• Published 22nd Mar 2016
  • 542 Views, 4 Comments

Suite: Judy Blue Eyes - Shinzakura

Tired of his life in Ponyville, Caramel decides to travel. In the process, he finds out more about himself than he thought...and the mare travelling with him.

  • ...

Second Movement

“Tuesday morning
Please be gone I'm tired of you
What have you got to lose?”

Judy’s voice, was as always, beautiful and sweet, Caramel thought, as they sat underneath a rowan tree. They had been travelling together for two months now, and while he wasn’t sure he’d found himself yet, he was pretty sure he’d found something: he’d discovered a bad case of wanderlust that had taken him well beyond what he’d ever imagined of his small world. Currently, and assuming the map was right, the pair of them were in the Undiscovered West – which was actually well known, but just had a weird name. They’d left a town far smaller than Ponyville, so small and remote that Luna’s return was considered recent news from the capital. They certainly didn’t know about the four alicorns (only Celestia and now Luna, thank you very much) and they weren’t aware of the wedding attack, or Discord, or Tirek’s assault – how did they manage to avoid that one? – or anything like that.

So Caramel and Judy updated the town. And the crowds grew. And by the time they’d started to explain about Friendship Castle and the aftermath of it all, the whole town had shown up to listen to the two of them, raconteurs filling the town with the news of what had occurred over the past four years. And when it was over? They were feted, wined, dined and given practically the keys to the town by a very grateful community. The square dancing later that night had been a blast, but Caramel couldn’t keep his eyes off his beautiful, balletic travelling companion, much to the frustrated sighs of more than a few of the single mares within town.

They next day, they set out, fully provisioned with a cart that Caramel had hitched himself to and with a promise that they would visit the tiny town of Sunbarrow the next time they were in the area. Hours later, they stopped in the remains of what used to be a rowan orchard. The farmhouse and barn were all but abandoned, but the rowan trees grew on their own and made for a great stopping point for the pair. They opted to have an early lunch under the nearest copse, and for no apparent reason, Judy started to sing what she said was an old folk tune from her hometown.

“Have I mentioned you have a sweet singing voice?” Caramel asked her, and Judy blushed.

“I don’t think so. Mother always thought that we should be simple in ways and deeds – stuff like singing wasn’t utilitarian enough for her.” She looked her friend straight in the eyes, and said, “I don’t ever want to go back to my hometown, Caramel. Promise that if we ever approach it, and I want to turn around, that you won’t make me go in, okay?”

“Sure, what’s the—”

“Promise me,” she said, her eyes pleading and on the verge of being wet with tears. Something about that made him sure that he never wanted to see her hurt, and so he simply nodded, deciding it was a topic best not brought up again. A smile crept up on her face, and the two dined on egg salad sandwiches, potato chips and some rowan cider that the mayor of Sunbarrow had personally given the pair. A group of birds began to sing and that brought a great smile to Judy’s face, and that warmed up Caramel’s heart.

Later that night, they’d taken shelter in the ruins of an old castle that dated back to the days of the Warring Tribes. It was drafty and had the musty smell of a place that hadn’t been cleaned in a while, but with the warnings about wolves – real wolves, not the magical timber type – running amok around the area, it was a serviceable location.

Sitting in the candlelight, Caramel read a letter from his sister. She’d sent it about a fortnight after he’d left, but he didn’t get it until yesterday, given that the Postal Service had to catch up with his travels. Thankfully flamefaxes were instantaneous, and he’d thought to ask the postmaster if he had anything on hold for him. The postmaster, a jovial stallion by the name of Express, dug up the letter for him a few minutes later, but it wasn’t until now that he’d had a chance to read the letter.

Dear Caramel,

I’m writing this and it seems forever that you’ve been gone, even though it’s only been a week. The house is certainly quieter than when you left. Little Caramel keeps asking when you’re coming back, and I can see the sad face he has whenever I have to tell him that we don’t know. Caster thinks that this is kinda like a hitch in the EUP or Royal Guard, so you’ll be gone for a couple of years. Sorry to be the downer, but as for myself, I hope it’s not anywhere near that long. I miss having my little brother around.

Speaking of which, a couple of days after you left, Thunderlane and Emerald Ray decided they wanted to experience the wide world as well. They got as far as Dodge Junction before they were thrown into jail because they made nuisances of themselves. Blossomforth went to bail them out and as you can imagine … well, Thunderlane’s in the dog house right now.

Lastly, there is one pony that wasn’t happy to see you go, and I’m not talking about any of us. About two days after you left, Lilac Links came by looking for you, wondering if it was true that you’d left. She then came in and told me that she’d been working up the courage to talk to you, but that you just seemed, well, untouchable for a mare like her. Honestly, I think she’ll burn a candle for you for some time, but depending on how far you go and for how long you’ll travel, I don’t think she’ll still be there when you get back. Besides, this is about letting the future define you, not the past.

Well, gotta go make dinner. Hope to hear from you soon.


