• Published 14th Mar 2016
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MLP: Nights Journey Of Dreams - JusSonic

When the Mane Six ends up in a different dream world, they team up with a hero of dreams to stop an evil enemy.

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Chapter 03: First Problems in Pure Valley

Chapter 03: First Problems in Pure Valley

The scenery slowly shows what appears to take the version of a beautiful, crisp valley. And from a towering rock face, a familiar Door from Dream Gate was etched into it, like one can come & go through it as one pleases. And at this time, we find Twilight, Applejack & Pinkie Pie had come out of the Door to look in amazement at the beauty of where they are. They saw blue skies, lust green grasses, strong trees, white puffy clouds that drift in the sky, it was like entering a valley that felt so….pure…and comforting to Visitors.

Course during the moment to look around the scenery, they heard a familiar flute being played & there was NiGHTS who of course played the invisible flute. And there was more, the jester was surrounded by what look like slightly cone-headed creatures, brown eyes, red cheeks, pink wings, they wore violet jackets with white bib collar necks & purple pants, red elf-like shoes & even more surprising, haloes around their heads; signaling that they are creatures of goodness. They were smiling while listening to NiGHTS play her invisible flute & beautiful melody for them.

“Wow, so this is Nightopia…” Twilight responded to say in seeing this, this must be what was created from the Ideya of Courage.

“It’s like a calm forest. Neat!” Pinkie Pie smiled off to say in liking the looks of the place.

“Hugh…I can’t put my hoof on it, but something here makes me feel…kinda strange, but in a good kinda way.” Applejack pondered to say in having just arrive here, but feels this place was nice, like she connects with it.

At that moment, NiGHTS cease playing the flute in hearing voices, & turns to see…Twilight and her two friends are here.

“Hey! Twilight! Applejack! Pinkie Pie! Over here!” NiGHTS stood up from her sitting stance from floating around, to stand & raise the right hand to signal the ponies to come to the jester & it also made the cone-head creatures look to see who was here too.

“Okay…we’re coming!” Pinkie Pie called out to say in response.

As the smiling ponies moved a bit to come near NiGHTS, they soon look to their left in finding Owl flapping his wing arms to be near them. Guess this guy did meet them here after all.

“Allow me to introduce the Nightopians. They are the residents of this world.” Owl explained to Twilight’s group of who the Nightopians are as they were the ones that listen to NiGHTS's flute play earlier.

Soon the cone-headed creatures called Nightopians made strange little ‘beepy’ mix voices, but in their language, it was likely they were saying ‘Hi’ & ‘Hello’ with smiling faces.

“Awww, they look so sweet!” Pinkie Pie smiled off to say in seeing the Nightopians.

“Shoot, these critters do look friendly.” Applejack smiled off in liking to meet the little fellas.

“Indeed. They are kind, gentle folk who love to sing & play.” Owl responded in looking to the Nightopians, saying they are creatures whose general nature is of a gentle side to being good & friendly.

“They’re amazing. I think our friends would love to meet them.” Twilight smiled in feeling very happy to meet these creatures from the Night Dimension.

“Oh-oh! Do any of you little guys wanna play a game & also sing with me?” Pinkie Pie asked off in liking to play and sing with the Nightopians.

“Heh, pretty much knew ye wanted ta do dat Pinkie Pie.” Applejack chuckled off in seeing her pink friend was already thinking about doing that.

But at the sudden surprise, the Nightopians seem to show expressions of sad, cautious & scared faces in looking nervous. They made tiny squeak noises to the other before they split off in two general directions.

“Hmm? What’s the matter?” Owl hummed to himself puzzled, as he & the ponies saw the friendly Nightopians leave as if…scared of something.

“What? Is it my breath?” Pinkie Pie asked off in not knowing why their new friendly new pals left.

“How can it be your breath Pinkie Pie, we’re Dream Spirits.” Twilight raised an eyebrow in thinking that was not possible.

Unaware of what was going on of why the Nightopians left, the ponies & Owl never knew that the reason was…right behind them. There were two to three gigantic birds, each were a different color (green, blue & pink) & hand sharp talons. Riding on the strange birds were short humanoid imp-like creatures, with strange green caps & solider wearing uniforms with black faces with blank yellow dot eyes & zingy-mouths were seen riding on top. They look like some aerial patrol squad to ride some

The biggest focus was upon someone that seem to look just like NiGHTS, but the signature colors are red & black. This one had bluish skin, pale & frightening, appeared to be muscular, has sharp-looking pointed nails of pinkish/red, & shown to have blue eyes. He’s seen sporting a mask that was gold with a pink jewel in the center with black feathers on the edges. His vest is closed over his chest & has a flame/swirl pattern. He’s seen wearing arm guards & hip-plates with a similar design and fingerless gloves. From one look to another, this guy’s outfit is similar to NiGHTS, but this jester seem…different, even with his arms cross, he seem like a tough contender to deal with.

“I’ve been looking for you, NiGHTS.” The different jester spoke with a remark dry tone, sounding a bit dark while making light conversation to the other jester & ignoring the others who turn to see who was here. “Where’s your Persona? Took it off again, did you?” The guy asked something in seeing NiGHTS had removed something which the ponies didn’t follow.

