• Published 21st Jan 2016
  • 4,234 Views, 66 Comments

Hitmare - BronyWriter

An alternate universe to A Shadow Hangs Overhead. The Mane Six fails in their attempt to stop Nightmare Moon. Rarity, the sole survivor of the group, is forced to become Nightmare Moon's personal assassin.

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Rarity crouched low in the brush as she readjusted her magical grip on the knife floating close to her side. She let out shallow, inaudible breaths as she waited for her prey to come nearer. The scouts were herding her target closer. Maybe just this once they'd catch her before Rarity needed to get involved. She wouldn't have to get her knife bloody, and the threat to her queen's rule would be ever more secure. Rarity allowed herself to lose focus for a brief moment and looked up at her queen's glorious moon. The mare on the moon scarred the surface, but Rarity would never dare say so. She had moments where she wished that her queen was still there instead of Princess...

No, even thinking her name was treasonous. Rarity shifted her focus away from the moon and swiveled her ear in the direction of the sound of twigs snapping. She'd be here soon. No luck with having the Shadow Guard deal with it themselves. Her queen didn't need them for that. Not when she had a real killer at her disposal.

A pony burst through the bushes not ten hooves away from Rarity. Before she could take five steps, Rarity pounced. She slammed into her target and hit her with an uppercut just before they hit the ground. Rarity landed on top of the pony and swung with the knife, slicing her across the back of her left foreleg. The pony screamed, but didn't attempt to stand back up. Rarity neatly got to her hooves and pulled a cloth out of the bag strapped to her side to begin cleaning the knife.

"You shouldn't have run," Rarity said. "You shouldn't have disobeyed. You knew that our glorious queen would find you eventually. She is all-knowing. None can escape her, especially not one such as you."

"Go to Tartarus!" Golden Harvest spat as she scooted away from Rarity. "You're not Rarity! The real Rarity wouldn't do this!"

"Our queen is merciful," Rarity continued as though Golden Harvest hadn't said anything. "Should you go before her and beg her mercy, she will grant it. All of us are her children. She would welcome you back."

"Rarity please!" Golden Harvest pleaded as Shadow Guards came through the treeline to surround them. "This isn't you! The Coming Dawn would welcome you into our ranks, I know they would! Even after everything you've done, they would still forgive you! We know you're just being brainwashed or threatened or something!"

"The Coming Dawn is a traitorous organization. The only way I shall interact with them is if they're on the other side of my knife. I am giving you one last chance. Our queen is glorious and forgiving."

"Are you listening to yourself?" Golden Harvest snarled as Rarity finished wiping her knife down. "You can still atone for your friends and parents! Make them proud of you for not giving up in the end! You don't have to orphan any more fillies and colts! You can save Equestria with us!"

"Many have tried to sway me from my role, and all have failed. You will not trick me into joining the terrorists that make up the Coming Dawn." Rarity took a step closer and pressed the tip of the knife into Golden Harvest's throat. "I'm giving you one last chance for mercy."

"We're going to win, Rarity. Nightmare Moon won't reign forever. When Celestia is free and in her rightful place, we'll see if she gives you mer--"

Rarity drew the edge of the blade across Golden Harvest's throat, silencing her for good. Behind her the Shadow Guard cheered, some even congratulating her. Rarity didn't listen to them. She began methodically cleaning her knife with the cloth.

"Prepare her body to go before Nightmare Moon. I want it ready before I meet with her."

"Yes, Miss Rarity," one of the Shadow Guards said. "May I once again congratulate you for your impeccable service to our queen."

'You may, I suppose, but I doubt I'll care much," Rarity said, sliding the cloth and knife into her bag. "Just do as I ask. Our queen wishes for us to be punctual in these matters. She will want a report on the hunt within an hour."

The Shadow Guards bowed to Rarity and moved around Golden Harvest's body to begin their work. Rarity began walking back to Midnight Castle without a word.

