• Published 21st Dec 2012
  • 615 Views, 4 Comments

The Rebirth of Flight - Lee

The changelings and black americans, 2 highly hated races of the countries they reside in, will become what could be discribe as brother and sister. But what will the rest of the 103rd aero core think of this odd new creature?

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The Town of Cavalcade

The Rebirth of Flight

Equestria is a land happieness, a land of joy, a land of pea-BOOM!!

"CRAP CRAP CRAP!!" Yelled the changeling as she ran as fast of her hole filled legs could take her.

"After all the crap I did for this town and now there all out for my head." *Heavy panting* stopping only for a moment behind a sales cart, before taking off at full speed yet again. "I can't believe they found out." By now the changeling or Méditer as is her name, is being hunted down by her former friends and even a small group of royal guards that had been stationed there after the wedding....FIVE YEARS AGO.

How they found out she was a changeling was far beyond her comprehension but that no longer mattered.
What is of importance now is getting the hell out of town before they put her head on a spear.

"OVER THERE QUICK FIRE ANOTHER SPELL IT'S GETTING AWAY!!" Before the leader (or the stallion who Méditer could only assume whas the leader) even finished his sentence. She tilted her head slightly back to see a blood red lightning bolt tear through the air straight at her striking the ground not ten feet away from her side and sending her threw an ally.

"ow." Was the only word that escaped her mouth before being pick up and thrown (a shit-ton more than lightly) down the ally, slamming into a brick wall which, inturn made a nice little changeling-shaped figure in the wall.

"AGGHHHHHHH!!!!" Méditer screamed out in pain."Please stop I didn't do anything PLEASE JUST STO-O-O-P!!" She cried but not out of anger but pain and desperation (mainly pain tho). Eight of the royal guards began to calm down the angry mod, there leader and the unicorn thats been giving Méditer a very bad and explosive day, and will also probably have to pay for the countless amounts of damage done to the town street and structures, considering how many times he's missed.

Méditer, now finally able to examine herself and the damage done. She can easily say that her right hind leg is broken and bleeding VERY badly, most of the chitin that should be on her leg is gone, shattered all over the wall, ground and her just like most of her blood. A torn wing which is also spouting blood like noponies businesses. Looking up to her head she finds that her horn and most of the chitin on her head is crack like a spider web, which is also bleeding and yeah shes bleeding.....alot.

"P-please just stop I didn-"

"SILENCE YOU FOUL BEAST!!" Yelled the unicorn guardsmen right before he strikes her head with his spear.

"AGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Grasping her head in no little amount of pain, she glances up with artic blue, tear-filled eyes to see the strandered blackish-grey unicorn guardsmen smirking down on her while standing next to there leader, who is a strandered pegasus guard but with purple stripes adoring his armor symbolizing his higher rank, who to her surprise isn't smirking but just plain pissed (guess it shouldn't be that surprising but oh well)

"Stand down this waste of life isn't going anywhere." Tilting his head up to see the pitch black clouds above them. Only then does Méditer remember the untamed storm that wormed out of the everfree and decide to ever so kindly rest over the little village. "Now hit it with that paralyzation spell so we can take it back to Canterlot already. And while your at it just teleport it into the cage we had sitting with us in the center of town so we can inspect the damage done and put the civilians at rest." He said turning around to go help the other eight guards calm down the still angry populace. Cause beating the living crap out of the changeling just isn't enough for some untold and highly logical reason.

"Yes sir, will do" giving a salute to his superior, before turning to the sobbing black heap on the ground.

"Please I didn't break any law." her sobbing cutting of her speach but only to the amusement of the guardsmen." I've givin and done so much for the town and I had nothing to do with the invasion." Again her speech was cut off by her eminess sobbing but the unicorn only smiled darkly. "I've been here for seven years with my parents bef-" Méditer, unable to finish her sentence was cut off by a green blast to the face, stunning her so she was unable to move or speak, it didn't hurt but still stung like all hell.

"Mhm and im sure your parents were ponies to." The unicorns force dripping with so much sarcasm you could lick it off the ground."But I digress, you'll be teleported by me into the cage we brought with us and by the time we're done with you in Canterlot." He finishes his sentence leaning down to the changelings ear and whispered."I look foward to watching you burn like the rest of your disgusting race." He finished VERY harshly, taking a few steps back before charging the teleportation spell and casting it towards the changeling,which in that precise moment a lightnting bolt strikes down unto the injured changeling, attracted by the spell.


"WHAT IN THE WORLD WAS THAT!!" Yelled the leader as he turned around to see a small black crater and the charred remains of a certain unicorn guardsmen splattered all over the walls and ground.

"THAT WORTHLESS BEAST!!" Shouted one of the guardsmen, have I mentioned he wasn't happy?
Oh well you probably already knew that but any who lets get back shall we?

"MIDNIGHT STRIKE!!!!!!" Yelled one of the pegasus guards throwing of his helmet, which inturn cancelled the illusion enchantment revealing a red coat with brown mane and matching tail as he flew quickly threw the ally. (surprisingly not hitting a wall or trash can)

"Midnight?" He ask as if it was going to make a diffrence while taking of the unicorns helmet revealing colors that matched the pegsi's coat and mane pefectly, revieling that they were twins. His fellow gaurds already knew this but the few civilains that could see the sence in the ally gasp with pitty. "GET A MEDIC HERE!!"

