• Published 22nd Mar 2017
  • 405 Views, 2 Comments

Zany Meeting With A New Pony - The REAL Mister Pkmn

The Luna6 meet up with Maestro Spectrum. Hilarity ensues.

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Meeting Maestro

It was just a bland late spring day in Ponyville, and that was concerning. Ponyville almost never had any sort of reprieve from antics, so going without them for an entire week was a bit disturbing. Trixie was certain that something horrible would happen today, to make up for the week being rather dull. Perhaps all the windows in town will shatter again. Or, maybe, a Lupus Minor will wander into town. Perhaps both, or perchance something worse, like Corona attacking again, this time with all her minions. Trixie shuddered at the thought. Pokey was busy working on the paperwork that Trixie couldn’t be bothered with, while Trixie was trying to learn another spell from one of Twilight’s books. She’d gotten over her distrust for teleportation, and decided to use it more often. She’d also managed to pull of a successful doppelgänger spell, but that was after she’d dealt with the adverse effects of the “shortcut” she took. Trixie grimaced. Never again. She was attempting to learn a spell that would allow her to etch words onto any surface. So far, she’d made very little progress, but if another pony with Twilight’s expectations of her showed up, she needed to learn as many spells as possible. Just as she was charging her horn with blue magic, she heard a knock at the door.

“Coming!” Pokey yelled. He then went to the door, and Trixie went back to trying to pull off the spell.

The door opened, and Trixie was tuning out the conversation. C’mon, almost there…

Just as the spell started to work, Pokey called out to Trixie. “Trixie! This guy wants to see you! He said he won’t leave until he does!”

Trixie whipped her head up, and the spell broke from loss of concentration. Blast! I was so close, too! I’ll just pick up where I left off later. Using a memory spell, she made sure she wouldn’t forget her progress for 48 hours. Trixie was pleased that she’d managed to extend the length of that spell. Perhaps she could teach it to Snails and Dinky later. She then called out. “Alright, alright! I’m coming! Geez, some ponies…”

When she entered the room, she was floored at who she saw on her couch. He beamed congenially. “Bonjour, mon amie! Comment vas-tu aujourd’hui, Trix?"

Trixie could only utter one word. “Maestro?”

My little pony, My little pony

Ahh ahh ahh ahhh...

My little pony

Friendship never meant that much to me

My little pony

But you're all here and now I can see

Stormy weather; Lots to share

A musical bond; With love and care

Teaching laughter; It's an easy feat,

And magic makes it all complete!

You have my little ponies

How'd I ever make so many true friends?

Trixie was stunned. How’d he find me? It’s been so long since we last saw each other!

Maestro was a dark teal unicorn stallion that was about one and a half times taller than her. Maestro’s blue-green eyes burned with the passion and mischief they always bore, and he smiled. “Surprised to see me, mon cher amie Trix? I will admit it’s been a long time, but I just had to see how you were doing. So! How’s the Princess’ student gig working out for ya?”

Trixie regained her composure. “It’s great! I’m a representative in the Night Court now! Also, my Ponyville friends and I have saved Equestria a few times as well.” Trixie puffed out her chest at that.

Maestro blinked as a strand of the reddish brown part of his mane fell into his vision. “Ponyville friends, mon amie?" He teleported a comb into the room, and straightened his mane so that the turquoise streak was still centered. "Perchance I could meet them, oui?" His oval shaped platinum locket that was engraved with his cutie mark (a turquoise music note superimposed over a paintbrush, crossed in an X shape, that had the seven colors of the rainbow pouring from the tip in a leftward arc) swayed like a pendulum. "I’d like to see who besides me is crazy enough to put up with your antics.”

Maestro laughed and swished his seven-colored rainbow tail, but Trixie cut him off. “Very well, mon amie! I will show you my new friends, and you will see that they aren’t crazy to like me. I’ve changed quite a bit since I came to this town.” She grinned.

Maestro matched her grin. “Oh, we shall see about that, Trix. En avant! Pour la vérité!” They then exited the Residency.

The first one they met was Ditzy at the post office. She was talking with her daughter, Dinky. “ Dinky, why don’t you want to see your grandparents today?”

Dinky sighed. “It’s just… they’re nice and all, but I just saw them a month or so ago! I just don’t feel like visiting them today.”

Then, Maestro spoke up, causing the two ponies to look his way. “You know, you should spend as much time with your family as possible. You never know when you might never see them again.”

Trixie looked at him, noticing his melancholy look. “Maestro, try not to depress her, alright?”

Ditzy then tilted her head to one side. “Trixie, who is this?”