* * * *

Rarity walked through the halls of Midnight Castle, ignoring the salutes and bows she received from the servants and soldiers. She couldn't be bothered to pay attention to their genuflection. She had other matters to attend to. Rarity reached the massive double doors that led to her queen's throne room and opened them herself without waiting for the guards flanking them to do it for her. The throne room was nearly empty, with the only decorations being one stained glass window showcasing Nightmare Moon's defeat of Celestia, and another showing her defeat of the would-be Elements of Harmony. On the far side of the room stood a large gold throne with a black, armored alicorn sitting on it. In front of her some peon or other was bowing and scraping. No doubt she wanted mercy for some family member or friend.

When Nightmare Moon saw Rarity enter, she raised her hoof. The peasant stopped speaking immediately. Nightmare Moon signaled two of her guards, then pointed at the peasant. Without a word, the guards escorted the peasant out of the room. Rarity caught a glimpse of the other pony's face as she passed, and felt a small trace of familiarity. She knew the pony. She had some sort of candy name, Rarity thought. Bons? Something like that.

Rarity stopped before Nightmare Moon's throne and bowed low. "My queen, it is done." She lit up her horn and placed a burlap bag on the floor before Nightmare Moon. "The head of another terrorist."

"You are truly gifted, Rarity," Nightmare Moon crooned, taking the bag in her own magic to look inside. "You have exceeded all of my expectations about your abilities."

"You are too kind, my queen," Rarity said with another bow.

"I think we should put this one in the trophy room with the rest," Nightmare Moon said, setting the bag down next to her. "Though if you continue with your fine work, we might need to get a second trophy room. The current one is becoming rather cluttered."

"If that is what my queen desires," Rarity said mechanically.

"I desire to see your accomplishments properly acknowledged. You are my most valuable servant, and I reward that kind of service. I foresee you doing many great things."

"You flatter me, my queen."

"I do not flatter, merely say the truth." Nightmare Moon picked the bag back up and floated it over to a nearby soldier, who saluted and left the room. "But until then, I have another reward for you."

Rarity tilted her head. "A reward, my queen?"

"Yes. One I think you'll like. I've been searching for this reward for a few years now. I regret that I was not able to secure it sooner for you, but it's here now."

"You honor me, my queen."

"You honor me. I am merely rewarding that service." Nightmare Moon motioned to a side door with her wing. "You'll find your reward in the dungeons. Anything you wish to do, do it. She is yours. If you require anything, let me know and I shall see to it. You can even keep her as your slave if you so desire."

"Yes, my queen. Thank you, my queen."

With another bow, Rarity exited through the side door. She walked down the torch-lit stairs to the dungeon, vaguely wondering who Nightmare Moon had captured for her. It couldn't be one of the friends she had entered the forest with. Nightmare Moon had already executed them. Maybe somepony else from Ponyville? Rarity couldn't imagine who from there would warrant her queen's attention.

She reached the bottom step and entered the dungeon. A few Shadow Guards were sitting around a candlelit table playing cards. They all shot to attention when she entered the room, one of them bumping into the table on his way up and knocking it over. Rarity's gaze followed a poker chip as it rolled on the floor, coming to a stop when it bumped into her hoof. She looked back up at the guards, all of whom were shaking.

"Our queen said that you have something for me."

The guards all exchanged glances as if surprised that she hadn't killed them already. After a moment, one of them looked back at her and nodded.

"Y-yes, Miss Rarity. Let me get the keys."

The guard lit his horn and took a ring of keys off of a hook on the wall behind them while his friends got to work gathering up all of the spilled poker supplies. He led Rarity to a solid wooden door and fumbled with the keys for a moment before putting the right one in and unlocking it.

"Our queen says that you can have as much time down here as you desire."

"Yes. I can. I am not to be disturbed, no matter what you hear, is that understood?"

"Yes, yes," the guard said, bowing low. "Let us know if you need a cleanup crew and we'll get one for you immediately."

"I might need one at some point, yes. For now, leave me alone."

