• Published 19th Dec 2015
  • 1,871 Views, 22 Comments

Edge of the Ponyverse - TopWanted

When not only Equestria but every Equestria is threatened, six heroes will be chosen. Six heroes will fight. Six heroes will defeat the darkness and restore order.

  • ...

Samurai Appleoosan

Author's Note:

Slightly inspired by characters and situations portrayed in Capn Chrysallid's This Platinum Crown. Check it out!

Twenty leagues outside of Hay-an Kyo.

“Ragh!” The assassin let out one last cry of agony before the lasso around his neck slipped him into unconsciousness. The wielder breathed a sigh of relief and slumped to the ground. Twenty odd assassins lay scattered about her in bloody barely breathing heaps. She panted with fatigue as she recoiled her lasso and returned it to her sidebelt. She let out a hiss of pain as she felt her hoof brush against an open cut in her side.

“Damn, not again,” she murmured. The sun had rose a few hours ago and now was pretty high. She shielded her eyes and pulled her Stetson forward to block out the sun. Her hakama was stained red, which meant it wouldn’t be easy for her to blend in on the main roads. She considered just leaving her hakama on the side of the road but her wound was still an issue. “Gotta find a rest.” The samurai turned to the fields next to the road and slowly limped her way across.


A farmer with bright orange hair worked diligently tending her fields. She was a poor pony peasant but that didn’t stop her from having pride in her work. She was plowing her small field when a figure approached from across the hill. The farmer squinted to get a better look but the sun was right behind the stranger obscuring her and only giving off the silhouette. The farmer gasped as she recognized the shape of a katana at the stranger’s side. She backed away with her how raised. “Back off, bandit! I don’t care what you want! You will not take from me!”

The figure stood still for a second against the sun before slumping forward and rolling down the hill. The farmer raised an eyebrow in puzzlement and took a tentative step forward to check on them. The stranger wore a traditional black hakama with white robe. “Samurai?” she whispered to herself. But this samurai seemed strange. Her mane had no bow knot, instead flowing around her shoulders. Plus she carried rope on her person as well as an unfamiliar kind of hat. “Samurai don’t wear hats.” Wait. Had she seen that hat before? The memory was foggy. Like something from a dream.

“Water,” the stranger croaked out. The farmer sprung back in shock and pointed her how at the stranger again. “Please,” she could barely make out her voice. “Water.” Her eyes closed and the stranger seemed to fall to unconsciousness.

The farmer stood there for a moment in contemplation. Should she help her? She took another look at the stranger’s body and found a large wound on her side. She had been in a fight very recently. Perhaps by the same bandits that she had feared. She had heard rumors from the town over about the recent raids. Perhaps they were closer than she thought. If that was true then she needed to get indoors as quick as possible. She turned to leave for her home but stopped herself. That wound looked pretty bad. The farmer sighed and lifted the stranger’s legs, pulling her along with her back home.

The stranger awoke a few hours later when the sun had set. The farmer having prepared a spot for her in the corner with a blanket. The farmer was attending to her stew cooking on the fire when she heard the stranger stir. “So you’re up,” she muttered. “I gave you that water you needed, but you conked out right after.”

The stranger moaned before checking her side. A bandage had been tightly wrapped around. She turned to the farmer. “Thanks,” she said. “Ya didn’t need to go that far.”

“You’re samurai,” the farmer replied. “If I didn’t try to save you I’d probably get my head chopped off.” The samurai laughed at that. “You think that’s funny?”

“Naw. Just with me ah doubt that’d be the case.” Her way of speaking seemed off.

“Are you still injured?” the farmer asked with a frown. “You seem to be slurring your words.”

The samurai sighed and shook her head. “Naw that… No. I’m fine. Just how ah talk, is all.”

The farmer raised an eyebrow, her gaze turning to her strange hat. “So what is that? I’ve never seen a sun hat like that.”

“This aint no sunhat,” the samurai replied as she picked her hat back up and tied the string around her neck. “This is a bonafied Stetson.”