Maestro grinned, and bowed with a flourish. “Pardon me, mademoiselle, let me introduce myself.” He then stood, and cleared his throat. “I am called Maestro Spectrum, and I am an old friend of Trix’s that’s stopped by to visit. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Ditzy brightened. “Oh! I’m Ditzy Doo, and this is my daughter, Dinky!” At that, Dinky waved, and Maestro waved back. “Do pardon my asking, but just how long have you known Trixie?”

Maestro scrunched his brow. “Hmm, I’d say since she was around four. I was visiting Neigh Orleans at the time, you see, and-”

All of the sudden, a jasmine blur flew into Maestro, cutting him off. He groaned in pain, causing the pegasus to jump off him. “Oh, sorry! I wasn’t looking where I was going! You okay?”

Maestro grunted as he got up. “Eh, I’ve been worse. Running up the Canterhorn every day really builds one’s endurance to pain.” Maestro smiled. “So, you another one of Trix’s Ponyville friends? I’m called Maestro Spectrum, and I’m here visiting my old friend, Trix. And you are?”

The mare flapped her wings once. “I’m Raindrops. Say, why do you keep calling Trixie Trix? There a story behind that?”

Maestro cleared his throat. “Ah yes, that. It’s quite the tale, you see. It all started during my visit to Neigh Orleans. I’d come to that city to improve my artistic skills, and-”

Once more, fate decided to cut him off. This time, the door to the post office swung into him with such force that he skidded across the floor a bit. In came a mulberry purple mare along with a yellow-orange one. They then looked to Maestro. The yellow-orange one gasped. “Oh! Terribly sorry! You okay?”

Raindrops huffed. “This guy Calls himself Maestro Spectrum, Carrot Top, and he’s been through tougher. That right?”

Maestro cracked his neck. “Oh yeah. I’ve suffered much worse. So, you’re more of Trix’s Ponyville friends?”

The mulberry pony nodded. “Yes. I’m Cheerilee, and you already know Carrot Top. Lyra should be coming soon enough as well.”

Maestro huffed. “Thanks for the advanced warning. I’ll wait to tell how I got to know Trix here until she shows up.”

Just then, a mint unicorn wandered inside. “Did I miss anything?” She asked with burning curiosity. “Bonnie was keeping me, er, busy.” She blushed, and Trixie looked somewhat sick.

Maestro suddenly shivered for an inexplicable reason. “I’m guessing that you’re Lyra?”

She nodded, raising an eyebrow in the process. “Yep, that’s me. So, who are you? And why do you look so... pale?”

He replied abruptly. “Everyone just calls me Maestro Spectrum. Nobody knows my real name anyway, so it does me just fine." He then paused for a bit, and gathered his composure. "As for your other question... I don't know what you're talking about.”

Raindrops piped up. “Maestro here was gonna tell us a story about how he and Trixie met when they were younger and became friends.”

Lyra made an “O” face, and Maestro cleared his throat. “Everybody ready?” All of them nod. “Alright, here goes. *AHEM* It was a cloudy day that day. The streets of Neigh Orleans called to me, whispering of the many secrets of differing art styles that they could teach me. I’d traveled to the city on a whim; I’d not planned to go there beforehand. But, I was there then, and that was all that mattered. I was walking along the street when I saw a crying azure unicorn filly with a silvery mane and tail. She was roughly my age, if a few years younger. I then went up to her, and spoke. ‘Hey there, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?’ The filly wiped her dark violet eyes and turned to me.

She then replied. ‘My Grandpa recently died… It’s been so hard on me!’ She broke down into tears again, and I proceeded to hold her close and console her. I saw on her flank was a cutie mark of a star-tipped wand that had a cloud of smoke that contained stars coming off of the tip in the shape of a crescent moon. I’d seen that mark before, it belonged to Quartermoon the Magnificent, one of the best stage magicians known to ponykind. I then realized that this filly was meant for great things. I pulled back as she calmed down, and I saw a powerful spark in her eye.

I then smiled and spoke. ‘Don’t you cry; you’re going to be a great stage magician someday! Your gramps would be proud of you, I’m certain of it!’ I then grinned widely. ‘So give me a smile, huh?’

She did, and stopped crying. ‘Thank you.’ said the filly, ‘May I ask who you are?’

I bowed with a flourish, and replied. ‘Why certainly! I am called Maestro Spectrum! And you are?’

The filly took my outstretched hoof and shook it with a grin on her face. ‘Trixie Lulamoon. It’s a pleasure to meet you.’ Ever since that day, we’ve been friends.”

Ditzy sniffled. “That’s so beautiful~!”

Lyra nodded. “It’s great to meet one of Trixie’s old friends that never had a falling out with her.”

