• Published 10th Jun 2012
  • 6,120 Views, 57 Comments

Fate/Misplaced - Darksidedownloaded

Gilgamesh, king of heroes has suffered many indignities, but this, this just might be the greatest.

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First verse/Misunderstandings

So, it’s been about a month. S’up? Sorry for the long delay, but I DID warn people though that I was currently in the midst of the fiery pits of hell (med school exam period) and, as things would predictably have it, it was a time whore. I won’t give this up though. I really wanna try to finish this one without losing my hype over it being my second ever public-made story and all (snafu RPs not included).

Anyway, noticed I got quite a few negative reviews on the first chapter. Obviously this indicates that either people hate Gilgamesh and the Fate/stay night for its underwhelmingly explained universe (perfectly understandable) or my skills as a writer are rather less than stellar. Going with the second option myself, I’m gonna have to ask you guys for any constructive criticism you can offer. My imaginary future line of novels demands it, and God knows I ain’t becoming a better writer by banging my head against a wall (I tried).

Thankfully, to correct my occasional hiccups i have my proofreader: CrossoverManiac to watch my literary back. Were we all so lucky...

Without further ado, enjoy:

Chapter 2:
First verse/Misunderstandings

It had been a very tiring day for Ditzy.

Waking up from the first rays of Celestia’s sun to attend the two jobs you had to hold up for the sake of your family tended to wear a pony down, especially one with an infallible talent and unmatched affinity for accidents and trouble like her. A trait that sure as hay hadn’t helped this particular blond-maned, cross-eyed pegasus any. Just earlier that day, she had mixed up the letters between a count in Cloudsdale and some poor mare in the outskirts of Ponyville. Ms. Bottomline had been very disappointed to know that she had not, in fact, unknowingly bought the deed for the Lucky Wings Race Track, a sentiment that she had spared no small amount of energy in conveying to the mail-mare. Dear sweet Celestia, it had been months since Ditzy had seen another pony shout like that.

It was hard to imagine that was the highlight of the day. It still got worse. Her boss at the moving business had taken a full blown hour to chew her out for taking the chariot to the wrong side of town. During every other second of those nightmarish sixty minutes, Ditzy was worried that she might soon be forced to look for a new job. Thankfully, Mr. Charger hadn’t gone that far but, Celestia, had he come close. Ugh, that

doo-doo head! It wasn’t her fault she went north instead of south, not this time. Honest! Those traffic pegasi should really learn to give better directions.

All in all, it was just another Monday for Ditzy, or, at least, it would have been if that had been the end of it. But noooo! Her rotten luck just had to make things worse. How, you ask? It’s simple-by making these unfortunate events occur with the most horrible timing possible. Due to the proverbial verbal spar her boss put her through, which mostly involved him yelling and her trying desperately not break down crying and/or throw a vase at his head, Ditzy now found herself horribly late for something horribly important.


She had promised Dinky to take her to the annual Ponyville talent show today, but, judging by the time, the show was probably down on its last couple of performers. She still had a chance, however. She had already informed Dinky that she would meet her on location if something like this happened. If Ditzy did her best and flew as fast…and straight, as she possibly could, she could probably be there in time to catch the last couple of acts. Sure, she was no Rainbow dash when it came to flying but that wouldn’t stop her from doing her best. Ditzy really, really, didn’t want to disappoint the young filly, especially after what happened during her last Mage-ball practice.

Why, oh why, of all possible days, did all of this have to happen today?

At sometime during her internal monologue, her flight path had begun veering towards the left again, Ditzy realized with a small jolt. No! She had to keep her eyes straight on towards city hall, she thought. She quickly corrected her course. As embarrassed as she was to admit it, paying close attention to her surroundings was, unfortunately, not one of Ditzy’s most well-honed skills. All the same, that just wouldn’t do in this situation. She had to avoid all distractions if she wanted to make it on time. She had to concentrate on her destination. She had to focus. Focus. Focus. She repeated.

Focus. Focus. Focus. Focus. Focus. Focus. Focus. Focus. Focus. Foc-oh, hey!

Why was that stallion down there hitting the ground with his face?

At the sight of the bizarre spectacle; the gray mare’s frenzied flight rapidly degenerated to a causal hover over one of the many houses of Ponyville, in particular, a house that overlooked a small, out of the way alley. A pony, a unicorn to be exact, with an honest to goodness golden coat, appeared to be doing his best to thoroughly embrace the ground. Tilting her head in silent question, Ditzy watched as, in a manner that would leave one convinced that he was fighting against his very legs, the stallion slowly and unsteadily dragged his hooves below his body and attempted to stand up, attempted being the key word. The poor colt didn’t even hold himself up for a second before face-planting, muzzle first, into the very earth he stood upon. Boy, thought Ditzy, that would have definitely hurt had the dirt of Ponyville not been replaced by soft fertile soil upon its founding. Being no stranger to collisions herself, Ditzy could confidently attest that fact.

At that moment, a small part inside Ditzy, the part in which she always hid the pain and embarrassment of her own natural clumsiness and its normally disastrous results to her surroundings and social life, empathized with the sight of this desperately uncoordinated stallion that seemed to out klutz even her. I mean, what kind of butterfingers did you have to be, to be unable to stand on your own hooves? With thoughts of the talent show forgotten, Ditzy dived down from her position on the sky, coming to an uncharacteristically smooth landing in front of the colt in question. The stallion himself didn’t seem to notice. He was apparently too preoccupied with having with his muzzle firmly imbedded in Ponyville’s squishy dirt.

“Hello there, mister. You seem to be having some trouble with something.” Ditzy said, happily, and was visibly ecstatic at the opportunity of helping another. “Anything I can do to help?” At the sound of her voice, the stallion all but blasted off from his position on the ground. He jolted to his hooves with such speed and power that Ditzy let off a small squeak of surprise. That had not been what she had anticipated. In fact, it was the kind of reaction she would have expected if she had threatened to chop him up into pieces and cook him for dinner.

For moment, the stallion seemed to be unstable, and Ditzy feared that he soon would find himself sprawled along the ground once more. Fortunately, thanks to some frantic hoof fumbling, he seemed to find a, somewhat, stable footing, well, at least until a strong breeze came and bawled him over, by the sight of him. He seemed so engrossed in coordinating his hooves that Ditzy was certain he would ignore her if she tried to press her questions further. As such, she simply stood silently, patiently awaiting a response, as the stallion spend a few moments to properly orient himself.