“Stetson?” the farmer seemed confused.

“Nothin’ you’d know I guess.” The samurai weakly got up and walked over to join the farmer by the fire. “So what’s your name?”

The farmer looked at her surprised. “Ninjin Jo,” she replied.

“Well nice to meet you, Carrot Top,” the samurai said in a friendly manner as she held out a hoof in greeting. The farmer looked even more confused.

“You are not just a crazy person that stole a sword and clothes from a dead samurai are you?” she asked hesitantly.

The samurai laughed. “That’d probably make more sense, wouldn’t it?” As her laughter died down she stared into the fire, her brow furrowing in thought. “Ah appreciate what you did for me, Carrot Top. But I should probably get moving soon. I don’t want to impose on you any further.”

As she stood up Carrot Top did as well catching her before she could stumble. “You’re not going anywhere like that.” A loud growl came from the samurai’s stomach. Carrot Top chuckled. “Plus I don’t think it’s wise to leave on an empty stomach.”

The samurai nodded respectfully and sat down again. Carrot Top grabbed a bowl and ladled the samurai some stew. The samurai took the bowl and brought it to her mouth with a long slurp. “That’s pretty darn good.”

Carrot Top smiled. “Best vegetables in ten leagues. I wish I had something more substantial to offer you but…”

“Trust me,” the samurai smiled. “This is enough. That is unless you’ve got some apples?”

Carrot Top frowned and shook her head. “I’m sorry. That’s a luxury not many can afford these days. Not since the daimyo-”

“Ah know,” the samurai muttered. “Lord Fuji. Ah know.” She smiled at her again. “This is perfect, thank you.”

Carrot Top nodded her head. “What is your name?”

The samurai finished her stew and turned to her. “Applejack.”

Carrot Top waited for her to continue. “No… Neighpon name?”


Carrot Top’s eyes widened in realization. “You’re a foreigner!”

“Yup.” Applejack poured herself another bowl of stew and sipped.

“But… how can you have that sword and hakama?” Carrot Top asked. “Are you a ronin? How does a foreigner even go about becoming a samurai let alone a ronin?”

Applejack chuckled. “Long story. Probably not the best place or time for it.”

Carrot Top frowned and looked around her house wondering why it wasn’t worthy. “Why?”

“Cause we’ve got company.” A loud crash came from the door as a pony in black jumped in and threw a series of kunai knives at the both. Applejack moved expertly fast and pushed Carrot Top out of the way. With another movement she unhooked her lasso and tossed it at the attacker, clasping the end of it with her teeth. The lasso missed the pony just barely as he jumped out of the way and onto the wall. He followed by kicking off it and throwing himself at Applejack. She let her lasso go and spun around to face her back towards the ninja. With a loud yell she let her back legs fly and bucked the black clad pony in the face, breaking a few teeth in the process.

Carrot Top watched in shock as all this took place within the span of seconds. The ninja lay unconscious on the floor of the hut. “What was that?” she asked hysterically.

Applejack grabbed her lasso and began to coil it again. “Why I should have moseyed along a while ago.” She gave Carrot Top one last nod before grabbing the pony by the legs and dragging him to the door. “They’re not trained to attack on their own so back up will be here soon. I’ll be long gone and out of your hair by then.” She tipped her hat and charged out the door with the pony on her back. Carrot Top could hear the sounds of darts being shot outside and the mutters of curses as each shot missed. The trees outside rustled with movement before disappearing. Carrot Top was left alone in the silence of her home.

She looked down at the fire. “Just what has that pony done to deserve that?” she asked herself.

“That is not information for you to know, peon.” Carrot Top jumped in the air as she just noticed a pony sitting next to her by the fire. How had she gotten in? She heard no sounds and the only opening was the door. The pony took a sip from the stew and grinned. “Not bad. I can recommend you to a local lord if you would like?”

Carrot Top stared at the pony dumbfounded. She was young, younger than her. Her coat was orange with a purple mane. Two wings sprouted from her back popping out of dark black clothes like the last pony wore. “I… I’m sorry. Who are you?”

