• Published 11th Jun 2012
  • 8,793 Views, 573 Comments

Melodious Desideratum - Desideratium

You dread the spotlight, but when opportunity arrises, you'll make an exception . . . for her.

  • ...

Dinner With Riffs

You can’t believe you didn’t notice the cellist, not three meters away from you, for the entire duration of the rehearsal.

When Lyrica steps down off her podium of superiority, Octavia tries to stealthily shoot a glance behind her, accidentally meeting your eyes. She holds the eye contact, surprised that she’s been caught. Surprisingly, her normally grey face is rapidly turning a delicate shade of pink, which you find innocently adorable. All traces of the hostility she had exuded when you first met her are gone.

After a tense moment where time seems to freeze, Octavia finally looks away.

The cellist twirls her bow intricately like she’s been doing it for years, which she most likely has. She hefts her cello by the neck and takes it to a waiting black matte case at the edge of the stage, just out of sight for the audience. Gingerly, she places the instrument down on the velvet lining, and clasps the case’s lid down with several satisfying snaps from the buckles.

“So, how was the first rehearsal?”

Vinyl Scratch peeks around the piano, a wide grin on her face. You hurriedly tear your eyes away from Octavia and focus on the DJ. You smile, authentically for a change. Vinyl has a knack for bringing out the best in you. “Just fine. A bit uneventful, compared to the rest of my day. Did you stick around for the whole thing?”

“Nah. Stepped out for a bit of air about an hour in. I needed a little synthesized music to warm my soul, so I hit one of the few clubs that’s still open in this area. You dig?”


“But don’t take it personally. I heard some of your music.”

“Don’t worry, Vinyl. It takes more than your refusing to sit still for a few hours to offend me.”

“Right. We’re cool. Meet anypony nice?”

So far, the only other member of the orchestra you’ve spoken to—besides Royal Riff, Symphony, and Octavia—is Harpo Parish Nadermane, and you wouldn’t throw him under the category of “nice”. You grin a little at the thought. “No, not really.”

“Which is to be expected. I’ve always thought these guys were a bunch of plotholes.”

You take a quick glance around to see if anypony was paying attention. Fortunately, most of the musicians are in the midst of cleaning up, and therefore have little interest in your conversation. “Could you do me a favor, and not try to offend anypony?”

“They’ve heard worse, trust me. But most of them hate me anyway, so I’m not worried about making any more enemies.” Vinyl adjusts her shades a bit. “You want to stop for dinner?” She changes subject at the speed of a Sonic Rainboom.

“Sure. What do you have in mind?”

“That depends if Riffs is coming or not. His opinion of fine dining isn’t actually synonymous with mine.”

“Imagine that.”

“I’d invite Octavia too, but you two have been fighting like an old married couple, so I don’t think dinner would be a great idea. Aye?”

“Sure. What about Symphony?”

“I would have, but she high-tailed it out of here as soon as Lyrica was done talking. Speaking of which . . .” Vinyl grabs you by the shoulders and leads you off the stage. When you look behind you, you just catch a glimpse of a black tail disappearing behind the curtains. “What do you think of that piece of work?”

You search your vocabulary for a suitable adjective, while still focusing on not falling down the stairs. Even after Clusterbuck’s remedial beverage, you’re a little lightheaded. “She’s . . . abhorrent.”

“That bad, huh? I don’t even know what that means.”

Royal Riff is waiting at the base of the stairs, bearing a comforting smile. “How did it go?”

“Great. My only complaint is about our lovely conductor, but what can we do? Oh, by the way, Riffs. Can I call you that? I’ve been saying ‘Royal Riff’ all day, and it gets to be a bit of a mouthful.”

Royal Riffs chuckles. “You are at perfect liberty to call me whatever you want. And I see you’ve had a confidence booster.”

It’s true; your nervousness has all but dissipated. Now, the prospect of performing with the orchestra seems positively exhilarating. “Maybe it’s because auditions are out of the way, and I’ve met your charming cellist.” You feel it necessary to mention Octavia, but you’re not sure why.