When he finally did turn to acknowledge her, his ensuing reaction once more threw Ditzy off the loop. Where one would expect a pony being offered help to respond with a bright smile and a ‘thank you’, or very rarely, even a rude ‘mind your own business’, the stallion just proceeded to instantly freeze up and, with eyes as small as pinpricks, stare at Ditzy as if she was some ancient eldritch terror from the deepest recesses of Everfree. As if that hadn’t been creepy enough by itself, he stood staring at her with that same look for the better half of five minutes. It was all Ditzy could do to refrain from squirming uncomfortably. What REALLY freaked Ditzy the hay out, however, came an instant later, when the stallion’s eyes all but bulged of his skull in sheer alarm. He didn’t even spare a second before bringing his teeth to bare against the mare. In his face more rage was etched than Ditzy ever thought to see on any pony ever.

What followed was the longest, angriest, fastest stream of words Ditzy had ever heard. Unbeknownst to her, she was very lucky to be unable to understand ancient Sumerian at the time.

“Um…ahh…Mister…Y-you speak funny, are you a foreigner?” She said, drawing herself away at angry response. Not that she would ever voice it, but Ditzy begun panicking a little on the inside right then. No, that wasn’t quite right. She had been panicking ever since the colt laid eyes on her. Every bit of this stallion just screamed unstable for moment number one. Why, again, had she approached this weirdo in the first place?

Unfortunately, her response served to irritate the peculiar pony even further.

“Begone, you pest!” He bellowed his voice-filled hate.

“W-what?” Ditzy asked dumbfounded at the surprising amount of resentment that seemed to all but ooze from the stallion’s mouth.

“I said leave, you beast!” He yelled, sparing no quarter

“B-but…I just want to help…” Ditzy meekly responded, not really knowing how to react to this new form of direct verbal abuse.

“I do not need any further help from your kind, you stupid cross-eyed horse!” The stallion roared back. Teeth gashing and eyes all but spewing flame. “Go back to the hellish pit that spawned you before I send you there myself!”

Ditzy recoiled in respond to his words as if physically struck. In those two simple sentences the golden unicorn had somehow managed to strike every single self conscious cord in Ditzy’s heart. Her peculiar looks and unnatural clumsiness had always made Ditzy a subject of ridicule in the eyes of other ponies. True, they rarely said anything to her face, but she could always, always, catch the stinging criticisms on the edges of her hearing whenever they thought her back was turned. Even without the constant demeaning comments against her person, her funny googly eyes had eternally been a sore point for the poor mare.

This ungrateful bastard had just taken a knife and shoved right on to the mare’s most sensitive spot, before twisting it for good measure, as if her day hadn’t been crappy enough. First, she gets lectured by Ms. Bottomline, then suffers though an hour’s worth of yelling by Mr. Charger, runs late on meeting Dinky, and now this? She stops to help a pony in trouble and gets offended in the worst possible way instead! This was just overkill! The straw that broke the camel’s back!

Her face scrunched up and for a moment her eyes watered, threatening to shed tears filled with the compiled frustrations of a long, painful and exhausting day. Grief, however, that was very soon translated to the release of years repressed misery and anger. She had already been through enough for that day even without this chump’s insensitive remarks! He had no right to insult her like that-not him, not her bosses, not her peers, not anypony! She slammed her hoof down with an outraged snort and gazed disdainfully at the source of her ire. Taking the full weight of her daily aggravation to bare, the gray mare begun shouting at the strange stallion as she had never shouted before and as she had always wished she could.

“That insult was completely unnecessary!” She begun, using with every bit of power in her tiny body. “You’re really, really mean pony! I don’t like you! Not one bit!” Ditzy took a secret and very guilty delight at the sight of the shock and confusion that instantly colored the weird stallion’s face, although, the change was probably for different reasons that those she originally imagined.

“All I wanted to do was help and all you did was be angry and mean and aggressive and…and…and mean to me!” She really hated being this forceful towards another pony but really, he disserved it! They all did! “I try to be kind and this is what I get? Fine, if that’s what you want then I won’t bother trying to help anymore! I have no idea what’s wrong with you and why you have trouble moving, and I was really, really worried and wanted to help, but if you don’t want a ‘cross-eyed horse’ like me helping you, then buster, you’re on...your...own!” Ditzy screamed, thrusting an angry hoof at the mean colt’s chest with every declaration. That in mind, the stallion himself was a bit too busy trying to stay standing to actually respond to her.

“Hmph!” She huffed and turned around to leave. Consequently her tail whipped around to smack the unicorn straight in the muzzle, promptly causing him to finally lose his already hopeless fight with gravity and unceremoniously collapse in an ungraceful heap, very much like some sack of potatoes. “Have fun rolling on the grass!” Ditzy huffed stomping away. She had been ready to take off when she finally heard mister meany-meany angry pants calling after her in desperation.

“Wait! Wait!” He franticly exclaimed. The sheer anxiety that seemed to fill the pony’s voice caused Ditzy to pause for one begrudging second, turning to look over her hunches at the downed stallion. One hoof was stretched urgently at her direction as he tried and failed to get up and chase after her. At the sight of her inquiring gaze, the golden stallion’s form seemed sag and an unhappy air of angry resignation washed over him.

“Fine, if you want to help that much, then I shall allow it.” He begun, glaring back at her angrily. In Ditzy’s eyes, he spoke as if he was trying to preserve some peculiar sort of pride, but its nature was unknown to the mail mare. “Listen well, beast. One from your wretched kind cursed me! Break this enchantment, and I’ll reward you with more gold than what you weight.”

Obviously, Ditzy was not impressed.

“You? Cursed?”


“You’re trying to make fun of me again! Everypony knows curses don’t exist! Don’t you remember that Zecora incident?”

“Do you not see that I’ve been turned into a horse!?”

“You’re not making any sense! And don’t use that word! It’s a bad word!”

“Will you help me or not?!”

“Argh! Fine! I don’t know what you’re talking about, but if it’s a problem with magic, then Twilight should be able to help you out.”

“Twilight? As in…those wretched romance stories Kirei’s daughter always reads? What does that abomination to all things literature has to do with my current situation?!”

“Wait, what? No. I mean Twilight Sparkle.”

Pause, blink.

“You’re…really not from around here are you?”


“Okie-dokie then….well, Twilling is the strongest, bestest and most smartest unicorn in all of Ponyville, if not in all of Equestria! I don’t know her personally, but I heard that she was even the princess’s apprentice at some point! Can you imagine that? If you have any problem that involves magic, then she’s your mare.”

“Very well, if this is the best you have to offer, then you may take my wonderful self to this….Twilight.” Ditzy could almost swear that he sounded as if saying the name left a bad taste in his mouth.

“Uhh…she’s probably at the talent show right now. Word around town was that her friends convinced her to perform some of her magic for the younger unicorns to learn from. Everyone is pretty excited over it. It’s not every day a magician of her caliber shows off her stuff in Ponyville.