“Hmph.” NiGHTS scruff off to huff & turn away with her hands to her hips in not sounding to please to see this character. “Reala. Did you come all the way here just to nag me?” NiGHTS address the other red jester by his name, sounding unafraid of the situation, much to Twilight & her friends looking back in feeling this may not seem like a usual friendly chatter.

“Heh heh heh….” Reala undoes his cross arms to let off a dark chuckle before responding to that statement. “I go out of my way & this is how you treat me?” He shrug off to say in seeing how NiGHTS was being so un-cooperative upon their meeting. “Goodles! Seize the traitor!” Reala held up his right hand to command the imp-like creatures on their gigantic birds to get NiGHTS.

Soon the birds squawked out loud before flying off, passing overhead Owl & the ponies before the Goodles surrounded NiGHTS.

“Hey! Let me go!” NiGHTS yelped out loud, as her hands were caught by two gigantic birds, struggle as she wanted, they had her. All while the others watch this action happen at this time.

“Oh no…NiGHTS!” Twilight cried out in seeing their new friend was in trouble.

“Hang on! We’re coming!” Pinkie Pie declared out in seeing they have to help out.

As Twilight, AJ & Pinkie Pie were about to move to offer assistance, Owl flew up to the three ponies to stop their progress.

“Stay back, madams! You’re no match for that one!” Owl warn the three ponies that they are no match against these creatures as they are.

“Ye mean them buzz heads snatching up our pal? I’ve dealt with crows nastier than them!” Applejack protest to say that she didn’t care, like heck she let a friend get drag off.

“Please, you have yet to know the matter that you have no power without NiGHTS to aid you all.” Owl spoke in trying to keep AJ from rushing off, when these ponies Dualize with NiGHTS, they are safe, but without NiGHTS, they are vulnerable.

“Heh…heh…listen to the old bird, little ponies.” Reala was heard letting off a cackle in seeing these three ponies almost do something foolish as Twilight’s group & Owl look to this evil jester. “Now, go you three. Go & lock up the prisoner. I will return shortly.” Reala held up his right hand in command the Goodles in locking up NiGHTS while he deals with other measures.

Soon one Goodle with a pink gigantic bird squawked in response to the order.

“Wait a moment, why are you doing this to NiGHTS?” Twilight asked off against what this evil jester was planning in capturing NiGHTS.

“Hmph, I worry about myself, Visitor. Since neither of you or your friends possess what you lost, you’re not even useful.” Reala huffs with a sly smile to look at the pony as if seeing her as something lease than a bug; while this puzzled the ponies of what he meant by something they lost. “Flee with your minty lives while you can. But know this, there is no safe place & no power to protect you ponies here.” Reala decree this off that no matter where these ponies run to, it’s all in-vain.

Then without another moment, Reala turns away to fly away from Owl & the ponies as if not feeling concern or caution about one Nightopian bird & some weak new Visitors. While Twilight & friends saw Reala leave, they look back to see the Goodles drag NiGHTS off over a hill; the ponies have got to do something.

“Man, de guy sure loves ta talk. Just what were him & them varmints anyway?” Applejack snapped off to say in not getting who Reala or the Goodles are, or their deal.

“Those were the Nightmarens, from the dark realm of Nightmare.” Owl explained to shake his head in sadly explaining who these foes are; Nightmarens.

“Like those Seapos we saw before? Are they like the different version of Nightopians?” Pinkie Pie asked off in thinking the enemies are some sorta Nightmaren creature.

“Unfortunately, it is as you say.” Owl lightly nods to say this with a sad note of his expression. “They aim to take Ideya from Visitors so they can destroy Nightopia.” Owl grimly explained the terrible matter that the Nightmarens aim to achieve

The ponies gasped in having been told this, these Nightmarens actually wanna destroy Nightopia. And that since they made this place, it’ll be destroyed, that seems too cruel for words.

“Ugh…that’s horrible! Why would they do that?” Twilight gasped in having heard this, why would any one wanna destroy places of dreams.

“Maybe so that they can ruin everyone’s dreams & bring fear & terror of everlasting Nightmare.” Pinkie Pie pointed out the main factor of what could be said in the case while earning stares from Twilight & AJ. “What, just saying.” She shrug off to say this in seeing what was the obvious case in point.

“Hate ta admit it, but we might be out of our element. We can’t do much magic here than from our world. So I guess…we’re grounded.” Applejack look down in thinking they ain’t gonna get anywhere, they can barely do much in this world of dreams, & NiGHTS was their best hope to get by, so what now?

Things were about to look down, but maybe for not much longer…

“But wait…” Owl responded to say in having realized something.

“Huh? What-what? What is it? Speak boy, speak?” Pinkie Pie was asking twenty-two questions until her friends cut her off.

“He ain’t a dog, Pinkie Pie!” AJ pointed out that Owl is not a dog in which she asked him to speak up by a command.

“Listen closely, you three. You each have the Red Ideya. I believe either of you may be able to neutralize that cage.” Owl explained the case in where because the ponies hold the Ideya of Courage, that can help them to free NiGHTS.

