• Published 25th Apr 2016
  • 1,289 Views, 26 Comments


It's not about what's on the inside, it's about how you show it on the outside.

  • ...

Tell me it isn't so

"Oh dear horse-heavens! Excuse me, darling. I'm so sorry! Allow me to just squeeze through here — oh for friendship's sake! Move it or lose it! "

Rarity raced through the maze of ponyville, various tools held within her magical grip. Her face was twisted in absolute horror while fear struck her heart for the seventh time that morning. She didn't care about the protesting pony-folk that were too slow to move out of her way. All that mattered was that her friend was in dire need of her help, or so she believed. Regardless, Rarity wasn't going to allow Applejack to do this on her own. At first, she was skeptical of the rumors; rumors of the orange mare planning to ask a special pony out on a date. But after hearing the news for the sixth time, she made it her mission to confront the earth pony herself and help if the rumors were confirmed to be true.

It wasn't long before the view of Sweet Apple Acres began to appear, causing the ivory unicorn to run faster than Pinkie Pie on a sugar rush. Without hesitation, she crashed through the doors of the Apple Family's barn, only to find a dumbstruck Big Mac surrounded by farm supplies scattered in disarray.

"Where is she?" Rarity demanded with wandering eyes.

She wasted no time turning her full attention on the cowering stallion, her blue eyes narrowed accusingly as if Big Mac was the cause of her absent friend. The unicorn's patience began to wear thin as the stallion hesitated to answer her question with his gaze looking past her; most likely staring at the floating cosmetic supplies and colored fabric.


"I don't have time for this," she said with frustration. "Is she in the farm house?"


"The hen house?"


"She's apple-bucking isn't she?"


"Which part of the fields?" she said, growing more impatient.

"South fields. But she made it clear she didn't want to be — er disturbed." the poor stallion barely had time to finish as Rarity raced out of the barn with her army of fashion supplies behind her.

After what seemed like hours, she finally spotted the orange mare resting underneath an apple tree with her hat tipped over her face. The steady rise and fall of her chest indicated that her friend was taking a well deserved nap. Rarity halted before Applejack, panting as she gazed upon the sleeping farmer. She had to admit, it was quite the adorable sight, but there was no time for lazying about. Not when there were more important matters to handle.

"Applejack!" Rarity shouted briefly, dropping all her tools behind her.

She watched the mare wake with a jolt; hat sliding from her face and green eyes locking onto her blue gaze. From the looks of it, AJ was waking from a nice dream. Too bad the sight of her and her falling fashion gear made Applejack think she was a living nightmare.

"What in the hay is goin' on here?" AJ said with annoyance laced in her tone.

"I don't know, Applejack. What is going on?" Rarity edged closer to the waking mare with her eyes narrowed and nostrils flared.

She couldn't believe what she was seeing, then again, this was Applejack. She was always belittling everything as if it was another normal day in Sweet Apple Acres. How could she behave so nonchalantly at a time like this? As if sleeping beneath the shade of an apple tree was an appropriate course of action. It was a good thing she was here, only Celestia knows what a wreck AJ would be without her. Rarity was able to catch on to the fact that the earth pony wasn't good mood for another one of her "drama episodes", let alone a guessing game. But that couldn't be helped. She rested her unwavering gaze on the farmer as she dragged herself up on her hooves and spoke.

"I'm not sure what you're getting at," Applejack looked away. "But I do know what's going on right now. And right now, you're interruptin' my nap. Is this here some kind of emergency?"

"Emergency!?" Rarity echoed, widening her eyes in astonishment.

"Yes. Y'know, like evil bad guys threatening to take over Equestria that can only be stopped by the magic of friendship. Another stampede heading for Ponyville. Anything that would require you barging out here to shout my name. Though I can't understand why you'd bring those with you." she nodded towards her supplies, a look of disgust on her face.

"Oh don't you play dumb with me, Applejack. We've known each other for far too long," Rarity frowned. "Since you lack the maturity to drop this, t-this charade, I guess I'll be the pony to say it: what's this I hear about you planning to ask somepony on a date?"

"Gosh, darn it, Pinkie Pie." AJ muttered.

The earth pony instinctively flinched from Rarity's inquiry as she did her best to avoid her blue gaze. Leave it up to the party pony to keep a secret. It was a wonder why she told Pinkie in the first place, but being caught practicing a "wanna date?" proposal gave her no choice but to satisfy Pinkie's curiosity. Otherwise, she would've been stuck with a loud begging nuisance without an off-switch. Shrugging in defeat, Applejack trotted over to her apple cart and fastened herself onto the metal harness.

"Fine, ya caught me. I was gonna ask'em tomorrow once all the chores were done," Applejack began to pull the wagon towards the barn. "But that still doesn't explain why you came running out here like a pony hooked on some special fertilizer."

"Applejack!" Rarity said as she raced after the retreating pony. She wasn't sure how she felt with hearing the news. The fact that her friend didn't trust her enough to say she had a love interest hurt, but at least it was confirmed.

"I'm very disappointed in you, darling. You of all ponies should know I am the perfect pony to seek guidance from when it comes to these things. But no matter! I forgive you," she said with a blossoming smile. "I'm here now, and we have a lot of work to do with so little time. Sweet Celestia! Applejack, the main pony — aside from Rainbowdash of course — who grimaced at the thought of love is about to ask a special somepony out on a date!" The white mare couldn't contain her squeal of delight as she pranced beside the embarrassed farm pony who did well to shoot her annoyed glares.

"Hold your horses, Rarity. I ain't seeking guida-" AJ began but was quickly interrupted as the unicorn rambled on.

"Who is this special somepony, might I ask? Ah, is it that new rough and tumble stallion that moved here a few weeks ago? He is quite the handsome fellow, is he not?"

"No, but th-"

"No wait, it's Caramel! Yes, yes I can see it now! Though he's a bit too rugged for my taste. Oh who am I kidding? This is your taste we're talking about after all"

"We ain't talkin' about no one's tas-"

"Oh goodness! Is it Roseluck? You both certainly share an interest in, um...dirt and it's plant life. The possibilities are endless!"

"Will you stop your guessin' already? It's-"

"You're right, Applejack," Rarity stomped her hoof into the soft soil beneath her, flinching from it's pulpy texture. "We have no time for that! Whoever it is, they are certainly lucky to win your interest. Besides, I simply adore a good love mystery! Now, how do you plan to ask this special pony out?"

"Pardon?" Applejack skidded to a halt, cheeks burning red with a mixture of embarrassment and confusion.

"You did have a plan right?" Rarity inquired coolly as she slowed to a stop. "Dear, surely you won't waltz in their presence with some bland proposal? That is not the way to win one's interest to give you the time of day."

"Well what in tarnation is the way?" AJ retorted.

Rarity failed to notice the sarcasm within her friend's tone, because as soon as those words left Applejack's lips, she tackled the farm pony to the ground. Alas, this was her moment to guide Applejack on the path to romance!

"Oh Applejack, darling! Allow me to show you the way!"

Author's Note:

Working on something a little more light to improve on writing. Second chapter will be released next week!