Well, Trixie also did it, but she wasn’t really all that good from what I heard. But wow, I’m also pretty excited at Twilight performing. Dinky could learn so much from just…” She trailed off. A realization suddenly hit her hard. “Oh no! The talent show! Dinky! I’m sooooo late! You distracted me sooo much! I-I-I-I lost so much time!”

“You claim that I have stole your time? Insolent beast! You are lucky to even share words with me! The great Gilgamesh!”

“Yeah, yeah, Gigamarshmallow, whatever! I’m sorry but I really, really have to go!”

“Wait, you ignorant beast!”

“Sorry, bye!”

“I said wait! Where you going!? You vowed to take me to this Twilight person!”

“Oh right! Sorry!”


“H-hey! Let go of my tail!”

“Sowy no twime! Ghotta fwy!”


And thus, they were off.


In all his years as the most powerful heroic spirit in existence, the pure embodiment of the first legend to ever grace the history of man, having fought and conquered countless powerful opponents and cheated death more times than the sky had stars, Gilgamesh had never imagined that he would end up staring death in the eye so many times in the hands, well mouth, of some stylized version of Pegasus.

This thing was INSANE!

Not only was Gilgamesh being carried at far greater speeds and with far less control that he would ever really care for, this creature also seemed to have absolutely no sense of direction whatsoever or self preservation, for that matter. Within the first minutes of their flight, Gilgamesh had almost found his glorious self face-planting into three walls, two billboards, fours roofs, and eight windows. It was as if the thing had taken flying lessons from Berserker or something.

He had desperately tried to voice his plight at the suicidal little thing, but every time a word of complaint left his mouth, he found himself completely ignored. The damn thing just kept staring forward with that ridiculous scrunched up look of pointlessly intense concentration. An expression that in any other possible situation would have probably seemed comical had the god king not been a bit too worried about losing his head to some random traffic sign. Worse yet, he didn’t even have a chance to get angry over it. Every time he found himself thinking, ‘ok that’s enough, time to start breaking legs’, his companion once more displayed her (it was a her right?) complete lack of any sort of sense of direction, and they were send corkscrewing through the air. The ground and sky had switched positions so many times during the short interval that even his ethereal body’s stomach had started to churn, which would normally make absolutely no sense whatsoever. In one instance, Gilgamesh whipped straight out of the thing’s grasp and almost took a sixty meter plunge if not for the creature making a short, mad dash to stop his fall. When the two had finally come to a stop, Gilgamesh thanked every god in the Sumerian pantheon that that horrible experience had finally ended.

Well, for a split second at least. A second after which, he proceeded to once again curse every single god he knew into oblivion at the sight of the veritable sea of bright pastel colored horses that seemed to compose the square which they were now hovering over.


Some were flying through the sky (pegasi!?!); some were watching through the windows, some were attending an innumerable number of stalls that were peppering the plaza. All them were talking, laughing, playing, running, eating, singing, dancing and…were the horned ones performing magic? (UNICORNS?!?!??!) Most horrifying though were the sheer numbers of the damn things that were gathered in front of the large drama stage that had been set up in front of, what he would later come to know as the Ponyville City Hall cheering at two performers as they took the stage. Everywhere he turned, the senses of the King of Heroes found themselves assaulted from all sides by a mess of vibrant balloons of every conceivable hue and shape, a disgustingly intoxicating mix of scents of an untold variety of fresh carnival fair, the joyful jumble of lively music and cheer, and a greater variety of vivid colors that even a rainbow could stomach.

Gods, it was as if he had died and went to some sort of weird horse heaven for children or something.

Alas, it was soon be evident that fate was not yet done toying with the Hero of Heroes. As the golden king and his chaperone started their slow descend toward the festivities, to which the god king found himself just too gods damn stunned by the general spectacle around him to object to, his magically enhanced superior hearing caught the voice of a young girl, or most appropriately in this case, a young filly projecting towards the pair from the endlessly turbulent masses of color bellow. Turning his attention towards that general direction, the god king fell witness to an even smaller than usual pink horse, of the horned variety, shouting and waving at him and his ride.

“Mom!” He could hear her say. “Mom, over here!” Well, it would appear this would be the Dinky person the gray mare had been referring to earlier, not that Gilgamesh really cared. Unfortunately for Gilgamesh though, he would soon. He wasn’t the only one of the pair that had noticed the filly right then.




From his position over the splintered remains of the apple fishing barrel, the King of Heroes, now wet and sporting a headache the size of Fuyuki City, silently cursed the inability of his newest companion to carry anything in any other fashion than with her mouth.

“MOM! What did you do?!”

“Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh! Are you ok? I’m sooooooo sorry! Please tell me you didn’t break a leg or something!”

“…Suffering your eternal be will.…”

“Okay then…Sir, I think you may have had a concussion.” The three pink fillies from earlier said. Wait! Wasn’t there only one? “It’s ok, come over here and sit down. Everything will be fine.” Gilgamesh could vaguely acknowledge the filly, who he reminded himself was only one person and not three, slowly guiding him away from wreckage and pushing him down to a prone position on the grass.

“I’m so horribly, terribly sorry! I’m such a hopeless klutz! Please don’t be mad!” Gilgamesh heard the older, grayer mare state. To his shaken brain, however, she sounded as if she was ten meters away. Damn, normally this kind of drop wouldn’t have affected him this much. Apparently though, having your stats lowered due to prana exhaustion really SUCKED. “Here, drink this. It’ll help,” she said. The King of Heroes felt something sweet smelling and with a straw sticking out of it being pushed in front of his mouth.

“If I could see straight right now, you would be dead.”

“Oh come on mister. My mom said she was sorry. It’s not her fault she’s a bit clumsy sometimes. Plus, you didn’t really get hurt or anything, so it should be fine.”

“Yeah. I’ll treat you to all the muffins you want after this to make it up to you, so please don’t hold it against me.”

The golden king refrained from answering in favor of sipping some of the milkshake he had been offered (a milkshake…really?) hoping desperately that it would make his awful sense of vertigo go away.

“So, mom, who is this colt any way?”

“I…ah…Don’t really know. I just found him near sugar cube corner a while back. He had trouble walking upright so he asked me to bring him here to talk to Twilight.” Oh Dinky. She didn’t finish her performance already did she? “I’m sorry I was so late but work was a mess today and this guy appeared and…everything.” Ditzy pleaded. Her ears and tail went limp.

“It’s ok mom. She hasn’t showed up yet. In fact, her act is next. But really, you took a poor disabled pony you randomly found on the street, along for one of your mad dashes through the town? Somepony could seriously get hurt. At least be more careful when you’re carrying somepony else.” The honey-eyed filly scolded in one of the most unusual role reversals between mother and child.