The Pegasus looked up at her with a pensive expression. “That’s something you do not need to know.” She sat the bowl down and stood up with a bow. “Thank you for the meal. If you would be so kind, could you tell me where the mare said she would go next?”

Carrot Top gulped as she stared into the Pegasus’ eyes. Her words and smile were kind and polite but behind them was a burning intensity she had not seen before. “Sh- She didn’t say.”

“Is that so? Not surprising.” The Pegasus sighed and walked to the busted door, two black clad ponies meeting her outside and greeting her with a polite bow.

“Wait!” Carrot Top shouted from her door before they could leave. “If I may be so bold, what did she do?”

The Pegasus did not turn around but stopped her departure for a moment. She turned her head slightly so that Carrot Top only saw her eye, fixed in a serious expression. “She committed the gravest sin one can make. She betrayed her lord.”


Applejack was sure that she had messed up her bandages during that dash over the hill. Though she really didn’t have much choice. The only way past the assassins was the direct route. Luckily she found the perfect shield for those blow darts. She heaved the unconscious pony off her back. “Thankfully your friends didn’t have the guts to shoot you. Well, that or they’re all just terrible aims.”

She took a look at her surroundings. She was in a forest again. Perfect place for hiding but that counted for both fugitives and bandits. She would need to find a safe spot somewhere to sleep, preferably in a tree. Applejack rubbed her back in dread of the pain she was going to feel in the morning. “Die, traitor!” A voice shouted through the forest and she turned quick to intercept an overhead blow from the previously unconscious assassin. She flicked her hooves up in a defensive strike to distract him and destroy his attack. After that she went in with a spin kick which connected with the stallion’s torso sending him flying into a tree.

“Glad to see you’re alright,” she muttered, rubbing her bandaged wounds. “For the most part.” The stallion tried to get up but Applejack planted both her front hooves on his and covered his hind legs with her knees. She stood above him face to face. “Now let’s see who you are.”

“No!” the stallion shouted. Applejack didn’t stop as she grabbed his mask with her mouth and ripped it off. The pony underneath was gray with a black mane. He bore an angry expression as he continued to try and get her off him.

Applejack raised an eyebrow. “Don’t think ah recognize you. What’s your name and rank?” The stallion continued to struggle and even tried to bite her. Applejack simply leaned her head back and drove it into his forehead with a headbutt. The stallion cried out in pain as tears started to form. “There’s more where that came from if you can’t answer me!”

The stallion gritted his teeth but nodded in defeat, his eyes still full of anger. “Ranbaru. Rumble. Fifth wing, twenty second squadron.”

Applejack’s eyes went wide. “Twenty second?” She snarled and dug her hooves a little deeper into the ground. “Tell me what you know about Gakusei Kokan! Who was in charge of it for your squadron eight months ago!?”

“Gakusei…?” Rumble looked confused. “The student exchange? There was no exchange eight months ago!”

“Lies!” Applejack twisted her hoof and heard a crack in response. Rumble screamed in pain. “I know there was a pony transferred during that time!”

Rumble grit his teeth in pain and looked her in the eyes. “There was no exchange!”

“Why are you protecting him!?” Applejack shouted through tear filled eyes. “Why don’t any of you care about mah sister?”

“I heard it this way!” Applejack turned her attention to a voice in the distance. All the sound she and Rumble had been making must have tipped off her pursuers. She would need to disappear fast. She gave Rumble one last headbutt that distracted him enough for her to disappear into the surroundings. Rumble cleared his head and shot up in a battle stance but knew that she was long gone. He waited several moments as his companions arrived. “Ranbaru, are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” he mumbled as he grabbed his mask off the ground.

“You don’t seem fine.” Rumble turned at the voice and gave a small polite bow. An orange pony with purple mane had entered through the trees with them. She gave the area quick look before pointing at Rumble. “Your head is bleeding.”

