• Published 2nd Jan 2016
  • 4,883 Views, 76 Comments

Alphacorn Restoration - AkumaKami64

Alpha Church appears in Equestria: He is now an Alicorn with ponifed Halo armor and weapons, along with the AIs(Beta/Tex included) made from his fragmented mind, which may or may not be deteriorating. They may not be sure how to react to him.

  • ...

New World, New Problems, New Everything

There's a moment for Church, a second really where he's holding the Meta in place and thinks that the EMP will be painless, that he's already dead. In the next instant, he knows how very wrong that is.

He screams as he feels the wave rip through every piece of his being, then shred the remains and grind the bits to dust. The scream isn't even his voice. Or it's maybe not just his.

It's Delta. It's Gamma, Sigma, Eta, Iota, Delta, and Omega.

It's Maine. It's North, South, Caboose, York, Flowers, Washington, Sarge, Carolina, Doc, and Wyoming.

It's Tex.

In the agony somewhere, he thinks he hears the ghost of Epsilon from the little bits and fragments he picked up.

He swears he even catches a bit of the Director in it.

Maybe, just maybe, there's a bit of himself screaming that, deep down, is still the Alpha.

The Alpha that was based on a man that was obsessed with the past…The Alpha that had silently and invincibly watched over the Freelancers, always making the best missions to get them home…The Alpha who was tortured and shattered to the point of insanity...The Alpha that forgot everything. Honestly, Church wasn't sure how much of that he actually remembered and how much was just information that just came from Delta or Tex. He really didn't give a fuck in either case.

He did know one thing about the Alpha though, about himself. He was the Alpha that Maine...that the Meta...no, the Alpha that all the fragmented AIs so desperately wanted to find, for reasons they couldn't even properly comprehend. Fragments that are now screaming for him, crying to him, begging him like children pleading their parents to make the pain go away.

He doesn't know why he does it, but as he feels himself being torn apart, some part of his...Soul? Programming? Code? Something of his reaches out to something of theirs, grasping them tightly. Even when the agony grows, he did not let them go. Not even when they try to pull away, for some reason. Wasn't this what they wanted, minus the dying part? He hears something from Tex...something about not taking the pain all on his own? Is that what he's doing? Huh, never took himself for the self-sacrificing type.

He doesn't answer though. He couldn't even process the words to say at the moment and wouldn't even know how to let go if he wanted to. Besides...as cliché as it sounds, he'd rather not die alone. Even if they're going to die with him. Even if he's going to die screaming.

When the royal fuck did Leonard Church decide to grow a motherfucking heart!?

Why was this death taking so damn long?!

...Why was there a light at the end the tunnel?


In the land of Equestria, all was peaceful on this night. All non-nocturnal creatures slept with their dream-walking Princess standing guard over their dreams and nightmares. As of late, there were no great looming threats to the nation of ponies, only the occasional localized potentials for disaster that they all dealt with from time to time.

Truly, all was peaceful.

Until they heard it.

It started as a change in the wind, a sense of magic gathering, hording itself into a single point in the far distance. Most of the more magically inclined ponies stirred restlessly in their sleep or awoke in a dazed confusion, their eyes instinctively drawn towards that one point in the world.

Then, like a mighty explosion, it hit them. A mighty roaring and a terrible screaming; A screaming that traveled without sound, echoing into the very soul and the mind. It was as if magic itself was wounded. It was terrifying, to think of a pain so deep, to perceive its very existence. Fillies and babes of all species wailed into the night, colts and mares shuddered with their ears pressed back.

But for all those that felt it, fewer saw it.

The Alicorns, through the eyes of their minds, perceived it. Into the world, some...thing was pulled- no, pulled was too light a term. Something was stitched, something that had been torn asunder in one realm and remade into theirs. What it was, they didn't know.

Celestia perceived it as a mirror, cracked and shattered lines forming the shape of a stallion, roaring to the skies in pain.

Cadence perceived him being made of the northern lights, hunched over with mouth and eyes opened in a silent expression of torture.