“Oh, you’re right sugar-muffin. I should have paid a bit more attention.”

“Child!” Gilgamesh suddenly exclaimed, much to the surprise of both mother and daughter. “I shall ask you something and, for your sake, you will answer truthfully.”


“Are you really this female’s biological offspring?”

“Of course she is!” Dinky didn’t even have the chance to contemplate his words before her mother cut in the conversation in outrage. “Me being a pegasus and her a unicorn doesn’t make her any less my daughter! I know it’s a rare thing, but don’t you dare think otherwise!” Dinky just stared at her mom in silent adoration. Ditzy was in an infamously difficult pony to anger. When it came to her baby, however, she became as fierce as a lion. Dear Celestia, Ditzy loved her daughter.

“I see. Now it all makes sense.” Gilgamesh stated solemnly.

“Yeah that’s right mist…wait, huh?” The gray mare sounded off as her previous ferocity was totally derailed in the face of the unexpected response.

“Phantasmal beasts cannot reproduce like you do.”

“Phantom monsters what? What are you talking about?” She asked, sounding utterly confused.

“I have known from the beginning that this was neither illusion nor dream, and, while true that your world is deeply pervaded with mana, it is not great enough to maintain a reality marble or marble phantasm for an area as large as this. Furthermore, this being some sort of space projected within the Grail is highly unlikely. There’s too much honest happiness for something that corrupt to replicate. If you are not some wandering or unknown flock of phantasmal beasts, then only one explanation remains.” Well, barred one other that Gilgamesh would not even dare to contemplate.

Both mother and child stared oddly at the blond unicorn. Apparently though, he had lost himself the deep recesses of his own logic, for he simply continued reciting his thoughts as if the two weren’t even there.

“During the last day of the 5th Holy Grail War of Fuyuki City, when I was trapped inside the Grail, it had tried using me as a corporeal medium for it to materialize itself in the mortal world. However, since I was also a spiritual being, the Grail was unable to sustain itself in any practical manner. Yes, yes. The moment the Heaven’s Feel ritual was disrupted and the Grail destroyed by that faker and his little band of bitches, the Grail’s instability must have caused it to collapse in on itself.”

“Mom…Are you sure this pony is…you know…ok?”

“I don’t know sugar-muffin…I just, don’t know...”

“All those tremendous magical energies compressed and mingled like that. It’s a one in a million event, but it must have formed a rift in space and time, a whole in reality that launched my soul to this god forsaken dimension. Everything fits together! No other reasoning can exist!” In reality, a small chance,” the hero king whispered. It was gods damn ridiculous and impossibly farfetched. Still, it was currently the best thing Gilgamesh had in terms of a rational explanation. The final alternative was…no, Heroic spirits were unable to go insane after all….could they? Curse of madness? No, no! Of course they weren’t, especially him, the King of Heroes!

From the sidelines Dinky and Ditzy watched as their strange acquaintance viciously shook his head while mumbling up a storm. Because of Gilgamesh’s strange rant, Ditzy decided that it was probably a good idea to pull Dinky behind her, just in case.

“This also explains my current form.” Gilgamesh started off again. “When I arrived upon this world, my spirit must have been so damaged and diminished that it naturally assumed a form which allowed my body to better feed upon the insane mana concentration that your world seemed to posses. But if this theory is correct…” By then a huge gap had formed between the hero king and the surrounding mass of ponies. A few had actually stopped and formed a circle around him, watching with varying degrees of curiosity as the gold mane stallion who seemed to have trouble controlling his own feet, attempted drunkenly to pace back a forth while mumbling incoherently.

“HA!” The entirely unexpected sound of the sudden exclamation was what caused all of Gilgamesh’s acquired audience, as well as every colt and filly in a five meter radius, to recoil in shock. Well, at least that was what Ditzy hoped. She really didn’t want to believe that the particularly alarming look of crazy enlightenment and insane glee which she was now seeing within the unicorn’s eyes was anything else other than her own overactive imagination. It was a false assumption, true, but it was still a falsehood she wholeheartedly wanted to believe in.

“…If this is true, all I have to do is form a contract. Yes, yesssss! That’s it! A contract! With a steady stream of prana flowing through me, I should be able to shed his currently pathetic form and regain my glorious human proportions. Glorious! But, it can’t be just anyone…” No, not just anyone would do for the King of Heroes, he needed someone powerful, someone influential, and above all, someone entertaining. It wasn’t just because a king like him deserved only the best this world had to offer, but it would also maximize his chance of losing the tail. But who could he form a contract with?

“Okay ladies and gentlecolts, give it up for the Spark brothers and their amazing display of pyrotechnics!” The booming voice belonged to none other than the orange colt with the top hat and enchanted loudspeaker currently acting as the talent show’s announcer. His shout had been just loud and teeth rattling enough to off Gilgamesh from his one man tirade changing the target of his frustrations straight to that very same announcing pony prancing happily on the stage in the distance. “Next up is what you’ve all been waiting for! She’s smart! She’s funny! Magical in more ways than one, it’s our town’s very own master caster, the very student of Celestia herself-Twilight Sparkle!”

A huge round of cheering and hoof clapping roared from the surrounding crowd.

“Watch closely, young fillies and colts, for you are about to get a lesson in magic that you will never forget!”


“Watch closely, young fillies and colts, for you are about to get a lesson in magic that you will never forget!”

Well, they won’t. Celestia knew that SHE would definitely never forget this whole fiasco.

Behind the curtains of the stage, the purple unicorn with the magenta mane, the infamous Twilight Sparkle, stood, shaking in a nervous wreck, next to her ever faithful assistant, Spike. The infant dragon in all of his emerald and purple splendor, now sporting a stylish black suit and top hat, just merrily fixing his bowtie and simply having a ball over the current situation.

How he could be so relaxed, Twilight had no clue. They were about to perform in front of the entire town! What if something where wrong? What if she messed up a spell and caused something to explode or something? Oh, she couldn’t let that happen! There were dozens of young unicorns in audience waiting for her to part them with her knowledge! She couldn’t just show them something faulty or flawed, especially when it would so badly reflect on the results of a studious life style. Most ponies already disliked studying and avoided it if they could. If they also started thinking that books hadn’t faired any results, even for a bookworm like her, it would leave such a bad impression on the youth of tomorrow.

She just couldn’t let it happen.

Did she study the proper spells? Did she have them memorized well enough? Was her hair combed correctly? Did she eat a complete breakfast before coming here? Was her horn sufficiently polished and in pristine condition? Oh no! What if her horn malfunctioned for some reason? What if she was sick and she didn’t know it? What if she fainted in the middle of the show?

“Uhhh…S-spike…Do you r-real think this is such a good idea.” The unicorn shakily asked turning to regard the baby dragon with large anxious eyes.

