• Published 27th Mar 2016
  • 3,095 Views, 38 Comments

Sonic/MLP: Equestrian Chaos - Penguin Lagann

(Being redone right now) Sonic and friends find themselves in Equestria after an accident caused by Eggman.

  • ...

Love is in Bloom! A Bittersweet Night


Luna had stood there worried. Worried that the news that she had told were to send Celestia into a rampage over Twilight's new crush.

While looking at Luna, Celestia calmed down. "Sorry about that. I kinda have a motherly instinct for Twilight. So, we shall schedule a meeting with Twilight and her new colt friend during this years Grand Galloping Gala?"

Luna grew worried again. "About that, it's not a colt she's dating."

"She's with a mare? I don't really mind that, just as long as they don't do inces..."

"No! It's a being from another world." Luna waited for the backlash, but instead got confusion.

"You aren't making much sense Luna. I'll just have to wait until tonight to see what you mean." Luna face hoofed.


Twilight had woken up from a deep slumber. It was a long night for her and her friends. After hearing Sonic's story of how he got there, she was hoping to have a nice and happy day. However as she came to the kitchen to make some cereal, she noticed Sonic making pancakes and singing a song.

"Take a look inside your heart
What seems fair today,
Tomorrow it may not.

Just a walk or a journey
Don’t stop reaching high.
Don’t let the time pass you by."

Twilight looked in amazement as Sonic finished his song. "Wow Sonic, that song was pretty amazing!"

Sonic smirked. "Well, you get used to them, and you sing em without even knowing."

Twilight grew concerned. "Where's Tails and Spike?"

"They went outside to play with the others."

"So, I guess it's just you and me then."

"If you want it Ali."

"What's going on?" said a raspy voice.

Sonic and Twilight looked on blank eyed. They had gotten caught up with each other, that they forgot to notice that Rainbow Dash and the others had came into the house. Sonic looked disappointed with red cheeks, while Twilight blushed harder than she ever did before. "Oh, um.... Just having a, friendly conversation?" Sonic facepalmed.

"Don't worry Skits. Tails told us everything."


"Hey, if Pinkie can give you a nickname, so can I."

"Alright then, My Little Dashie." Sonic knew he had Rainbow on that one.

"How did you know that?!?" Rainbow had no idea he knew her nickname made by her dad.

Twilight, ignoring the nickname conversation, got tackled by Rarity, of all ponies. "I can't believe your dating! I have to give you a makeover! Your gonna look gorgeous for him!"

Twilight took Rarity off. "I'd rather not do anything drastic to my appearance unless he doesn't mind.."

"Not even some mascara for the Gala?"

"I'll ask Sonic abo.... Wait, the Gala?!"

"We thought you remembered," said Fluttershy. "We told you about it being tonight a couple weeks ago."

"Maybe ya should have told her more than just once," said Applejack.


Twilight's eyes widened. She completely forgot about one of her most important duties of her life. Princess Celestia wasn't gonna be very happy about that.

Sonic spoke up. "Gala? You guys have one?"

"You mean the Grand Galloping Gala? It's one of Canterlot's most important parties of the year."

"That's all I need to hear. You gals prepare yourselves for it, while I get myself, and Twilight ready."

Twilight panicked. "But how?! I don't have a dress, or anything else! I need a visit to the spa, some books, and I'm not ready!!"

"Twilight, CALM DOWN. I can help you out. It's what friends do."

"You, you can?"

"Sure. All I need is a tuxedo, but by the looks of it, you need more than I do."

Rarity then spoke up. "I can also stay behind to make the dress, and we'll all meet back up at the spa."

Everyone nodded. The others went their separate ways, while Sonic, Twilight, and Rarity stayed at the castle.

"Twilight, we need to get you to the spa for the manecut I..."

"Rarity, I think Sonic can do it. You can just make the dress if that's fine," said Twilight.

Rarity's jaw dropped. 'Sonic can do mane styles?' She thought.

"Yeah, I had to take those classes when I was young," said the blue blur. "I mean, manes are practically the same as hair right?" He got a nod. "I'll handle it."

Rarity was gonna argue, but they had a point. Besides, she didn't want to argue with her best friends. So she sighed. "Alright, if you say you can handle it, then I'm alright with it. Just don't do anything drastic?"


Twilight had sat down in the chair with a cloth covered over her body. Sonic came over with some scissors, a comb, hairspray, and a pack of makeup. She was ready for this.

"Alright, before I start, I need to ask a question. Is there a specific style you'd like to have?" he asked.

Twilight pondered. She realized that to make Sonic know how much she cared about him, that it wouldn't matter how she looked, just as long as it was from him. "Surprise me."

"Alright Sparkle! Your the boss!" Sonic smirked.