"Blaze he doesn't need a medic he needs a tombstone and a six foot hole." Said there commander matter-of-factly, but even a child could sence the sorrow and grief behind his words.

"rrrrRRRRRR!" Growled the red winged pony as he began to let the water works flow refuseing to hide or hold back his emotions toward his fallin twin.

"THOSE BLACK SHELLED, ILLUSION USING COWARDS!!" As it is the pegsi speeche's turn to get cut off by grief and pain."HOW CAN SOMETHING THAT FEEDS OFF OF LOVE CAUSE SO MUCH PAIN!!" He yelled before burying his head into his unicorn counterparts chest.

"Blaze I understand, and before you call me out and say I don't my three year old filly was killed in the invasion so yes, I can relate, but we can morn midnights death at a later time we still have a job to do" He somehow says in a commanding yet caring tone.

'this guys good.' Thought one of the other guardsmen.

"Newpony." Called out the commander. "Go check the cage maby that thing survived." He said with so much venom in his voice, to kiss the guy would end in your death before he could react.

"Yes sir." And with a quick salute our brave knight was off to check...........THE CAGE DUN....DUN.....DUNNNNN but alas when our faithful knight got to.................THE CAGE he fou-

"SHE'S GONE!!" DON'T INTERRUPT ME MORTAL!!!! any who, He says with shock.

"By gone you better mean dead private" The commander said while walk closer to the cage."DAMNIT HOW DID SHE EVEN DO THAT THOSE CAGES ARE ENCHANTED TO CANCEL AND KNOCK OUT ANY FOOL THAT USES ANY FORM OF MAGIC INSIDE!!!" He said in a voice so loud only the royal canterlot voice could silence it.

"HEY YOU, GRIFFON ON THE HOUSE GET DOWN HERE NOW!" Yelled one of the guardsmen whie pointing his spear at the rook of a nearby house.

"Ah hell this won't be good." Spreading his wings." NO NEED TO FRET GAURDSMEN IM COMIN DOWN!" making sure they can hear him as he glides down to a very VERY pissed of commander................he probably just wants a hu-

"DID YOU SEE ANYTHING IN THAT CAGE, A FIGURE OR EVEN A FLASH AND DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT LYING TO ME!" Flaring his wings in anger making it clear he's in no mood for games......or hugs.

"Oi calm your wings lad I didn't see anythin I was watching all the ruckus from up there." Pointing to a two-story house while bring back his leg to stand on all fours."Then I moved over to that there house ye caught me on but I didn't even see a flash from inside that cage promise." Said the griffon as he put his left claw up to his heart as a quick pledge then taking it down.

'Well...." After giving the ground a good smack and letting loose a small growl the commander turned back to the griffon. "Sorry about that kid but now that that thing has escaped so now the towns going to start freaking out and now its my problem, and that means me and my men...or whats left has to stay another year or two." After letting out a annoyed sigh. "Damn changelings, well thanks for your time kid I got alot of work to do both and paper and in person, have a good day." He says turning around to face the griffon. "WAIT, before I go how the hell were you flying, you know, in this?" Waving a hoof around for emphasis of the weather.

"LOTS and LOTS of exercise and practice lad." Saying with a hint of pride and a grin to match. " I wish I could show you how, But im falling behind on my schedule so i'll wish you a good night and be on my way. Oh and before I forget the name's Seamair but friends call me Rash so I guess you can to lad," He says offering a claw which the commander took without a glance.

"Glory sword." He says letting go of the griffons talon. "Be seeing you." Giving the griffon a nod.

"like wise lad." Flying away to the last sight of the changeling."Ohhh poor Méditer where have you gone lassy." Landing near the black crater where the shape-shifter was last seen. 'How pathetic these ponies are sometimes, so scared of a kind and generous girl and now they treat her like Nightmare Moon or that Discord fella only because of what her fellow changelins have done. I hope your ok lassy the world wouldn't be as bright without ya.' After dropping a MAN TEAR or two he flew away but not before being followed be a pair and guardsmen.

Author's Note:

Pro tip this is my first fic.....ever and im certainly not the best at grammer and I may need a proof reader sence im as good at grammer as a blind dude in nascar, well maby not that shitty but pretty close.

Like when I named off the injuries Méditer had, im pretty sure there shouldn't have been that many periods or commas or when blaze lets the damn break, im not sure if its speeches or speeche's. But I did to the best of my limited english knowledge.

but I digress, above all I hope you enjoy and I NEED the criticism sence this is the first story i've wrote that wasn't force upon me. (fuck you 3rd grade)

And if the story is alright then ill move on to our black skinned buddie, Reginald intro and see how hes doing over the Western Front.
(P.S im not racist I grew up around blacks, mexicans and a shit ton of other race of peaple and didn't have a white friend till I was 14.) so thats to all those who are so easily butt hurt over race.