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Chapter 2

Six ponies sat around a table inside a great tree. Correction, five ponies sat around a table and a sixth was hiding underneath the table, the sound of loud snoring scaring her witless.

"Oh come on Fluttershy," came the voice of one of the ponies. She had rainbow mane and tail, and like the pony under the table, was a Pegasus. "What's there to be afraid of, he's only a little pony."

"B-b-but Rainbow Dash," the little yellow Pegasus replied. "He arrived on the same day the disappearances started. Um, well I think it's just too much of a coincidence."

"Granted it does seem suspicious," a purple unicorn said, "However he has been in bed all week. It is not likely he is involved, unless you're suggesting he can kidnap them in his dreams." The unicorn thought to herself for a moment, "Then again, those strange flashes of light and energy readings do unnerve me a bit."

"Twilight dear, is it the light that worries you? What about the strange dust that comes out of his mouth, I mean that's so tacky and last season." A white unicorn responded, flailing her hooves in the air in a tacky attempt at dramatization.

"Well Ah'm just glad ya found him when ya did, sounds like he was seriously injured. But, can y'all run by me again the bit about the box and him stumbling?" asked a orange pony wearing a Stetson.

"Well like I was saying," the Rainbow mare began. "I was napping on a cloud by the edge of town when this box came screaming out of the sky. It flew right past me, almost knocking me off my cloud and hit the ground with a large crash." She flicked her tail with indignation, obviously upset her nap had been ruined. "Anyway, I flew close to the box to see what it was when the pony stepped out, except he wasn't a pony. When he came out he was standing on his back two legs, like a giant, soft version of Spike. He looked all funny wearing a bow tie and a fez. As he stepped out he fell, well more collapsed, and lay still. I could see he was injured, but as I approached his body was emitted light." Rainbow recreated covering her eyes with her hooves.

"Eventually when I could see again, instead of a strange creature, a pony lay there. Whatever he was before I couldn't let one of our own go without aid. First, I wanted to check out his box, but the doors wouldn't open. I did give it a quick buck to see if it would do anything but it was like kicking metal. Not the flimsy wooden door it appeared. Then the box disappeared..."

"Disappeared?" Twilight interrupted her.

"That's what I said, there was a weird whooshing noise and then the machine disappeared. It happened slowly, one moment it was there and the next it wasn't. I can't think of any other way to describe it," Rainbow finished rather exactly.

"But how did that happen?" Twilight asked again, "That doesn't seem possible." .

"Don't ask me, Twilight, you're the egg head." Rainbow Replied.

"Ah don't think it matters how it happened, what matters is it happened." Applejack said.

With this said there came a sound from upstairs. Twilight turned to Rainbow, "I think you should go see if he is all right, after all you're the one who saved him." Rainbow looked briefly excited before returning to her normal nonchalance.

"It's only fitting he meets the coolest pony in Ponyville first."