• Published 25th Jan 2016
  • 3,031 Views, 93 Comments

Angelic Vampire - kurusagi16

Vampires are feared among the ponies of the rural villages. There is one vampire who is different from the others however. She's a hybrid, half vampire half pegasus, and her name is Fluttershy

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The Angel and the Demon

The Angel and the Demon

A shadow passed over the full moon, it was the shadow of what many ponies would call, a demon. His name was Alistair, and he was a vampire, feared creatures with bat features, supernatural powers and a thirst for blood. But he wasn't just any regular vampire, he was a pure blood, just like his ancestors before him. The pure bloods were the highest of authorities of the vampire society, and as being of high authority, many things were expected of him. One being that should he choose a mate, that she also be of pure blood status. Little did they know that Alistair had found his true love, and she was far from being pure blooded. In truth, she was a normal Pegasus named Maia. But he didn't care, he loved her deeply and to him, it didn't matter if she was a vampire or not. She was different from all the other ponies, a beautiful mare able to see into his heart and treat him as if he were no different from any other pony. It was because of her that for the first time in his life, he felt warmth in his chest, he felt love. She was his beloved, and he was on his way now to see her. The two had been together over a year now, and imagine his surprise to learn that Maia had become pregnant with his child. He was going to become a father. He would have a family! His mind envisioned a peaceful scene of him and Maia living somewhere out in the countryside, working together to take care of their child. Living in perfect bliss. That's when Alistair was pulled out of his thoughts when he smelled something. Something that filled him with dread. Smoke. And it was coming from...

"Oh no." he muttered worriedly. Alistair flapped his bat wings faster, heading into the direction of the smoke, the sight he saw was horrifying. The house of his beloved Maia was up in flames. Alistair looked down below to see an angry mob of ponies wielding pitchforks and tossing some of their torches at the house. His bat ears picked up what they were saying.

"That's right, burn! Burn! Right to the ground! Trap the hell spawn and it's mother inside and send them to Tartarus!"


Alistair bared his fangs in anger. The dared to kill his love? For what reason? For merely having his child?! Well, he wouldn't let it end like this. Alistair swooped down, busting through the roof and into the fiery inferno. The house was filled with flames and smoke. Alistair strained to see through it and keep himself from breathing in too much of the smoke.

"Maia!" he called out. "Maia!!" His ears perked as he heard the sound of cough. He followed the sound toward the bedroom. Using his strength, he busted down the door. "Maia!" Sure enough, Maia was there, lying in her bed, drenched in sweat. She looked toward the doorway and smiled weakly at him.

"Alistair..." she managed to utter. She let out a violent cough. Alistair immediately went to her side, worry etched into his face.

"Maia, thank Celestia you're alright. Hurry, we must leave at once." he said. Maia placed a hoof on his arm.

"Alistair...I'm so happy I got to see you...one last time." she said in a whisper.

"Don't say such things Maia, save your strength. You'll live. You need to!" Maia shook her head.

"This is the end for me, my love. I... always knew somehow...that I wouldn't last much longer in this world."

"Maia..." Maia lifted a bundle closer to Alistair's chest, her opalescent eyes looking up at him.

"I want you...to promise me two things...Alistair..." she said.

"Anything." he said.

"Promise, you'll protect our daughter, that you'll protect Fluttershy no matter what." Alistair looked down at the bundle. He then understood what Maia had meant. She'd given birth to their child, and being the weak pegasus she was, she didn't have a lot of strength left to survive much longer and the fire had served to make her condition worse. Alistair nodded solemnly.

"I will, I swear upon my life." he said, meaning it.

"And I want you to promise, not to bear a grudge against the ponies. They don't know any better and fear that which they don't understand. Please, don't blame them...for my demise." It was becoming harder for Maia to breathe. A piece of the roof collapsed in front of the doorway, the fire was moving fast into the bedroom.

"I won't bear a grudge toward them." said Alistair. Maia smiled a peaceful smile up at him.

"Alistair...I love you...with all my heart....goodbye..." Maia's eyelids fell shut, never to open again. Alistair looked upon her face with disbelief.

"No." he whispered. He lightly shook her. "Maia." Tears burned his cheeks as he threw back his head and let out a blood curdling scream, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Alistair grabbed hold of Maia and the bundle, he extended his wings and shot upward. The mob below pointed up at him in fear.

