• Published 31st Dec 2015
  • 1,887 Views, 9 Comments

Death From Above - AssassinX

What happens when a FA-38 fighter pilot suddenly finds himself in a strange world with even stranger inhabitants? All hell breaks loose, that's what!

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strange new world

F-38 design

"This is ISA flight number 115, call sign Echo 1-1 broadcasting in the blind, my navigational systems are down and I have drifted into unknown air space, if anybody hears this please respond." Crosby said as he yet again tried to radio a tower. The dull roar of the twin Pratt and Whitney turbojets could be faintly heard over the empty radio static that Crosby got in reponse.

Nothing again, there's got to be somebody out there...

The F-38 that he was sitting in was the newest of the new. It could withstand several direct hits from RPG's and could withstand sustained fire from MiG standard issue gatling guns. The technology was cutting edge, apparently. Crosby checked his altimeter, he was cruising at around 16,000 feet above sea level, at a gracious speed of 540 knots. Crosby look around his cockpit, checking his other instruments. All except his GPS systems were up and running. Crosby looked outside through the canopy. all he could see were dark grayish clouds and random bolts of lightning here or there. Rain slapped the canopy, streaking off shortly after. Crosby had been cruising through the large storm system for about thirty minutes now. Ever since he entered the system, his comms and GPS systems started to bug out.

"This is ISA flight number 115, call sign Echo 1-1 broadcasting in the blind, I have multiple navigational errors and I may have drifted into restricted air space, if anybody hears this please respond."

no answer

Dammit, you got to be fucking kidding me, I've been broadcasting for the last half hour and haven't got ONE response

Crosby put a hand on the throttle and slowly pushed it forward. The dull roar of the turbojets became increasingly more intense as the aircraft sped up 630 knots. Just 50 knots shy of mach speeds.

Cutting edge technology? My ass!

Crosby switched off his navigational and communication systems systems. He then turned to his radar, witch was also bugging out, showing multiple aircraft blips, even though his HUD showed nothing.

Huh, that's new...

Crosby tapped the the radar screen. Just then an alarm rang out through his helmet and a visual warning displayed onto his HUD.

warning, major electromagnetic disturbance detected, course alteration is advised

"What the fuck does that mean?" Crosby asked out loud as he once again checked his radar screen. All he could see was the blue triangle that represented his plane, and a large red bulge that was advancing on him at an alarming rate. Grabbing ahold of the joy stick on the left side of the cockpit, he turned it to the right, effectively disengaging the autopilot. The jet banked to the right, Crosby pulled the joystick towards him, creating a positive G force. As the blue triangle steered away from the red bulge, another red line could be seen in front of it. Crosby soon realized that he was surrounded. Having no other choice but to fly through the disturbance, he leveled out the F-38 and punched the throttle. The jet rocketed forward, reaching up to 1,210 knots, twice as fast as the speed of sound. Just as he was about to enter the disturbance, he ignited the afterburner, accelerating his plane to about 1,435 knots. If it weren't for the G suit he was wearing, he would have passed out by now. When he passed through the barrier, all of the instruments, screens and dials started to go haywire. Even his HUD was bugging out.

By this time Crosby couldn't see a thing out side the canopy. He relied on the old fashion water gyroscope to keep the jet level. At this point Crosby didn't care about whether or not he had stumbled into restricted airspace, he just wanted to get out of this storm system and find out where the hell he was. Just then he saw a flash of green. A green lightning bolt cackled right passed his plane, just missing it.

"Whoa, that was too damn close, that green lightning bolt almost hit me! Wait a minute, green lightning?" Crosby pondered out loud as he tried to get his instruments under control. Just then a large, bright green vortex appeared out of nowhere, about 1,800 feet straight ahead of the F-38.

"What. The. Fuck." asked Crosby as yet another alarm rang through his helmet.

Warning, negative air pressure detected, course diversion is advised

Just as Crosby was about to make a hard bank to the left, his joystick and throttle became unresponsive. The plane slowed down to about 225 knots. Even though Crosby couldn't control the plane, it was angling itself towards the floating vortex, as if it was being controlled remotely.