Rumble quickly put his mask back on and apologized. “I didn’t know you would be here, Lady Sukutaru.”

She smirked. “Please don’t call me that. What did you find out?”

“I…” Rumble didn’t exactly know where to begin. “She did not say where she was going but she did… interrogate me.”

Scootaloo’s eyebrow raised. “And?”

“She wanted to know about the gakusei kokan. Specifically one held eight months ago for our squadron.” Scootaloo’s eyes widened for only a moment before she turned away from her subordinates. “Is everything alright, my lady?”

Scootaloo sighed. “You have a brother, have you not?” Rumble nodded. “And would your brother not fight heaven and earth to find and protect you if you went missing?” Rumble took a moment before nodding once more.

“My lady, what does this have to do with-”

“Our fugitive searches for a lost loved one. Somepony she believes was sold by our lord.” The ponies gasped in shock.

“My lady, these are drastic accusations,” Rumble whispered. “To speak of Lord Fuji like-”

“Do not presume to know my intentions,” Scootaloo shot back. “I will hunt this fugitive down just like the rest of you because it is what my lord commanded of me. I follow the teachings of my master. Do not question my loyalties.” The ponies grew silent with Rumble stepping forward with a salute.

“Forgive my brazenness. She knocked me for a loop before escaping but I believe she went west.” Scootaloo nodded in agreement and motioned for her squadron to move forward. They all rushed past her and into the trees, Scootaloo staying behind. When she was sure that they were all far ahead she let out a trembling breath she had been holding.

“Apple Bloom,” she whispered. “Forgive me for what I do.” With another deep breath she shot forward into the trees following her team.


Applejack couldn’t fight back the tears but she did keep in the sobs. It was imperative that she remain quiet. Not only were the assassins still after her but her latest escape had landed her too close to a bandit camp. She held her breath and stayed beneath a bush as she watched the bandits preparing their early breakfast. The sun wasn’t even out yet, which probably meant that these guys were planning on some kind of attack today. She focused her attention on the two sitting by her and listened to their conversation.

“Why has the boss got us up so damn early,” the first one yawned.

“Because we need to act fast if we want to get in and out before sunrise,” the second grumbled. “Word is there’s a bunch of soldiers lurking about the woods. They’re after some crook but we might get caught in the crossfire if we don’t move soon.”

“Makes sense,” the first mumbled. “But we can eat first, right?”

“Oh yeah,” the second laughed. “Can’t do a good pillaging with an empty belly.”

Applejack rubbed her temples in frustration. Now all the sadness about her sister had turned into rage at these criminals, again. It seemed like every time she came close to a lead something else would pop its ugly head in and she would just have to get involved. Applejack stayed in those bushes for a long time, seriously considering just leaving and hoping that they would be caught by the soldiers. But she knew she wasn’t that lucky. Stay true to yourself, she reminded herself. You may not have title anymore, but you can’t abandon a pony in need. She snickered to herself. “Ma always said honesty is the best policy.”

In one swift motion Applejack burst from the bushes and grabbed the two bandit’s heads. She brought them together with a sickening crack and they both slumped over. Now she had the rest of the camp to deal with. By her count it had to be seventeen. Not a number to shake a stick at and even worse considering she was injured. The bandits all looked at her in confusion. She took full advantage.

Applejack dashed forward and plowed into the chest of another bandit knocking him into a guy behind. She did another spin kick and brought both ponies down in one go. This was when the rest of them finally started to realize they were being attacked. They rushed her as she planted her feet and stood her ground. “Come get some,” she said as she grabbed her lasso and ran toward the impending doom.


Nearly an hour later, Applejack brought her hoof down on the last bandit’s leg. A snap was heard throughout the forest as well as a scream. She dropped the limp body and sat on the ground, looking up at the sky. It was still night for another few minutes or so. She could still make out the stars. All around her unconscious ponies lay in heaps as she sat and watched the stars begin to fade into an orange sunrise. “I’m not gonna stop,” she muttered. “Not gonna stop till I find you. Apple Bloom.” She heard a slow clap from her right and returned to the earth to notice an orange mare with purple mane a few hooves away from her. She wore a black suit like the rest of the assassins but no mask. Though she didn’t need one. Applejack knew exactly who this pony was and wasn’t surprised that she had gotten the drop on her. “Scootaloo.”