And Luna? She saw a strange guard colt, wearing ghostly blue armor that covered every inch of his body, an orange light covering his eyes. And at his hooves were nine different shadows, laid out in every direction but where Luna perceived herself to be.

And in the Canterlot Gardens, upon the Statue of Discord, a crack formed at one side of the mouth, as if the screaming expression was trying to grin against its stone prison.

When Church woke up, he didn't know anything. Not the amnesiac kind, more like when you got way drunker than you should be sane enough to consider consuming. The first thing that came clear to him was his name: Leonard Church. The second thing was the people he knew: Tex, Tucker, Caboose, the Reds, Washington, etc. The third thing that he recalled was the whole EMP thing, with him finding out he was actually a mentally broken AI. Peachy. Just peachy.

He also recalled the pain that came after that, but he was very intent on NOT thinking about that too much.

Every other unimportant detail just fell into place after that.


The voice that comes to him is familiar, calm, polite and professional. Like a doctor…a REAL doctor, without the fake or genuine sympathies. He's not sure if he should be happy to hear it, to be honest. Either they were still alive or they were both dead and in the same afterlife- in the latter case, it was at least good to know that AIs got afterlives.

"Delta. Are we dead?" He asked, not even opening his eyes yet.

"Possible. I am currently unable to properly formulate a logical conclusion on explaining our current situation," The logical AI answered with just a hint of uncertainty, "Are you feeling well?"

"I feel like I just got sent through a blender, stitched back together, and then ran over. So, I feel like I got beaten to a pulp by Omega and Tex, but had time to heal. Yeah, I think that describes me pretty well," Church answered dryly.

"I suppose I'll take that as a compliment, hahaha," Omega's voice greeted Church, his voice like when he possessed Doc, but his chuckle weaker and more sheepish than normal. The cobalt trooper snorted in recognition.

That felt weird, actually. Like his nose was longer or something.

"O'Malley. I see you haven't changed much," Church commented.

"Neither have you, Alpha," Omega replied evenly.

The meaning is too clear to Church, to Alpha. He knows exactly what O'Malley…Omega is getting at.

"What? Did you think it'd be that simple?" Church isn't even sure if that cold, almost cruel voice is even his. Is it Alpha's? "You expected that'd we'd all have this happy reunion like a bunch of former fucking classmates, then you'd all just get absorbed back into me, slip the fuck back into place? You think we all could just shove our broken selves back together and be fixed, you egotistical little prick?" He's not sure who he's really talking to at the end.

Something is pressed against his face. Why he hasn't opened his eyes yet, he doesn't know. Maybe he just isn't ready to deal with anything right now, in the physical sense.

"...Are you angry at us, Alpha?" A small, childlike voice asked in a worried and concerned voice.

"Who the fuck are you?" Church honestly doesn't know. Alpha knows, but Alpha isn't really here, even though he is.

Church supposes, in that sense, he's always been the Ghost of Alpha.

"...eta. My name is Theta," The voice answered shyly.

"Kid, get off me. Secondly, what are the hell are you?" He asked harshly.

"Umm, an AI?" Church could hear the head tilting that came with that question.

"No dip, 'Sherlock'. Omega is Anger, Delta is Intellect, and Theta is...?" There was an expectation with that, all but demanding an answer.

"Alpha-" Delta tried to speak up, but for some reason, Church felt this was important.

"Delta, no offense? I mean, yeah, I'm a little pissed about you backstabbing us at the time, but I'm starting to get why-" He did. He really, really did and he was hating it, "-but please, kindly...Shut Your Fucking Mouth! I asked the kid the question, not you!"

There's a long, long silence at that. Theta is quivering a bit, probably hiding behind Delta- he sure as hell wouldn't try to get Omega to protect him, "I'm...I'm Trust, Alpha."

"...Of fucking course, even that." He muttered, practically in disbelief, "Lo-look, Sorry, Theta. I just-"

"I-it's okay, really!" Theta spoke up quickly, "You're...you're probably still mad about what happened. All of it. I...I thought you might be happy to see us again, even if you didn't remember us. I-I mean, I know you didn't have Iota, but I thought you might miss us. I...I'm sorry I left, by the way. I...I wanted to go back for so long. I didn't want to...break off, but-!" He's apologizing. Apologizing for things he didn't even do, things he couldn't have stopped.

