• Published 30th Jan 2016
  • 376 Views, 12 Comments

Becoming Your Own OC - reallynewperson

Garrett and Sam are sent to Equestria, as their own OCs. But, will they still be themselves, or has Celestia’s magic done more than they originally thought?

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Day 0

It is a sunny day in the state of Washington. Two friends, Garrett and Sam, are in school, eating lunch in a white hall with blue rubber trimming at the bottom, next to a band room, listening to the crappy music as they wait for lunch to end. They are quite bored. Garrett flips his hair out of his eyes, and decides to strike up a conversation.
“Hey, Sam! What’s up?” Garrett asks.

“Oh, not much. How about you?” responds Sam.

“Well, I just got ourselves two tickets to Everfree Northwest!”

“No way! I thought those sold out a long time ago.”

“You’re correct! But I have...connections…” said Garrett, in a sneaky tone.

“Well, we should probably get going!”
Upon the end of the lunch period, Garrett & Sam snuck out of the back door of the high school, thanks to the less-than-satisfactory security personnel on hand, ready to go to the horse convention. However, something was...off about the outside. The colors seemed faded, much more than usual, thanks to the frosty, chilly weather of Washington’s winter months. In addition, they saw something extremely out of place, a television. An old, decrepit CRT, box television, weighing in at several hundred pounds.

“What’s that doing out here? Shouldn’t that be in a classroom?” queried Garrett.

“I don’t know, but we don’t have to be a the con for a little bit, let’s check it out.” responded Sam.
Once they walked over to the television, somehow, it turned on, though it wasn’t connected to anything. Displaying a harsh static visual, a low, grumbling noise was heard, growing from almost inaudible to a deafening noise.

“WHAT IS THAT NOISE?” yelled Garrett.

The television began to glow brightly, and begun to pull the two inside with an extreme, painful force.

Garrett & Sam then land in a strange, foreign looking castle.

“Ugh, where are we?”, groans Sam, looking up from his fall.

“Seriously, dude? Look around! It’s Celestia’s castle!” responds Garrett.

“Yeah, but MLP is just a TV show we watch. It’s not re---” Sam is cut off once he took a look.

“My goodness, it’s real.”
A soft, but forceful voice was then heard.

“Hello. You two have been brought here for a very, very special reason, I can assure you.” responded the voice.

“Who is that?” said Garrett.

“You know who it is” responded the voice.

“Oh, Celestia.”
“Well, why are we here? Isn’t this entire place, like, a television show?” asked Sam.

“In your world, our universe is nothing more than a show on your televisions. However, this world is as real as either of you two. But, that’s hardly relevant right now. Like I said, I’ve brought you two here for a good reason. Discord wanted to see how humans adapt to living in an alternate dimension for some time, and we lost a bet…” said Celestia.

“But, what about our families back home? Won’t they get really, really worried about us?” worries Sam.

“Fear not. Time has been frozen in your universe. No matter how long you stay here, nobody will know the wiser back on Earth”

“Well, alright.”
Celestia then orders the castle guards to teleport the two into Ponyville, ignoring the questions coming from Sam and Garrett.

Garrett & Sam land on the soft ground of the Ponyville square, disrupting the town.

“Who are those strange ponies?” one villager says.

“Wait, are those two from around here?” another responds.

“Ouch, Celestia really has to figure out a better way to teleport us. That hurt.” says Garrett.

“Yeah, they need to work on th--” Sam says, immediately covering his mouth.

“Well, hello there” Garrett said, his voice deepening.

“Garrett, you know who I am” Sam says, unamused.

“Sorry ma’am, but I don’t think I know anyone who sounds like that, but I'd love to get to know you.” Garrett said, giving a sly smile.

“It’s Sammy...” says Sam, rolling his eyes, due to the nickname Garrett gave him.

“Oh, woah! Sorry, man, you don’t sound yourself!” Garrett says, with a blush.

“Oh my god, what is happening. Am I….a mare?”

“Well, your mane is blue, and you’re brownish. You also seem to be a pegasus” says Garrett, pointing to Sam’s wings.
“Misty Showers, my OC!” Sam yells.

“Uhm, well as for you, you’re a really dark unicorn, your mane is really short, like, you’ve never even brushed it.” Sam says.

“I’m Ombre!” says Garrett.

“Well, why would Celestia make us our OC’s? That seems really weird. And above all…why would she use my mare OC? I know it’s the one I use the most, but this is going to get weird.

“Maybe she wanted to make us something we could relate to? And, our OCs are a lot like us. I don’t know.”

Garrett and Sam, in the bodies of their OCs, trotted around Ponyville, desperately trying to find where their home was, as Luna was already raising the moon.

“Did Celestia even say where our home was?” asked Sam.

“No, I don’t believe she did. Looks like we’ll just have to find it” responded Garrett.

“Just a hunch, I think it might be that one.” said Sam, pointing at the house that had “MISTY AND OMBRE’S HOUSE” written on a sign in front of it.

“Ponyville’s not much for subtlety, eh?” said Garrett to himself.

They trotted into their new home, Sam taking note of their surroundings. This house was a pretty nice looking house, given the circumstances. A quaint, quiet feeling left the two feeling positive. The house was pretty short, only a single story, but it was quite liveable, with a large living room, a single bedroom, and two bathrooms.

“Wait, why is there only one bedroom?”, asked Sam.

“Because...um...Discord is...weird, I suppose” Garrett questioned all ideas leaving his mind.

“That's not a very good answer, to be frank.” Sam said.

“I have no idea then.” Garrett said, seemingly defeated.

“Well, let’s go get settled. Looks like it’s already night-time, anyways.”
The two found the bedroom. The bed was nice and fluffy, very comfortable. However, Garrett seemed uncomfortable sleeping with his friend, so he instead took to a box he found to the side of the bed. Sam jumped into the bed, ready to worry endlessly about meaningless things.

Alright, let’s think this over. I’m a mare, first of all. Like, what? I’m a mare. I still can’t believe it. I’m a mare. But even weirder, this all feels...natural. I’m the opposite gender, in a world I just found out exists today, with my best friend, and it all feels normal. Something very, very weird is happening here. Sam thought to himself.

I need to get some air.
Sam then hopped out of bed, opened the window, and took to the skies. Meanwhile, back at their home, Garrett was doing some very different things.

“Whuh?” Garrett said as he heard the window open.

“Have a nice flight, I suppose.” He said after the newly turned mare was out of earshot. He got out of his box and went downstairs, realizing he wasn’t going to fall back asleep.