“Applejack,” Scootaloo replied in an emotionless tone. “For crimes against the daimyo you-”

“Have you found her?” Applejack interrupted.

“For crimes against-”

“HAVE YOU FOUND HER!” Scootaloo stopped talking and sighed.

“I do not know what you are talking about. The forces of Lord Fuji do not waste effort searching for deserters.” Applejack slammed her hoof into the ground.

“You seem pretty darn fixated on me!” she shouted. “And you know Apple Bloom didn’t just run away! You knew her! You were her friend! If anypony would be on my side I thought it’d be you.”

Scootaloo took a deep breath. “My loyalties lie with the house of Fuji. They do not extend to friends or even family.”

“Would you say that if he had sold Rainbow!?” Applejack’s voice had grown harsh. She could feel fatigue beginning to set in. If this resulted in a fight she would surely lose.

Scootaloo’s expression did not change but she did dig her hooves into the ground a little more. “You have no right to speak of the lord that way. Why do you even suspect the gakusei kokan?”

“It’s the only time that pony vassals from the high families are traded. It’s supposed to be a chance for learning and developing skills. But ah know the truth,” her voice became venomous. “I’ve seen the records of servants sold as slaves under the table. Great teachers and warriors sold as courtesans to some lofty lord. And for what? Favors? Land? Ah don’t give a damn about that!”

Scootaloo did not respond for a moment. “You cannot insult the house-”

“ENOUGH!” Applejack shouted. “You want me? I won’t go without a fight.” Applejack turned to her left and grabbed her katana with her mouth drawing it out in a graceful stroke and flipping it to face her opponent.

Scootaloo frowned and drew her hoof back, getting low into an offensive stance. “So be it.” The two narrowed their eyes at each other, several seconds passing as each debated who would be the first to attack. Then without flare or shout they both charged.

Scootaloo was the first to land a hit as she flipped up in the air and caught Applejack with a kick between the shoulder blades. Applejack grunted in pain but she did not let go of her sword. She planted her back hooves and did a spin attack towards Scootaloo who dodged it by flying into the air. “Not only are you wounded,” she said. “But I have the higher ground. Give up now and I can help to commute your sentence to servitude. There’s still a chance, Applejack.”

“Not without her,” Applejack murmured through her sword. Scootaloo sighed again and drew a kunai from her belt. She put it in her own mouth and flew at Applejack with super speed. Applejack was just barely able to deflect the strike as it flashed off her katana. But she knew that was not all Scootaloo had planned. Just after the flash she made sure to stomp on the ground as hard as she could. Scootaloo was stunned at shaking beneath her hooves and missed her second strike. The two warriors continued to clash in close combat. Applejack stopping Scootaloo’s savage attacks with her kunai at every swipe. Unfortunately it seemed she was too weak to strike back on her own without giving the Pegasus an advantage.

“You can’t… keep this up… forever,” Scootaloo insisted as they dueled. Her breathing only slightly labored. Applejack was now panting heavily with sweat on her brow.

“Ah don’t… plan to,” she snarled as she drew her blade down in an arc. Scootaloo moved easily away from the strike by dodging to the side. Then she came back at an angle and delivered an elbow into Applejack’s wounded side. She screamed in pain and dropped to a knee, still barely clutching her katana in her teeth. Scootaloo took advantage of the moment and brought turned to bring her kunai up to the earth pony’s throat.

“Submit,” she demanded.