Raindrops crossed her forelegs while midair. “So, how come we’ve never heard you mentioned before?”

Maestro waved a hoof dismissively. “Oh that. Well, Trix and I haven’t been in contact for some time; the last time I had enough time to send a letter was a few years back. It’s been rather hectic, what with trying to learn more about art. Soon enough, I’ll start selling it, and then I’ll have even less time on my hooves.” He shook his head as he shrugged. “But, as the Prench say, c’est la ville."

Cheerilee spoke up. “Woah, that sounds like hard work. Are you going to start soon?”

Maestro nodded. “Yeah. I plan for my first stop to be Oatan. Start small, y’know? After that, I’ll probably go to Hayburg, and after that I’ll end up back here before I go to Appaloosa.”

Raindrops was still crossing her forelegs. “Wait. When exactly over the course of your friendship with Trixie did you start calling her Trix?"

Maestro blinked. “It was about a month or so in, maybe longer.”

Cheerilee then posed a question. “So tell us, how’d you get your cutie mark?”

Maestro blinked. “You want to know? It’s not often I get asked that question- in fact, Trix never asked. I suppose most aren’t very keen on that kind of story.” They all nodded, causing Maestro to sigh. “I suppose it couldn’t hurt. Well, here goes. *ahem* It was a rainy day that day, in that backyard. I’d been trying to finish an art piece that I’d been working on for about a month at the time. However, I was just about ready to just toss those dreams in the trash, like many of my peers had insisted that I’d do. But, at that moment when I was ready to throw in the towel, I looked up into the sky, and saw a most beautiful site. The rain had stopped, and in its place was a natural seven-colored rainbow, instead of one of those cheap manufactured faux-bows with six colors. When I saw its pristine beauty, I knew instantly how to finish the piece. And, once I had, I looked back and saw my cutie mark for the first time. It was then that I knew what I was meant to do- without a single doubt in my heart.”

Carrot piped up. “Woah. That’s quite amazing! How old were you when it happened?”

Maestro sighed. “Three. I was considered quite a prodigy for getting it that early- after all, not many get it before four.”

Lyra nodded at that, for she knew that was an accurate statement. She then posed a question. "Is there another reason that you're here, by any chance?"

Maestro sighed. "Well, you see..." He sat down on a chair, and rubbed his front hooves together. "I've come across a modicum of... trouble, you could say."

Trixie spoke somewhat haltingly. "Trouble? Maestro, what have you done this time? Is this like the time you set fire to-"

Maestro cut in, rather exasperated. "I've told you a million times! That. Was. An. Accident." He sighed. "No, it wasn't anything like that time. It's... my ex-marefriend. She wants to get back together. I’d rather not suffer through her pushiness." The group gasped, and he sighed. "I was hoping that Trix could help me get her off my tail, y'know? Like old times."

Carrot Top then spoke. "So, who's your ex, anyway?"

Maestro looked off to the sky. "She's an indigo thestral mare called Sarah Von Strokenheimer. Some of you might be familiar with her sky art."

Raindrops seemed confused. "Thestral? I thought that wasn’t a real thing, and just a disguise for the night guard. It’s real then?"

Maestro nodded. “Very.” He then whispered something under his breath, which Trixie could only make out the tail end of. “than most…”

Lyra then asked something. “So why’d you go for her?”

Maestro scoffed. "Unlike some, I don't care what somebody looks like or what their lineage is. As long as they are a good person, I could go for them. Well, they have to meet certain other parameters, like being a mare, among other things." He then sighed. "As for why I went for Sarah... I saw her as a kindred spirit, you get me? I thought she might be what I've been looking for."

Ditzy cleared her throat. "So why'd you two break up?"

Maestro fiddled with his locket. "She was far too pushy. Was in a rush to get married and all that. I just wanted to take things slow, and slowly reveal secrets of mine when I felt I trusted her enough. Like I do with everyone. But, she thought that she should be able to bypass all that, because she thought I loved her." Maestro shook his head. "That wasn't the case, however. I'd only agreed to be her coltfriend to test the waters. It wasn't out of love; it was all for the experience of it all. If feelings of love developed out of it, then everything would've been fine by me. But, because she tried to rush, she drove me away." He sighed. "No matter how many times I try to explain this to her, she never seems to get the picture."

Trixie then stomped a hoof. "Maestro, this mare sounds about as stubborn as you are. You need to make it one hundred percent clear that you aren't interested anymore. Alright?"

Maestro huffed. “Don’t you think that I’ve tried that? No, there’s only one way I can get her off of my tail." He then looked directly at Trixie. “I know you aren’t comfortable with ‘relationships,’ but I really need your help. Do you think you could pretend to be my marefriend until she gives up?”