“Really Owl?” Twilight asked off in pondering if that was true.

“Yes. If you can get into the cell & then Dualize with NiGHTS…” Owl stated to explain how one can help NiGHTS out of the situation the jester was in. “Then you will be able to escape!” From hearing this, Twilight, AJ & Pinkie started to look to each other if they can pull this off, they can help NiGHTS out of the predicament the jester is trapped in.

“Really? Dat’s it, don’t sound dat hard?” Applejack asked off in feeling a bit good in what they have heard in if they reach the cage & Dualize with NiGHTS, they can escape.

“Wait, Owl, is that really as simple as that?” Twilight asked in feeling like maybe it wasn’t a simple jailbreak as they think.

“Ah, yes, of course! The effect will not last long, however.” Owl stated to say this in knowing the matter of the Dualize effort won’t last forever to keep NiGHTS free. “You’ll need to get the keys back from the guards before being dragged back to the cell.” Owl explained that once these three Dualize with NiGHTS, they must get the keys from the Goodles before their time limit runs out & NiGHTS becomes trapped again.

“Wow, so it’s a race against time! Funny, I think I once did a game like that, oh well?” Pinkie Pie asked out in guessing what this was gonna be like for them, a race against the clock; kinda like some game she played back home.

“Alright Owl, thank you for telling us this. And don’t worry. We will free NiGHTS.” Twilight nods her head before she & the others look ahead with determination; they need to do this correctly if they wanna save NiGHTS.

With a nod from Owl in appreciating the effort these brave ponies will do, did Twilight, Pinkie Pie & Applejack slowly begin to move up the hill; During the moment, ‘Eloquent Echo’ was being played in the background for this world. They collected a few Blue Chips that help them out, but they were on the lookout for any signs of Nightmarens or those Goodles that could attack them, so far…none but the guards were nearby. And as they approached where Nights was, they found the jester in some strange object bubble dome cage which had a chain leading up from the ground to the container.

“There she is! Looks like she is guarded.” AJ pointed out in seeing NiGHTS’s cage & that some Goodles are circling around to guard it.

“Wow, she’s zooming around a bit.” Pinkie Pie stated in seeing from her hiding spot, that NiGHTS was zipping around.

“Come on, let’s climb. On three…one…two…three!” Twilight issued that on three, they run from their hiding spots to reach the cage, which was now.

Then quick as bunnies, did the ponies grab the chain to start climbing with Twilight ahead while AJ & Pinkie Pie held up in the rear. They were climbing until they reach the bottom of the cage & then…managed to be inside along with NiGHTS.

“Well now, this is a surprise. You here to spring me?” NiGHTS smiled to see that there were Visitors coming to see her & get her out.

“Yepper!” Pinkie nods off happily to say they are here for just such a thing.

“We’re busting’ ye outta here!” Applejack nods off to say this in what they do next.

“Alright then, time to Dualize now!” NiGHTS issued to say this in deciding it’s time to get moving now.

Soon NiGHTS was flying around before she & Applejack came in contact & a bright light flash inside the cage. Once it was over, NiGHTS was seen flying off in performing a Drill Dash move & now AJ’s spirit was in control while Twilight & Pinkie Pie’s spirits were behind their friend moving the jester’s body.

“First of, we need to get the keys from the guards, if we don’t get all three, then you’ll be back in that cage again.” Twilight’s spirit spoke to explain to NiGHTS in what they need to do.

“No sweat. Owl, you happen to see one?” NiGHTS pointed out to say while flying near Owl in hoping he can inform them of something.

“Oh hoo! The Goodle on that bird has the key! Go after it!” Owl pointed off in seeing further ahead was one Goodle riding a purple bird, he’ll have the first key.

“Then if an’ ye need a roping work, I’m de gal ta do it! Yee-haa!” Applejack’s spirit exclaimed before she flew with NiGHTS body over to perform a Paraloop on some Blue Chips & go on through some golden orb rings.

The Goodle on the purple bird was flying to play keep-away, as it saw NiGHTS flying to come after it & the key it had. It tried to go upwards to escape but was followed, & went down, & though NiGHTS was going through collecting Blue Chips & going through golden orb Rings, the jester perform some Drill Dash moves to boost in speed to catch up. When the Goodle though it lost NiGHTS to crash into some trees, that instead didn’t make the jester lose out any distance. Soon after going around what was likely a full circle, NiGHTS caught the Goodle on the pink bird & in some amazing strength, toss them both to the ground while taking the first key & the Nightmaren vanished afterwards from whence it came from.

“Nicely perform there AJ!” NiGHTS smiled to seeing how well the cow-pony managed to perform some nice work in rushing up one Nightmaren with her body’s aid.

“All in de wrist or yer wrist.” Applejack’s spirit confirmed off to say, but also knew it was from NiGHTS’s aid that she did the work.

“One down, two more keys to get.” Twilight’s spirit stated in how many keys they have obtain.

“Look, there’s another one!” Pinkie Pie pointed out from seeing further ahead, was another Goodle & with the next key.

“Alright then, let’s go get him!” NiGHTS declared in seeing it’s time to chase after the next key keeper.