Sonic started with combing through the mane. He wouldn't do anything big yet, just a little run through. While doing it, he got an idea of what he was working with. Afterwards, he started applying black mascara to her eyes. His ideal image was a goth girl who wasn't really goth. He grabbed a black bottle, but wasn't sure if he should use it. "Hey Twilight? Could I use this black maneliner?"

"Is it washable?"

"According to the bottle, it says yes."

She nodded. Sonic applied the black to the bright purple areas of her mane and tail. After the applying, he waited 30 minutes according to the directions, then grabbed the scissors. He would slowly etch the mare into something beautiful for the special night. He started by trimming the fringe.

Twilight felt the trim, but allowed it anyway. 'It did need some trimming anyway.'

After that, he parted her fringe to the side. He grabbed the hairspray. According to it, it had the ability to make mares hair grow faster in Equestria. Different than its use in Mobiüs, but Sonic could always use hair gel to make it stick. He sprayed it all over her, making her hair and tail to grow around the same length as Pinkie Pie's when it's flat.

"Do you want to see how it's going so far, or would you like for me to continue?"

Twilight chose the former, and was given a mirror. She was shocked to see a different mare in the mirror. "Wow, I never knew you could do that good! This mascara and black in my mane is beautiful! Speaking of which, I rock a long mane!" She gave Sonic a kiss on the cheek, while he blushed. Twilight had didn't noticed this, and neither did Sonic, but she suddenly started to enjoy the look of black. "Please continue Sonic."

Sonic nodded. He started to do some more trimming. He started out by cutting the side part. Well, more like thinning out, since he instead just trimmed out the loose ends. He also grabbed a small portion of it and brought it over to her left eye. He then grabbed some hair gel, and rubbed it over the side fringe, giving it a slick appearance.

While styling, Rarity came in to see how it was going. Her jaw dropped at how gorgeous Sonic was making Twilight look. "Dear Celestia! She looks more beautiful than I do!" Sonic smirked, happy he was getting compliments. "By the way, I came in to ask Twilight what type of dress she wanted."

"Black, and gorgeous..." Twilight murmured.

The comment just widened the other two's eyes.

"Did... Did she just say what I thought she said?"

Rarity went back to the dress, while Sonic finished up on the mane. He went over to the other side of the mane, and snipped the ends off, up to the top of her leg. He grabbed some more gel, and slicked it up too. For the tail, he gave it a style similar to Rainbow Dash's tail. He then grabbed red lipstick and rubbed on Twilight's lips. He then put a necklace on her, and her crown.

"Alright, it's all done!" said Sonic.

Twilight grabbed a mirror and admired the new look Sonic had given. She wasn't too keen on the lipstick, but it was otherwise great. She gave Sonic a full on kiss on the lips, before realizing her mistake. "Oh crap! I'm sorry! I should have asked you it first!"

"No no, it's fine. I actually kind of liked it."

Both smirked. Sonic grabbed the white tuxedo he was going to wear, and after Rarity finished Twilight's dress, they put on their outfits, and headed for the spa.


"Wow Twilight, you look absolutely fabulous!" said Rarity.

Twilight smiled at the compliment. It helped to see that her friends enjoyed her look.

"I'm not supplying you with those stockings you asked for though. They are absolutely dreadful!" The comments caused Sonic to snicker. "One quick question. Why did you rub off the lipstick?"

"Rarity, it's just not something I'm interested in. I talked with Sonic about it, and he was fine with it," said Twilight.

"Says the girl who thinks black is awesome."

The three turned to see Rainbow Dash and Tails in their gala outfits. Rainbow Dash didn't do anything special with hers. Just a simple bun and a rainbow colored dress. Tails wore the same tuxedo Sonic has on, but instead of a bowtie, he had a striped tie.

"Let me guess Dashie. You thought I was hunky enough not wait for me?" snickered Sonic.

"What? NO! Why would I?! Besides, you've got a thang with Twilight now. I'm surprised you two haven't slept together yet. Then again, Twilight never got drunk."

Twilight blushed. "Dont share that with him!"

"Wait, you never drank? That changes tonight," said Sonic with a determined voice. "After you do your royal duties, we'll get you enjoying you night more than ever." Sonic paused. "Speaking of which, what are those duties?"

"Oh, just overviewing it to make sure nothing bad happens."

"Alright, that shouldn't be too difficult or take too long."

Everyone else walked into the spa where everyone else was. Fluttershy was waiting on her dress to be finished, Applejack had decided to just go normally this year, but did have a clear dress on, and the spa ponies were continuously trying to get Pinkie Pie's mane straight, but every time it happened, it went straight back to being poofy.

Rarity went up. "Let me handle it. You just gotta add a little push to it." She pulled all of Pinkie's hair, and patted her hoof through it, creating the straight mane Pinkie had whenever she grew depressed. The spa ponies just stared in awe in what was shown. They then went to work on curling the tips.

