• Published 5th Mar 2016
  • 1,162 Views, 13 Comments

Rise of the Equestrians - Doodle Note

A group of humans and Equestrians join forces to stop an Alliance of Darkness from destroying humanity and resuming the war. (Minecraft: Story Mode/Equestria Girls crossover)

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Chapter 3: Invasion

Sunset looked around EnderCon for her friends. She was glad that she and the others won, which means everything was going according to plan, but she was starting to see some people who were in the competition making faces of jealousy at Sunset. She can also hear what others were saying about her.

"Her hair is, like, so weird."

"What a freak."

"I like the way she dresses, but she is so weird."

Sunset sighed. "Celestia was right. Keeping my powers a secret really is hard. I wonder how the others are doing without me."

"Sunset!" A voice yelled.

Sunset turned and saw Starlight running up to her. "Starlight! Congratulations for winning the competition."

"Thank you! Everything is going as how you planned it would be!" Starlight exclaimed. "Something tells me that the Trio of Wonder's luck is changing."

"As soon as we find the Order, we can get out of here and get back to Equestria. But where's Rara?"

"She's at the place where we get to see the Order." Starlight grabbed Sunset's hand and ran. "Come on!"

"Starlight, what is Rara doing right now. Is she considered a freak too?"

"Used to, but now she's lovable!"

The two stopped and saw many people clapping.

Sunset went through the crowd to the front and saw Coloratura singing and playing the piano and her necklace glowing.

And let the magic in my heart stay true
Whoa-whoa, oh-whoa oh-whoa
And let the magic in my heart stay true
Whoa-whoa, oh-whoa oh-whoa
Just like the magic inside of you
Just like the magic inside of you

Everyone cheered as the glow around Coloratura's necklace fades.

"Rara!" Sunset called.

Coloratura turned and saw Sunset. "Sunset, you're okay."

The crowd walked away.

"Rara, don't you remember why we're here?" Sunset asked in a demanding tone.

"I know, we're only here to find the Order and that's it." Coloratura answered. "Now come on. We have to meet them."

Starlight and Sunset followed Coloratura to the theater.

As the trio walked in, the lights dimmed and a girl with black hair and blue eyes wearing a blue dress, black leggings, and black flats walked through the curtains and a light shines on her.

"Good evening, everybody." The girl said. "Welcome to EnderCon Theater. Now is my fabulous honor to proudly present, Jesse, leader of the Order of the Stone!"

The crowd cheered, but Sunset wore a face of confusion, seeing Jesse wearing blue, orange, and white armor and boots walk up the stage.

"All this time, I've been saved by the leader of the Order of the Stone?" Sunset whispered.

Outside the theater, an usher with long blonde hair and blue eyes wearing a blue t-shirt, white shorts, and black sneakers was guarding the front. He turned and saw three cloaked girls walking up to the theater, but he stopped them.

"Hold up, ladies. I would like to have your tickets."

One of the girls looked at the usher as she lit her right hand with a red light and blasted magic at the usher, blowing him away. Then she turned to the other girls. "Let's go, girls. We have work to do."

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Can we keep him hostage? I love it when we keep hostages!" One of the other girls yelled excitedly.

"No, but we can give him some questions." The girl took off her hood showing her orange and yellow curly hair held by a spiky purple headband and magenta eyes and turned to the third girl. "Aria, give him the questions."

The third girl took off her hood showing her purple and green hair tied to pigtails and purple eyes and walked up to the usher, who was now sitting down with his back on the wall. "Okay, human. Where is the fire-haired girl?"

The usher pointed to the theater. "S-S-S-She is in there!" He stuttered with fear. "With her friends!"

The girls turned to the theater and walked up the stairs as the two put their hoods back on. The girls walked to the side of the theater and climbed a ladder up the wall. Then they walked on the roof and looked into the window seeing the crowd. The three took their hoods off.

The girl with blue and indigo hair tied to a ponytail and bright magenta eyes gasped in delight. "No way. The leader of the Order of the Stone! Can't wait to have his autograph!"

"We're not here to get autographs, Sonata." One of the girls, Adagio Dazzle said. "We're here for revenge." She turned and saw Sunset, then looked at her pendant, which was a red jewel that was glowing. "Master, we found her."

"Good. Good."

Back in the theater, Sunset was now getting used to the fact that the human that saved her in the forest was the leader of the Order of the Stone. But then she felt something was wrong as she turned and saw three figures looking through the window. Sunset ran out of the theater not knowing that Coloratura and Starlight noticed her.

"Sunset! Where are you going?!" Starlight yelled.

Coloratura turned and saw the three figures outside. "Oh no."

Sunset went to the side of the theater, climbed the ladder, and went to the place where the girls were. "Dazzlings!"

The three girls turned and saw Sunset.

"Well, well. If it isn't Sunset Shimmer." Adagio said menacingly.

"Adagio Dazzle. Aria Blaze. Sonata Dusk." Sunset said. "What are you three doing here? Going to start another invasion on the Human Island?"

"Ding! Ding! Ding! You are correct!" Sonata Dusk exclaimed. "But we're not doing the invasion alone. We're bringing lots of friends over."