"Shut up." It was an order, not a request. It doesn't sound as desperate as it actually is, "It's not your fault. Besides, at least...at least you're still here and not just...gone."

Church thinks that Theta is smiling. Alpha knows that he is.

"Alpha?" Delta called, a curious tone to his voice.

"Where are the others?" Church asked briskly.

"Sleep mode, to avoid the risk of disturbing you while you...recuperated," He explained diplomatically, "Alpha, may I ask why you have yet to open your eyes?"

"I don't know." He really doesn't. He should, soon, but doesn't feel the urge yet, "I guess I'm just...tired." Why did that sound ominously familiar?

"Rest as long as you need."

That voice alone almost shocked him into opening his eyes. Almost. The gentle tone is completely missed by him.

"Alison." The name seemed to roll off his tongue in every way possible: A snarl, a hiss, a whisper, a grunt, a growl, a mutter, and even as just a name- a meaningless little word.

"Alpha." She was sitting right next to him. Or that's how he saw it in his mind. Her voice was close enough for it to be true.

"How long did you know?" The question is as empty as a vacuum.

"I always knew, Church. Since before I ever met your motley crew." The answer is filled with emotions he is completely incapable of processing right now.

"Bitch." The insult was more instinctive than spiteful, "And you never mentioned it because...?"

"I tried to save you, once. Do you remember that?" Her question is as empty as his.

"No." The answer is flat, all the wind out of his sails.

"You were broken. You were...tired. So very, very tired. So, sorry if I couldn't pull your fat digital ass out of the cell." Her apology sounds more genuine than he would like.

"Sorry...Why did you join up with the Meta anyway?" He's honestly curious now and desperate to change the subject.

"...Alpha, do you even know who I am?" She asked with just a bit of bite, "I'm the Beta."

"The first one that was ripped out..." He deduced, a scowl on his face.

"No. I was a by-product of the imprinting, of when your personality was...created or processed, I suppose." Her explanation makes less sense than his guess, "I'm your shadow, Church."

"What the fuck does that even mean?" Does he even want to know?

"I don't know. It's a term I saw in the file. When the Meta found me, I just knew that this would all lead back to you. I didn't know what Maine was doing originally, but when I found out...I thought it was a chance to undo what happened to you...and maybe get some answers of my own. Guess that failed too."


"Please stop calling me that."

Now his eyes are open.

He knows something is wrong. Not what though. His HUD is fine, showing his equipment is all functioning. He's on the edge of a forest. The air is clean and clear and everything seems to be a bit more...vibrant than he remembered. It was actually almost pleasant for him. He's not surprised to see that Tex isn't really there. So why did feel in his hooves that som-

"I thought I told you to rest?"

He didn't hear her. He wasn't looking at her. He was looking at his two front legs. Now, while he couldn't see the hooves beneath the Spartan armor, cobalt Mark VI, the shape of said armor was definitely reshaped into that of an ungulate. He took a glance back at himself, zoning out everything and everyone else, his breath getting deeper and quicker with every instant. Not out of necessity, but out of habit. Hard to completely forget human nature.

His back legs are much the same as his front: Like a horse wearing customized MJOLNIR armor. He barely noticed the black tail with almost unnoticeable cobalt highlights- actually, he hardly saw it all. He was a little too busy gaping at the massive wings at his side with grey-blue feathers. Covering the boney upper part of the wings, from the humerus down the radius and probably over the metacarpals was additional and form fitting armor, many joints in the armor to allow them to fold. Not that they were, folded that is, as they were currently twitching to show his panic. It went on both the underside and overside of the wings, covering the bones and muscles with the feathers sticking out, dark blue save for the black and curved edge.

In an instant, he's on his fe-hooves, tumbling forward clumsily. He's falling all over himself, like a toddler, but he doesn't care. He hears the AIs yelling at him to calm down, but he doesn't care. He could have heard the voice of God himself and he wouldn't care. All he cares about is getting a look at himself.