Trixie’s eyes widened. “Wh-what? I don’t-”

Maestro shook his head. “Look, I know you have your reservations, but I need your help.” He noticed that Trixie was looking away with guilt written on her face. He sighed. “I’ll owe you big time if you help me out, you know.”

That one line got Trixie’s attention, causing her to look up, and reconsider. “Alright, fine. But! I must know how long this could potentially last, so I can properly prepare.”

Maestro looked at the calendar, and noticed the date: May 7th, 1001 LR. He sighed in relief. “Knowing Sarah, two weeks. That’s good for both of us- you, because any longer could cause problems, and me, because I’ve someplace important to be on the 23rd.” He then outheld his hoof. “She’ll be here tonight, probably around 7. Help me out with this, and you won’t regret it!”

Trixie shook his hoof, and smirked. “It’s a deal.”


At 7 PM, Maestro and Trixie were already at the planned meeting place. Then, the flapping of leathery wings came from above, causing all in the area to look up, and gasp in awe, all save Maestro. The figure descending from the sky was a very cross indigo thestral mare. Ponies had to do a double-check when they saw that this mare didn’t wear the Night Guard armor that was known for its enchantment that changed the physical appearance of those that wore it. Her eyes were set in such a way to make them look like pools of green venom. Her sky blue mane and tail fluttered silently in the night wind. She then went up to Maestro and Trixie, and heard them laughing. She then cleared her throat, garnering their attention. Maestro looked at her, bemused. “Oh hey, Sarah! Have you met my new marefriend, Trixie?” He grinned. “I’m certain that you’ll get along famously.”

Sarah Ground her teeth together, unamused. “So you’ve got somepony new, huh? Well!” She then glared at Trixie. “I hope to see just how long this’ll last! Good night!” She left in a huff, disappearing into the nighttime sky.

Trixie raised an eyebrow. “Is she…?”

Maestro shook his head. “She's not gone, if that’s what you’re asking. Knowing her, she’s used her sky art to mask her presence. For now, just act like she’s always watching.”

Trixie gulped. This was going to be a long two weeks.


During those two weeks of fooling Sarah, Maestro got to know the others in the Elements of Harmony, quickly becoming friends with them. But, whenever he was with Trixie, the act would begin. One night, near the end of the ruse, Raindrops went over to Maestro’s temporary house near the Whitetail Woods, and was about to knock when she heard something odd. “L! Maestro, reporting in. Do you copy, Leader?”

Another voice spoke, only slightly different from Maestro’s “I read you loud and clear. How goes the project?”

Maestro spoke up again. “As well as expected, I suppose. Once I get Sarah off my tail, I should be able to start selling my art with no problems.”

The other voice seemed pleased. “Very good. You know how important your role is, right? We cannot afford any more delays from your end.”

Maestro sighed. “I know. After I visit Canterlot on the 23rd, I will begin the project with all due haste.”

The “Leader” chuckled. “Do not worry. All is for The Unity. Our goal is a noble one, remember that. For The Unity!”

Maestro echoed, the last line, and turned something off. He sighed. “When did things get so convoluted? I don’t fully trust this guy, whoever he is… Even if he said that he’d ‘help me.’” He turned off the lights to his house. “Well, if he is truly untrustworthy, I’ll find out myself, somehow…”

Raindrops went off into the night, unsure of what to make of what she’d overheard.

This next night was the final one, according to Maestro. When he’d met up with them all that morning, Raindrops seemed a bit conflicted about something, and Maestro took notice. He told her to “come see him” after Sarah was gone. So, during the “date,” Sarah showed up one last time. She scowled at the “couple” and spoke. “So you’re still together after all this time. May I ask one thing though? Why haven’t you two kissed?”

Trixie looked bewildered, but Maestro winked at her, and mouthed: “I got this.” He sighed. “Trix is just a bit uncomfortable with such things. I only am refraining from such out of respect.”

Sarah raised an eyebrow. “Oh really?” She then saw that there was a certain mood going around- dim lighting at all the tables, and a romantic piece of music. Perfect for smooching. In fact, she noticed many other couples doing just that. All save for Maestro and Trixie. She scoffed. “I call your bluff. This is just some kind of act, isn’t it?”

Maestro tried to not let it show on his face, but he was worried. How could she have figured it out? “Now, see here! I am always serious when it comes to relationships, and-!” However, just at that moment, some kind of magic seemed to overtake Trixie through the song. And, everyone gasped when it happened. Maestro’s eyes widened, being on the receiving end of the surprise kiss from Trixie.

