• Published 15th Jun 2012
  • 653 Views, 1 Comments

Passing With Flying Hazards - The Grey Pegasus

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Fight and Flight, Part I

One week later

"Star', you really sure about this?" Spark asked with concern. He came along as promised, equipped with a cloyd-walking enchantment. "These are trained Royal Guard. And your stupid impulse to add in the Wonderbolts doesn't help either."

Starbuck was inwardly sweating with nervousness, but he wouldn't dare to let it show. "I'll be fine," he replied with uncertainty, slightly having trouble keeping his voice steady. In all actuality, he was really unsure about his decision. If one were to look closely, his wings were fluttering with anxiety. "I've studied all week on evasive manuvers, practiced for five days, and even worked on my weather manipulation. I think I can dodge some Guards, even get in the occasional hit."

"Alright then, if you're so sure... I'll give you my best wishes. Make a good show for us in the stands, alright?" Spark said, trying to add a hint of optimism.

"Yeah. I'll be fine. Thanks."


Starbuck was standing. Barely. Now on the launch platform, he started having conflicted thoughts as to either stay confident or have second thoughts. On one hoof, staying confident would probably help him raise his morale slightly, and he might just make it out alive. Unfortunately, it was only a logical way of thinking to have doubts. He finally reached a conclusion. I don't have time to worry about what I feel like. I'm here. Get it over with. To far to back down. Money's on me. Let's do this.

"Attention Flyer Starbuck. Please listen to the following information. Acknowledge that you have heard this please," one of the announcer-judges called out through the small gusts of wind.

"Yes, I hear you," Starbuck promptly replied in a loud voice, as to be sure that he was heard.

"Okay. You are aware of the basic rules. Additional instructions that we'd like to mentuon are... No hoof-to-hoof combat. The test is designed to to assss in-flight capabilities. Therefore, direct hoof-to-hoof is illegal." That's good, Starbuck thought, at least I won't be disadvantaged there. I wouldn't have left unscathed. The only physical contact between pegasi will be quick tackles and other such attacks. Once an attack is executed, the flyer must continue flying away.

The announcer continued, "Furthermore, should you choose to utilize hail and ice attacks, rules require that projectiles not be sharp, as to prevent injuries. If it does hapen, the offender will be automatically disqualified, pay a fine, and, should somepony be heavily injured by it, be also faced with possible charges." Not that I would use winter atmosphere attacks, but, nonetheless, duly noted, Starbuck mused.

The voice had more to say, "There is a 3 mile radius boundary. It will be enforced with a magic force field." Makes sense. "...And that should be it. We will limit the amount of attacking pegasi in the air at a number of 8 at a time. Once in the air, you will have a two minute headstart. Objective to meet is fifteen minutes. Launch off in one minute, countdown starting at my call. Prepare yourself. And... mark."

The countdown had begun. Starbuck closed his eyes and tried to steady his heart rate. Then he opened them. He looked toward the stands where all sorts of ponies were watching. Most of them were pegasi, but there were many earth ponies and unicorns who had come to see the spectacle as well. It was almost like a Wonderbolt's show... Actually, technically it was. He was going to be chased by them in two and a half minutes. He looked closer at the stand.

He spotted an lightning blue unicorn in the distance. He also noticed him wave. Gee, I wish I could have Spark's help right now. Twenty seconds remaining. He looked over to the left and spotted some mares. He recognized them from somewhere...

Ah! A cyan pegasus! Rainbow Dash was there. And those were the other Elements of Harmony. Right. He kept staring over to the six until Rainbow gave him a wave as well. He smiled. He had some good ponies behind him, supporting him. They believed that he had the ability to take on his own challenge and come out victorious... probably. Well still, Rainbow was there and he was happy that-


Starbuck was struck out of his trance and pumped his wings. He took of the cloud with an audible thump of air beneath his wings. He flew at a dashing speed, but not his fastest, as to night tire out. He just needed distance.

Thirty seconds out. The air, all to himself. For now at least. One and a half minutes later, he'd be fighting for his life. So for now, all he could do in the meantime was listen to his heartbeat pacen, whether it'd be from anxiety, exerting energy for flying, or both. He could also listen to the wind rush past his-

*Hey Bucky, can you hear me? Acknowledge if you can hear me.*

Starbuck let out a yelp and his wings destnchronized for a moment. He quickly recovered from his shock, "Hey! Who's there?!"

*Bucky, tell me you can recognize my voice...* the voice said in a manner that clearly illustrated a picture of a pony facehoofing.

"...Uhh... Oh. Hey Sparks. What are you doing?" Starbuck finally responded. "Yeah, what are you doing?

*We're giving you a helping hoof. I'm using a spell that lets me communicate to your thoughts. You don't even need to speak. Just think of what you want to say to me. Anyways, there's somepony on this end who'd like to talk to you.*

*Hey there Bucky!* a stallion's voice rang in his head. *I see that you've really applied yourself this time. I'm impressed, bro.*

"Hey there Comet," Starbuck said to hid brother in his head. "How are you? Haven't seen you in a little while."

*Don't worry about how I've been. You're the one that's flying through clouds of problems. Look, being a Royal Gaurd pegasus myself, these guys are aggressive. Just like our warrior ancestors. They certainly are a challenge. You'll need outside assistance if you want to pass, and that's why me and Sparks here hacked into your head. It's all you up there, but you'll fair better if you atleast had an idea of what else is happening. And the Wonderbolts? Why in the world did you add them in?!*

"It seemed like a good idea at the time. I had my confidence higher than Cloudsdale that day. That coffee didn't help water down my confidence either..."

Comet continued speaking, *Well you can't do anything about that now except meet the challenge head-on and come out on top.*

*Hey Starbuck, be advised, pursuers have taken off. They're headed in your general direction,* Spark spoke through the communication spell.

Comet spoke a few last words before getting down to business. *Get your game on now, Star'. A storm's headed your way in about a minute.*

Shorter chapter due to time restraints. I wanted to get this chapter out before the cruise I'm on heads out to sea. Internet cost is high.