Aria Blaze punched Sonata in the arm.

Sunset turned and saw many green dots in the sky. Then she turned back to the Dazzlings and glared. "You wouldn't."

"We would. And we did." Adagio said.

The green dots got closer, showing that they were bug-like people with dark skin, black hair, fangs and green bug eyes wearing shiny black and green armor.

Inside the theater, everyone in the crowd was now asking Jesse questions.

"That girl is way out of her head. Right, Rara?" Starlight turned and saw Coloratura pushing herself through the crowd. "Seriously?!"

As Coloratura went in front of the crowd and raised her hand, she finally got Jesse's attention.

"You. The one with the strange hair and the cool necklace." Jesse said.

"You have to run!" Coloratura yelled.

Everyone in the crowd wore faces of confusion. Including Jesse.

"Um, excuse me?" Jesse asked.

Coloratura walked up to the stage and turned to the crowd. "You're in danger! All of you!"

The audience got more confused.

"Miss, what are you talking about?" Jesse asked in disbelief.

"You all have to get out of here!" Coloratura yelled. "We're not safe! We're going to be under attack if we don't get away from here!"

Starlight looked up and saw Sunset talking to the three figures. Then she ran to the stage and joined Coloratura. "There's something you all should know."

Everyone felt the ground rumble.

"What's going on?" Jesse asked in shock.

Coloratura turned to Jesse. "We're under attack."

Outside, Sunset just stood there watching the bug people keep getting closer.

"Weren't expecting this to happen, were you?" Aria asked menacingly. "Well, prepare to meet your doom, Sunset Shimmer. Because now we know where you are."

Sunset started running away.

"What a traitor." Adagio said.

As Sunset jumped off the roof, many people ran out of the theater and ran past her. Then she saw Coloratura and Starlight with Jesse by their side. "Rara! Starlight!"

Coloratura and Starlight turned, saw Sunset and ran to her.

"You just left us in there!" Starlight yelled.

"I only left you in there because the Dazzlings are here!" Sunset explained.

"Dazzle-what now?" Jesse wanted to know. "Sunset, what are you talking about?"

"Wait, you two met?" Coloratura asked in confusion.

"I'll explain later." Sunset said. "But now-"

"Jesse!" A voice yelled.

The four turned and saw Axel, who was now wearing a green jacket, orange pants, brown gloves and boots with green and yellow specks, and a glass helmet, Olivia, who was now wearing red and gold armor with a black undershirt, white sleeves, red and gold boots, and a red helmet with gold goggles, Petra, who was now wearing blue and gold armor, boots and helmet, and Lukas, who was now wearing an orange shirt under a black jacket with gray shoulder pads and pockets and black pants, a brown and blue belt, gray finger-less gloves, brown boots and gray goggles, running up to them.

"What's going on?" Olivia asked.

"Why are there bug people flying in the sky?" Axel asked pointing at the sky.

"I'll explain later. But now, we have to go!" Sunset demanded and ran with the others following her.

One of the bug people turned and saw the trio with the five humans. "There!"

The bug people flew down to get them.

The trio and humans saw the bug people flying to them. They turned to the front and saw a bug person fly in front of them.

"Holy moly! What is that?!" Jesse yelled pointing at the bug person.

Sunset glared as she lit her hands with magic and shot the bug person with magic, putting the humans in shock.

"I knew there was something strange with her." Axel added.

The trio and humans kept running. As they were about to reach the exit, they stopped seeing a bunch of bug people in front of them.

Petra glared and pulled out a sword made of gold. "Everyone, get behind me!" As she ran up to the bug people, she stopped when she saw a copy of herself. "What?" She puts her sword away and walked up to her copy. "Interesting." She saw her copy clench her right fist as her copy punched her in the face. She held her face and turned to her copy. "What in the name of...?"

The bug people then shifted into one of the trio and humans.

"How are they doing that?" Lukas wanted to know.

"They're called Changelings." Sunset answered. "Don't let them put harm into you. We have to find a place to hide so they can't find us."

The trio and humans ran up the Changelings to fight them.

Lukas looked around the place as he turned seeing three copies of himself about to hit him. "Um, guys! It's me. I'm one of you people. I swear."

One of the copies took out a green sword and pointed it at Lukas.

"Okay, that's a cool sword. Where did you even get that?"

After Coloratura fought off her copy, she turned and saw Lukas surrounded by three copies of himself. "Oh, you got to be kidding!" She ran up to Lukas and shot his three copies, turning them back to their regular selves. Then she turned to Lukas and glared. "Ever seen a stupid Changeling before?!"

Lukas shook his head as Coloratura placed her hand on her face.

Jesse backed up as he felt someone bump into him softly from behind. He turned and saw Olivia, but realized that it wasn't her, seeing her turn into a Changeling, who was going to attack him, but Jesse grabbed both his fists. "Okay, everyday just keeps getting weirder and-"

The Changeling landed on him, getting attention by many copies of Jesse.

Sunset shot magic at her clone, turning her back into a Changeling. Then she turned and saw a pile of Changelings disguised as Jesse piling on the real Jesse. "Jesse!"

