• Published 2nd Feb 2016
  • 1,417 Views, 10 Comments

Homework - Mister Phoenix

Because teachers are unfair! The class got an test in maths in three days, causing Scootaloo just roll her eyes well until she remembers what happens when someone doesn't pass a test. A whole week of nothing but test and homework!

  • ...

Homework?! NO! Not That!

Junior High School, with an small class room, with twenty or so students. A woman in her early forty's stood in front of the class room, standing in front of the black bored. With long purple hair while wearing a brown sweat shirt, white t-shirt, with a green skirt. With knee high brown boots.

While the teacher did her lesson, a purple hair girl lay fast asleep. Wearing a orange t-shirt and brown cargo shorts. The young girl sleept in a peaceful sleep. Until the teacher known as Miss Cheerilee woke her up by creating a loud noise next to her.

"No more blue coins!" The girl yelled when she awoke.

"Glad to see that you're enjoying my lesson Scootaloo." Miss Cheerilee said causing Scootaloo to blush and the rest of the class to let out a small laugh at her.

"Yeah it great!" Scootaloo said, forcing a smile.

"Well then you won't mind the maths exam in three days" Miss Cheerilee said causing the class to moan in displeasure.

"Oh you kids need to get ready for the end of the year exam. So if you don't get an A or an B. You will have an whole week of nothing but homework and test" Miss Cheerilee explain, her eyes glaring at Scootaloo.

The bell rang loud causing the children to cover their ears. Miss Cheerilee smiled brightly.

"Alright enjoy the rest of your Friday. Our exam is on Tuesday. Long weekend remember" Miss Cheerilee said to the disappointed kids. Whom are walking out in a glump.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders or The CMC walked out of the room just when Apple Bloom punched Scootaloo in the arrm.

"Ow. What the heck was that for?" Scootaloo question, rubbing her in pain arm.

"It ya darn fault that we got a exam" Apple Bloom said causing Scootaloo to roll her eyes.

"No it not! Miss Cheerilee just put that test on us out of the blue!" Scootaloo explain to her county friend.

"Well you were sleeping in class. And Miss Cheerilee doesn't like students sleeping when their should be learning" Sweetie Belle said, looking at the floor.

"What!? Your on AB side!" Scootaloo question in a sort of yell.

"Leave her alone Scoots. Now ahem not helpin' ya with this test. Ya have it too easy for too long" Apple Bloom said, before she stormed off.

"I'm with Apple Bloom on this one. Good luck Scootaloo" Sweetie Belle said before she ran off.

The young girl held her tongue unable to speak. While she just watched her friends leave her alone.

Scootaloo bow her head, watching the floor while she walked outside to sit on a pinic table.

The cold and icey wind blow her purple hair. With winter coming soon with warning of snow soon to come.

"Ain't you cold?" A male voice question

Scootaloo's looked at the boy sitting next to her. He had a mix of green and purple hair, with a purple t-shirt with two purple line on the right and left with a green line in the middle. While wearing a purple over coat with his green eyes and blue jeans. He smiled at the girl.

"Hey Spike. Don't you need to go drool over Rarity?" Scootaloo question, her eyes moving away from him.

"Maybe later, but where your friends?" He question

"Well. They thought that it would be funny. If I have to do a whole week of test and homework!" Scootaloo said in a glump.

"Ah Miss Cheerilee is having another exam. Well I'm not Apple Bloom or Sweetie Belle. But maybe I can help you" Spike said, causing Scootaloo to look at him in confusion.

"Really? But you work for Princess Twilight wouldn't she miss her number one assistant?" Scootaloo question him

"I'm sure she won't mind if I'm helping out a friend" Spike said with a smile and a thumbs up.

"Thank you" Scootaloo said with a weak smile.

"You should ask your parents if you can just stay at the castle for the long weekend. So we can work together more" Spike said, causing Scootaloo to nod.

"Yep, will do. See ya later Spike" Scootaloo said, before she ran off.

Scootaloo rubbed her foot on the ground before giving a few knocks at the door of a castle. The door with Spike who brighty smiling at her.

"Scootaloo, come on in." Spike said, welcoming in the young girl.

"Thank for helping me Spike" Scootaloo said while walking into the castle whlie her hands are in her pockets.

"Well it a maths test and we all know how evil those are" Spike said causing Scootaloo to let out a small laugh.

"Yeah, well how are ya gong to help me?" Scootaloo question causing Spike to smile.

"By placing one foot in front of the other" Spike answered making Scootaloo to raise an eyebrow.

The purple hair girl stood in front of a black bored. While Spike sat and watched her write her answer for, 57 x 3 = ? With Scootaloo anwering with.


Scootaloo had an cheap smile form on her lips, with Spike shaking his head meaning "No." When the green and purple hair boy writting in the right answer.


Scootaloo shook her head, looking at the number. With her soon following Spike to the next room.

Scootaloo answered each question, with Spike just ether shaking his head meaning "No" or an thumbs down. The young girl stomped her foot causing Spike to roll his eyes.

Twilight walked into the room, a smile formed it way her lips, seeing a sleeping Scootaloo hugging a sleeping Spike. Her head resting on his chest all with a small smile on Scootaloo's face. Letting out a quite laugh before she cover the pair in a blaket.

The next day Scootaloo wrote on a practise test. With tapping her chin for thinking before she gave it to Spike. The young boy sat next to her before telling her what's wrong and what's right.

Scootaloo stood hearing Spike read off maths questions with Scootaloo getting most of them right. Pumping her fist in victory. She heard Spike letting out a laugh.