“Hey, Riffs,” says Vinyl. “Want to catch a bite to eat with us?”

Royal Riff looks down at a watch you’ve never noticed before. “You do realize it’s almost midnight, don’t you, Vinyl?”

“Midnight is early for me. You know that I’m pretty much nocturnal.”

“I’m a bit of a night owl, myself,” you add.

“What do you have in mind?” asks Royal Riff, unknowingly mimicking your earlier comment.

“Are you coming?”

“I suppose.”

“In that case, we’re going to The Crimson Griffon.”

“The tavern?” asks Royal Riff warily.

“Bar and grill,” Vinyl corrects. “It should still be open this time of night. Are you game, Riffs, or is that too lower-class for you?”

“I’ll be fine. It is one of the finer places to eat in town, which surprises me, Vinyl. Whatever happened to getting pizza and dubstep at some nightclub? I’ll never forgive you for that, by the way, since I’m still washing the alcohol out of my mane.”

You and Vinyl laugh, and even the violinist cracks a grudging smile. Even though you’ve just met him today, Royal Riff is rapidly becoming a good friend. He provides a much-needed filter from the DJ’s constant exuberant behavior. A bit of class mixed in with the madness.

“I’ll take that as a yes, then,” Vinyl giggles. “Let’s get a move on, then.”

“Vinyl, it’s about five degrees outside. And I don’t have anything warmer than what I’m wearing.” Which just so happened to be nothing.

“Don’t worry, I could whip something up,” you say. Now that you’re back to full power, a heating spell for the three you should be effortless.

“If you don’t mind me asking, what is that supposed to mean?” Royal Riff looks uncharacteristically nervous. In response, you tap your horn with a hoof, which does little to comfort the violinist.

“Whoo hoo hoo! Look at you and your high-horse magical powers!” remarks Vinyl. “Never fear, our pianist is a sorcerer! He’ll see us safely through the night.”

You smile modestly. Even with the bolster in fortitude, you still try to underrate your abilities. “Sorcerer? No. More like closet experimentations. Simple stuff.”

“Fair enough,” says Royal Riff. “Shall we?”

“We shall!” announces Vinyl. “Onward!”

You and Royal Riff follow the enthusiastic DJ outside. The snow has done little to abate, and if anything, has thickened. And to add to the difficulty, the temperature is even lower. Icicles are practically forming in your mane, and a deep chill permeates you to the core, freezing your muscles.

“N-now would be a good t-time to do whatever you were planning,” chatters Royal Riff. Snow has layered on his back, matching his white mane perfectly. His whole frame is vibrating visibly, and you hear a faint clattering coming from his mouth, caused undoubtedly by his knocking teeth.

“You okay, Riffs?” you say, taking your sweet time to fire up your magic. Surprisingly, you kept your own chattering teeth hidden, which adds to your general appearance of being perfectly comfortable.

“I’m j-just fine. Just a little chilly, that’s all.”

Your horn lights, lighting the immediate area in cinereal light. A wave of pleasantly warm air engulfs the three of you, forming comfortable and protective barriers around your bodies. Besides dispelling the cold, the heat melts all the snowflakes that come within six inches.

“Well, that’s . . . something,” comments Vinyl. “Could you teach me that little trick?”

“Maybe later, Vinyl,” you reply. “Now let’s get going—I can’t keep the spell going for too long.”

“Right. This way.”

You have no idea how Vinyl can see where she’s going. Her horn is lit to provide a little extra light, but the snowfall is so thick that it inevitably does next to nothing. The teal beam of light bounces off the white flakes, only illuminating a few hoof-lengths in front of her nose. Fortunately, it seems that Vinyl has an impeccable sense of direction; she navigates the narrow roads confidently in the semidarkness. You and Royal Riff are forced to trust that she actually does know where she’s going.

Normally, Canterlot is beautiful at night, but your view is largely obscured by the massive snowstorm.