And then just like that, NiGHTS is seen chasing after the next Goodle, & like before, were passing a few of the Blue Chips & golden orb rings to help get going. And just as the Goodle was on sight however…

“WATCH OUT, SHEEEEP!” Pinkie Pie’s spirit shouted in seeing a head of a sheep…or maybe a ram & yellow cottontail wool appear.

“Baaahaaahhh!” The strange floating sheep made a sound while NiGHTS did a Paraloop over it which managed to suck it into a portal.

“I heard of counting sheep helps ye sleep, but this is ridiculous.” AJ’s spirit spoke off to say in seeing that was weird.

“Those are Shleep, they’re Nightmarens too.” NiGHTS pointed out what they just ran across now.

“Are they that dangerous?” Twilight’s spirit head asked off in not knowing if sheep creatures in this place are all dangerous?

“Not really. They don’t do much besides float around & inflate to get in one’s way, although they can hurt you directly.” NiGHTS pointed out the precaution advice for those to be wary of those Shleep things.

Knowing what to do, AJ still managed to keep NiGHTS going in chasing after the next Goodle riding a green bird & held the second key. And then as they chased, NiGHTS ram right into her old cage to which broke into pieces while still chasing the Goodle.

“Hoo-hoo! Nicely done, there are two NiGHTS Captures remaining! You must destroy them in order for NiGHTS to be free!” Owl was seen flying nearby the area in seeing what the gang did, they destroyed one of three capture cages.

“I thought we needed to get the keys to get her free?” Pinkie Pie’s spirit asked off puzzled by this question.

“Yes, but even then, if you don’t get all three, NiGHTS will be place in another cage much higher than the last.” Owl responded to explain the case of what will happen.

“So even if we get one key, if we mess up, we’ll have ta climb again?” AJ’s spirit questioned off in getting this of what happens after.

“By then, the Goodles will notice us, we have to hurry.” Twilight’s spirit exclaimed that they must get the other two keys.

Soon NiGHTS body went through some tube orb that made the jester blast forward with extra high speed without wasting one’s own strength. Those in NiGHTS got a good view of where they were flying, they flew pass a river & some windmills, there was much to this place while collecting Blue Chips & going through golden orb rings & other things to help them out that would not hurt them. And the group in NiGHTS met with Seapo again as it fired iron balls from its snot at them from the water.

“Watch out for the iron balls the Seapos spit out!” Owl flew with the group to warn them, which they all dodge or NiGHTS perform her Drill Dash on them to make them disappear. After passing by the other obstacles along the way, they were finally catching up to the Goodle on the green bird. Then NiGHTS dive down from one spot, landed on a string wire & it bounced the jester off in a cart-wheel motion to catch up.

“Don’t just rush after the Goodle or it will get away. You need to track its movements. Follow the trail it leaves behind!” Owl explained to AJ controlling NiGHTS that for this next Goodle, one has to follow the path & know where it goes next.

“Oh, AJ, let me have a shot!” Pinkie Pie’s spirit asked in wanting to have a chance to guide NiGHTS through this.

“Wait Pinkie Pie, Owl said to follow its path, I think I can help in that area.” Twilight’s spirit interrupts in thinking she should do this, she can use her smarts to follow what the Goodle might do.

“Alright Twilight; it’s all yers now!” AJ’s spirit nods off in letting her pal in the front as they switch for Twilight to be in control of NiGHTS.

Soon Twilight took control of NiGHTS's body, & she followed the Goodle’s path in planning ahead with her smart brain. And after seeing what its action course was like, she predicted what it do next & lead NiGHTS's body below it when it was going up near a mountain. There, NiGHTS grabbed the Goodle, & as the bird squawk in surprise, the jester toss the Nightmaren down to where it vanished in defeat & got the second key. Then afterwards, the cage was ahead before NiGHTS twirl around & smashed it to bits, knocking the second cage out of order.

“Great work girls, two Key Keepers down…” NiGHTS smiled in seeing that they already took down two key keepers, now it’s only down to…

“One to go! Can I please have a shot now Twilight? Pretty please?” Pinkie Pie’s spirit exclaimed to say and was begging in wanting to have a turn now.

“I guess so. You’re up Pinkie!” Twilight’s spirit rolled her eyes in thinking her friend deserves a shot, which perk up Pinkie’s eyes when they switch.

Pinkie Pie was so excited that when she took control of NiGHTS, she was dashing around to collect many Blue Chips in acrobatic performances & go through golden orb rings, bounce off tight wires from them passing a giant hot air balloon; someone was having fun. And soon NiGHTS went through a secret tunnel in the mountain, & there were wind currents blowing from different directions, so movements & guidance were needing to be perfect. Finally, the last Goodle riding a purple bird was seen, now was the time to catch the guy & end the chase. Soon after passing by some green of fruits from within the mountain, Pinkie Pie did some Drill Dash moves when the target was just getting out by the light exit. And soon without warning, NiGHTS ram to grab the last Goodle & with the squawking bird, toss it down to the ground & saw it vanish away in defeat while grabbing the final key.

“Nice work Pinkie Pie! Now let’s smash dat other cage!” AJ’s spirit cheered in seeing her friend done good.

