• Published 20th Jan 2016
  • 638 Views, 6 Comments

Equestria Girls: Hellmouth Harmony - forrestib

Buffyverse crossover. Sunset/Twilight. In the months following the Friendship Games, the Wondercolts find themselves under investigation by a mysterious new student named Dawn Summers.

  • ...

First Contact

Twilight nervously approached the school that only a month prior she had almost destroyed. She hesitated at the steps, before gathering courage with a deep breath and entering to face the flames.

Dozens of students bustled in the corridor. Two among them gave her a second glance before continuing their day. Four outright smiled at her in greeting.

Sunset Shimmer caught up with her new friend, “Wondering why they're not scared or angry at you?”

Twilight adjusted her glasses and nodded.

Sunset put a hand on her shoulder and they walked forward together, “To be honest it surprises me too. But it probably has something to do with me.”

The scientist looked to the older girl, “You mean the precedent of a magical threat to the school being redeemed through friendship? But our circumstances are completely different! They must just be confusing me with the other Twilight.”

The two reached their lockers and the orange haired girl opened hers first, “No, I'm pretty sure that's not it. We had plenty of time before break to introduce you to everyone, and your natural mannerisms are pretty different. Take it from someone with experience, but you don't act like a pony. I think the only one left who doesn't quite get it is Flash. And he'll warm up to you eventually.”

Twilight looked over at the boy putting his guitar into his locker. The two locked eyes and he seemed to start a smile before remembering who she was and abruptly aborting the social effort. He slammed his locker and stormed away as quickly as he could without running. Twilight drooped at the thought that she hadn't even known the boy before she broke his heart.

She felt a tug at her arm and let Sunset direct her toward their next class, “Come on. Statistics is this way. You can mope on your own time.” Twilight perked up at the prompt and followed with increased vigor.

On their way they passed by Celestia’s office. The principle stepped out alongside a man wearing an eyepatch. Sunset slowed down and glanced behind in curiosity. The man said something just as he twirled a mysterious silver coin in his fingers, and immediately after Celestia gave a ringing laugh and a positively glowing smile. The two students continued on their way to class.

Halfway through the class, Celestia and the new mystery man entered the back of the room quietly and began to watch. Every few minutes one of them would lean and whisper to the other, and more often than not the man would twirl his silver coin at the same time.

Professor Blueblood called on her, “Sunset Shimmer?”

She looked back to the front of the room, “What?”

The maths teacher gave her a stern look, “I asked you to solve the problem for the class.”

Sunset glanced at the two chalkboards covered in numbers and instructions, barely taking a pause, “point-two-three electron volts.” She returned to observing the suspicious newcomer.

The teacher frowned as the bell rang, “That is correct.”

The students flowed out of the classroom at a near constant rate, with Sunset exiting last and leaving the adults on their own.

Lunch came, and Sunset and Twilight quickly found the rest of their group. A few minutes in Twilight said something that caught Sunset’s ear, “That's odd. Is that the same person Celestia was talking with in first period? I don't recognize him from parent teacher night.”

All present turned to see the principle speaking with the same eyepatched individual as before. The two stood in a corner of the room, observing lunch and leaving Celestia’s usual spot at the teacher table empty.

Spike popped his head out of Twilight’s pack, “Now that you mention it it does seem a bit weird.”

Applejack scratched her head, “They've been talkin’ fer that long? If he were a parent I can't imagine the principle meetin’ with him out here where any ol’ student could overhear.”

Rainbow Dash leaned her chin on her hand in thought, “The same would be true for another teacher.”

Rarity joined the discussion, “But if he's not a teacher and he's not a parent, then why ever would he be here?”

Pinkie Pie almost screamed and the others flinched at what had previously been a somewhat covert conversation, “But even I don't know him! And I know everyone! I knew Twilight before even I knew Twilight! Does anyone recognize him from anything? Ever!”

Everyone shook their heads.

Fluttershy answered as the group watched from afar, “Maybe he's new. He could have just moved here. Maybe he's a refugee from Los Angeles looking for a new job.”

Sunset narrowed her eyes as she spotted the coin in his grasp again, “Maybe. He's been spinning that silver coin whenever he says anything, and whenever he does Celestia gets all… happy.”

Celestia laughed for the fifth time in as many minutes.

“Like that. It seems almost as if he's got her under some kind of-”

Twilight finished her sentence, “-spell.”

Rainbow Dash growled, “Oh no, don't tell me it's mind control again! How are we supposed to fight against an adult who has Celestia as his lackey?”

Rarity responded, “It's not like we haven't faced worse than this before. And besides, we don't even know for certain that he is evil. He might just be her new boyfriend who she's showing around her workplace.”

Rainbow Dash shuddered and Applejack vocalized agreement, “I really didn't need that visual.”

Pinkie Pie grinned, “I think that's a great idea! I really hope that's it. Celestia always seemed a little lonely to me. And not having to save the world again would be nice too.”

Rainbow Dash butted in, “Oh come on guys! He wears an eyepatch! How much more evil can you get?”

Twilight leaned forward with her elbows on the table, “We should probably investigate a little bit more before we jump to any conclusions and do something rash.”

The man kissed the principal on the hand before turning to exit the school.

Once he was safely out of earshot, Twilight revised her statement, “Ok. He's evil. How do we kill it?”

Sunset shook her head, “No, you were right. We need more information. We don't know for sure that magic is involved. I'll go talk to Celestia and find out what I can. After that we can decide if we need to call the princess for backup.”

Sunset approached the teacher where she still stood in the corner of the room, “Excuse me, Principal?”

Celestia only then seemed to notice the student right in front of her, “Yes, Sunset Shimmer. How can I help you?”

The student asked cautiously, “Can you tell me who that man was with the eyepatch?”

The principle nodded, “He was hoping his daughter could come here, and asked me to give him a tour of the building. His name is Xander Harris. He's a survivor of the Sunnydale collapse two years ago. That's how he lost his eye. Why do you ask?”

Sunset gave herself a moment to dwell on new information, “No reason in particular. Thank you for telling me.”

“If you're worried about the safety of the school, That's very sweet but there's really no need. It's likely no more magical threats to the well-being of the school will ever surface again, let alone three in one semester like last year. You don't have to be suspicious just because something is new.”

She nodded, “I know. I'm just being… cautious is all. We're the only protectors this school's got. Thanks again principal Celestia.”

Outside the building, Xander stepped into the car that pulled up in front of the school. He spoke to the Slayer he knew was driving, “Did you have to use the limo? I look enough like a spy without a suspicious mode of transit.”

Vi answered, “Well, I figure if you look suspicious enough then no-one will suspect you're up to anything. Because you never suspect the first person you suspect.”

Xander shook his head, “Vi, this is a high school.”

She pulled out and got onto the nearest highway, “Right. Okay, I'll be more discreet. Do you want to go greet her at the airport?”

Xander smiled, “She's a day early? Sure. It's been a while since I've seen the Dawnster.”

Author's Note:

To clarify the timeline a little, this is early January. The Friendship Games took place in December, and the Fall Formal dance was in, well, fall. Which means this is only a bit over three months after the portal first opened. I know whole seasons of FiM passed between films, and that will be addressed, you guessed it, later on.