- Bell

Caramel folded the paper gently and as he did, he heard the peal of a wolf’s howl in the distance, followed soon by two others. Slightly unnerved by that, he decided to check the doors again – the magic in them still held, strangely, so they remained intact – before throwing more of the broken wooden furniture into the fireplace to last them the night. Even in late spring, this stone structure was cold enough to induce a chill.

Slipping into his bedroll, he was surprised to feel Judy creeping closer to him. “Do you mind if we sleep closer together?” she asked in a shaky voice. “Those wolves freak me out.”

“Not at all,” he said with a soft yet confident voice. “They can’t hurt you while we’re in here.”

Caramel didn’t mean any bravado within his statement, but something about it touched something within his companion. Murmuring a drowsy “My hero,” she then snuggled right next to him before falling asleep.

The blush on his face kept him up for several hours more.

“I’m going to go airborne for a little bit, see how far we are from the next town, okay?” Judy asked.

Caramel nodded, and, pausing only as she kissed him on the cheek, vaulted into the air, and within seconds was a white dot in the otherwise cloudless sky. Pulling their wagon, Caramel paused for a second, still feeling the soft touch of her muzzle on his cheek.

It had been like that for the past couple of weeks now. This growing closer together, in a hemming and hawing sort of way; two steps forward and one step back. Even still, he knew it couldn’t last. Sooner or later would come the point where they went their separate ways, as it was inevitable. They were looking for similar but distinct things, and soon would come the time when destiny pulled him south and her west, or maybe she would decide to stay in a town they came across. Then she would thank him for the trip, promise to write him when he got back to Ponyville, and that would be the end of that. He would never see her again, enjoy her smile or her sweet face, never say what had clearly become more and more obvious to him as the days went by.

He was falling for Judy. That bubbly mare who always smiled and often sang, but also snored and woke up with a bad case of bedmane. Who would be kind and generous and sweet, but always wanted to sleep in late and usually took the last of the sweets. A mare who was a great cook and a good dancer but hated to put up the tent when they had to and absolutely seemed to be afraid of wild animals, even if they were harmless. He’d seen the good and bad about her and it didn’t make a lick of difference to him. Caramel had, for the first time, found at least part of what he wanted in life, and that part had now disappeared into the distance…

…and was now coming back. “Caramel!” she cried, her voice barely audible in the air as she grew larger, a sign that she was flying as fast as she could. A few minutes later, she all but crashed on the grass by the side of the road. “W-we need to get going,” she gasped. “Town’s up ahead, but the EUP’s fighting a pack of manticores. I talked to the sergeant in charge, and he said there’s a road to the east that goes around the town.”

“Okay,” he replied, understanding. “You look exhausted – we’ll take it easy until you catch your breath.”

Tiredly nodding, she managed to make all of two steps towards the cart before collapsing in a heap. “Too wiped,” she admitted with some embarrassment. He merely nodded and unhitched himself before picking her up effortlessly and placing her on his back before walking back to rehitch himself.

“Caramel!” she gasped with some shock.

He gave her a smile as he looked over his withers. “You exhausted yourself and we don’t have time to rearrange the cart so you can ride in it. I promise I’ll try not to shift too much so you won’t feel the bumps on the road.” He didn’t get an answer out of her; not clearly anyway. Instead, she reluctantly laid her head down on his withers, letting her wings droop to cover him and for balance. Each feather felt like a soft kiss of a lover against his side, and the stallion couldn’t help but blush. But it was the words that he swore he heard from her that almost made him slip.

“Feels nice,” he thought he heard her murmur, “Just like the strong stallion I like.”

When she came to, hours and miles later, she didn’t offer any clarification or explanation. Caramel, for his part, didn’t ask either.

The next few days were mostly in silence, mainly because she’d done a lot of flying. In many ways, the trip was lonely, solitaire, and everything that was the opposite of all the weeks he’d spent in the company of Judy. Now, as he walked down a large, dusty road centered within what was Equestria’s tulip country, it was hard to focus on all the beauty around him, the technicolor fields of edible delights and the friendly farmponies working with the flowers. It was just about all he could do to smile and return the jovial waves and greetings they sent him.

Looking up in the sky and seeing nothing but the occasional cloud, he then turned his focus back on the road and the bridge crossing the stream before him. Past that was a sign welcoming him to Meadowglade, Tulip Capital of the World. Passing that, Caramel walked into the town. It seemed to be an older one, with two major rows of businesses down the central thoroughfare, while from what he could tell behind it were dozens of new houses. At the far end of the town was a park, and if he made it out just right, in the center of the park was another one of those statues dedicated to the Element Bearers. Part of him chuckled at that; he knew Applejack absolutely hated those, but as a famous pony, it was bound to happen.

Continuing to wave and flash a plastic smile as he made his way through the town, he finally came to a stop in front of the local inn, located in a building just adjacent to the park. It looked like it was a reconditioned mansion, and he idly wondered who had lived there once. His eyes then wandered over to the establishment’s sign – SUGAR BELLE’S PUB & INN, the lettering cheerfully informed him – and the inviting smell of something absolutely delicious being baked within. Unhitching himself from the cart, he decided to walk in.

