• Published 21st Apr 2016
  • 1,030 Views, 8 Comments

Family of Discord [OLD] - Sonic Gamer

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“’Long ago, in the magical land of Equestria, there lived a draconequus named Discord. He possessed chaotic magic which he used to spread chaos all over Equestria, and turing it into the chaos capital of the world. But, the princesses, Celestia and Luna, used six magical gems called the Elements of Harmony to turn him into stone and brought Equestria back to normal. A thousand years later, the princesses were no longer connected to the Elements of Harmony, which caused Discord to be free from his stone prison, and spread his chaos once again. But, the new Barres of the Elements of Harmony tried to turn him back into stone; but before the elements power could hit him, he escaped and ran into hiding. Five years later, he returned to continue his conquest. However, he promised to stop if he had three things in return. Among is demands was a hoof of a willing bride. After so much hesitation, Fluttershy, the barre of the Element of Kindness, volunteered to be that bride. After getting to know each other, the impossible happened. They feel in love. Because of this, Discord saw the error of his ways, and made amends with all of Equestria. However, that almost didn’t last.’”

“Why are you doing this, Discord?” Fluttershy asked as she and her friends are trapped in a cage.

“Oh Fluttershy, Tirek offered me more than just tea parties.” Discord answered. “You clearly saw this coming, didn’t you?”

“I didn’t,” Fluttershy answered. “I truly didn’t.” then tears came out of her eyes as she felt betrayed.

Discord then laughed, and said, “Soon, we will rule all of Equestria, and nothing will stop us!”

“Us?” Tirek started. “Who said anything about us?”

“You did,” Discord answered.

“I only needed your help to get all the magic of Equestria,” he explained. “Now that I have done so, you are no longer of use to me.” He then levitated Discord into to air, and took all of his magic.

“But, you said that this medallion was a sign of your gratitude and loyalty,” Discord said. “That it was given to you by someone really close.”

“My brother, who betrayed me,” Tirek exclaimed. “And it’s as useless as he is.” He then walks away.

“Clearly you saw this coming, didn’t you?” Applejack responded.

“I didn’t,” Discord answered. “I truly didn’t.”

Meanwhile, Twilight Sparkle was trying to control all the alicorn magic that she’s supposed to protect, but it proved to be difficult.

“PRINCESS TWILIGHT!!!!!!” Tirek shouted. “You have something that belongs to me!”

Twilight then teleported to the library balcony, and looked through the telescope to keep an eye on Tirek. But then, Tirek shot a laser at the library, and when it hit, the library exploded. Twilight was blown off by the explosion. After seeing what Tirek did to The Golden Oaks Library, she became filled with rage, and the both of them ducked it out in a one-on-one fight.

After the fight… “It seems that we are at an impasse,” Tirek claimed. “How about a trade?” He snaps his fingers, and Twilight’s friends, even Discord, appeared trapped in bubbles. “Your friends’ freedom for all the alicorn magic you possess.”

Twilight then hesitated. Her friends were telling her not to do it. But, she looked straight at them, and then a rainbow light flashed over her eyes. She then came to a decision, “Alright Tirek, you can have my magic, just let my friends go!”

The others became shocked. “Very well, then.” Tirek said as he let her friends go. But he left Discord trapped.

“All of my friends!” Twilight demanded.

Discord was then surprised. “After he betrayed you, you still consider him as your friend?” Tirek asked.

“Let him go!” Twilight demanded.

“Fine!” Tirek replied as he let Discord go. He then continued his rampage.

“Thank you, Twilight,” Discord said. “I’m sorry, Fluttershy.”

“Why did you do that?” Applejack asked Twilight.

“I couldn’t bear to see my friends trapped.” Twilight answered.

“This is all my fault,” Discord started. “I only joined Lord Tirek because he offered me something that’s worth more than friendship. But, nothing is worth more; I know that now. Tirek lied to me when he said that this medallion was a sign of his gratitude and loyalty, but when I say that it’s a sign of our friendship, I’m telling the truth.” He put the medallion around Twilight’s neck, and a rainbow light flashed over it.

“Ya think that’s the last one we need?” Applejack asked.

“Only one way to find out,” Twilight answered. Then they ran all the way to the chest at the Tree of Harmony.

“’ After discovering the final key to the chest, Twilight and her friends gained the power of the Elements of Harmony, and used it on Lord Tirek; which brought back all the magic of Equestria, and imprisoned Lord Tirek back in Tartarus. Then, Twilight got a castle from the chest, and earned the new title Princess of Friendship. One month later, Fluttershy and Discord got married, and had a filly which they named Screwball!’” the reader then rips a page out of the book. “’Screwball eventually met a changeling prince named Mothball who happened to be the son of Queen Chrysalis, and over time, they developed feelings toward each other! Then, everything turned into Romeo and Juliet!’” he rips out another page. “’Prince Mothball, then betrayed his race, and helped the ponies of Equestria defeat the changelings, and send them back to where they came!’” and another. “’One day, Queen Chrysalis was about to pass on, and she needed an heir! Mothball was next in line for the throne, but there was another who can take over for the Queen!’” and another. “’Who ever thought that a unicorn named Trixie Lulamoon was actually a changeling in disguise, and that she was the second heir?!” and another. “After so much hesitation, she accepted the throne, and becamethe new Queen of the Changelings!’” and another. “’Then, the ponies and changelings became allies, and Screwball and Mothball got married!’ Oh goodie for them!” and another. “’And they lived HAPPILY… EVER… AFTER!’” he shouted as he ripped out the final pages. The reader was a Japanese unicorn named Akito. He had white fur and a black mane, he also wore a kimono. But, little did ponies know, he was being used as a puppet controlled by Tirek all the way from Tartarus so he can spy on all of Equestria.

“I hate that draconequus!” Tirek exclaimed.

Back in Equestria, Twilight walked up to Akito, and told him, “Uh sir, you’re gonna have to pay for that.”

Akito sighed, and said, “Fine. How much?”

“Fifty bits,” Twilight answered.

“Fifty bits?!” Akito replied.

“Well, that was a history book you tampered with,” Twilight explained.

“Ugh, fine!” Akito replied as he paid Twilight. He, then walked out of the castle library, and looked at the final page he ripped out of the book. “I’ll have revenge one day. Just you wait Discord.”

Author's Note:

Bit of a long prologue, I know. Sorry about that, I had to recap the entire trilogy, and it wasn't as simple as the Shrek movies.