“Chillax Twi.” Spike calmly stated whilst fixing his hat. “Everything is gonna be fine. You’re the smartest, most composed, most organized pony I’ve ever met, not to mention the best magic user I know. Heck, you’re probably the best magic user to appear in Equestria since Starwirl the mustached.”

“Starswirl the Bearded,” she deadpanned.

“Right! That guy! See, most ponies wouldn’t even have noticed that slip!” He cheerfully pointed out. “Relax, Twilight. If it’s you, then there’s no possible WAY this can go wrong.”

For her part, Twilight just fixed him with an uncertain look, but Spike could see it in her eye. She was already feeling more confident and sure of herself-might as well. They were going to rock this town!

“And without further ado, I present you, Twilight Sparkle and her charismatic assistant-Spike the dragon!” The announcer, Radio Loud, exclaimed as yet another outburst of cheering from the ponies of Ponyville ranged out. Soon, all Twilight could do was watch nervously as the curtains of the stage slowly opened to reveal them.

“I hope your right Spike.” She said hesitantly, her voice underlined with subtle confidence. “Cause here we go!”

Her horn glowed brighter than the largest stars in the night sky. As the stage and all in it was laid bare for the world to see, all who bared witness were found enamored by a mesmerizing display of magic and skill.


Twenty minutes into the show and Twilight found herself happy, really, really happy. Things could not have possibly gone better for the purple mare. As she and Spike stood bowing in front of the plaza-worth of ponies that consisted of her audience and all were now thoroughly awed and amazed at her earlier display of magical prowess, she inwardly thanked dearly her idol and mentor, Celestia, for the good fortune that had been send her way that day. Her conjugation spells had been flawless, her levitation impeccable and even her illusions had been near perfect. Nothing could go wrong now!

The show had been a huge success, better than she had originally dreamed even. She could already see that sparks of inspiration and hard work igniting in the eyes of some of the younger unicorns in the front row. Heck, even some of the older unicorns seemed to gain the will to work harder in their magical abilities. This was wonderful! Remarkable! Magnificent! By Celestia’s blessing she had somehow managed to achieve every single one of the goals she had set for this performance. Oh, she could already see the customers at her library increasing exponentially! She almost squealed in glee right then and there! All those minds thirsty for knowledge!

But, let’s not get ahead of our selves, she thought. She still had the closing act to perform. As she turned to face her assistant, she could already see the eagerness on his small, cute, reptilian face. Man, he really liked this mustache spell didn’t he?

She giggled, and he huffed.

Oh well. Let him have his fun. He deserved it for helping her pull this off, and they could afford to be a bit relaxed for this one last, small trick, right? After all, it was the end of the show, what could possibly happen? Hmmm…Now that she thought about it, if Rarity and Applejack hadn’t convinced her to do this, she would have never achieved any of it. She really needed to...

“Rejoice pastel colored equine! For I, the great Gilgamesh, have decided to make you my master!!!”

...slap them upside the head and ask them to stop being so stubborn.

“Oh no….”

“Hey who said that?” It wasn’t long before her draconian helper got his response. However, he didn’t like it at all when he finally did.

Below the stage, the crowd of confused and whispering ponies slowly parted to reveal an increasingly hesitant looking gray pegasus, slowly advancing through the audience whilst supporting a distinctly unsteady unicorn with a gold-colored mane and a crazed look in his eyes, an insane look that seemed to be all but super-glued straight onto a quickly despairing Twilight Sparkle.

“Derpy Whooves? The Mail mare?” Spike exclaimed surprised.

“Spike!” Twilight interjected. “I told you not to call her that! That's just a stupid nickname some mean ponies use to make fun of her…clumsiness. It’s not polite.”

“But Twi!”

“No buts young dragon or it’s no mustache for you!”

“Ohhhhh, but Twwwwiiiiiii!”

“It’s…It’s ok Twilight, I don’t mind.” Ditzy suddenly called. “I’m just…REALLY….sorry about this.” The frantic glances the mail-mare kept sending towards the pony she was supporting, did not really reassure Twilight that this interruption would have a happy ending. It’s the story of her life.


“Derp-I mean, Ditzy. Ditzy Doo, what’s going on? Who is that pony you’re carrying? Is he the one who shouted right now?”

“ ummm….Yes…but…I-i-i…it’s just that I promised…”

“Enough of your senseless dribbling, females!”

“FEMALES?! Uh…who? Wha-”

“Reallly, reaaaalllllyyy sorry…”

“We must conduct the appropriate ceremony immediately!” The colt shouted...no...commanded. “Even if am the greatest hero in history, my current weakened state is unacceptable! I cannot keep going without someone like you!” No matter how she looked at the golden stallion, Twilight could see something distinctly unhinged within those crimson eyes of his. What did she do to deserve this?

“Whoa, whoa, wait. What are you talking about?!” She rushed, trying desperately to make sense of the situation before it deteriorated further.

“Irrelevant!” He shouted in turn. “I’ll have time to attend to your dull state of ignorance after we complete the ritual to seal our bond!” Well, there goes salvaging the situation. Still if she could just understand what was happen- Waaaiiiit a second.

Someone like you? Seal the bond? Ceremony?

“Just-Whoa-Hold-A-are you…hitting on me?”

“Not yet, but if you keep testing my patience, I might!”

“…Come again?”

“The Lord of Uruk has spoken, woman! You are wasting valuable time. The worst possible kind of time to waste-my time! Hurry up and accept my proposal! I command you to become my mistress!”



Down by the audience of utterly baffled ponyvillians, a small, yet incredibly important group of five mares was watching the entire exchange with their jaws nearly touching the ground. Well, four of them were. The fifth was just spazzing out all over the ground laughing uproariously. These five particular mares were the infamous bearers of the Elements of Harmony, gemstones representing the most powerful sources of pure magic found in Equestria. Most importantly, however, those five were Twilight Sparkle’s closest and most trusted friends. All of which, now found themselves utterly at loss at how to react to this new, bizarre situation.

“Girls, should we, uh, do something about this?” The orange earth pony, Applejack, spoke with her customary Texan drawl. She was gazing at the rest of her friends questioningly as she scratched the blond mane under her cowboy hat in puzzlement.

“Ghahahaha! Why? Ha! This is hilarious!” Rainbow Dash choked out between her roaring laugher. It was obvious that the cyan pegasus with the multicolored mane could do little more than just roll around on the ground while clutching her sides.

