• Published 18th Jan 2016
  • 2,339 Views, 44 Comments

Second Chance - Bolt Blazer

When Bolt finds Adagio wanting to change, he helps her out. Then word goes around about them, but is it true?

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Chapter 4

I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock. Groggily, I hit the snooze button and checked to see what time it was. 5:50 AM. That’s usually the time I get up for school anyway. Then, I noticed something. The house was almost dead quiet. Usually on a school day, the house is filled with the sounds of food being cooked, people brushing their teeth and the occasional shower. It almost seemed as if I feel asleep in someone else’s house.

I then got out of bed and got into the clothes I wanted to wear (A Korn shirt and dark jeans) and made my way downstairs as quietly as I could. As I reached the bottom of the stairs, I saw Midnight silently eating a bowl of cereal and mom was silently making herself something to eat. Mom looked at me and smiled. I returned her smile. She then nodded her head towards the couch. I turned and realized why everything was so quiet, Adagio was still asleep.

“I think it’d be best if she got some sleep for now, she probably hasn’t had a good night’s sleep for a long time,” mom said.

“That’s true. She’s been on the streets for quite some time,” I replied.

I silently made my way into the kitchen and got myself an apple, some juice and a breakfast bar and sat next to Midnight. The two of us ate in silence for what seemed like forever (when in reality, was only ten minutes) until she decided to speak up.

“What are you going to do about her now?” Midnight asked, her voice slightly above a whisper. “Giving her a place to live is a great thing Bolt, but if I know you, you can’t stop there.”

“I’ll think of something, don’t worry,” I replied.

I hadn’t come up with a plan of what I’d do next, but I knew that I’d discuss it with the girls a little later. For the moment, this was good enough.

We finished out breakfast and went to our bathrooms to get ready. School didn’t start until 7:25, but we did like to get there early so that we could see our friends or finish any work we didn’t complete the night before. Within ten minutes, we were ready and, as quietly as we could, we made our way out the door with a kiss good-bye by mom.

“Have a great first day you two,” mom whispered.

After we said our good-byes, we set off for school. It was about 6:35 and the sun was beginning to shine on the horizon. It was still pretty warm, probably because it was still technically summer, but even so, it was still tolerable. We arrived at school and it looked as if it was abandoned, until we saw people standing around at the front of the building. It wasn’t long until we saw the first member of our little group of friends.

“Hey Pinkie,” Midnight said.

“Good morning Midnight! Good morning Bolt!” She replied.

“Morning Pinkie,” I replied.

Pinkie then took a seat next to me and waited for the rest of the group to wait show up. The wait wasn’t long, soon the girls started showing up, some in new clothes for the new school year and some in the regular clothes. Soon, the courtyard was packed with students, both new and familiar.

“Man, I hope we all have a class together this year,” Rainbow said.

“That would definitely be a great way to end our time here,” Fluttershy said.

We were going to have our schedules handed to us at the annual “Beginning of the School Year” meeting in the gym. There was a bit of anticipation from a lot of people, and it’s understandable. We all want to be in a class with some, if not all, of our friends. Soon, the bell rang, alerting everyone it was time to go.

“All students, please report to the gymnasium for the Beginning of the School Year meeting,” Principal Celestia said over the announcement.

Everyone then started piling into the hallways to get to the gym, we were all able to find a seats near each other so that we could all still talk during the meeting. The meeting is usually insanely boring, pretty much explaining what the rules were and all that jazz.

“Good morning Students!” Principal Celestia said with some excitement in her voice. “Welcome to Canterlot High School! First and foremost, I would like for everyone to give a round of applause for the graduating class.”

There was soon a roar of cheers and applause, mainly done by the freshmen and sophomores. There were some Juniors clapping and cheering, but not everyone was doing it.

“Well, that was a bigger response than last year,” Principal Celestia said with happiness and surprise in her voice.

Soon the meeting began, not a lot of people really paid attention to it. We had all been told about this for the past four years now, so I’m pretty sure a lot of people knew what to do and what not to do. Unless some students were high, then they’d have no idea what the hell was going on. Then as soon as the meeting had begun, it ended and people were being handed out their schedules as they headed out the doors to go to class. There was a ten minute break between the meeting and first period so that the students could have time finding their class. The girls and I were getting our schedules when we were stopped by Celestia.

“I would like to have a word with you Bolt,” Celestia said.

Everyone looked at me rather confused. They weren’t the only ones confused though.

“Wait, why?” I asked.

“Just follow me Bolt, I’ll explain when we get there,” she said.

“I’ll see you guys in class, I promise this won’t take long….I hope,” I said.

As I followed her to her office, I had all sorts of thoughts running through my head just wondering why I was being brought o her office. On the first day of school no less. We soon arrived at her office and I sat down in the chair in front of her desk. She then took her seat on in the chair behind her desk.

“Thank you for coming Bolt,” Celestia said.

