• Published 17th Mar 2016
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Nero's Life Redux - TheAnimalisticBrony

Ever heard of Alternate Dimensions? Parallel Universes? Have I got a story for you...

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Chapter 1: Same story different ending

Do you believe in parallel universes? More importantly, have you heard of them? Do you know what they are? Now, I am not saying you lack the sufficient brain cells to know what a parallel universe is, it’s just surprising how many people have never heard of parallel universes. You see, parallel universes exist, they are out there waiting to be explored. But, where there is a parallel universe there is a parent universe, or to correctly say, Master Universe, the universe that began all the other parallel universes. Now, there are not an infinite amount of parallel universes, but every minute, and every hour, and every day more parallel universes are made. It would take hours, weeks, even months to visit them all… he he… luckily time is all I have...


The room was silent and the only thing able to be seen is a small marble in the middle of the room. After a few seconds of silence a raven’s claw came down and picked up the marble. Then threw it into a bag filled with other marbles.

“...and that is number six-hundred fifty-five.”

“Nicely done,” The raven bowed to the black pegasus that talked to him.

“Well, who else was going to help you go through six-hundred fifty-five different alternate worlds. A hoof-full of them being alternate worlds of us.” The raven closed the bag and the rest of the room lit up.

“You two done in here?” A orange earth pony was in the standing in the exit of the empty room.

“Yes, yes we are.”

“Good, cause we’re all out watching Caroline practice for her race. Come on.” The orange earth pony left the room and The Dark Grey Pegasus followed her. The Dark Grey Pegasus turned around and saw The Raven just standing there.

“You coming?” The Raven looked at The Dark Grey Pegasus.

“You go on I’ll catch up.” The Dark Grey Pegasus left and The Raven was left in the empty room alone. “Ah...” The Raven walked over to the bag filled with marbles. “There may be six-hundred fifty-five different worlds we've discovered so far but there will only be on REAL world. All these others are just sister worlds, including our own.” The Raven stared at the bag. “Although, you probably wanna here the real story of This world.” The Raven continued to stare at the bag. “Yes, it’s quite an interesting story indeed however, This world’s true story was a bit more complicated than the other story you have probably heard. As well as the others. Some things still stand while others are just dust in the wind.” The Raven opened the bag with his wings and looked at the marbles. "Let’s remove the curtain and unveil the true story, so that it may no longer hide behind shadows.” The Raven picked out a marble with his mouth and placed it on the ground. The marble was glowing. “Ah, world number nineteen. The first of the guardians worlds.” He pulled out another marble this one was a little bigger than the others. “And the world that began it all.” He looked at the smaller one. “Lets open this one first...”

Nero’s Life

Before we begin our story, let's familiarize ourselves with this world. The world I am about to tell you about is very different from the Equestria you have seen before. This Equestria has weapons, technology (phones, computers, mp3s, ipads, etc...), and some major bands and famous people. They’re ponified of course. So if you hear of something that is not in the Equestria you know, that’s because this is just one of many Parallel universe’s of the Equestria you know.


To understand Nero’s story first one much put themselves in her position. So I ask of you dear reader, to not only read this, but think that you are Nero. Picture yourself witnessing each event she goes through. Only then could you understand her pain.

Nero was not fortunate like most other… well ponies. It is still odd for me to speak of our characters as small horses rather than people. As I have live many, many millenniums. Thus I have told many, many stories. None the less her story must be heard. Let us begin with her childhood. Actually before that, let me describe her. Nero is a dark grey, almost black, Pegasus with a Yin Yang symbol as her cutie mark, as they call it in Equestria. No one knows why this is her mark. She was merely born with it. You are probably wondering, how is one born with a cutie mark. Well our main character, Nero, is a special mare. Even her parents wondered how this happened. Then again her family is a very magical family. Well her parents are. I guess if this story is going to start somewhere, it might as well start at the orphanage she grew up in...