Meanwhile, the other ponies also stared in shock at how Twilight had looked. "Uh, Twilight?" spoke up Applejack. "What all happened to you?"

Twilight was confused, but looked at herself and remembered it. "This? It's just my gala appearance."

"Yeah but it's so..."

"Gothic?" said Fluttershy.

"Fun?" said Pinkie.

Sonic and Rarity came up to Twilight. "Totally chic," said Rarity.

"And she wanted all of it," said Sonic.

After the short speech, the other ponies came up to Twilight and hugged her.

"Thank you all so much for understanding girls!" She then turned to Sonic with a smirk. "And thank you for helping me get ready."

"It was the least I could do."

Rainbow grew jealous on the inside, but was gagging on the outside.


"This carriage is kinda tugging on my quills," replied a cramped Sonic.

"And I used to think the princesses had it easy,' said Twilight, who was equally cramped in the carriage.


The girls, Sonic, and Tails had arrived at Canterlot Castle which was the yearly host for the Grand Galloping Gala. While walking down the red carpet, Tails noticed that there were a group of ponies singing a song about it. "What are those guys babbling about?" He asked.

"It's something the Canterlot nobles sing every year, pretending that it's the 'best night ever,'" replied Rarity. "How wrong we were about it." She remembered the night she even thought of going out with Prince Blueblood.

When they came up to the entrance, a couple of guards came up to the gang. "State your business."

Twilight cleared her throat. "Princess Twilight Sparkle and company, attending the Gala."

The guard pony shook his head. "Sorry Princess. Couldn't recognize you." He was about to let them in before he realized something. "Hold on a second. Who are those two weird looking ponies?!"

Sonic was about to get nervous, before Twilight spoke up again. "Guests of mine."

The guards let them in, while Sonic put his arm around Twilight. "Thanks for that back there."

"It was the least I could do." Both lovebirds smirked.


As Sonic was walking around Canterlot castle, he noticed how the whole gala was going. "Twilight. Doesn't this place look a bit boring?"

"Believe me, it can be at times," replied Twilight. "But you learn to live with it. Besides it can be fun at times."

The two came up to Celestia who was overlooking the palace. "Twilight Sparkle. A pleasure to see you."

"Princess Celestia!" Twilight went up to give Celestia a hug.

"Love the new style by the way!"


Celestia noticed a certain blue blur sitting around drinking fruit punch. "Who is that blue pony?"

Twilight blinked. "Oh, that's our new guest. He's, well... really not a pony..."

Sonic got finished with his drink, and came up to the two. "Well, this gala stinks... Is that Celestia?"

"Yes, and I understand your distaste for this. I usually do too. Who are you anyway?"

"I'm Sonic. Sonic the Hedgehog. Guest of your best Princess!" Twilight blushed at the remark.

Celestia grew curious. Was he Twilight's new colt friend Luna was talking about? And where did he come from? Certainly not from anywhere near. "You two wouldn't supposedly be dating now, would you?"

Both Sonic and Twilight grew wide eyed. "What made you say that?" They both said in unison. Celestia just giggled at the way they reacted.

"Boy, the way you act, they should call you Princess Trollestia!" said Sonic.

Big mistake. Celestia grew an angry face and looked down at Sonic. "Oh dear," said Twilight. Instead of lashing out, she simply sprayed fruit punch all over him, with a trollish face, and giggled.

"Ha ha ha, real mature," replied Sonic.

Just then, an announcement was put on, stating that beer was now being served at the counter.

"Twilight, you know what time it is?" asked a sly Sonic.

"Oh boy." She left for the table, while Sonic sped off.

"Have fun you two!" said Celestia.


When the two had made it down to the counter, they noticed most of their friends there. Rainbow Dash found them nearing the counter. "There you are! Where have you been?"

"Oh you know, making out, getting babies. The usual," joked Sonic, while Twilight tried to hold back a laugh.

"Like that will happen this early," deadpanned Rainbow. "So Twi, you ready for your first 'adult swim?'"

Twilight sulked. "I'm not sure. What if I do something idiotic during it?"

"I'm pretty sure there can be spells to keep it from affecting long enough... Right?"

Sonic cut in before anything else happened. " Lets just start off small before anything big alright?"

The other two nodded in agreement.

When Twilight got her mug, she noticed the mug was as orange as it could be. It grew her nervous, as she felt it would effect how drunk she would get.


Tails was sitting alone at the steps when Pinkie Pie came up to him. She noticed he didn't have a smile on. "What's the matter? Aren't you having fun!"

Tails looked at Pinkie with baggy eyes and a deadpanned looked. "The heck do you think? I can't get near Sonic since I'm not old enough to be near beer."

Pinkie came up closer. "You've been with him your whole life, haven't you?"