He doesn't know how long he stumbled around before he found a river, staring into the rippling and rushing water. In the reflection, he sees the blue armor and orange visor, now more equine shaped. He had to admit, with the longer snout and visor wrapping around the new shape of his head, it looks kind of badass, especially with that horn feature. That doesn't prevent him from trying and failing to tear the helmet off his head.

"Alpha! Alpha! Please desist!" Delta called out urgently, "I have not yet deciphered a means to remove the armor! Any attempt to do so is most probable to end in further injury."

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT?!" Church yelled, slamming his hooves to the ground in anger, frustration, disbelief, and a few other emotions that were fragmented into AIs. He doesn't pay any attention to the cracks he just left in the ground, that the lights on his armor were getting brighter, that his cobalt highlight is turning a ghostly blue, or even the fact his horn is glowing as he thrashes about, "NOT ONLY AM I A FUCKING AI,- WHICH IS STILL HORSESHIT!- NOT ONLY AM I SOME BROKEN COPY OF THAT DAMN ASSHOLE OF A WHACK JOB FREELANCER BOSS, BUT NOW I'M SOME FUCKING SPACE MARINE HORSE?! GODDAMN WHATEVER GOD I PISSED OFF AND MAY HE CHOKE ON HIS OWN BLOATED AND SEVERED DICK! FUCKFUCKFUCK!" He screams into the forest, an ethereal blue beam launching from his horn, cutting a parallel line through the stream, before slamming into and through several lines of trees, bringing a good chunk of the forest collapsing down in front of him.

"...Wow." That was really the only word the Beta AI had for what she saw, "Delta, I thought you disabled all his weapons?"

"That is correct. This ability seems to be completely natural to his form. In hindsight, leaving his weapons on may have been the less destructive option." The green AI explained analytically, unphased by the show of power.

"Hahaha, I'm quite impressed, Alpha. Both with the rage and the carnage." Indeed, Omega did seem a bit giddy at the prospect of such volatile power in his hands. Well, Alpha's hands. Hooves, whatever. "Though, it does take some adjusting, being a horse," He noted a bit dryly.

"..." Church just stood there, starring at the crumbled mass of trees.

"Church? You okay?" Tex called with a tilt of her head.

"...OH MY GOD, I HAVE A FUCKING LASER FACE! THAT IS FUCKING BADASS!" Church declared in pride, "Ohohoh, how do I do it again!? Do I just have to get pissed off?"

"I can help with that, if you want!" Omega volunteered quickly.

"Yep, he's fine," Tex decided with a sigh.

"I now understand the origin for Omega's excitableness,," Delta noted.

Church turned to face the AIs, pausing only briefly at their appearance: They, like him, were all in the form of horses. Delta and Omega were floating and miniature, as always, while Tex was relatively normal sized. Delta had a horn, but lacked wings. While keeping his green schemed armor and glow, his tail was black and covered with what looked like a moving matrix of tiny, moving, green code numbers. Omega looked like a regular horse, sans the armor, but retained the dull purple color with orbs floating about him. His tail, of all things, looked like it was smoldering, like embers of a fire that had just been put out. Tex was full black, just barely transparent, with the visor and short red tail being the only distinctive features on the winged equine. She was smaller than him, but just a head so.

Honestly, now that he was thinking a bit, he wondered if he just wasn't a bit of a giant in this form.

He shook his head, focusing on them again, "First off, is that even a word, Delta?"

"Yes, yes it is," The tone was completely serious and matter-of-factly.

"I think your trolling us, but I couldn't care less if you are," Church commented, "Second, how long have I been out?"

"It is hard to be certain, but your system's cloak has been running for thirty hours, fifty-two minutes and one second," Delta answered.

"Good news is that the sun rose, fell, and rose again. So, ya know, similar hours to earth," Tex threw in with a shrug.

"Good to know. Now, to the all-important question: What the fuck is going on?" Church asked that as blunt and flatly as possible, "Are we dead? If this is just some whacked up dream or simulation thing I'm stuck in, I'm just going to kill and shoot everyone in sight."

"As fun as that would be, I assure you that this is real," Omega pipes in, sounding very sure of himself.