“Never,” Applejack muttered. Scootaloo was taken off guard when Applejack turned her head to face her, both raising her sword for a killing strike while also shallowly cutting her own neck. Applejack was able to nick Scootaloo’s ear before she jumped and dodged. Scootaloo raised a hoof to her ear and looked at Applejack. Her neck was bleeding but it was nothing life threatening. She had stayed away from the major arteries. Perhaps Applejack knew that. “Ah know you still care about her.” Scootaloo gritted her teeth and tried to block out Applejack’s words. “Ah know you don’t want her to come home to find out her sister was dead. That’s why you’re goin’ easy on me.”

“I am not!” Scootaloo shouted. “You will be brought to justice for your crimes!”

“What crimes!?” Applejack shouted, taking a step forward. Scootaloo had the higher ground and the upper hoof at the moment, yet she still felt herself tremble as she looked into Applejack’s eyes. Sweat and blood dripped down her face and neck resulting in a vision that would make anypony wonder how the hay she was still alive let alone standing. “What grave injustice have I committed? Searching for my kin? My family?”

“You abandoned your duties!” Scootaloo shouted. “Rainbow Dash trusted you with the daimyo’s safety and you betrayed her! You betrayed us all!”

“The only pony ah betrayed was mahself!” Applejack shouted angrily. “For believin’ in that demon of a lord.”

Scootaloo heard a noise and turned to see a couple of her squadron had finally found the place. They all waited hiding in the trees, most likely waiting for her signal. There was no going back. She needed to lead her team the same way her master had taught her. Ultimate loyalty. Ultimate honor. Scootaloo flew down for a strike. “Ultimate loyalty! Ultimate honor!” They clashed once more with metal against metal.

“Honor!?” Applejack shouted through her katana. “You think what you’re doin’ will bring you honor?” She took another step forward which pushed Scootaloo back and dug her hooves into the dirt. “Honor doesn’t come from blind loyalty.” She took another step forward. “Honor doesn’t come from unquestioning devotion.” Applejack leaned forward and pushed Scootaloo into a crouched position. “Honor comes from bein’ honest to yourself. And ah can see it in you. You’re lying to yourself.”

Scootaloo narrowed her eyes as she began to tremble under Applejack’s overpowering strength. There was so much she could do to end her right now. She could summon her team and have them take her down. She could even use the spring loaded kunai in her belt to stab her in the heart. However… No matter how hard she wanted to deny it, there was truth in her words. Scootaloo was lying to herself. She had failed to protect her best friend and in so doing brought nothing but misery to herself and Applejack. No. She did not truly believe in what she was doing. Scootaloo closed her eyes and took a deep breath before reaching into her pouch and pulling out a smoke bomb. She turned her body to block her squadron from seeing what she did next.

Scootaloo tossed the bomb on the ground and it exploded into a cloud of smoke. “Damn,” she shouted. “You cut my pouch!” Applejack looked at her confused before Scootaloo let go of her katana and Applejack nearly brought it down on her arm. She pulled back just in time.

“What are you-” Scootaloo interrupted her as she grabbed Applejack’s sword with her hooves and brought it down on her shoulder herself. Applejack gasped and let go of the sword.

Scootaloo cried out in pain but gritted her teeth and leaned in to whisper to her. “It has to look real. Now go. Go!” Applejack tried to say something but couldn’t get it out. She instead mouthed a thank you and grabbed her sword, slipping away into the smoke. Scootaloo knelt to one knee in pain as her squadron jumped down to attend to her and give chase. “She cut my pouch. Damn bombs went off.” Rumble was next to her giving her aid. He took a quick look at the pouch at her side. He could see no cut. He was about to say something when Scootaloo gave him a serious look. Rumble stood hesitantly before nodding a silent consent. The trackers returned a few minutes later with no leads.


Applejack felt pretty good, for being half dead. She had successfully escaped Scootaloo’s soldiers and hopefully gained a helpful ally. Still despite the small victory she still felt like shit. She had to stop as she walked over a hill and lean over into a bush to vomit. Her side was killing her. Applejack lifted her robe to look at the bandages once more. They were covered in blood. Her wound had done more than reopen, it seemed to have torn even bigger. “Bucking luck,” she muttered.