Sarah seemed shocked. “You never… kissed me…” She huffed. “F-fine! I can take a hint. Good-bye, Maestro.” She then flew off into the sky.

Maestro was released from the kiss, gasping for air. “THAT… was unexpected.” He gathered his thoughts, and talked professionally. “Thanks for your help, Trix. Though why did you…?”

Trixie composed herself, for she had not expected herself to do something like that. But, she played it off like it was intentional. “It seemed like the only way to get her off your back, so I acted.”

Maestro sighed. “You never change, do you, Trix?” He stood. “Though, I just hope this won’t change things between us. This was all an act; we both know that. I just hope that…”

Trixie grinned. “Don’t worry. We’ll always be friends, no matter what.”

Maestro sighed. “Thanks again, Trix.” He then went over to Raindrops. “Now, I’ve something to discuss with Raindrops before I leave. Just be a minute.” He took her over to a quieter place, and cast a non-eavesdropping spell in an outward dome. He glared at her. “So, how much did you hear last night, outside my door?”

Raindrops sighed. “The whole conversation with this ‘Leader’ of yours, as well as your doubts about him.” She looked Maestro square in the eye. “Please tell me, are you our enemy, or are you our friend?”

Maestro huffed. “Look. As of right now, I’m on your side. But, I don’t know his entire plan- so I’m in the dark about what he might ask me to do in the future.” His eyes gleamed with a certain truth, something in his eyes told Raindrops that she could trust Maestro. He continued. “If he ever pits me against you and your friends for any reason, however, I’ll cut my ties with him immediately, without a second thought.” He used a spell that summoned his temporary living quarters to him, and he started to collapse it into an easy to carry black portfolio. He slung it over his shoulder. “I best be going. It’s been real.”

As he went to leave, Raindrops called out. “Wait! Aren’t you going to stay awhile?”

Maestro was at the door. He looked back, and shook his head. “I can’t stay in one place for too long.” He called back as he left. “After all, I’m a traveler, and I can’t stay put. See ya.” He then teleported away.

Thus closes the first meeting between the Dames of Equestria and Maestro Spectrum. Will they meet again? Yes, of that you can be certain. But how many more meetings will they have? That is yet to be determined.

Cut Scene:

A ball of light descended from the sky, and before him now stood Kindle, in his garb as the Voice of the Sun. Maestro raised an eyebrow, and spoke. “The Voice of the Sun? To what do I owe this displeasure?”

Kindle looked at him with a bit of disdain. “While I’m glad that my reputation precedes me, I’m quite slighted by you calling it a displeasure.” He then sighed. “However, Her majesty Celestia wished me to find you, and convince you to join our cause.”

Maestro then spoke. “So, you want me to join you? Fight against Luna, and all that? Do I have that correct?”

Kindle smiled. “I’m glad you understand. Once Celestia rules Equestria again, she could fast track your career, and you’d become the royal artist! You’d be at her side, enjoying fame like nothing before!”

Maestro shook his head. “While your offer sounds tempting, I just can’t turn my back on Princess Luna. Besides, I’d rather want to work for my fame rather than have it just given to me.”

Kindle narrowed his gaze. “She can give you anything! Power, glory, riches! Name it, and it shall be yours if you join our cause!”

Maestro chuckled. “There’s nothing that you can give me that could ever change my mind. After all, magic cannot properly bring back the dead.”

Kindle glared at him, and pulled out a enchanted stone of some sort. “Then you leave me no choice but to destroy you.”

Maestro tsked. “Oh please. You underestimate me if you think such a simple enchanted object would do me in.” He then lit up his horn. “Let me show you the power of an enchantment master!” The spiral of his horn took on a white glow, as did the reddish brown portion of his mane. His eyes soon shared the glow.

He then hurled a ball of light from his horn, and when it connected with Kindle, he started to teleport away. He then yelled out. “You will regret rejecting the true Queen!!”

After he disappeared, Maestro’s glow faded, and he sighed as he started to wobble slightly. “Bah. I just hope that he doesn’t become a pain in the near future…” And, in a flash of Turquoise, he was gone.

Author's Note:

My attempt at a Lunaverse fic. It's a one-shot, and I'm not certain if it'll be accepted as "cannon," but I felt that I just had to try, you know? Maestro is one of my OCs from my fics End of Days, End of Nights and Scorching Day, Chilling Night as well as Disguise In Hearts and Days in the Mind of One that is Great and Powerful. So! Constructive criticism is embraced, and if you fave, don't forget to upvote. If you like/dislike, I'd appreciate your thoughts below in the comment section. If you want to edit this, go ahead and PM me. That's all from me (for now, anyway)!