• Published 26th Dec 2015
  • 4,664 Views, 11 Comments

Spike's angst (and some other stuff, maybe) - Crystarium

A collection of ideas for stories, mostly regarding Spike's inner struggles and his treatment at pony hooves.

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Eternal Child (Serious)

Author's Note:

This contains heavy Sparity, so be warned.

Tags: Romance, Drama, Sad
Characters: Spike, Twilight, Rarity, Celestia

Spike comes home after another attempt to impress Rarity. Twilight attempts to talk him out of his crush without simply saying he’s too young, since she thinks that will be too painful for him to hear. Spike doesn't get it though, and heads upstairs already thinking of other ways to try and woo her. Twilight sighs, knowing that it's only going to end badly for him, and wondering how she'll deal with the fallout.

Add in filler or a time-skip here, author's choice.

At some point, Rarity is invited to a social function by one of Canterlot’s elite, and brags about how she believes she’s found the one, oblivious to Spike’s feelings. Twilight tries to comfort Spike after Rarity leaves, but Spike says he’s going to just confess his feelings before Rarity leaves. Twilight, realising what a bad idea that is, tries to talk him down, but when Spike brushes her off, she grows frustrated and grounds Spike, sending him to their room.

Later that evening, Twilight goes up to try and talk to Spike (both to apologise, and expecting an apology), but finds he has left, and the suit he wore to the GGG is gone. Furious, she quickly figures out that Spike is going to the function, and takes off after him. She tracks him down a little outside the function and confronts him. They argue, Eventually Twilight snaps and just tells him that he’s too young. Spike goes really quiet, then asks Twilight if she’s sure that’s the reason.

He goes on to explain that he can’t grow up without hording. His only options are to spend eternity as he is now, or as a mindless monster. He then asks, very seriously, if the reason he and Rarity can’t be together is because he’s a kid. Twilight, who has started to tear up after realising Spike’s right, whispers yes. The importance of this answer is implied, as it means that no-one will ever want to be with him. Spike leaves for the train station, leaving Twilight alone.

This next part can alternate between Spike and Twilight, or can be told one after another. Note that Twilight's part is twice as long as Spike's, though.

Spike is on a hill in Ponyville, trying his hardest not to cry, when he is approached by Rarity. As it turns out, she left the function early due to her date only wanting to show her off, and she overheard Spike and Twilight’s argument. They sit for a time. Before Spike can speak, Rarity apologises. She knew of Spike’s feelings, but did not realise the position Spike was in, dismissing them as something that would pass when he grows older. Spike asks if Rarity would be with him, were he able to grow up.

Rarity lists off several positive and negative traits, but ultimately decides that she would not be with Spike, simply because he is too dear a friend: she needs him as he is in her life. She apologises for being so selfish, but Spike says it’s alright, and thanks her for being honest with him. The two continue to sit, though Rarity embraces Spike when she feels the tears on her hooves, and silently sheds her own, too.

After some time, Spike asks if Rarity thinks he’ll ever find someone. Rarity says that she knows, without a doubt, that he will. There might be another dragon like him, or maybe Twilight will find some way to help him. After remembering Twilight, Spike wonders what’s going to happen the next time he sees her.

Twilight stayed in Canterlot castle, having missed the last train back. She is sleep deprived, having tried to think of a way to help Spike. She considered an age spell, but is unsure if it would actually work, since Spike's growth is independent of age. She intends to return to the library, but Celestia asks to speak with her. After some prodding, she tells Celestia her problem. Celestia is contemplative, and reveals that there is a possible solution, but it would not be simple.

She reminds Twilight of the day that she and her friends saved Luna from Nightmare Moon. In particular, she reminds her of how small (young) Luna looked, despite the fact that she is now fully grown. Twilight thought that it was because Luna needed time to regain her power, which Celestia reveals is half-right. When Luna returned, she needed to re-bind herself to the moon to regain her control over it. This binding is the key to the alicorn’s longevity: they age as the sun and moon age. When Luna first returned, she returned at the body she had when she first performed the binding. This translates to Spikes situation in that, if Spike were to do the binding on a living pony, his body would age to match that pony’s.

Twilight is surprised to learn this, but quickly sees the flaw: it would effectively limit Spike to a normal pony’s lifespan. When she reveals this, Celestia admits that it is one of the reasons she is reluctant to perform the binding. The other reason is the pony being bound to. The binding gives Celestia and Luna control over the sun and moon. If it were to be performed on a living pony, she has no idea how this control would transfer. It could be nulled, or it could make the pony a slave to Spike’s will.

Twilight contemplates all this, and makes a decision: she’ll talk to Spike, and if he agrees, he can bind himself to her. Celestia, surprised at this, asks her to reconsider, or at least think about it more, but Twilight assures her that she is serious. Spike has spent his whole life serving Twilight, being there for her in her younger years, supporting her when they moved to Ponyville, and even putting up with her when she goes crazy. She trusts him completely. If Spike does end up controlling her, she knows he won’t abuse it. In regards to the limited life, Twilight simply asks Celestia (though she tries not to be cruel) if an eternal life is really something to envy. At this, Celestia relents, and agrees to perform the spell if Spike decides it’s what he wants.

The ending of this is variable, depending on what you want to see. I just wanted the idea of Spike not being able to grow up discussed. Could do the binding, could not, could bind to Celestia instead so he would have adult body and eternal life (though this would require additional conversation to convince her). If you’re evil, you could have the binding fail spectacularly, giving complete dominance over Twilight without aging Spike’s body. In this instance, Spike’s mental state may be fragile enough that he would, in fact, abuse his control.