The guard began backing away and muttering something Rarity didn't really pay attention to. She entered the room and closed the door behind her.

She studied the pony who had been offered to her for a moment. She was hanging by her forelegs from the ceiling, the chains holding her up digging into her skin. Her horn had been removed recently, it appeared, as the hole still oozed some blood. The mare was crying, but when she saw that Rarity had come into the room, her eyes widened and she let out a piercing scream.

"Hello, Annie," Rarity said, taking a case of knives out of her bag. "You managed to hide from our queen for two years? I'm impressed. I don't even know if I could hide that long if the thought struck me."

"You don't have to do this," Annie moaned. "Please don't hurt me. I'll do whatever you want, just don't torture me."

Rarity studied Annie for a few more seconds before responding. "Annie, I'm not going to torture you." A shred of hope entered Annie's eyes. "I will be honest: there's not much that will be left of you once I'm finished, but believe me when I say that I am only keeping up appearances. I am going to kill you, Annie, but I will make it quick."

A confused frown creased Annie's face. "Why? Why aren't you going to torture me? A-after what happened in the woods that day, then hearing what you were doing for Nightmare Moon, I thought..."

"That I was some psychopathic killer who only wanted to hurt ponies?" Rarity shook her head. "We all have our roles to play in our queen's world. This is mine. The reason I'm going to make this quick for you is because..." Rarity lowered her head and sighed. "I can't remember the last time I was able to show mercy to a pony." Rarity raised her head again and pulled out one of her knives. "I am going to need you to do what I ask. Just scream, Annie. Scream as loud as you can so that they believe I'm hurting you. I'm going to kill you, but I will make it as painless as I possibly can." Rarity walked up to Annie and poked her leg with the tip of her knife. "Scream. Make it convincing."

Annie took in a deep breath and let out such a loud scream that Rarity had to flatten her ears. Before Annie could finish the scream, Rarity slashed Annie's throat, killing her in seconds. Without pausing, Rarity went back over to her case of knives and opened it up.

* * * *

Four hours later, Rarity exited the room. Her coat, uniform and short mane were still immaculate thanks to a protection spell that allowed her to stay clean. She put the case of knives back in her bag and shut the door behind her. The previous guards were still on duty. They'd returned to their poker game. When they noticed her approach, they snapped to attention again, though this time they didn't knock the table over.

"Miss Rarity. Will you be needing a cleanup crew?"

"I suppose I will. Have her head brought to the trophy room. I don't care what you do with the rest of it. Feed it to the dogs, maybe."

"Yes, Miss Rarity," one of the guards said with a bow. "Though if I may say so..." He hesitated for a moment. "Far be it from me to question your methods, but... I didn't hear too much screaming. You didn't kill her right off, did you?"

"No. I muzzled her after the first cut. I'm tired from the day. I didn't care to hear her screaming in my ear for hours. Trust me: she suffered more than she thought possible."

"Ah, yes, that makes sense," the guard said, bowing again.

"And if you ever question my torture methods again, I shall ensure that you receive a personal demonstration of them."

The guard backed into the table and nearly knocked it over again, babbling apologies. Rarity ignored him and left the dungeon.

* * * *

"Sweetie Belle? I'm back."

Rarity closed the door of her personal room behind her and flipped on the lights. A serving tray sat on a table in the middle of the room. Rarity walked up to it and took the lid off, grimacing when she saw the food untouched. She quietly sighed and picked up the tray with her magic. She walked over to a nearby door and knocked three times. Hearing nothing, she pushed the door open.

"Goodness, Sweetie Belle, you need to turn on the lights in here." Rarity set the tray down on a nearby table and turned on the lights, revealing Sweetie Belle lying on top of her bed, curled up into a ball. Rarity sat down next to her on the bed and began running a hoof over her back.