“Okey-dokey-lokey!” Pinkie Pie’s spirit replied off in hearing the command & shall follow.

As one of the ponies was having NiGHTS fly off to reach the last cage to smash, for a brief moment, the sky seem to turn…red. NiGHTS was the only one who notice this, but decided to wait on it, as Pinkie Pie had her body grab an ice-slope’s cable wire to slide it down the mountain top. Once they reach the bottom, NiGHTS soon flew off to collect the Blue Chips & go through the golden orb Rings, & then passing a valley did they reach the cage…& then bash right through it to destroy it. They did it, they managed to obtain all three keys & now NiGHTS is free.

“Good job every pony! Alright NiGHTS, looks like we can relax a little.” Twilight’s spirit sighs to say in feeling like it’s all over now.

“I wouldn’t celebrate just yet if I were you.” NiGHTS stated to say in looking around in feeling something…off about to happen.

As the pony spirits in NiGHTS were puzzled, something was seen happening around Nightopia, it began to wobble a bit & even the color scenery started to change into a red theme. Even Owl who was near, had to suddenly vanish from the spot, as if sensing…a new danger approaches.


Suddenly, everyone was seemingly warped from the world they were in to a strange place that was a mountainous amount of room. What was even scarier was when the music was playing ‘Drifting Donbalon’ during this places appearance. It seem like a circus-themed pinball-like tower, consists of several areas separated by stylish barriers & has a monstrous face with long, spiked teeth at the top. The area that’s like a lair runs vertical, shown there are many different obstacles scattered around. A bunch of circus cages appear & disappear are found at the top of the tower. Truly this place was like some upside-down world, & its nightmarish horrified appearance did not seem too comforting to be in. Just below at the bottom, NiGHTS & the spirit forms of Twilight, AJ & Pinkie Pie gaze at where they are.

But that was only the opening action, for the red curtain near them parted, & they all saw a Nightmaren that entered. This enemy looked like a four-tailed blue jester hat with red bells, with a pink jewel on his forehead, purple glowing eyes, under which is scar-themed makeup. He also has a red nose & purple skin with thick, grinning lips. There are feathers & a Jacobean ruff around his neck, with his ensemble ending in a waistcoat. His arms are very long & thin wires, ending with white gloves & long, thin, spiky fingers. He has a very spherical body almost like a balloon with patchwork. He was spinning around & around before he stop himself to look down at his targets while letting off an evil cackle.

“HOLY CUPCAKES! WHAT’S THAT?” Pinkie Pie’s spirit yelps in seeing something like this, what sorta enemy is this thing supposed to be.

“Oh boy, it’s Donbalon!” NiGHTS rolled her eyes in holding her head to shake in knowing just who showed up.

“Is he a Nightmaren as well?” AJ’s spirit asked off in thinking NiGHTS seem best at knowing such things.

“Yes, only he’s much stronger than the ones we’ve face. Even if he’s just a giant puffed balloon.” NiGHTS pointed off that despite his looks, Donbalon is much more a stronger Nightmaren than those the others have come across.

“So how can we beat him & get out of here?” Twilight’s spirit asked in how to handle this stronger foe & escape this nightmare area they got transported in.

“Well he’s turn Pure Valley into this…so best way to get out is by beating him.” NiGHTS slowly pointed out to her spirit friends apart of her the only way to get by. “And I think our way out of here is straight up!” She pointed at the very top of this mad structure place, that the only way out; is up.

“Problem…Big Balloon Face is coming at us!” AJ’s spirit pointed in seeing Donbalon was laughing while he was rolling down.

“Then we’ll just have to take him along for the ride.” NiGHTS stated off this fact with a little smile on her face.

“Hugh?” The pony spirits responded puzzled, what was NiGHTS suggesting.

“Don’t worry, it’ll be fine. Just trust me.” NiGHTS stated to say that things will work out, if they believe.

Deciding to trust NiGHTS on what she knew best, AJ decided to be in control of the jester, just before Donbalon almost roll down to them. So in a surprising motion, NiGHTS bop the Nightmaren up to smash against the first closed gate to open a path; all while he let off a creepy clown chuckle.

“Was dat de plan? Bop him upwards & smash him?” AJ’s spirit raised an eyebrow in pondering if that was the way to get by this.

“Close, tell me, when you see this place, what does it make you think of?” NiGHTS responded to say this in having some form of chatter.

“OH! Hey! I get it, it’s like pinball! We have to get the ball to the top!” Pinkie Pie’s spirit exclaimed in suddenly realizing what this was, this place is like a nightmare version of a pinball game & Donbalon was the pinball.

“Right, let’s keep at it!” NiGHTS nods off to the pink pony in getting the idea now.

Soon approaching around Donbalon, NiGHTS landed a tackle that knock the big balloon clown to smash against some energize red blocks. As the jester flew near some green rings, Donbalon was falling pass them, laughing at their misfortunate.

“We missed him.” Twilight’s spirit stated in seeing what happened, they miss to knock the guy upwards.

“Pinkie, I know ye like clowns, but this one here, I’m gonna BOP-HIS-BLOCK OFF!” AJ’s spirit stated off in what she was gonna do when she gets her hooves, or hands as NiGHTS, on this creep.