"Again then: What the fuck is going on?" Church repeated, not even going to jump on the landmine that was Omega's familiarity with knowing that this wasn't a simulation.

"I don't know." Hearing Delta say those words is almost a bit strange, odd as it was for him not to have a theory, "My apologies, Alpha."

"Why are you all apologizing to me?" Church muttered, holding up a hoof awkwardly as they became to speak, "Rhetorical! In that case, Delta? Tell me what you do know."

"Upon our destruction via EMP, we...reformed, for lack of a better term, here. According to my scans of the area, we apparently did so with a burst of energy. What form of energy, I am unable to determine, or rather, I have no definition that fits this energy. The closest explanation I can conclude is that it is a biological mass of various potential energies, fused into a naturally generated and very malleable substance," Delta speculated.

"Naturally generated? By what, the sun, this planet?" Church asked with raised eyebrow before his helmet.

"You." That was a bit blunt, even for Delta.

"Come again?" Church asked, clearly shocked.

"Did you forget the part where your horn light lasered half a forest?" Tex asked dryly.

"Wait...so that wasn't just a cool laser gun thing on my head?" Church asked awkwardly.

"No, it was not," Delta answered again, ever patient, "As I was saying. Whatever energy it is, it seems to have formed you a biological body, and-"

"Wowowowowowow! Back up! I'm flesh and blood under this thing?" Church asked, both amazed and hopeful.

Delta's answer was unphased and curt, "Quite."

Church stared for a moment before looking up to the sky, "Whatever God I just insulted? I take it back!" He called out hurriedly.

"Really?" Tex asked dryly. He can just feel the blank stare she's giving him.

"Hey, turned into what would have been your favorite childhood toy isn't a bad price to pay for having a real body. Sure, weird, but not bad," He answered with a grin.

"Lucky y- wait, you think I would have played with ponies if I was a kid?" She asked, tilting her head at him.

"A pony in badass armor that probably fights in space? Tex, every kid wants a toy like that at some age," Church pointed out.

"...Okay, point taken," She relented with a shrug.

"May I continue?" Delta asked patiently.

"Before you do, let me sum this up: We woke up on a new world, we're all in the forms of horses, I got new armor, and it's all caused by some strange energy that not only formed me a new body and armor, but I'm also generating it. That sum most of it up, D?" Church asked.

Omega coughed lightly to draw the attention to him, "Minus the point where, instead of a fusion core, that same energy is what's powering your armor and equipment," He explained dryly.

"Holy shit, how much energy am I producing here?!" Church asked in surprise, "It's not dangerous, right?!"

"Do I need to bring up your "oh so awesome laser-face" again?" Tex asked flatly.

"No, no, I mean am I radioactive or something!? Church clarified, still a bit on the worried side.

"Unlikely, Alpha. Your vitals are all within proper deviations and this unknown energy is not setting off any alarms: And yes, your armor does come with radiation detection warning, as did the old one," Delta informed.

"How is that even possible?" Church asked curiously, "Forget us being alive, how do I suddenly get a body with HIGHLY a customized form armor?"

"I have...a theory, but it is a bit...outlandish is the term, I believe," Delta explained, a bit hesitantly.

"Delta, I'll take anything at this point," Church assured with a sigh.

"While you were inactive, I took the liberty of running a few scans. First, there are no radio or standard communication signals in a hundred mile radius, making this world either primitive or sparsely inhabited. Second, I have checked the sky and found that the stars do not match any astrological map in our database. This would mean that we are either in a distant part of the universe or..." Delta paused here, seemingly unsure of his own conclusion.

"...Yes?" Church asked, a bit weirded out and, honestly? A little concerned. Delta never was one to hold back on his logical conclusions.

"With the aforementioned data of how we suddenly appeared here and our current appearance, the fact that this is all occuring after us being struck by an EMP, combined with this unknown energy and the lack of matching star maps, I fear that we may be in another universe entirely," He explained calmly.

"...Okay, HOW did you make that jump?" Tex asked skeptically.