Warning, dangerous levels of negative air pressure detected, 800 feet enclosing, divert course immediately

"What the fuck does that even mean?" Crosby asked as he desperately tried to regain control of his plane. But no matter what he did or didn't do, his controls remained unresponsive as the F-38 flew closer and closer to the vortex. When the jet was a mere 150 feet away from the vortex, the vortex rotated upwards to stand vertical, allowing just enough space to let the jet fighter through. Crosby thought about ejecting from the fighter, but as he reached for the eject handle, a bright green flash of electricity enveloped his gloved hand. Crosby immediately withdrew his hand in pain. It was as if someone, or something, was trying to keep him and the jet from escaping the vortex/portal looking object.

"I should have never accepted this fucking assignment!" Crosby yelled as he braced himself for what ever happened next. With a flash of bright green light, the jet disappeared into the vortex.


Princess Celestia stood on her back with her beloved sister, gazing up at the work that Luna had done that night. "It's good, is it not?" asked Luna, looking up at Celestia expectantly.

"It's beautiful, Luna. It's so much more better than what I could have ever come up with.'' responded Celestia as they gazed up at the beautiful constellations and shooting stars that Luna had arranged. But Celestia hadn't invited her sister to her balcony just to go star gazing. Equestria was at war. Not just any war, but a free-for-all war between the griffons and the changelings. Right now all three were at a bloody stalemate. But the changelings were getting increasingly desperate. First (unsuccessfully) asking the griffons to a temporary alliance, then trying to summon powerful and mysterious objects from other worlds. All this and more was taking it's toll on Luna, and Celestia could see it.

"Dear Luna, are you okay? You seem very stressed out." asked Celestia as she turned to her sister with a look of concern.

''Yes, I'm fine sister." responded Luna as she faced her big sister. "It's just that, ever since this morning, I've had this feeling about Chrysalis." Celestia looked to Luna with concern. What feelings could she have about Chrysalis? As far as Celestia new, Chrysalis has gone underground. Her armies have suffered the most out of the griffons and the ponies. This greatly intrigued Celestia.

"What do you mean, dear sister?" Celestia responded, her full attention now on Luna.

Luna turned around. "I mean, like, you know how Chrysalis was threatening to get other worldly help, right?" asked Luna

"Yes I remember." said Celestia as she too turned around to keep up with Luna.

"I think that this time she actually succeeded." said Luna with a worried expression. Low thunder booms could be heard in the distance. The two alicorns turned to stare at the massive system of storm clouds that appeared out of nowhere. The unnatural large storm had oddly green colored lighting cackling around it.


"Yes, sister?"

"I think you might be right."


"Come on you bastard, climb!" yelled Crosby as pulled up on the joy stick. After the F-38 was teleported to God-knows-where, Crosby finally regained control of his plane, but he soon found out the jet had stalled, plummeting towards certain death.

Warning, rapid altitude loss detected, pull up

"What the fuck do you think I'm trying to do?" Crosby screamed at the A.I. He pushed the joy stick down, as the jet angle itself downward, it started to pick up velocity. When his speedometer read 200 knots, he once again pulled up, this time leveling out the plane. After about ten minutes of cruising at 230 knots, the jet finally escaped the storm clouds. Crosby lowered his helmets visor, as the sun was too bright for him to handle at the moment.

Taking a look at his surroundings, he noticed a bunch of rolling hills and a big forest of some kind. To his right was a medieval looking village or something. To his left were some far off, snow capped ice glaciers. But what really caught his attention was the big mountain in front of him, or rather the big ass fucking city that was basically hanging off the edge of said mountain.

I don't think I'm in Kansas anymore...

warning, unidentified flying object detected, 1,800 meters enclosing

"Uh oh, that can't be good." Crosby said to himself as he switched on his navigation and comms systems. Attempting to make contact with the UFO, Crosby tried radioing it.

"Attention unidentified flying object, this ISA flight number 115, authorization code 1357, call sign echo 1-1, you are entering my aircraft's designated airspace, divert course immediately or you will be shot down."


Well it was worth a shot

Crosby activated his twin GAU-23 four barrel gatling guns, he also open up the missile bay hatches. When the bay doors opened, two mid-sized tracks protrude from the opening, each armed to the teeth with various missiles and rockets. Crosby activated the AIM-9X Sidewinders and the AIM-120 AMRAAMs. Looking to his radar, he saw a yellow blip on the screen, indicating that the F-38 did not recognize the aircraft that was approaching him.