A copy of Jesse was about to jump into the pile, but Sunset shot magic at him and the other Changelings and started carrying the real Jesse with her magic and placing him on the ground.

Jesse dusted himself and turned to Sunset. "Thanks."

"Now, we're even." Sunset said.

Axel wore a smile looking at a Changeling.

The Changeling turned into Petra. Then it turned into Lukas. Then Olivia.

Axel laughed. "Me next! Me next!"

The Changeling rolled her eyes and turned into Axel.

Axel smiled faded. "Nah. I can do better." He grabbed Starlight as she grabbed the back of her hair and used her as a gun blasting magic at the Changelings.

The Changelings were now weakened, but one disguised as Petra went up behind Petra and was about to punch her, but Petra punched her from behind knocking her out.

"Okay, now we have to find a place to hide." Sunset demanded.

"Don't worry. We know a place where we can hide. Follow us." Jesse and the others ran to the exit.

The trio and humans saw the gate about to close, but Starlight stopped it from closing as they finally went out.

Coloratura was huffing. "How much longer?"

"We'll be there soon!" Olivia replied.

"Does anyone else have the feeling of deja vu?" Petra asked.

"Right over here." Lukas replied.

Sunset looked behind her and saw the Changelings flying after her and the others.

Two Changelings flew down and picked up Axel by the arms, leaving him screaming.

Sunset looked up and saw the two Changelings with Axel as she blasted magic at both of them. Now with Axel falling, she carried him with her magic.

"Thanks." Axel said. "You know, Sunset. The first time I saw you, I knew there was something suspicious about you."

"Can we talk about this later?"

"Um, okay."

"Don't worry, everyone. We're almost there!" Jesse yelled.

Axel turned and saw the Changeling about to shoot magic and saw one shoot at Sunset. "Sunset, look out!"

Sunset jumped dodging the attack.

"Turn left!"

Sunset turned left dodging another attack.

"Okay, now turn right!"

Sunset turned right dodging another. "I appreciate your help, but I can do this my-" She then saw a tree fall down as she threw Axel into the air and jumped over the tree. Then started carrying Axel again.

"That was awesome! Can you do that again?"

Sunset growled in annoyance as she and the others ran into a temple made of obsidian.

The trio and humans stopped as Sunset placed Axel on the ground.

"This temple is made of obsidian." Jesse said. "We'll be protected here. Well, let's all hope so."

They heard screaming and turned seeing many people from EnderCon run into the temple.

"I guess they followed us here." Starlight added.

"Maybe they did." Petra agreed.

Sunset turned seeing a portal made of obsidian. "Jesse, what is that?"

Jesse turned to the portal. "That there is the portal to the Nether." He and Sunset walked up to the not lit portal and took out flint and steel. "Now all we have to do is light it up."

"Or..." Sunset looked at the portal as her eyes flashed with magic lighting up the portal.

"First you light up a beacon without a Nether Star, and now you light up the portal without flint and steel?" Jesse puts the flint and steel away. "Sunset Shimmer, you are the weirdest person I've ever met. Weird, but pretty cool."

"We have to keep this place protected." Lukas said.

Starlight lit her hands with a cyan light and started making a force field around the temple. "You guys go through the portal and find a way off the island. I'll protected these people from the Changelings."

"Starlight, we're not leaving without you!" Coloratura yelled.

Starlight turned to Coloratura. "Rara, if anything happens, I'll find a way back to Equestria."

"Equestria?" Axel wanted to know. "Who's Equestria? Is she a friend of yours or something?"

Coloratura rolled her eyes and saw Starlight straining. "They're here!"

Outside the temple, the Changelings were trying to break the force field with all their might. The Dazzlings were there as well.

"You want to destroy Sunset Shimmer? You have to break the force field like you mean it!" Sonata yelled getting another punch on the arm by Aria.

Back inside, Axel, Lukas and Olivia ran through the portal. Petra grabbed Coloratura's arm and ran through the portal.

Jesse saw Sunset remaining in her spot. "Sunset, we have to go!"

Sunset ran to the straining Starlight. "Starlight, are you sure you'll be okay?"

Starlight opened her eyes. "Don't worry. I'll be-" She yelled in pain and fell to her knees.

Sunset heard the force field crack and shatter from outside. Then turned to Starlight and saw her weakened. Sunset turned to the ceiling and pulled out her stone sword. "Changelings! You want me?! Come at me!" She saw the ceiling break and fall to the ground. As Sunset was about to fight the Changelings, one of them blasted magic at her, blowing her into the portal with Jesse.

One of the Changelings looked inside and saw that Sunset was gone, but Starlight remained weakened. The Changeling flew to Starlight, grabbed her, and flew out of the temple and went to the Dazzlings. "Sunset is gone, but I have one of her friends." He threw Starlight to Adagio.

Adagio walked up to Starlight, went on one knee and grabbed Starlight's face. "Hello, Starlight Glimmer. We meet again. Once we find Sunset and destroy her, we will finally get our revenge and resume the war."

"You'll never get away with this, Adagio Dazzle." Starlight said clenching her teeth. "NEVER!"

"Oh, we already have."