Applejack stumbled away from the bush to try to make it to a house or someplace that she could rest and maybe find aid. Her vision got blurry after a few steps, her coordination after another few. She tripped and rolled down the hill, her clothes getting covered in dirt. She came to rest at the bottom of the hill. She sat there blurrily looking at the morning sky. So orange. Just like her eyes. Applejack slowly reached out toward the sky. She swore she could even feel the earth shake. There was a loud boom close by. Her consciousness faded as she watched the orange sky turn blue. Four ponies seemed to appear in front of her, looking down anxiously as her vision turned black.

When Applejack awoke again she was surprised to not find the sky above her. Instead there seemed to be a bright white light staring at her. “Is this… the afterlife?” she asked hesitantly.

“If it is I’m converting,” she heard somepony mutter. The white light turned away from her and her vision cleared to see somepony in a blue and purple suit with a large hat and mask was looking down at her. “You’re sure she’s going to be okay, Filli-Second?”

Another pony, this one bright pink in a white bodysuit, zipped up to them and nodded. “I gave her the full treatment. She should be good as new.”

Applejack blinked a few times before leaning up and looking at herself. She was lying on some kind of special bed made of fabric she’d never seen before. She looked back at the white light and saw that it had been some kind of lamp. A very wonky looking lamp she’d never seen before. Finally she noticed just where she was. It was a large cavernous room with giant pictures on the walls that moved. They seemed to depict several different scenes of ponies that looked like her. Even ponies that looked like ponies she knew. “Rainbow?” she muttered as she saw a rainbow colored Pegasus on a screen.

“Yo!” Applejack turned to the end of the room to see her former friend sitting spinning on some kind of chair, looking kind of bored. She also wore a really weird looking blue uniform. “Do I know you?”

“But… I… what?” Applejack stuttered. The pink mare grabbed her hoof and patted it gently.

“Don’t worry, we’re not here to hurt you,” she said softly. “You were almost dead when we found you. I’ve tried to recruit the rest of us by choice but you we had no option but to bring you back here.”

Applejack took her hoof away and brought it to her lasso just in case. “Where am I and who are you ponies?”

The masked pony stepped up to take the question. “We’re ponies from different realities. All brought together by her.” She pointed to the pink one. “I’m Mare Do-Well. That’s Filli-Second. I see you already know a Rainbow Dash in your world.” Rainbow Dahs nodded to them as she tried to balance a remote control on her nose. “And there’s one more.” She looked up and frowned. “Come down here!” Applejack screamed with a start as a bat winged pony flew down from the rafters and landed in front of them. Applejack gasped in shock as she recognized the face.

“Fluttershy!” she yelled. Filli-Second gave her a motion not to say that name.

“Flutterbat!” Flutterbat shouted back. Applejack bit her lip before nodding. Flutterbat turned away and walked towards Dash.

“Yeah, she doesn’t like it when ponies call her that,” Dash said nonchalantly. She proceeded to give Flutterbat a scratch behind the ears. Flutterbat began to purr in appreciation.

“So I take it you know a Flutter… bat in your world too,” Mare Do-Well said with interest.

“Yeah,” Applejack muttered, still blown away by everything she was seeing. “She’s, uh, a shrine maiden. Fights demons with talismans. Honestly never thought I’d see here like this.”

“You get used to the surprises,” Mare Do-Well muttered.

“I’m sorry, but why am I here?” Applejack looked to all of them. The other three turned to Filli-Second to answer. She nodded and walked over to the wall of many moving pictures and pressed a button on a dashboard. A new image appeared that took up the entire wall. It was a city in shambles. Buildings that used to touch the skies now lay scattered in pieces. Fire roamed the streets and Applejack couldn’t see any life in it.