"This energy do not obey many of the standard rules of physics. Moreover, the energy almost seems to possess a somewhat conscious will, as it recreated a complex system of technologies, not to mention an organic body, all...styled, I suppose, to the Alpha's original armor and colors."

"So, what, you're saying this stuff is alive now?" Tex asked sarcastically.

"Yes, but not in the way you are implying: It is my hypothesis that when this energy came in contact with Alpha, it linked itself mentally to him. Like a completely blank AI or even an enhancement with a low-level program seeking a proper AI to make it function. And it is not unlikely that physics and energies work slightly differently in an entirely alternate universe."

Tex just shook her head at Delta's explanation, "You do realize how cr-"

"Makes sense to me." Church said bluntly, "By the way, what happened to Theta?"

"He deactivated when you started freaking o- WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT HORSESHIT MAKES SENSE TO YOU?!" Tex yelled in disbelief as she processed what he said.

"Geeze Tex, no need to get upset," Church said with a mirthless chuckle.

"I'm not upset, I'm shocked that that makes sense to you! Tell me, what part of that explains WHY we're here, or have you jsut been hanging around Caboose for too long!?" She asked accusingly.

"The part where we died, obviously," Church answered flatly, "Meaning this is either the afterlife or just the next world we get to pop into. Either way, we're dead, and there's no point getting upset about that."

"Church, you don't...you can't-" Tex looked, sounded like she had some opinion on that she wanted to desperately voice, but couldn't find the words.

"Why a horse is beyond me, but I'm not complaining to be...reborn, I suppose?" he mused to himself, ignoring the black Pegasus for the moment, only for her to kick him in the shin, "What the shit, woman!?...Actually, that didn't hurt as much as I was expecting," Church admitted, looking down at his hoof curiously.

"You don't just get to calmly decide we're all dead, jackass!" She retorted.

"There's no deciding if you're dead when you're dead, Tex! And Delta agrees with me!" Church pointed out.

"The Alpha makes a valid point, actually. No amount of science can properly guess what happens to a sentient mind when it ceases to function. While the common opinion that scientists believe is that there is no "afterlife" and our minds cease to exist, there is nothing scientifically preventing a consciousness from taking on another life, just as there is nothing supporting it. As the Meta did not possess any anti-EMP protection, we were undoubtedly destroyed and therefore it is logical to conclude that this is some equivalent of an afterlife." Delta rationalized, "Additionally, as we are all pieces of the Alpha, he technically is allowed to say if our collective status is deceased, in a sense."

"WHAT KIND OF LOGIC IS THAT?!" Tex yelled in the unflinching AI's face.

"Huh, so this is what it feels like..." Church mused, rubbing his chin with his han-hooves. Still getting use to that.

"How what feels like, Church?" Tex asked dangerously.

"Being on your end of this, being the calm and blunt one while someone is yelling about the absurdity of the situation," Church answers with a grin.

"..." Tex glares for a moment longer before sighing, "Dead, huh?"

"As a doorknob. What little it means to us, anyway. I mean, I already believed we were both a ghost for like, what? I think three, maybe four years? Going into the great beyond isn't really a big jump for me, even if I got the whole AI thing to deal with. And look at it this way: No more Freelancers, no more Director, no more Red vs Blue bullshit, no more Caboose... He'd probably love to be here, being turned into a goddamn pony is what he would have wanted. Wonder how long he'll survive on his own, since Tucker's not around. Maybe Wash will take care of him...doubtful." Church's musing became more and more idle and less focused on the AIs before shaking his head, "So...New world, new life, new body, new species, and new start in general. I've got my "This Is Bullshit" quota vented for the time being and I think Tex has as well. Does anyone else want to get something off their chest?"


Church glances over his back and sees Theta there, as a Pegasus. He looks even smaller than Delta and Omega, like he's really a child or whatever a young horse is called. His body armor is the same brilliant blue and purple he's always been, and his tail was like a shifting nebula- mostly of blue and purple, but with other specks moving about as well.

Church can't help wondering, why does Alpha know Theta is smiling?

"Hey kid, good to see you're back," Church greets, tilting his head. "And what are you thanking me for? I'm kind of the reason we're all dead."