"CP, scan approaching UFO with EMP, radar, and biometric scanners." Crosby requested as he Banked to the right, trying to get a glimpse of his pursuer.

EMP, radar, and biometric scans complete, no known weaponry or technology systems detected, unidentified flying object's outline resembles the mythical pegasus, commonly found in Greek and Roman mythology

"No way." responded Crosby, seeing the image of the UFO on his console, he couldn't believe his eyes. First he unwillingly entered a flying portal to God-knows-where, and now he's being chased by a flying horse.

Unidentified flying object in close range, 400 meters enclosing, recommend activating defensive countermeasures

Crosby looked at the pegasus through his canopy. The horse had closed a greater distance than he had expected, now just only a couple of meters away from his plane. The pegasus had a coat of cyan blue, it's mane and tale were oddly rainbow colored. Crosby went to increase the throttle and throw a volley of flares, but against his better judgement, he actually pulled back on the throttle, slowing the jet and allowing the pegasus to catch up.

"Well it's pointless to delay the inevitable, besides, I have know idea what this flying mutant ninja pony is capable of." Crosby muttered to himself as he looked at the cyan pegasus, who was now flying side by side with the jet. When Crosby looked outside the canopy, he saw the pegasus gesturing to somewhere. Assuming that it wanted him to follow it, Crosby decreased the throttle even more, when he was behind the pegasus, he maneuvered directly behind it. The pegasus then turned and flew towards the majestic city. It flew along the outskirts of the city until they were near the back. Crosby could see what looked to be a small training facility for soldiers, he saw the barracks, the mess hall, the rec area, the training area, all of it. It was similar to what he went through when he entered the ISA air wing division. He could see two more ponies fly up to where him and the pegasus were flying, except these two both had white coats and a regal looking gold set of armor.

"Damn, that gold looks heavy, how the hell do they even get off the ground?" asked Crosby, when he was suddenly interrupted the F-38 in flight computer.

Warning, fuel levels critical, recommend landing or in-flight refueling

"Shit, forgotten all about that fuel." said Crosby as he checked his fuel gauge.


"Three percent, that's all?" Crosby began to sweat. At the rate that his fighter was consuming fuel, it was going to suffer engine failure in about two and a half minutes. He could hear the two turbojets start to sputter and stall from the lack of fuel. The pegasus seemed to notice this as well and directed him to a small clearing, just out side of the training base. Before he landed, Crosby retracted the missile bay doors, but kept the gatling guns active and ready to fire. After lowering the landing gear, Crosby switched the jet into VTOL mode (Vertical Take Off and Landing).

VTOL mode, activated

"Yeah yeah yeah, shut up." said Crosby as he shutoff the CPU. Shortly after he brought down the F-38, setting down gently in the lush grass. After touch down, he shutoff the main engines and powered down the vehicle. He saw more and more little horses emerge from the shadows. Not wanting to delay the inevitable, Crosby unlocked and depressurized the cockpit. He then raised the canopy, when he did so a small hatch opened from the left side of the pointed nose, and a small retractable ladder folded out. Using the ladder, Crosby dropped to the ground and took off his helmet and tossed it back up into the cockpit. He then turned around to look at his captors

"What is it?"

"Is it some kind of alien?"

"We should kill it before it can do any harm."

"I didn't think that it would surrender that easily, I think that we should take it to see princess Celestia, she'll know what to do."

As questions were being tossed around by the ponies Crosby had a few questions of his own: Why was he here? How did he get here? Why did they not try to attack him? Are they going to keep him prisoner? Are they just gonna torture him for fun until he finally gives in? All were such questions that were running through his mind, and speaking of running, that was what exactly what he was doing. Crosby ran as fast as he could towards the safety of the bushes and trees, but he didn't run fast enough. The blue pegasus immediately notice this and flew up behind him, and with a loud CRACK, it slammed it's hoof across the back of his head, effectively knocking him out.

"Alright, who's gonna help me move this thing?"

Comments ( 9 )

Go rainbow make first contact then punch it in the back of the head:rainbowdetermined2:

Is this pre equestria girls

Comment posted by AssassinX deleted Dec 4th, 2017

This story seems interesting,i might stick onto this to see more.

Comment posted by AssassinX deleted Dec 4th, 2017

make another one goddammit

Yeah, he's definitely gonna help you now ponies! He's more likely to say screw off and try to escape. Great chapter!

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