• Published 20th Jan 2016
  • 305 Views, 9 Comments

A voice in the dark - EmberLight

Fyre Web, a young earth pony colt- who has lived in the everfree forest all on his own for seven years, finally gets some company in the form of a little pink pegasus filly.

  • ...

Chapter 9: Cooking Time!

Alone... So alone... So cold...

I look up, the stars are bright,
The ground beneath my hooves is white,
The darkness that I will become,
Is almost ready to return.

A prophecy of what is to follow,
A monster they shan't find more hollow,
A little lost soul will meet its end,
My power will feed from their friends.

...Something is watching.

I wake up violently, shivering from fear and looking around, before realising it was a dream. The first thing I notice is that I'm sitting on a bed of leaves, an actual bed of leaves. Not a large mound of leaves but a bed made from leaves. I remember yesterday once we had dinner, we decided that we should set up our sleeping arrangements, so that we all didn't have to sleep in Fyre's bed. Chaio made himself a bed of clouds while Fyre decided to... Basically knit me a bed from the tree's leaves. It was surprisingly comfortable to sleep on- and it didn't fall apart as soon as I lay down on it- Probably from the Chaos magic Chaio used on the bed.

The bed's leaves were a dark green and had a very interesting pattern on them. It was a similar pattern to the walls of the room I was currently in. I mean the garden, the pattern was probably something for preservation, since I remember Fyre saying about a preservation spell being used so the flowers don't age or die.

The bed and I were underneath a tree with pure white blooms on them. I knew what this tree was since I had always loved seeing it growing in the ponies' gardens. It was called Odium Plume, which I think is a really nice name for it. The tree branches reach over and create a veil like effect, or a curtain, which sort of sheilds you from the outside world. When the branches flower though, it's beautiful. The light filters through the flowers and when you're undermeath the branches it looks like they're glowing- from the outside it looks like it's one large pristine crystal, that doesn't belong in this impure world.

I stepped through the veil revealing to me the garden, beautiful green everywhere- large bushes and colourful plants litter the area with an exquisite quality like something out of a fairytale. I walk over to the entrance and leave, following the bright yellow light provided by the Ivy, it really is beautiful how Fyre's ancestors were so creative and... It's inspiring how they managed to survive- unlike my kind. Always cowering in fear, constant starvation, killing others just to feed. It's truly pitiful- and even so, Fyre's mother... She was a changeling? She ran from her hive! That was amazing, I thought that it would be impossible for any changeling to run from their queen! I guess I've been proven wrong.

I finally reach the kitchen where I look in and see Fyre cooking. It smells really nice, better than anything I've had before I came here, although I suppose that's not too hard to beat.

"Hiya Fyre!" I chirp at him, he jumps in surprise as his fur turns yellow... I could swear his fur chooses a random colour for everything.

He blushes by turning pink all over, honestly- he's adorable when he does that, before he replies. "Hi Shimmer, so... You want an 'energising honeyed apple delight' or a 'Herb Sauté'?"

"Herb Sauté sounds nice, did you come up with the names yourself?" I ask, it really does sound like he made them up.

"Umm... No, I found them in a book from the library labelled 'Human Food', still they smell really nice so they'll probably be good."

"Well, uh... Should I go sit in the hall?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'll bring your food through when it's ready."

I walked through to the hall, where Chaio was sitting on a giant chair shaped marshmallow, with his back to me, while he ate a giant marshmallow shaped chair. I didn't question it, I had experience with draqoneqi before, this wasn't the maddest thing he could've done. I walked over beside him and sat down.

"Hi Chaio, so... You eat chairs?" I asked. Okay earlier, when I said I didn't question it, I did- he hadn't seemed to be mad yesterday, and I wanted to know why.

"Yep, they're surprisingly good- want a taste?" Before taking another bite out the giant marshmallow shaped chair.

"Um, no thank you- Fyre's making me food." I replied, I didn't want to catch a splinter.

"You sure you don't want a bite?" Chaio asked me, before eating it whole. It really didn't look edible, it was just a big lump of wood.

-then again, Chaio made eating it so easy- just one bite couldn't hurt... Could it?

Bad idea! Bad idea! BAD IDEA!

It feels like there's a ton of tiny needles sticking into my throat, Chaio's fallen off his marshmallow laughing and watching me suffer. What on earth was I thinking! Stupid- Stupid me! Chaio whistles then the pain dissapears, as though it was never there.

"I didn't actually expect you to eat it! I was just teasing you, I'm part draqonequis- you should have known not to trust me like that, it's literally written into my nature!"

"Well you could have told me that before I had a lump of wood in my mouth!"

Seriously, it hurt.

"Sorry, sorry- it's just too hilarious."

"I've only known you for a day and already I want to kill you."

"That's normal."

"You weren't this annoying yesterday."

"I didn't have as much Chaos energy yesterday, I'm feeling much more up to it now."

"how did you get that much Chaos energy overnight?"

"I slept, it's what all animals do to get their energy back."

"...stop being sarcastic."


"Why not?"

"It's fun, because it annoys you."

I grumble and fly off to the kitchen to see how Fyre's doing, taking notice that the wallpaper wasn't falling off anymore. How did that happen, the paintings weren't as dusty as they were before now too.

I stop beside the small archway that leads to the kitchen, it smells like Fyre's almost done cooking, Fyre's standing bipedal so that he can use the frying pan to cook something green, with some kind of powder over it. Despite it not looking too appetizing it smells fantastic.

Fyre lifts the pan up and tips the contents onto a plate, before drizzling some sort of sauce over it. He picks up the plate in his left forehoof and turns around- almost jumping when he sees me, he loses his balance and the plate starts sliding off his hoof, but he manages to shift the plate onto the bar beside the cooker before he drops it. He looks at me with a sheepish grin and light blue fur.

"Um... You're drooling," he says. It takes a moment before I realise he's talking about me- then I wipe the drool from my mouth and give a sheepish grin back.

"Well... Is that the herb sauté?"

"Yes, 'made from hoofrule herbs and Gornon Spice stewed together in perfect harmony, the aroma is completely unmistakable as well as the wonderful flavour that graces your taste buds. Truly a wonderful dish that no outsider will ever have the privilege of tasting.'" Fyre quoted, putting on a ridiculous accent.

"Well, this "outsider" is going to be the first one to ever have the privilege to taste such an exquisite dish!.. Can I eat now?" I asked, although I didn't wait for a response- I couldn't resist it any longer.

"Once you're done we can start searching for the others," Fyre said, giggling a bit at me.

The one of six points will be rescued first,
While one of the twelve bubbles will burst,
My power shall be restored,
From the love of their adored.

Author's Note:

I do sincerely apologise, I had not looked at the last chapter till now and I could not allow you all to suffer reading that terrible chapter, so here, have a filler chapter.

Oh and, congrats to anyone who spots the breath of the wild reference.