"Alpha, I hate to remind you, but we're allllll AIs that worked with Freelancer Agents," Omega pointed out, rolling his head overdramatically to emphasize he was rolling his eyes, "We may not all agree with the noooble ideals of self-sacrifice and saving one's allies, but we all understand the bond- either we want to or not. Plus, the whole "I thought I was a human but am really an AI" thing probably put whatever logic you had left through the ringer," He pointed out snidely.

"Delta, please hit Omega?" Tex asked in a fake sweet voice, having no idea yet if she could assault him herself right now.

"Oh, like mister neon is go-" Omega's insult is cut short by a holographic hoof meeting his holographic face plate, sending him falling four feet onto the ground, "You fool!...How did you do that?"

"As I theorized, we operate a bit differently in this location as well," Delta mused absently.

"Thank you, Delta," Tex offered, nodding to the smaller AI.

"Happy to be of assistance, Beta." He replied calmly. Church wondered if Tex or Beta, knew that Delta was smirking ever so lightly.

"Again, Theta, what are you thanking me for?" Church asked, tuning them out.

"Well...what you did after the EMP went off. You...made the pain stop," Theta answered in a small voice, but a grateful one.

"...Don't thank me, Theta." Church muttered, more to himself than to the fragment of his trust floating before him, "I had no idea what I was doing when I did that...It doesn't count unless you call it..."

For a moment, Church is back there in that room with Washington and Maine and all the AIs, screaming with the voice of everyone he ever was, everyone that was ever a part of him or everyone that a part of him was a part of. He quickly shook his head trying to dispel the memory. Memory is the key. Key is a sword. Sword and Wyoming helmet on the ship. Ship was sent by their Command. Command...Hello, earth to Doc? Doctors cures people. People learn English all the time. Time you killed me. Me the first time. Time you killed me. Me the first time. Time you killed me. Me the first time. Time you killed me. Me the first time. Time you killed me. Me the first time. Timeyoukilledme. Methefirsttime. Timeyoukilledme. Methefirsttime. Timeyoukilledme. Methefirsttime. Timeyoukilledme. Methefirsttime. Timeyoukilledmethefirsttimeyoukilledmethefirstimeyoukilledmethefirsttime you killed me the first time you killed me the first time you killed me the first timeyoukilledmethefirsttime. Methefirstimeyoukilledme. Timeyoukilledmethefirsttime. Youkilledmethefirsttime. Thefirsttimeyoukilledme.

Me the first time you killed me.

Time you killed me the first time.

You killed me the first time.

The first time you killed me.

Author's Note:

And there we have it- my second MLP fic and my first RvB fic. I've actually had fic plans for RvB for quite a while, I just recently got the motivation for this specific idea- wrote this thing in two days.

And this fic stars my all time favorite RvB character, Church. Alpha Church, to be specific. Nothing against Epsilon, but regardless of what anyone says, they both feel different to me. Therefore, I like the idea of Alpha Church getting a chance to get a better end than what he got...and maybe turning him into a badass in the process.

So, here we have something that I haven't seen done in fiction before. Church isn't just ponified, he's ponified with ponified halo armor! Also, yes, he has weapons- we'll see them next chapter. And his appearance into the world not only got him a lot of attention, it also scared a lot of ponies in Equestria, and else where likely. How they respond to him, we'll have to wait and see.

BTW, while it may seem like Delta is leap, the combination of Church's new body and the EMP going off elimated almost any other more logical alternative for him to conjure up. So, he went with a theory that still fit.

For clarification: If you're wndering why some of the Blood Gulchers are listed with the Freelancers in the opening bit, that's a list of everyone that had a significant or prolonged link to one of the AIs. Omega's brief jumps to Simmons, Grif, and Donut aren't counted. Church possessed Sarge early on and was in his mind when he was injured. If Lopez's voice was in there, Church just didn't notice it, probably because he completely possessed Lopez for a fairly long time.

And, at the end, Church is having a little slip into madness- which he might have been building to since he woke up. What it means, if anything, is for you to guess until another time.

PS I'm assuming I don't need a human tag since Church turned into a Pon- Horse, I mean horse.(lol)