“Rainbow! Don’t laugh like that in this type of situation! It is unsightly and improper! Our poor friend Twilight is currently being confessed to by a young stallion!...A rather…unstable looking stallion with a horrid sense of timing but its still a confession non-the-less. We need to respect his feelings. It’s for the sake…,” She stopped for a dramatic pause and even more dramatic pose, “…of amour!” This particular piece of work was Rarity. A pure white unicorn with a purple main that always viewed fashion and romance as high priorities...no...necessities in life.

“Uh…I don’t know Rarity…Twilight seems kind of…uncomfortable.” Fluttershy, a timid little cream colored creature of a pegasus, was currently doing her best to vanish from the eyes of the surrounding crowd between a combination of her companions and her own flowing pink mane. The fact that no other ponies but her friends were really paying attention to her didn’t really seem to register to her awkward personality.

“Oh, I don’t see why you girls are making such a big deal out of this. I see this happening all the time in my parties. A colt likes a filly, and he tells it to her, no biggie. This one just chose a really interesty time to do so, that’s all.” This final addition to the party was none other than the party animal herself, the pink menace, the forever cheerful, the logic defying, the eternally peculiar earth pony of laugher, Pinkie pie.

“Ah don’t know, sugar cube. This whole scene seems awfully strange to be something regular ponies would do.”

“Oh calm down Applejack. Everything will be just okey-dockey-lokey. You’ll see.”

“Ghaha! Yeah! Let’s just enjoy the show!!”

“Rainbow maybe you shouldn’t, I mean perhaps you should avoid, I mean if you want to-“

“Its ok dear, I may not agree with her attitude, but she’s right for now. The best we can do is just stand back and watch. Besides, little Spiky is already moving to salvage the situation. Look.” Rarity stated, pointing towards the stage.

“Ah don’t think this is gonna end well.”


“Hold it right there buster.” Spike suddenly exclaimed. The infant dragon wasted no time to jump in front of his caretaker and take the reins of the conversation. “I don’t know or care who you think you are, but this stop here. Back off!”

Unfortunately, that didn’t really seem to impress the strange golden unicorn.

“You would stand in my way, lowly lizard?” He roared.

“Lowly liz-Hey! I’ll have you know that I am a dragon! And I-”

“I order you to pull the other one, as modern day peasants would say.” The stranger laughed.

“Why you! I’ll show you! Get a load of this!!” Spike shouted and let loose a gigantic outpour of emerald flame, which, naturally to the eyes of everyone lacking his ego, appeared as nothing more than a tiny flash of heat. “How do you like that!” The dragon bragged smugly, haughtily snapping his fingers.

The response was not really what he expected.

“Ha, you’re fairly entertaining for an overgrown reptile,” said Gilgamesh.

“Hey, don’t talk to my assistant like tha-“ Twilight protested.

“Oh yeah? Well forget about Twi pal!” Spike said as he played the roll of the overprotective father of a teenage daughter. “If you wanna ask her out, it will be over my dead, totally non-lizard and awesome dragon body”

“Spike!” Twilight wasn’t exactly accepting of Spike’s new roll as substitute father figure.

“Once again, you make no sense mongrel,” Gilgamesh said dismissively. “Stand back and be silent. You are beginning to annoy me.”

“Hey!“ Twilight objected.

Spike said mockingly, “as if you weren’t all over Twilight a few moment ago! ‘I’ll be your servant, let’s have a ceremony and be my mistress.’ Blah, blah, blah! Blegh! What do you call that?”

“Watch your tongue, mongrel!” Gilgamesh ordered.

Twilight tried to stop the back and forth between her assistant and her crazed ‘admirer’. “Would you two-”

“Be silent, magical pastel horse thing!” Gilgamesh cut Twilight off mid-sentence.

“Yeah Twi,” said Spike, “this isn’t about you!”

“WHAT?” Twilight shouted indignantly.

“You’re not hooking up with Twilight!” Spike repeated his objections.

“As if I, the unparalleled Kind of Heroes, Gilgamesh, would have any interest in courting a dumb and lowly beast of burden, especially a demure, candy colored caricature of a horse! You insult me lizard!”

“EXCUSE YOU?!” Now this chauvinistic jerk was pushing Twilight’s patience to their limits.

“Hey! Don’t you talk about Twilight like that!” Baby dragon or not, Spike was ready to rip the golden unicorn a brand new one.

“I had just about enough of you, you walking pair of snake-skin slippers!” Gilgamesh yelled.

“That does it, Mr. Fabulous! You’re going down!” Spike took a deep breath ready to singe some fur.

Gilgamesh gestured to the angry dragon. “If you are so eager to taste death then I shall grand you your wish! Come at me mongrel!”


“Oy! What’s with you three? Hey announcer, what’s taking so long? I have everything set up here in the back.” The voice, which was coming from offstage had a dreadful familiarity to it.

“Vinyl Scratch?” Twilight said.

“Vinyl? As in DJ-Pon3?!” Had this been any other occasion, Spike would have been giddy with fan worship of the up and coming dubstep artist.

“Vinyl creature?” Now Gilgamesh remembered that bitch-on-hooves. It was the very pony that smacked him around in his weakened state.

“Goldie?” Vinyl blurted out in shock of seeing the crazed pony from the alleyway at the talent show.




The folly of attempting to use a noble phantasm at such a depleted state occurred to Gilgamesh only a few days later, during his period of recovery in the Ponyville hospital. For the moment however, all that that golden king was able to comprehend was his great rage, followed by a titanic drain of prana at the center of his corporeal being and finally a veil of darkness that obscured the world and send him once more into a dreamless slumber.


“Ok, now, why don’t we go over this one last time?”

Gilgamesh resisted the urge to growl. It had been over three hours since he had awoken from his second utterly embarrassing display of unconsciousness to find himself in, what he now knew to be, a hospital in the magical land of ponies…gods did that sound stupid.

When Gilgamesh had first returned to land of the waking, he had found himself tacked tightly beneath a lavender scented covers of an, admittedly, comfortable bed. At first, the King of Heroes was confused. Where was he and why was he taken there? It had taken a few minutes of shaking off a sluggish sense of lethargy that clouded his mind and senses, but soon the Golden King had managed to take full stock of his surroundings. It was the sight of the dully white-painted walls and tell-tale scent of anti-septic, that had led him to deduce that he had been in a hospital at the time and a weird hospital at that.

While Gilgamesh had only heard of modern day health care systems, mainly through the information that the Grail had supplied him upon his summoning and mostly since he had never the need to ever attend one himself, he was pretty sure that such establishments tended to have complex modern machinery such as electrocardiograms and IVs attached to their patients. This one barely seemed to have electronic lighting. The situation had proceeded to confound him for a few minutes. By then, the King of Heroes had decided that it was time to get up and force the first person unfortunate enough to cross his path to explain his current situation or face death by a thousand blades. However, as he attempted to grab and throw the freshly washed sheets off his form, a sudden sense of wrongness and peculiarity forced the former king of Uruk to turn and take stock of his hands, more accurately, his lack of them.