Ahead, Vinyl suddenly curses. Royal Riff catches up to her, with you following close behind. “What’s up?” you ask.

Vinyl points at a dark mass in front of you. A lit fluorescent sign announces the name of the building: “The Crimson Griffon”. And under it, hanging from a nail in the door, is a bright red “closed” sign. “Well, we found the place.” Royal Riff’s attempt at cheeriness.

“Yeah, we did,” Vinyl grumbles. “But we can’t actually get in to get food.”

Secretly, you’re not exactly surprised that the restaurant is closed. Judging by Royal Riff’s watch, it’s a little after midnight. You don’t know much about Canterlot, but in Ponyville, everything would have been closed down about an hour ago. “So, now what?” you voice.

“I dunno,” says Vinyl.

“We could go over to my place,” offers Royal Riff. “I could whip us up some food.”

The prospect of getting indoors is appealing, and you’d like to see where the violinist lives. You look to Vinyl to catch her opinion. She looks understandably disappointed that her plans have been knocked askew. “Sure. Let’s go.”

“Right,” says Royal Riff. He looks around uncertainly. “Now I’m not sure if I know where in Celestia’s name we are, though. It is awfully dark, you know.”

Vinyl’s horn is lit, but not brightly enough. Splitting your mind off like you do when doing you morning chores, you keep some concentration on the heating spell, but a second portion of your mind lights your horn up like a beacon. Now, instead of seeing only a few inches, you can make out the buildings on the other side of the street.

“Lead on, Royal Riff.”


Royal Riff inserts his key into the locked door of his apartment, and after a quick twist that you didn’t know was possible for earth ponies, the door pops open.

The three of you tumble gratefully into the warm apartment. About ten minutes ago, your heating spell had faded, leaving you to walk another couple of blocks in the sheer cold. It was a welcome sight when the silhouette of Royal Riff’s apartment building appeared in front of you.

Royal Riff flips on a light, revealing a spotlessly clean living space, dotted with modern-looking furniture. “Let me get a fire going, and then I’ll track down some food.” He gestures at an achromatic sofa sitting next to a fireplace, signaling for you and Vinyl to make yourselves at home. The DJ complies, flinging herself down on a nearby armchair. You lower yourself gratefully onto the couch, your aching bones moaning in relief.

Royal Riff goes over to the base of the fireplace and twists a small knob, causing a raging blaze to spring up behind the metal grate. The heat spreads across the room, instantly negating the outside chill. Vinyl moans in ecstasy. “Royal Riff, I think I might be in love with you.”

“Thank you, Vinyl, but you’re not my type.” Royal Riff disappears into the kitchen, his voice carrying back to where you and Vinyl are reclining.

“Okay, I knew it was a far-fetched relationship.” Vinyl continues the joke.

“Do you have other commitments?” you contribute.

“Nah. Basically one-night deals, but nopony sticks around.” Vinyl doesn’t elaborate, but you don’t press. Her demeanor darkens, barely noticeable, but clear as day for your observant mind.

“How does pasta sound for you two?” comes Royal Riff’s voice.

“Sounds great, Riffs.” Vinyl’s voice sounds cheerful, but her body language still looks sulky. You regret bringing up a sore subject now.

“It’ll be just a minute. Find some way to entertain yourselves.”

“Sure thing,” Vinyl says.

True to his word, a few minutes later, Royal Riff trots out bearing three plates piled with steaming, curled pasta, topped by a layer of marinara and parmesan cheese. He slides them down on the coffee table, placing them precisely in front of each diner. “Enjoy.”

“Thanks, Riffs,” you say. Vinyl shows no such consideration, since her face is already buried in her meal. Elegant, not remotely, but that’s Vinyl’s style.

Royal Riff’s cooking is exquisite, and you all finish in a matter minutes.

After your plates are cleaned, Vinyl excuses herself, and you decide to call it a night too.

And the strength of your friendship keeps you warm all the way home.