"Sweetie Belle, you need to eat. I don't want you to go on like this." Sweetie Belle didn't respond, so Rarity picked her up and hugged her to her chest. She fought back tears and gently nuzzled the top of her sister's head. "Big sister is sorry, Sweetie Belle," Rarity whispered. "You know I hate this. You know if I had any other choice I would tell Nightmare Moon to go to Tartarus, no matter the consequences to me. I don't want to be this. You know that." Rarity took a shaky breath as tears began dripping onto Sweetie Belle's mane. "The Coming Dawn is getting stronger, Sweetie Belle. Maybe we won't have to do this much longer. Princess Celestia will come back and she'll get this wretched necklace off of you."

Rarity grimaced and gently ran her hoof over the necklace fused to Sweetie Belle's neck. Every day Rarity wished she could take it off. Then she could finally throw herself from the top of Midnight Castle and die without killing Sweetie Belle too. But the necklace was the one leash Nightmare Moon kept on Rarity. One sign of defiance, one attempt to kill herself, and the necklace would stop Sweetie Belle's heart in an instant.

"Just be brave for me like I know you can," Rarity continued. "Help is coming. I do believe that. We won't have to live this life forever." Rarity lit her horn and floated the tray over to Sweetie Belle. "Until then, can you just eat for me please? It's... it's the best food in the whole empire. You'll love it, I know you will. If you don't like it, I'm sure we can get you something else. Just eat, please?"

Sweetie Belle didn't move for a few moments. She merely stared at the wall in front of her. Rarity opened her mouth to begin begging her sister to eat again, but stopped when she saw Sweetie Belle slowly reach a hoof out and take an apple. Rarity smiled in relief and kissed her sister's head.

"That's right. Eat up. I know you'll enjoy it. You eat up. I'll be in the next room over, okay? If you need anything at all, just let me know."

"I need Mommy and Daddy back," Sweetie Belle said, her voice almost inaudible. "I wanna go home."

Rarity's smile fell, but she didn't respond. She merely set Sweetie Belle back down on her bed to let her eat. She went back to her own room and locked the door behind her. She lit up her horn and slid her uniform off, hissing in pain when the cloth rubbed against a wound that hadn't quite healed. She folded her uniform and placed it on the dresser next to her bed before pulling a knife out of her bag. She cast the protection spell on the floor below her before pulling out a bloody sheet and setting it down on the floor. She sat down on the sheet in front of a full length mirror and studied her body. Many of her dozens of scars hadn't completely healed quite yet. She poked at one on her shoulder that seemed like it could get infected soon.

Rarity grasped the knife in the crook of her foreleg and gently ran the tip over her chest, not using enough force to actually penetrate the skin. She could create a new scar, or re-open an existing one. Decisions, decisions. As long as she didn't bleed out or injure herself in a way that would hinder her performance, her queen didn't care what she did to her own body.

Rarity extended her right foreleg and began dragging the knife across a clean patch of fur, creating a bright red line of blood. It wasn't suitable atonement, not really, but it would have to do. She began pressing the knife deeper into the wound, ignoring the blood dripping from her leg onto the sheet.

Maybe this one time she could cut too deep.

No, then Sweetie Belle would die.

She began to wonder, not for the first time, if that would be such a terrible thing in the long run.

No, the Coming Dawn would defeat Nightmare Moon. Then her sister could be free.

She had no illusions about Princess Celestia granting her clemency, not after all she'd done. If Sweetie Belle was taken care of, that would be enough for her.

Just as she pulled the knife away from her skin, she heard a loud knock on the door to her chambers. She grimaced and cast a quick healing spell on her leg, causing the wound to appear several days old. She stood up, put her supplies away, and began putting her uniform on as the pony knocked again. Probably another hunt from her queen.

Maybe this would be the last one. Maybe just this once she would make a mistake. One bad enough to get her captured or killed. Sweetie Belle would die if she were killed, though. Maybe she could find some way to let the Coming Dawn know that if she were killed, an innocent filly would also die.

Maybe she'd be stuck doing this forever.

But no, she had to hope that one day things would get better. She had to hope for both her and Sweetie Belle. Nopony else had any.