The inevitable commotion that followed had brought nearly every the doctor and nurse manning the hospital charging into his room, armed with dozens of milligrams of sedatives, which, fortunately for their own sake, they didn’t even get the chance to try their luck and attempt to use it. The sheer ridiculousness of the tiny pony doctors, stethoscopes and all alone had shocked the god king silent. A rather impressive feat, if he could say so himself.

As expected, the doctors begun to insistently bombard the King of Heroes with an endless stream of pointless questions, such as what was his name, where was he was from if he had any family or hereditary diseases, why he tried to skewer a poor innocent pony earlier that day, and so on. Bah! Annoying! For the first few minutes, Gilgamesh was more than content to ignore them entirely. By the end of the first half an hour, however, he just wanted to stab them, but since it was that very action that had gotten him in his current situation in the first place, he just tried to get up and walk away. Finding himself unable to do that after head-butting the floor a few couple of times, he decided to ignore them some more.

It was around the second hour that Gilgamesh finally cracked.

After taking a few moments to calm him down, he and the doctors had gotten a nice little conversation going, which basically involved him demanding answers under the threat of snapping their necks and them begging for any sort explanation for his circumstances. So far, what Gilgamesh had learned was that he was currently in some sort of country or kingdom which was ridiculously referred to as Equestria. It was a land where appallingly cheerful enchanted ponies lived nauseatingly happy and peaceful lives under the rule of some sort of princess...something or the other, whose policies Gilgamesh utterly spurn.

After taking a full fifteen minutes to argue that there was no pony in recorded history, myth or legend that looked or sounded like the overly saccharine creatures that surrounded him, something to which the doctors had just responded to with the very same this-guy-is-insane look he had gotten so sick of seeing in the last few hours, Gilgamesh started seeing the big picture regarding his situation. On the plus side, if the words of these…ponies, ugh…were to be trusted, which was probably the case seeing as they were hideously unable to utter even a single convincing lie, then this pretty much confirmed Gilgamesh’s theory of finding himself lost in an alternate dimension. A pretty positive fact, considering that it also validated his theory on regaining his human form, but it still paled whiter than this hospital’s walls in the face of the much more horrifying negatives. Namely, that he was stuck in a world resembling some four-year old girl’s wet dream and more accurately, Gilgamesh’s worst nightmare.

How was a person like Gilgamesh, whose very idea of social activity was corrupting others by drawing out the foulest dredges of their personalities and watching from the distance as they self-destructed, supposed to find even a shred of entertainment in this world? Well, he supposed, all the more reason to find a way back to Fuyuki as soon as possible. After all, he had a Saber to claim and a Faker or two to mutilate. He couldn’t waste time here.

If that was all that transpired the last few hours, Gilgamesh would have been generally content with how this whole ‘getting shamefully hospitalized against his will’ thing had turned out. But no, the doctors just HAD to insist that he answered a few questions on his part. While the King of Heroes had no real inclination to indulge them, he fully recognized that by giving them a few things to contemplate, he would be saving himself from a great deal of unwanted pestering in the near future. An assumption that had ended up back-firing in such an astoundingly

dreadful and agonizing manner, that the God King had seriously contemplated that he was suffering from some sort of crippling brain damage to even think that it had been a good idea at the time.

He had not even finished uttering his glorious and magnificent name and rightfully earned titles when the doctors had exchanged a very, very telling and familiar look between them. A few minutes of unbridled rage, insults and death threats later, the doctors, which by then were looking incredibly disturbed and more than a little mentally scared, much to Gilgamesh’s evident pleasure, filed out of the room in a stunned silence.

And then, as the insufferable highlight of an already insufferable day, this joker showed up.

Everyone in this village would pay for this indignity! Just who was the lowlife peasant dog who had the balls to assign a shrink to Gilgamesh, the King of Heroes?!


“Uh, hello? Mister Gallopgamesh? Is everything ok? You were spacing out…again. Don’t tell me you’re trying to ignore me. That would make me very sad.”

Unbeknownst to the Hero of Heroes, the young aqua blue colt that now had the honor to sit before the golden king’s bed was none other than Doctor Rational Puzzle. A widely acclaimed psychologist infamous for being one of the youngest ponies to ever graduate from Canterlot’s Royal Academy of Sciences. While serious mental illnesses were extremely scarce amongst the ponies of Equestria, Dr. Puzzle’s incredible fame and renowned skill had given him the great opportunity to participate in some of the most mindboggling cases one could possibly find in his line of work.

For example, here he was in Ponyville, visiting his aunt Radiant Puzzle for the weekend and before he had taken even ten steps inside his hotel room to try and sleep off the wonderful apple and dandelion dinner his aunt had prepared, a letter had been dispatched to him from the local hospital, asking for his help in handling some unusual patient, not that Puzzle could really complain. He was just one of those people that really, really loved their job. He didn’t know why, but if someone asked him, all he could say was that there was just something magical about

working along with troubled ponies and, together, solving their individual problems. One could find peace in helping others, especially disturbed and complex ponies like this one. Puzzle swiftly looked over his note pad going over the information he had compiled on his new charge.

Let’s see: male unicorn, around twenty-four, average size, extremely fit and athletically-built yet finds himself unable to stand, caused quite a spectacle in the talent show earlier that day. Witnesses claimed he had appeared out of nowhere and spontaneously started declaring his undying love towards a local small town celebrity, one Twilight Sparkle. The name sounded oddly familiar to Puzzle’s ears. While claiming to be the main character from an ancient epic, though, he kept getting the name wrong for some reason. At some point he had even summoned and thrown a sword at some poor, random pony before inexplicably fainting. Also, as he had found out himself during the last twenty minutes, the patient had a tendency to swear a lot and threaten others. Poor guy. What happened, Puzzle wondered, to instill such anger in him?

“For the love of…stop butchering my god-given name, you quack!” And here he went again.

“Ah! Right, right! It was ‘Gilgamesh’, wasn’t it? Once more, I’m terribly sorry. However, it would make it much easier if you just let me call you Gil.”

“I shall devour your very soul!” Well…that was new...and not disturbing in the slightest.

“Now, now! Calm down. Anger and violence never solved anything.” Dr. Puzzle promptly tried to ignore the malignant and disagreeing look of protest that his newest patient seemed to respond to that particular statement with. “Why don’t we just talk this over like the polite and civilized ponies we are? I’m sure we’ll be able get to the bottom of this in no time.”

For his part, Gilgamesh was currently contemplating how he would have sung praises to the heavens he once cursed if they just gave him the prana to turn the good doctor to horse-meat shih-kebab right then and there. As things were, he just settled with glaring at him...HARD.