"He was the first person I met besides my parents who didn't insult me for being a two tailed freak. He made me feel like I was actually useful." Tails started to tear up. "And now, I feel like he's gonna ignore me for Twilight." Tails looked back at Pinkie. "Go ahead. Tell me that I'm just being a selfish jerk who just wants Sonic for myself."

Pinkie held his hand. "I'm not gonna call you selfish. He was the first person who liked you for who you are. Even being in love with Twilight, he won't forget you. In fact, maybe loving Twilight will help you two grow stronger."

Tails dried up and smiled. "You think?"

"Pinkie sense! Now come on! The party may be a bust, but we can still find a way to enjoy it."

The two headed back inside.


Twilight was still struggling with the mug in her hoof. She wanted to trust Sonic's word. She really did. But the thought of what might happen kept getting the best of her.

Sonic looked on with worry. "I'm starting to doubt doing this Dash."

"I would, if it weren't the fact that she took on Tirek and ended at a stalemate. And that was a h*** of a fight. I'm sure she could handle a bit of alcohol. Besides, if she gets crazy, no one else is here in the bar, but our friends," Rainbow replied.

Upon this, Twilight grew a serious expression, and just gulped down the whole thing. Her friends cheered on, while Tails cheered through the window. Twilight smirked at her acomplishment. However upon a few seconds later, she felt a bit of queasyness in her stomach. "I feel a little weird."

Rainbow started laughing. "So the egghead cant handle a bit of Alcohol. I'm sorry, I just can't handle myself!"

Twilights thoughts grew grim. 'So, she thinks she can get away with making fun of me?!' she thought, as her eyes went a shade of green with purple mist. "I'll show her what I'm made of."

Rainbow Dash noticed the egghead was looking depressed. "Twilight, I'm sorry I laughed. I really don't know what got..."

Twilight tackled Dash in a fit of rage. "All my life, you've done nothing but screw me over! I try to help you, and you insult me! Even after 2 years of knowing me, and being royalty, you still treat me like dirt!" She grew a sinister smile. "How about I return the favor?"

Everyone was worried. Rarity was confused, Pinkie had started locking everything shut, Applejack was shielding Fluttershy's eyes and ears, and Sonic was secretly swearing off RD.

Twilight grabbed Rainbow's bottom left hoof. "I wonder what would happen if this left hoof were to be snapped off?"

Rainbow was in tears, something she hardly ever was. "I'm sorry Twilight! I don't mean to make you feel bad at all. I just do it because were friends, and we pick on each other!"

The word 'friends' echoed in Twilight's head until she snapped back to her senses. She ran off with tears pouring from her eyes. Sonic ran after her.


Sonic had found where Twilight had went. He saw that Twilight was sitting down balling her eyes out. He also noticed Celestia was watching her. "Tia, how has she been doing?" he asked.

Celestia sighed. "I saw her run by crying. I noticed there was purple mist coming from her eyes. I tried talking to her, but she just hissed at me before crying harder. What happened anyway?"

Sonic grewed worried. "I'd... talk to Dashie about it. Let me see her." He sat down with Twilight. "Twi? Are you ok?"

"I'm a monster," Twilight mumbled out. She held her face up. Even after not using dark magic, her eyes were still green and somber. "I lashed out at my friend for a stupid reason and nearly broke one of her hind legs. I don't deserve anything I have."

Sonic huffed. "Look Twilight, I'd be lying if I didn't say I had my dark moments in life, but that's it. Everyone has moments when they lash out. No one's perfect. Not even me or a beautiful princess like you. You gotta live life like that."

Twilight felt better, grabbed Sonic and hugged him. "Here, hold on." Sonic grabbed the nearest pair of scissors and trimed Twilight's hair back to her original style.

They then walked back inside, but was stopped by Celestia. Twilight grew worried, but was then pulled into another hug. "Don't ever worry me like that again. You have me and your friends in case of that."

Twilight hugged back. "What about my friends?"

"They acknowledged it wasn't your fault, and I will have a stern talking with Rainbow Dash about that. For now, you two can go home. Me and Luna will take care of the rest."

"Thanks Prin.. er, Celestia." She noticed that Sonic jumped off the balcony with a smirk. She then smirked back playfully. "Hey, get back here Sonic! You can't run forever!" She then flew off to catch Sonic.

'Lets hope it stays this way,' Celestia hoped.


A Dark figure looked off into the moon with a sinister smirk. "They have no idea what coming to them."

Author's Note:

(Collapes) FINALLY!!!! :pinkiecrazy:

I'm SO sorry this took so long to write. Things have gotten to me, and I started worrying that my writing wasn't good. Also doesn't help I was distracted with summer and other notifications on this site. PLEASE don't ask for another chapter soon. I will get it up when I can.

With that said, please give your opinions and tell me your faults with this story. It really helps a ton.