Soon NiGHTS dive down to get behind & knock Donbalon back upwards where he hit another red block to shatter it. He yelped & then laugh while holding himself as he was coming down to the gang. But NiGHTS managed to bop the giant balloon freak upwards pass two more red blocks. But from not watching out, Donbalon managed to whack NiGHTS off while laughing at the jester when she wasn’t careful.

“NiGHTS, are you hurt?” Twilight’s spirit asked from what happened to NiGHTS, but strangely, they felt a sting too.

“I think the question is, are we hurt? But no problem, just gotta be more careful, come on, we have to make it pass two more paths.” NiGHTS pointed off to correctly state that since they are Dualize, even if the jester takes most of the damages, those apart of her may feel some slight effects; but for now, they gotta keep fighting.

Not wasting anytime, Twilight decided to control NiGHTS, as they flew up to Donbalon to knock the big beach-ball, as he crashed through the second blocked gate. But this guy was still laughing without a care in the world, the next area might be a little harder, but they’ll have to try hard to win. There was some steam sit blocking the view, some red blocks were seen above, & familiar creepy laughter heard above too…

“What’s this place? It looks much harder than the other two.” Twilight’s spirit stated in seeing this stage was not a simple matter to handle through.

“Better question, where is dat Nightmaren?” AJ’s spirit questioned the bigger thought of where Donbalon was.

“Over there! He’s bouncing off the walls, literally!” Pinkie Pie’s spirit pointed out in what Donbalon was doing at this very moment.

As Donbalon laughs off from bouncing from the left to the right, NiGHTS was seen chasing to bop the guy again upwards, but it seems it wasn’t enough. Donbalon laughs off more while using his hands to direct himself & to almost ram into NiGHTS, but the jester stop that to knock him backwards. As the giant balloon foe was upside-down to hold himself, NiGHTS ram to bash Donbalon who smashed into two more red energy blocks to shatter them. The enemy was near the next gate to break through, NiGHTS charged up to get him, but Donbalon reacted quicker to push his hands off the wall downward, where he miss the jester, but was falling back down at the start.

“He’s going back down! We have to stop him!” NiGHTS stated in seeing that the enemy was falling down, not good, they need to take him up to beat him & get out of this place.

“Never fear! I know my game styles, I’ll handle this!” Pinkie Pie’s spirit declared off in deciding to take charge now.

Soon Pinkie Pie took over NiGHTS’s body to dive down in making a golden trail, as they found Donbalon bounce off the other red blocks that shatter to go above to avoid the heroes. He wasn’t making this easy, but then NiGHTS did a Paraloop by Pinkie’s command, & from afterwards, while it didn’t suck the big enemy, it did cause a reaction to shot him upwards & back near the gate.

“Nice going Pinkie Pie, but remember, we have to have him crash that gate.” Twilight’s spirit explained to her pink friend in what they have to do next.

“Roger!” Pinkie Pie’s spirit saluted in hearing the order from her pal.

“Then let’s get de critter!” AJ’s spirit spoke off in determination in seeing it’s time that they fly now.

As NiGHTS flew off when Donbalon fell, he laughs to bounce off another wall & began to fall. He was almost about to fall to the bottom, but bounce off a near edge to go back up that he yelp to, but not before NiGHTS went under to bop him to go up further.

“I got a plan, ready NiGHTS?” Pinkie Pie’s spirit stated in having thought up something, & wants the jester to help in on the action.

“Alright, whenever you’re ready.” NiGHTS replied off in being ready to go when this pony wants to.

Donbalon was soon coming down to almost get the jester, but it became the reserve of who got who. From what Pinkie Pie plan next, she had NiGHTS grabbed Donbalon to spin him around & around a couple of times to almost make the guy dizzy before tossing him way upwards which he yelped to. And then he crashed into the last gate, where even as he made his last laugh, Donbalon seem to have been destroyed upon impact with the spiked ceiling of the demonic face demon’s teeth feature. This seem to settle things, they have just defeated Donbalon. And at that same moment, the song played ‘Peaceful Moment’ as if signaling NiGHTS & friends win.

“Well done there, you’re quite the pinball player, aren’t you Pinkie Pie?” NiGHTS smiled off to give comments in seeing how well Pinkie Pie managed to do in playing to win even in the most oddest of places.

“Awww shucks, it was nothing.” Pinkie Pie’s spirit was seen blushing by the compliments she was receiving.

“Heck, if dat was a tougher enemy, at least we managed ta sent it packing’ right?” AJ’s spirit smiled off in feeling proud of what they managed to do here.

“So NiGHTS, is that it? Are we safe now?” Twilight’s spirit asked in wondering if the battle was over.

“For the time I believe, but don’t worry. We can now head out of this place now, & get back to where we started from; back at Dream Gate.” NiGHTS replied off to mostly say this while keeping a straight smile, as she stated that now they can all leave this place.

The others smiled in hearing that, as this nightmare-version of a world began to slip out of existence. Now they were all gonna be leaving & be sent back to Dream Gate, any place was better than where they currently are. And with that, everything begins to fad out at this very moment and in time.