"It's him!"

"The demon!!"

"Run away before he kills us all!!"

But Alistair had no interest in these pitiful ponies. The wind caught his wings, and carried him far away, to a secluded place where he could rest. He landed gently upon the soft grass of a high cliff side. He stared with a broken heart at the sight of his love's lifeless body. In the moonlight, she looked like a heavenly angel placed into a deep slumber. He stroked her lustrous mane, tears dripping upon the body as he mourned the loss of the one pony he ever loved, ever cared for. It was then that Alistair heard a sound like the mewling of a kitten. He looked down at the bundle, he took it into his arms and removed a part of it that covered the face of his daughter. His eyes widened, she was beautiful. Just like her mother. Her mane was just as silky, and was the color of pale pink roses, and her coat was a soft buttercream yellow. She opened her eyes, those lovely teal orbs touching the remains of his heart. This was his daughter, and the last thing he had left from his beloved Maia. Seeing the filly smile at him innocently, Alistair felt comfort for his heavy loss. He hugged his daughter close to his chest. He looked down at Maia's body. 'I won't fail you Maia. Upon my word and honor, I shall protect our daughter, whatever the cost!'

Alistair had chosen the perfect place to bury Maia. The most peaceful place he could find, where nopony would dare disturb it. He'd washed Maia in a bathed of scented lotions, so that she smelled of lilacs. He brushed out her mane and dressed her in a pure white silken dress. He placed her in a polished oak coffin strewn with rose petals. It seemed a little extravagant, but he wanted her death to be peaceful, meaningful. She was an angel on earth, and he would see she was given a burial worthy of somepony such as her.

"Farewell, my darling." he whispered, and leaned down to kiss Maia upon the lips. With a heavy heart, he closed the lid, and lowered the coffin into the ground himself. Her grave was placed near a magnolia tree, and he head stone read:

Here lies Maia.

She who cared for all and fell in love with a demon.

May she rest in eternal peace, and watch over her loved ones

from afar.

Alistair lowered his head in reverence. He opened his eyes, sensing somepony behind him.

"Hello, Eldra." said Alistair coldly. "What brings you here?"

The vampire smiled wickedly, her yellow-green eyes glowing, her silver braided mane swaying as she drew closer to Alistair.

"Poor Alistair, I only came here to pay my respects to the dead. A shame, such a young and ugly wretch died the way she did in that fire. Oh, the tragedy." Alistair whirled around and gripped Eldra's throat, his eyes blazing with anger.

"Don't dare talk about her in that way. You are never to speak about her. Ever!" Eldra just laughed as Alistair choked her.

"Oh Alistair, just as bitter and fiery as always. and here I thought you'd been tamed!" she said. Alistair narrowed his eyes and threw Eldra hard onto the ground.

"Leave my sight." he seethed through gritted teeth.

"Of course, you know I wouldn't dare do anything to upset you, dear brother." Eldra smiled coyly and was about to take her leave, but stopped and looked at him in the eye. "One more thing, the other reason I came here. Many more vampires are coming here, they'll be needing your guidance. As for me, I'll be returning to the Old World, relaxing in the comforts of our ancestral castle."

"What are you up to Eldra?" asked Alistair bitterly.

"Why nothing brother." said Eldra. "Absolutely nothing." Eldra extended her wings and took to the skies, cackling as she left. His sister had always been a creep. No worse than a creep, yet he couldn't think of the right word for her. Something didn't set right with him, he just knew that Eldra was up to no good. But there was nothing that he could do. It was no longer of his concern. At least he could sleep easier knowing that his sister would be all the way across the seas and far away from him. He heaved a sigh, and turned back to the grave he had just made. He could just she Maia smiling at him warmly as she usually did, telling him that there was no need to worry. And indeed he wouldn't. He had more important things that needed his attention. He trotted through the hidden pathway and to the sanctuary he'd commissioned for his daughter. It was here that they would live the peaceful life he'd planned to have with Maia. Nopony would harm her, or look down upon her as the had him. This, he vowed to make so. For his love.

Author's Note:

Sorry if this sounds similar to a certain movie, but as I was writing, it sorta went into that direction. But I swear, the rest of the story is all original and that I'll make this a good vampire story. Even if it does have romance in it.