Before the orphanage, she lived in a small little town in Manehatten, but, fate caught up with her and fate did not treat her kindly. Her whole home town was burned to the ground by an unknown force. The fire killed her parents. Nero was able to survive thanks to a necklace her parents had made for her. The necklace has magical abilities that have saved her life more than once. Nero was not left alone though, or as far as we know so far. Nero had a sister and as far as she knows the fire killed her as well. Her life didn’t stop there. While her home town was burned down, she was given a new home. Just outside her old home town was an orphanage. This orphanage had been there for years and was where Nero’s sister was from. Nero remembered the place, but, knew nopony there. When she went to the orphanage she could see loads of fillies and colts having fun playing games and talking. Seeing this put a smile on Nero’s face. Then when she walked up to the orphanages front door, something weird happened…. Nero passed out. Before she completely blacked out she could hear the fillies and colts all stop and run near her asking if she was okay. One filly ran inside and went to go find the closest Nurse, when the filly came out one of the orphanages nurses came along with her. The nurse looked similar to Nurse Redheart. The nurse that came out had a red mane and tail as well as red eye’s. Her mark that she had was a red cross. She also wore a red and white necktie. The white on the necktie almost blended in with her white coat. As soon as the nurse saw Nero, she gasped and ran up to her. The nurse looked at the filly that came and got her.

“Quickly! go tell Mr. Clark to come to my office as fast as he can!” The filly nodded and ran inside. The nurse put Nero on her back and carefully ran Nero to her office. When Nero started to regain consciousness. She looked at the room around her. Not remembering where she was, nor how she got here. One thing Nero did know was that she wasn’t alone. She could hear voices behind a closed door and see two shadowed figures facing each other. Nero could hear them talking about her, or as far as she could tell.

“Do you think it’s too late?” One of the shadowed figures, who Nero could tell was a mare do to her voice, said. “I hope that's not why she is here.” As the other shadowed figure, who had a deeper voice than the mare, began to talk he moved around and got closer to the door.

“Sarah, I think it’s already begun, let’s worry about that later right now we need to get her ready for-” As he was speaking he opened the door and ended his sentence when he saw Nero awake and sitting up on the medical bed. They both stared at her. Before either of them could say anything Nero spoke.

“Where am I? Am I at the orphanage?” The nurse walked forward.

“Yes, yes you are.” Nero looked around. Not saying a word. “You remember this place, right?” Nero nodded. “Do you remember, us?” Nero looked at the Nurse then the stallion. She stared at the stallion for a little longer than the nurse. The stallion had a light brown coat, with a dark brown mane and tail to match. He also had a tie and glasses, giving him a scientist type of look. After Nero looked at both of them she spoke.

“Should I?” The nurse and stallion both looked at each other with worried faces, then back at Nero.

“Well better get the introductions out of the way then” The stallion said with a pleasing grin on his face. “My name is Feather-Pen Clark, but the fillies and colts around here refer to me simply as Mr. Clark.” Nero smiled

“Hi, Mr. Clark.” Feather-Pen did a head bow in response. The nurse smiled and looked at Nero.

“My name is Mrs. Care, or Nurse Care as the little fillies and colts like to call me.” Nero smiled at Nurse Care.

“Can I call you Care?” Nurse Care nodded. Nero felt happy and safe around these two, she couldn’t quite put her hoof on it, but it just felt right.

“Alright, Nero come with me and I’ll show you to your room.” Nero nodded and followed Nurse Care to her new room. The hallways filled with the sounds of fillies and colts laughing from their rooms. Once they reached Nero’s new room, Nero looked at Nurse Care.

“Why do I already have a room?” Nurse Care’s smile faded

“Do you know what happened to your town… your… your p-parents?” Nero’s smile faded as well then she slowly nodded

“Oh yeah that’s right, I’m an orphan now...” Nero began to cry a little

“Hey now,” Nurse Care leaned down and wiped the tear off Nero’s cheek. “We’ll take care of you, and I assure you, somepony will take you in.” Nero smiled then walked into her new room. “Okay, I’m gonna let you get comfortable, I’ll be back I just have to go and check a few things.” Nurse Care closed the door to Nero’s room and Nero began to walk around. Nero noticed that the room was pretty big for a single filly, but she didn’t complain in her eyes this was better than living on the streets alone. When Nero went over to her little wardrobe, she heard a noise, it sound as if something was teleported. Nero turned around and saw a medium sized box on the bed.

“Don’t remember that being here.” Nero walked over to the bed and got on it to see the top of the box. On the box was a letter.


We hope you enjoy your new life and always remember us. We will send this box to you when you get to Red-Top Orphanage, we will always love you and never stop chasing your dreams.

Your parents

“My p-parents? How did they know I would go here!?”

“Because.” Nero turned around and saw Nurse Care. “Me and Clark knew your parents, this is where they got your sister, and they told us that if anything happened to them, to get you and Z here, no matter what. We got you, did… did Z?” Nero slowly shook her head. “I’m sorry, but we will take good care of you, don’t worry.” Nurse Care hugged Nero, then Nero went to bed...