• Published 23rd Mar 2016
  • 718 Views, 13 Comments

A Deer Encounter - Phoenix Pastel

In a land far away from Equestria, The Forest of the Deer has survived and prospered. Now, finally, they will reach out to places they have never been. Is the rest of the world ready?

  • ...

The Letter

It was a beautiful summers day. The sun was high in the sky, with not a cloud to be around in the vast, blue expanse of sky, and the breeze came in from the window just right as to not disturb those inside. Birds sang with harmony, ponies milled about in the streets with naught a care in the world, and the air was just warm enough to be comforting, like a blanket on a cold night. Truly, it was a perfect day.

Princess Celestia, Diarch of the Sun and ruler of the Kingdom of Equestria, sat at her mahogany desk, sorting through papers and humming to herself as she sighed document after document with her favorite quill, sighed as she looked out the window beside her.

'Such a beautiful, completely peaceful, boring day,' She thought, taking a sip of her tea. She frowned at her pile of documents, bills, letters, and all sorts of assorted pieces of paper at her desk. Another sigh escaped her lips. If only something interesting would happen...

She spoke much, much too soon.

With a slam of the door and a squeal of hoofs sliding on tiled floors, a brown pony with a tan mane rushed in with a rolled up scroll in her hoof.

"Princess Celestia!"

The mare in question looked up with a rather surprised face.

"What is it, Page Hopper? Is something the matter?" She asked, rising from her chair behind the desk. The elderly mare, with all of her years as Celestia's secretary of Foreign Relations, had almost never rushed in like this- in fact, the last time she had done this was 16 years ago when the Griffins had accidentally sent a letter of resignation from the treaty that had been set only days ago. But that was not the matter at case now.

"Forgive me, your highness, but this cannot be ignored. A scroll was sent today with a seal we have never seen or heard of ever before!"

Princess Celestia's eyes widened and she quickly grabbed the scroll with her magic out of the mares outstretched hoof. Page Hopper was right- this seal was unlike any she had ever seen.

It was green; a light, leafy green, like flowers or grass, and it had the stamp of a tree with orbs floating around it in a ring. The ribbon was also green, but darker, and Celestia realized it was actually a vine wrapped around the scroll. She carefully unrolled the scroll and looked at it with puzzlement.

It was not parchment, but rather, a kind of sturdy, fine cloth, with strange symbols written with what looked like black ink. Celestia quickly cast a translation spell on the paper, and read it quickly, eyes widening further as she went down.

Dear Princess Celestia of the Kingdom of Equestria,

We the nation, of the Forest of the Deer, have decided to open our gates to the outside world for the first time in over 7,000 years. We write to Equestria to invite its rulers and ambassadors to visit our nation and establish trade and possible travel. In return, a personal tour from the Empress herself will be provided, as well as a place to stay. We have included a rune imprinted on this page to send back a letter of acceptance or rejection. Please note that we will take rejection as a sign of hostility. The rune is a one time use, and we will send our answer in the form of a visit from the Empress to take you to our nation, or send a message of hostility. We patiently await your answer.


Empress Open Sky of Night

Celestia looked up from the letter slowly as a grin crept on to her face.

"This is simply amazing! Page, please fetch a blank scroll for me post haste! And my sister!"

Page Hopper looked confused, , but went for the items-and pony- anyway. Princess Celestia simply danced in place as she imagined the possibilities that had opened up. She smiled at the prospect of a new ally- it wasn't often a door like this opened up, after all.

Dear Princess Twilight,

Please come to Canterlot as quickly as possible. We have been contacted by a new nation and we need all 3 princesses present. Do not bring your friends- I'm afraid this is a matter of politics and, while they are national heroes, are not politicians in the slightest.


Princess Celestia

Princess Twilight ran over the letter she had been sent only hours ago by Pri- Celestia as she sat in the Royal Car. She had immedietly let her friends know what was happening, said goodbye, and set off on the soonest train to Canterlot. She looked out of the window and grinned. What would the new nation be like? Would they be friendly, or downright rude? What species would they be? Did they have ant traditions she needed to look out for? She giddily shuffled her hooves in anticipation. Canterlot came into view, and she looked at the massive, sparkling capital with childlike glee as she came closer to her destination.

Twilight finally got off the train and walked down the streets to Canterlot Castle. She looked around her hometown and all of its attractions, but kept her mind on the castle and Celestia's letter. She had a job to do.

When Twilight got past the castle gates, through the hallways, and through the doors of the throne room, she smiled. Celestia and her sister Luna sat on their golden thrones, waiting patiently for Twilight's arrival with a small smile. They stood up as Twilight walked in and smiled wider than before.

"Twilight, my dearest friend! I'm glad you made it. Was the trip alright?" Asked Celestia, smiling warmly and walking over to give Twilight a friendly hug. Luna did the same.

"It was fine, Pri- Celestia. Sorry," Twilight scratched the back of her head with a hoof. "So where are the delegates? I'm excited!"

She grinned up at her former mentor. Celestia laughed, a motherly, tinkling sound.

"Soon enough. I was only told that they would be here at noon, with the ruler, two delegates, and two guards."

Twilight nodded.

"So, are we set? Will we be traveling there? Oh, we are aren't we?! I didn't pack! Ohnohnohnohno-"

She started prancing in place and panicking. "What will we need? Do I need regalia? Oh no this is my first task of this kind how will I-"


Twilight stopped in her tracks.


Princess Celestia sighed and smiled.

"Don't worry. We are already packed- I took the liberty to since I knew you would most likely over-pack. You do not have any reason to worry at all, just follow my lead and you will be fine. I promise."

Twilight gulped and smiled back, then breathed in and out a few times, just before a new question popped up.

"What about my friends?! I didn't tell them, since I didn't know!" Her eyes widened.

"I sent a letter just before you walked in telling them what was happening. I didn't tell you since Pinkie would slow you down trying to throw you a party, and I needed you here before they arrived."


Celestia smiled apologetically. Twilight made a few breathing motions again, ending just before a guard walked in and gave an announcement. Celestia quickly slide Twilight over to beside her with a wing.

"Announcing, Empress Open Sky of Night and accomplices!" A fanfare sounded as the doors open and 5 figures stepped in.