“Um, I hope you don’t mind me asking, but why am I here exactly?” I asked with concern.

She took a deep breath and then began to speak. “I couldn’t help but notice that you had stayed behind for a while after the festivities were done yesterday. Now I don’t really have a problem with that. However, I did happen to see you comforting a friend of yours. Someone we haven’t seen since the Battle of The Bands competition last year.”

Looks like she had seen and heard everything.

“Yeah, I ran into Adagio, she’s been falling on tough times, her sisters abandoned her and she’s been roaming the streets for months. I didn’t want to leave her like that so I decided to-“

“Give her another chance and a place to stay?” She asked.

I just sat there in shock and my jaw hanging agape. “How did you know about that?” I asked, stunned.

She chuckled a little before standing up and walking to the front of her desk. “Bolt, I know you. I’m sure that you’ve been told this many times before but, you just that kind of person. You’re a great example to set for the freshmen,” she said smiling.

I smiled sheepishly, I mean, it’s not every day that your principal gives you those kinds of compliments.

“Also your mother told me,” she added.

No surprise there.

Principal Celestia and my mother have known each other for a few years now, but they act like they’ve known each other forever. So if there happens to be anything relating to me or Midnight, she lets Celestia know, just in case.

“Now, run along to class Bolt, wouldn’t want to start the new year off on the wrong foot now would we?” she asked as she gave me my schedule.

“Thank you Celestia, have a good day,” I said with a smile. I started to walk out of her office when she spoke up.

“Oh, I almost forgot, I’ll call you down here a little later today,” she called to me.


“You’ll see,” She said with a small wink.

With that she closed her door and I made my way to first period. On the way there, I could not stop thinking of why she said that she’d call me back to her office. Would it be an award? Would it be something else? I don’t know. I’m just telling the story as it is. I’m getting sidetracked, lets continue.

I decided to put those thoughts aside for the moment because I had to focus on first period, which was English. I walked in through the door just as the bell rang to begin the class period.

“Hello Bolt,” said a familiar female voice.

“Hello Cheerilee,” I replied.

“Cutting it close on the first day, eh?” she said jokingly.

I rolled my eyes and laughed sarcastically.

She chuckled and said, “Just don’t make it a habit, alright?”

“I won’t, I promise,” I replied with a smile.

As I made my way to my seat, I saw that I had a seat with Rainbow to the left of me and Rarity to the right. Talk about hell yeah!

“Flirting with Cheerilee again?” Rainbow asked in a playful manner.

“You know it,” I said in a sarcastic manner as I took my seat.

“Rainbow Dash, now is not the time to be joking around,” Rarity said sternly.

Rainbow rolled her eyes and the lesson began.

Class went by rather quickly but I’m not complaining. Second period was World History (which is my favorite subject just FYI) and I shared that class with Twilight, Sunset, AJ and Fluttershy. Third Period was Theater and I shared that class with Rarity and Trixie. To no one’s surprise, Trixie went on and on and on about how “Great and Powerful” she is. It was to a point where I wanted to pull my hair out. Thankfully, lunch came.

It didn’t take long for everyone to find each other and a place to sit. Soon everyone was in a discussion about their classes, the teachers and some of the students they had to share the class with. While they were all chattering away, I just sat there looking off into the distance, still thinking of what Celestia said. I was still curious as to why she wanted to call me down again today.

“Is something wrong Bolt?”

My train of thought was run off the rails and I saw that the girls were looking at me rather concerned.

“Yeah, everything’s fine,” I replied.

“You sure? You look like something is bothering you,” Twilight said.

“Twilight, everything is fi-“

“Bolt Blazer, please report to Principal Celestia’s office,” Principal Luna said over the loudspeaker.

The girls looked at me suspiciously, again. I think this is a record.

“Bolt, did you do something or?” Sunset asked.

“No, I didn’t do anything. Celestia said that she’d call me down to her office later today. When I asked why she was going to call me down again she just told me ‘You’ll see,” I said.

“That seems a little odd,” Twilight said. “You will tell us what happens, right Bolt?”

“Don’t worry Twilight, I will,” I replied.

I gathered my things and made my way from the cafeteria to Principal Celestia’s office, still wondering why she was calling me down. I soon found my way back to her office and knocked on her door.

“Come on in Bolt, “Celestia said.

I opened the door to see not only Celestia and Luna, buy I also saw that my mother was there as well.

“Mom? What are you doing here?” I asked.

“I wanted to discuss this with you when you got home, but I decided to talk to you about this here with Celestia and Luna,” she said.

“Wait, talk about what? I’ve had all sorts of questions running through my head about what could be talked about,” I said, rubbing the back of my head a little.

“Maybe we should let her explain,” mom said.

“Who?” I asked.

The chair next to mom turned and there sat…


Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait. This one took a while.

I feel like this is one of the more weaker chapters of this story. Hopefully the next chapter will be better than this one.

Also, "Happy" Valentin- oh, whoops. Hearts and Hooves Day.