to create a creature who could control the gyaos birds that were running amok through out the city. They did succeed but only to have this creation turn on them as well. He killed them all their blind hatred gave him power. But it wasn't enough so he sent out hordes of gyaos to find food to create more hatred. Hate was strong, Hate was good, Hate was power. But soon the gyaos disappeared for some reason so he sealed himself away until there was more Hate in the world to feed him. That's when the girl came she had enough hate to awaken him from his slumber.

She offered her life to him in order to kill one creature. The Guardian of the Universe Gamera. Along with her hatred and all the feelings of anger in the world he began to grow stronger. But just when he reached his prime Gamera killed him. Then the humans brought him back to life.

Iris stood straight having regained his senses the center orb on his stomach opened releasing the girl he took earlier. Iris held her up with smaller tentacles. She was nothing more than withered husk having all of fluids drained from her body. Iris let out a whale like moan. He gave thanks for his revival before dropping the corpse.

Iris roared into the night sky he remembered who he was. Iris the God of Darkness and soon the world would know his wrath. But he still felt empty. He needed a vessel, someone who he could fuse with to help fuel his hatred. There was power out there somewhere he just needed to find it again.
Iris began to march forward straight to where he could fell the remaining bits of power straight towards Canterlot High School.

Equestria City (Docks)

Twilight, Shining Armor, and Spike, who was in Twilight's backpack, walked along the docks listening to the waves crash along the beach. Spike panted happily looking around at his surrounding. Twilight pet his head with a smile adjusting her glasses she looked around at where her brother drove her to.

"So what are we doing here Shining? I've got to get back to studying." Twilight said.

"Come on Twily you've passed every exam thrown at you I think you deserve a little break." Shining Armor chuckled he pointed at a large donut stand in the middle of the dock, "Besides when have you ever passed up a trip to Donut Joe's."

"Donut Joe really!" Twilight began to giddy for just a moment before clearing her throat, "I mean one donut won't hurt."

"Right." Shining chuckled as they continued to walk down the street a large mass of people began to gather over the edge of the dock some of them standing on the beach. Everyone was looking out into the ocean.

"What's that all about?" Twilight asked.

"Don't know." Shining could already feel his protective instincts flaring up he kept Twilight behind him, "Hey it's Joe."

A big man with a pot belly wearing a chef's uniform was standing just on the edge of the crowd. Donut Joe waved when he saw his favorite customers, "Well if it isn't Shining Armor and Twilight Sparkle."

"Hey Joe what's going on here?" Shining Armor asked looking out at the water.

"You wouldn't believe it a meteor fell from the sky and it landed right in the ocean. and know well look." Donut Joe pointed out to the water. Twilight and Shining looked out to the ocean and both gasped at the sight in front of them. The ocean was flashing along with the churning waves.

Spike stuck his head out of Twilights back pack looking out to the water. He started to whimper and began to struggle out of Twilight's backpack. Twilight turned around trying to keep the small dog under control but it only matters worse. Spike's instincts were telling him to run there was something in the water. He began to whimper struggling harder.

"Hey Shiny can we go home please." Twilight said Spike's jitters beginning to get to her she clung to her brother's arm.

"Yeah I think that might be a good idea." Shinning Armor looked out to the ocean the flashes in the water increased as the water began to bubble. Something was coming out of the water, "We should move fast come on Twi-"


Everyone on the dock covered their ears to the ear splitting roar. The glass on some stores broke apart from the sound. Twilight kept her hands over her ears almost falling to her knees from the roar. Shining Armor grabbed his little sister by the arm bringing her up to her feet.

"You okay?" Shining asked but Twilight didn't answer pupils shrunk in and she pointed out into the ocean. Shining Armor turned his around his jaw dropped at the sight before him. Massive spines came out to of the water followed by a huge black tail. When it slammed back down on the water it caused a massive wave of to erupt from the surface. The spines flashed neon blue before sinking back down into the ocean completely disappearing.

"What was that?" Twilight asked Spike whimpering behind her.

"I don't know." Shining Armor answered his heart was beating a hundred miles a minute.

The ocean was calm once again.