Soon we find Twilight, Applejack & Pinkie Pie falling gently from the starry skies, as they soon return to the Dream Gate. Upon arriving, they quickly walk about into the place, seems that NiGHTS undid the Dualizing when they left after their encounter with Donbalon. As the ponies were walking, who should fly up near to them than Owl, who they wondered where he went after they were suck into a nightmare environment.

“Oh, splendid job, Visitors!” Owl congrats the ponies here much to their surprise in being praised now. “Defeating that giant Nightmaren was no small feat! Hoo!” He exclaimed in seeing that these ponies were truly remarkable if an effort to defeat Donbalon.

“Oh no…that was just NiGHTS’s power.” Twilight held up her hooves to state the victory for that battle was NiGHTS work.

“Twilight’s right, NiGHTS’s body did all de work, even if we did just move her around.” Applejack nods off to honestly say this fact of what they did and who did what.

“Yeah, we seem to help only a little.” Pinkie Pie lightly nods in agreeing to the subject.

“Even so, you mustn’t rest on your laurels just yet.” Owl issued off to say this about what the group should do here.

“Um, question…what does laurel mean?” Pinkie Pie raised her hoof in not knowing what the word meant.

“It means a recognition of achievement.” Twilight explains the word’s definition to her friend.

“Like as in Honor of wha we did?” Applejack stated off in what she could make out of it.

“Precisely. For while you may be the first bunch of ponies we’ve received. All Visitors originally have a total of five different Ideya.” Owl responded forth to say this statement in explaining something to the ponies. “Fortunately, you’ve managed to hold on to your Ideya of Courage. All of you, in fact.” Owl was moving around the ponies in making this statement of the matter of what they now currently have.

“Wait, so…there are five Ideyas? An’ we were suppose ta have had them?” Applejack asked off in finding this news to be a surprise.

“Yes…the remaining four are the Ideya of Purity, Intelligence, Growth & Hope.” Owl explained what the other four different Ideyas are to the ponies. “They are White, Blue, Green, & Yellow, respectively.” He explained the colors of how to tell the difference of the other four Ideyas when the group meets & uncovers them.

“And we already know the Ideya of Courage is Red!” Pinkie Pie perk up to say this in what Ideya color they have.

“Hmm…I wonder….if they have portions of the Elements of Harmony.” Twilight whispered under her breath to ponder this case since they sense small portions of the Elements of Harmony from the Ideya of Courage, they must need to gather the other four to make them whole & such.

“Until you retrieve all of the Ideya, Nightopia cannot become whole.” Owl exclaimed to finish in stating the conclusion of what will happen if not all Ideya are gather, disaster will insure Nightopia is not whole.

“What?” The ponies yelped in hearing this, what did Owl meant by that, it sounds serious.

“Ideya are the very source of Nightopia. The fact that Nightopia currently exists at all…” Owl explained from his back turn to the ponies, stating the seriousness of how important Ideya is. “Means that the other Ideya must be someplace in this world, very likely hidden!” He stated with a deep thought of where the Ideya maybe, hidden, since Nightopia is still around, the Ideya are well hidden in which they can only be found by…a certain method. “Listen closely, Visitors.” Owl flew up close to the ponies, surprising them while about to make a serious issue here. “These Ideyas are of your very hearts.” He spoke in stating the crucial fact of what the Ideya are & of from where.

“They are?” Twilight asked off in being amazed, she’s never heard about that till now.

“Wow, even I’m surprise to hear that.” Pinkie Pie stated to say this in being surprised big time.

“Retrieve the remaining four Ideya and your hearts will win out over the Nightmarens.” Owl explained the case that if these ponies can gather their last four Ideyas together with the one they have, then they can win against the enemy here.

“Gee, thanks, no pressure or anything, cause we’ve pretty much dealt with it back home. Course, we had other things ta help with.” Applejack sighed off to honestly say this in remarks that the whole thing sounds like extra burden on their shoulders; & as Dream Spirits separated far from their world by a dimension length, they aren’t as powerful as when they had their bodies in the wake world.

“You needn’t worry. NiGHTS is with you.” Owl said this as he was flapping to get more upper in where he was above the rest to say these encouraging words. “And I shall do what I can to keep an eye on you & help you three out to the best of my ability.” He looks to Twilight, Applejack, & Pinkie Pie in promising to help them out as much as he possibly can when they need it.

Before anyone could say another word, Owl soon vanished again right before them. The ponies sigh while looking deep in thought, after learning much of what they heard, sounds like there is a lot going on than they think. They look up in knowing that perhaps if they can help rid the world of Nightmarens, then they might be able to return home to Equestria; it’s worth a shot.

“Come on girls, let’s keep going.” Twilight spoke to her friends in seeing they best keep going now, they gotta help make things happen here.

The ponies are seen moving across the area, & are about to reach the Door to go back into Pure Valley until…they find another Door that was new & active with a Nightopian symbol picture above. This caught their attention to stare in puzzling, when did that door appear, just now maybe?

“I see that you found the My Dream.” NiGHTS spoke in hovering nearby to her friends in what they see before them.