Little by little Scootaloo is getting better from a D- to an C+ for her up coming test. Re-doing the black bored test and getting the questions: 54 + 42, 12 x 12, 69 x 7. Right

Shizering in the cold with the window open, Spike place his over coat on her to warm her up. Scootaloo lightly kissed his cheek before getting back to work causing him to stop in shock before smiling and went back to help her.

Scootaloo sat in class. The whole room quite for the exam. She bit her lip when Miss Cheerilee took her papers being completely nervous.

"Well, it lunch time so you shall have your answers when the break ends" Miss Cheerilee said, causing the class to leave.

Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle sat on the pinic table.

"So who is it?" Sweetie Belle asked,Scootaloo.

"What?" She question

"Who's the guy? You got a crush. It written all over your face" Sweetie Belle said with a smile.

Scootaloo turn her head away from her friends with a small blush on her cheeks.

"There is no guy alright. I don't do crushes" Scootaloo said causing Sweetie Belle to roll her eyes.

"Yeah ya like someone. So who is it?" Apple Bloom question

"I don't like him alright! We're just friends!" Scootaloo yelled back in a rage.
"So there is a guy" Sweetie Belle said causing Scootaloo's head to fall on the table.

"Look there is no crush! There is no boy! And I don't like ANYONE! Got it" Scootaloo a little bit loud with others young teens to start looking at them.

"Ya sure?" Apple Bloom question raising her eyebrow.

"I hate you both" Scootaloo said blutly.

"Don't be that way Scoots. We only teasing you, unless there is a boy. If so tell me everything!" Sweetie Belle said

"No, I'm doing that. Well not what happen last time" Scootaloo said making Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle remember.

"Right. That was a weird day" Apple Bloom said with the other two nodding.

"That's why I don't want a repeat. Plus if I did like a guy and I don't. He like someone else so there nothing I can do. If there was a guy" Scootaloo said, sort of telling her friends.

"Well it best to still tell him. Because you don't want to bottle that up, it dangerous" Sweetie Belle said right before the bell rang.

"Well time to see if we passed or not" Scootaloo said.

The kids walked out of the school with the CMC talking to each other.

"Spike, what you doing here?" Scootaloo question, seeing the boy standing with a smile.

"Well, can't I see how you did on your test?" He question back.

"B+, read it and weep." Scootaloo said showing him the papers.

"Yeah ah say it was dumb luck" Apple Bloom stated.

"Well it was hard work. Because I help her though out the weekend" Spike said causing Sweetie to gasp.

"Wait Scootaloo did work. But wait, she hmmm" Sweetie Belle started before Scootaloo covered her mouth with her hand.

"Anyway, see ya Scoots" Spike said before he walked away.

"Bye Spike and, would you stop licking my hand!" Scootaloo said moving hand away from her friend's mouth.

"You like Spike" Sweetie Bee said while Scootaloo rubbed her hand on her shorts.

"Don't be ridiclous Sweetie Belle. I don't like Spike" Scootaloo said crossing her arms.

"What happen when ya two was doing work?" Apple Bloom question

"Well. The window was open it was cold Spike place his coat on me to keep me warm and well. Umm. I kissed him. On the cheek" Scootaloo said looking away with a blush.

"You kissed him! It was a cheek kiss, but you kissed him! You like Spike" Sweetie Belle said almost jumping up and down.

"Yeah one small problem. Spike likes Rarity remember" Scootaloo said, reminding them of Spike's small crush.

"What are you talking about? Spike moved on from Rarity after he found out that she got a boyfriend" Sweetie Belle said, raising her eyebrow.

"What!?" Scootaloo question the two.

"Go get him tiger" Apple Bloom said with a smile.

"Yeah, don't worry" Scootaloo said giving her two friends an thumbs up .

Scootaloo started to run though the streets, her foot landing in a puddle. Water spashed onto the ground with the young girl sliding between corners. Scootaloo face lit up seeing a green and purple hair boy walking a little ahead of her.

"Hey Spike!" Scootaloo called out causing Spike to stop and look at her.

"Oh, hey Scoots. What can I help you with now?" Spike question her when Scootaloo catching up with him.

Scootaloo grabbed his hand and pulled Spike into a soft and strange kiss. With Scootaloo eyebrow rose just before the two de-parted after a few seconds.

"Your a really bad kisser" Scootaloo said causing Spike to roll his eyes.

"I didn't know I was going to get kissed today! Plus that was my first kiss of chose it going to be bad" Spike stated to her.

"Well there is two ways to fix this ether I teach you how to kiss. Or I teach you how to kiss" Scootaloo said, her arm crossed.

Spike tapped his chin in thought. "Not much of an choice. Will there be any kissing practice?" He question

"Most likily. There maybe on the off chance that I want to kiss you again" Scootaloo said making Spike laugh just before the two started to walk together.

"Well even when you like me. You are still stumpen as an Ox" Spike said

"Well you just have to get used to it." Scootaloo replied to him.

"More on Friday also, if you want dates with our homework?" Spike question

"You are a dork. Did you really jusy call kissing homework?" Scootaloo wondered making Spike laugh.

"I maybe a dork, but I'm your dork" Spike said while the two walked on home.

"I guess you are" Scootaloo said locking her hand with Spike's.

Author's Note:

No one likes homework. I just hope that this was good also sorry for spelling errors I just no good at it and editers want a dollar a word. Also I couldn't edit this on my computer so it just the 360 for me and this note took forever to write.