As he walked in, a gorgeous-looking unicorn poked her head out of what must’ve been the kitchen. There was something about her that caught his attention. “Hi!” she said in a voice that meant every bit of the smile on her face. “Welcome to Our Town Hotel!”

Caramel blinked. “Our Town Hotel?”

She giggled. “Sorry! I keep forgetting I changed the name of the hotel after Mayor Night Glider changed the town’s name to reflect our main crop. Anyway, I’m Sugar Belle, proprietress of this inn, and I’m guessing you’re new here. Just in town or moving here? Hopefully the latter?” she asked, batting her lashes at him.

“Um, just passing through?” he told her. Admittedly, she was cute, but ... his heart wasn’t set that way. He didn’t want to admit it, but his heart belonged to the mare that wasn’t there. And given that they hadn’t talked all day so far, would she be there? He couldn’t answer.

“So, room for one, then?” Sugar asked with a sultry wink. “Got the perfect room for you, right across from mine. And I’m always available.” The mare was clearly merciless in coming onto him. Was she in heat? Granted, ponies could be amorous at any time in their lives post-puberty, but there was a difference between wanting it and having to have it.

Sugar Belle walked over to the front desk and pulled out a room key. “Bed’s mighty comfy,” she cooed. “Care to give it a spin?”

“Don’t mind if we do,” a voice growled, as a key was quickly snatched from a hoof. Caramel turned to see a soaking-wet Judy standing there, dripping all over the wooden floor of the inn.

Don’t ask,” she said in a tone that brooked no argument. Giving Sugar Belle a glare, she said to Caramel, “Come along now, loverboy.” Without waiting for an answer, she walked towards the stairs leading to the guest rooms, and it was all Caramel could do to give Sugar Belle a glance of apology.

Watching his form ascend the flight of steps, Sugar Belle sighed. “Story of my life,” she groaned, before she headed back into the kitchen.

Upstairs, the happy couple was anything but. “What were you doing?” Judy asked as she stormed into the bathroom with a towel.

“Getting us a room,” he told her. “Thought it’d be nice to stay in a hotel for a change, since we’ve been on the road the past few.”

Judy arched an eyebrow. “And flirting with the concierge was the best way to get us a room?”

“I wasn’t flirting with her! What ever gave you that idea?” Caramel asked. He almost blurted out Why would I even bother with her when I have you? but for some reason just couldn’t get the words out.

Meanwhile, it wasn’t entirely clear whether Judy had heard him. “And while I’m trying to help some of the pegasi in town because their local weather manager was sick, you’re flirting with the local hotel floozy! How could you?”

“How could I what, Judy?” Caramel shot back. “I didn’t do anything – she came on to me!”

Tears were in the pegasus’ eyes. “But you know how I feel about you an—” She suddenly gasped, covering her muzzle with her hooves. The room suddenly fell silent as a line had been crossed.

“What did you say?”

“I ... it was ... nothing. Forget about it,” she demurred, hoping her blurted admission would just go away. Her heart jackhammered within her barrel, and she tried to look away from him.

“Did you just say what I think you said?” Caramel, for his part, was just as stunned. He’d felt that way about her for the longest time, but he didn’t know how to express it. Love wasn’t exactly something that was normal in his life’s equation. He certainly didn’t know what the hell to say now.

Except Applejack would tell me just to be honest in this situation, he admitted. So would his sister, for that matter. And half his friends. Maybe not Thunderlane, but he could be more than a bit dense at times. Even still, just because she felt that way about him, didn’t necessarily mean she wanted a special somepony. After all, they were both travellers…

She looked at him for the longest time, then back at the door. Did that mean she was going to run out and never return? That was a horrifying possibility, and he didn’t want that. But her eyes kept drifting back to the door, more and more, as if that was the inevitable, inexorable choice. He had to do something and he had to do it soonest.

He had to say something. But before he could comment, the words just rolled out of him:

“Lacy lilting lady
Losing love lamenting
Change my life, make it right
Be my lady”

She blinked. Now it was her turn to ask what he said.

“Judy, these past few months have been great. And I don’t want to lie to you: I’ve felt that way about you for the longest time, and I’d be happy if you’d be my special somepony.”

“You mean that?” she said in a surprised voice. “I thought you were flirting with that innkeep and I ... I thought I was going to lose you! But I wasn’t going to leave, really! I ... I love you, Caramel.” The two approached each other, slowly, carefully, and with the nervous trepidation of two individuals realizing they were about to become lovers, they carefully nuzzled each other before their lips moved ever closer. Finally they touched and the two didn’t stop, sharing their first moment of love forever.

When they finally broke, minutes later, she blushed furiously. “Wow. I mean….” She remained speechless, partially hiding her face behind her mane. “Can we do that again?”

Caramel could only smile as he smiled, pure joy in his heart. His sweet Judy Blue Eyes responded, and they gazed into each other’s eyes lovingly before their lips connected once more, the dance of love within their souls.