“Ah…My Dream? Is that mine or yours?” Pinkie Pie responded to say but was quickly making the matter a little hard to figure out.

“That’s its name, you three can go to this place to rest up when you can. It’s filled with things we’ve managed to collect, so depending on how you raise it, it’ll be a dreamland or a nightmare.” NiGHTS responded off to say that this place; My Dreams, will be like a resting spot for the Visitors & help nature it to be something they want it to be like.

“Well shoot, I know a thing about raising farms' crop, so this won’t be a problem fer me!” Applejack smiled off in liking the sounds of something that’s farm related.

“Maybe not, maybe we should carefully observe this.” Twilight stated to AJ that what they have to do there is probably different from their way of farming. “But NiGHTS, what about finding our Ideya?” She asked in thinking they shouldn’t stop, they need to find the Ideya and help Nightopia.

“You maybe Dream Spirits, but even spirits need to rest & relax themselves. Don’t worry, you’ll do fine, there’s some explanation for even Visitors to handle the task.” NiGHTS explained that this group needs time to rest & relax before they can go on any big & serious missions; even dreamers need plenty of rest before getting up on their feet again.

“Well…alright, I suppose we can use the moment to recover.” Twilight lightly agreed to the topic, they have been through a lot recently.

“Hooray! Let’s go!” Pinkie Pie cheered in having heard this, they can go to the My Dream place.

“Well NiGHTS, we’ll come back an’ see ye after we’re done, kay?” AJ smiled to say this that when they are done, they will come see this jester again before continuing their mission to help out.

“Good luck!” NiGHTS waved off to say this to the ponies here with a smile.

Soon the ponies touch the door, as the same familiar light escape like the last one. And soon they vanished in entering the door before it closed behind them. With that, NiGHTS also flew off at this time, seeing that with Twilight, AJ & Pinkie Pie resting, she’ll have some free time until these Visitors are fully ready.


And soon the scene opens up to what looks like a grassy field that was floating in the clouds. And where the Door was, it was on a structure park stair-way & there seem to be a few Nightopians that live around here. Course there were some terms of weeds in a nice garden, which were only a few small threat forms of Nightmarens. But other than that, this place did look nice, maybe a perfect spot for the ponies to relax a little & enjoy before going out to rejoin NiGHTS.

“Wow, this place looks so fun. Oh, & look…this sign says here…we can help feed the Nightopians.” Pinkie Pie smiled in having look around, & is already liking the place; she even found a box for giving Nightopians treats so they can be happy as can be

“And this stuff seems ta help keep back & stop any Nightmarens from de Paraloops from causing trouble with de Nightopians. Hugh, who knew?” AJ looked at another box that was label; Nightmaren repellent, which were different as being tiny red ball explosives; guess that might do the trick.

“This is so amazing.” Twilight smiled in seeing this nice place, it’s like they are in their own dreamland. “I sure wish we all were here to see this.” Twilight sighs in recalling that they still have some missing friends that aren’t here, they love to see this.

“Hey now Twilight, don’t feel down. I’m sure we’ll run into them eventually.” AJ smiled to pat her friend’s back to cheer up with some encouragement.

“Right! Just gotta believe!” Pinkie Pie nods off to say that if they believe, then they’ll see their pals again.

“You’re right girls, thanks.” Twilight slowly started to get her spirit back up in having been cheered up.

“Why don’t ye rest, Pinkie can help play with them Nightopians while I tussle them Nightmarens ta behave.” AJ stated in what Twilight should do while the others handle some task to help this place grow into a dream they can enjoy.

“Well, just be careful they don’t bite.” Twilight smiled lightly in telling AJ to be careful, even if the Nightmarens were Seapos & Shleeps, they might still bite.

“Can do!” AJ replied off with a nod to the question.

“Then what are we waiting for, lets party!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed to say this in seeing it’s time to kick back & enjoy…

Soon the three ponies go off in three ways; AJ took the left side to use the repellent stuff to keep the Nightmarens from causing trouble, as Pinkie Pie took the middle to play around with some Nightopians, & Twilight approach the right side to lie under a shaded tree. Perhaps with a bit of work, they can make this place be like their own personal dream wonderland or something to feel comfy in when they complete going through those Doors to find Ideya. With that, the scene goes dark in where Twilight, Applejack & Pinkie Pie shall get a little rest now…

Author's Note:

The use of the 'My Dream' spot will be like from Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance, where one player will rest & one can control the second player for a while & then switch. This will work out fine in the creation of this story of two groups & two events, etc. until they meet for the finale.

Now that this is complete, it's time to get ready for another exciting tale to take the stage. This time, we shall see the rest of the Mane Six: Rainbow Dash, Rarity & Fluttershy, enter Dream Gate. While there, this pony group shall meet with Owls & NiGHTS while learning the same stuff Twilight's gang learn. But misfortunate will intervene, when Reala surprises everyone & takes NiGHTS into one of the next Nightopia worlds. But with some form to help a new friend, Rainbow's group shall brave the task to free the captive jester....just before they end up facing another enemy; Girania! You can probably bet things are gonna be on a new rocky start, so we'll have to stay tune for what happens next time.