“Ahahaha…ha….ha. Yes…Ahem.” Doctor Puzzle nervously tugged at formal white collar and black tie. A collar that in Gilgamesh’s eyes

peculiarly lacked the white shirt that would normally be attached with it. “So…Where were we? Ah, yes, now, Mister Gilgamesh, I’m going to ask you a few questions, and I want you to answer them as sincerely as possible. No need to feel ashamed if a question seems awkward for you. Just let it aaaalllll out on your good friend, Dr. Puzzle.”

All he got in response was a series of unintelligible snarls.

“…Riiiight…Anyway, as I was saying. Mr. Gilgamesh. You seem to have quite the fascination with a very old legend. Do you believe that there is a connection between you and the hero of this particular epic? I mean, I fully understand it if you do, after all, even your names are similar-Gilgamesh...Gallopgamesh. So, if I may be so bold, why does a wonderful pony like you feel the need to impersonate a fabled ancient king of Sumareia?”

Aaaaand, there it was, Gilgamesh thought right then.

The King of Heroes officially snapped.

“You insignificant, moronic, utterly incompetent piece of sludge! I should cripple you and feed you to the Gods damn worms but even that would be too merciful in the face of your insistent idiocy and disrespect! I am GILGAMESH, mongrel! You should grovel on the ground with worship and fear before my form! I am the first heroic spirit to ever sit in the throne of heroes! Do I have to beat the facts along with your very skull before they finally register to your brain?!?” The god king roared. His mighty voice resounded throughout the halls of the small-town hospital.

The psychiatrist instantly recoiled. Although he knew full well, from previous experience even, that his patient was, for some reason, unable to get up and walk close enough to cause him physical harm, the sheer bloodlust, hate and rage that simply oozed out of every single fiber of Gilgamesh’s presence during this particular outburst send Dr. Puzzle hurling backwards. Soon the azure colt found himself flattened against the far wall of the room and for the first time during one of his sessions shaking with terror. In all his years as a doctor, despite experiencing some of the rarer and more serious cases found in Equestria, he could have never imagined that a single pony, no matter how insane, would be able to exhibit such sheer, pure, unadulterated hate against another of his kind. It was just not natural for them, especially over a few spoken words. This...this was something far beyond simple mental illness! He wasn’t just some

victim of circumstance! There was just too much hate radiating out of him for that! What was wrong with this guy?!?

“I will repeat this once, and only once. So turn on those useless flops of skin glued to your head which you call ears and listen! I am NOT one of your disgusting kind. I have NEVER been one and I will NEVER be one, not in a previous life, not in this life, and not in any of my potential future lives! I am the heroic spirit Gilgamesh! A perfect crystallization of the legend itself brought back from the dead and summoned as a servant by those sad excuses for mages in Fuyuki City to participate into their particularly meaningless little magical ritualistic war.” He bellowed, before taking a brief pause. He briefly took a much needed breather and continued his tirade, his voice now quiet and threatening.

“I’ve crushed dozens of worthless so-called bastard heroes and dead legends, all summoned like I was, just to win some useless, corrupted, and supposedly wish-granting magical artifact. The very one that ended up eating me up, imploding in my face, and sending me to this god forsaken world. So, for the last time, I am not a god damn beast of burden like you and your peers. I am Gilgamesh, the King of Heroes, and if you do not show me the proper amount of respect, even hell will seem like heaven by the time you get there.” He hissed, after which he once proceeded to simply GLARE at the paper-white, trebling mass that now was Dr. Puzzle. “Do you at least understand that much, you mongrel worm?”

The poor psychiatrist closely resembled a fish as he hastily tried to articulate a proper response. Unfortunately, overpowering fear stood between him and the appropriate brain functions. Even laying on his bed and crippled, over three meters away, it was as if the golden unicorn was towering menacingly over him. Mildly satisfied at the sight, Gilgamesh proceeded to push just a bit further.

“Consider yourself lucky that I am too drained to punish you right here and now, but as things stand, I will replenish a good chunk of my power in a few days. If you want to stave off my wrath, you will do as I say.” Faced against Gilgamesh’s overwhelming aura and supernatural charisma, all that the doctor could do in response, was nod numbly. “When you get out of this room, you will tell everyone that I am of sound mind. You will tell them that I am indeed a king, and they should act accordingly. You will tell them to serve and aid me until I have completely recovered and assert dominance over this new wretched body of mine.

Do so and you will live. Tell anyone of what transpired in this room, and you will die. From this day on, never cross my sight again.”

The god-king looked down upon him and, for a moment, all Dr. Puzzle could do was stare back in silent wonder and horrified submission.

“Go,” Gilgamesh stated. A few days from now, when the King of Heroes would be strong enough to walk under his own power, he would find himself happy to be assured that the blue colt had followed his each and every command to the letter. For, from the moment Dr. Puzzle bolted out of the door of that small hospital room, neither Gilgamesh nor anyone in Ponyville ever saw or heard of the good doctor ever again.


“Hello, is anyone in? Mister Gil, are you awake?” Ditzy Doo said while peeking into Gilgamesh’s room. “The nurse at the reception said it was ok. So, can I come in?”

“You are free to enter,” said Gilgamesh, who was reclining back on his hospital bed. “I allow it.”

“Thanks! Just came to see if you were alright. It just didn’t feel right to just bring you here and leave you without a word yesterday but, see, I had to take Dinky home and by then it was getting dark outside and-”

“Calm yourself, Ditzy. Your actions, although bothersome at first, ended up being beneficial to me.”

“Really? Well, that awesome! And…wait…how do you know my name? Not that I mind or anything, but I don’t remember introducing myself to you, which now that I think about it, wasn’t really the most polite thing I could have done.”

“You signed it on the admittance form when you brought me in. I ordered the doctors to deliver it to me out of curiosity.”

“I did? Oh, oh yeah, I did.”

“Never mind that! I have something to ask you.”

“Uhh…sure. What is it?”

“Do you know if there are any houses for sale in this mongrel village?”

Chapter 2/End

Ok, so, I’ve been giving clues us to the background story of Fate throughout the last two chapters. True, they’re a bit interspaced and subtle…or maybe not…but you guys should be able to puzzle together the general situation by now. I’ll try and give some further background bits next chapter as well, but if still have problems with what’s going on. Here’s a link as to where you can find an OOC summary and more if you’re interested: http:--typemoon.wikia.com-wiki-Fate-stay_night (Just change the – with /)

Also, since Gilgamesh is devoid of prana and a master as it is, some of his stats have dangerously decreased. In fact, all his basic stats are currently at rank E. For a full update of his stats, please wait until the next chapter. (Its four oclock in the morning right now.)