Filli-Second let out a sad sigh. “Meet Maretropolis. Or what’s left of it. A couple of days ago a creature was brought into my world that destroyed everything. It was like nothing I’d ever seen before. All my friends were wiped out by this monster. I was left with no one.” The group fell silent as most lowered their heads in respect. Only Mare Do-Well didn’t do so. “However, my friend and team leader, the Masked Matterhorn, had devised a plan in case of apocalyptic situations like this.” Filli-Second grabbed a handle beneath the dashboard and pulled to reveal a hidden cabinet. She pulled out a wrinkled sheet of paper. “She was the smartest pony I ever knew. So she had created a machine that allowed her to view alternate realities. She created this list in case there ever came a foe too great for us to face alone. She listed all the ponies with the qualities necessary to overcome such an obstacle and stop it before it could destroy everything.” She lifted the paper before the team. “That time is now.”

Applejack nodded and got out of the bed. “Ah don’t really appreciate being spied on. But ah guess if all of reality is in jeopardy then I can’t blame the girl.”

“Won’t see me complaining,” Rainbow Dash added with a smile. “Sounds like fun.” Flutterbat growled an agreement.

Mare Do-Well crossed her hooves in thought. “If you’re Maretropolis was destroyed then where the hay are we?”

Filli-Second smiled and punched in a few more buttons on the dashboard and the picture changed again to show the outside. Everypony gathered around in amazement. Outside the fortress they stood in was a swirling array of lights and colors. “We are currently inside the Veloci-Source. The place beyond reality that I draw my speed from. Twili- Matterhorn suggested I build it for a situation like this.” Her smile dropped. Mare Do-Well did not take the chance to comfort her.

“Okay. So we’re free from the sight of that entity then,” she muttered. “What do you want us to do now then?”

Filli-Second turned to the list and winced. “There’s actually one more pony we need.”

“Really? And who’s that?”

Filli-Second frowned as she punched in some new coordinates and a new picture popped up. The group gasped in shock, Flutterbat letting out a hiss. A tall black unicorn with ethereal violet mane stood atop a castle looking down at a bunch of ponies in chains. Mare Do-Well raised an eyebrow at Filli-Second and scowled. “Yeah, I figured I was going to get that reaction from you.”


Rumble knelt before his captain back at the Daimyo’s residence. A single pony with a bow knot in her rainbow mane sat across from him. He gulped as he awaited what she would say after hearing his report. Finally she broke the ice. “So… she escaped again.”

“Yes, my lady,” he muttered.

“And she injured Sukutaru?”

“Yes, my lady.”

Rainbow Dash steepled her hooves together and attempted to do some breathing to calm herself. “Captain Niji!” a voice broke her concentration. A single pony in the same black clad clothes flew in and bowed before presenting his news. “We followed the traitor’s tracks for a few leagues but they simply vanished.”

Rainbow’s eyes shot open and within a blink she was at the soldier’s throat. “You came here to tell me exactly what this one told me?” The soldier gagged before being dropped to the ground. “Don’t waste my time.”

The soldier took a few breaths before trying again. “It’s not that. It’s that she really disappeared. Witnesses around the area say she rolled over dead and then four strange ponies appeared out of thin air and whisked her away.”

Rainbow furrowed her brow. “What do you mean strange?”

“Well,” the soldier gulped. “The witnesses say that… one of them… um… looked like you.” Rainbow turned to throttle him again. “Andtheothersworeamaskawhitesuitandtheyhadademonwiththem,” he rattled off fast enough to spare his neck.

Rainbow stopped and considered this. “A demon? A mask? Could Applejack be working with dark spirits?” She rubbed her chin in consideration then noticed that she hadn’t dismissed the two. “Go,” she waved a hoof at them and the soldier turned to leave. Rumble got up as well. “Wait,” she called. Rumble stopped and waited. “When you see Sukutaru, tell her I will avenge her loss. This has just become a more personal matter than it already is.”

Rumble nodded. “Yes, my lady. And…”

“What?” Rumble wanted to tell her what he knew of the battle between Applejack and Scootaloo, but he was conflicted. Too conflicted to say anything at the moment.

“Nothing, my lady,” he bowed once more. “I will tell her your intentions.” He turned to go and left Rainbow all alone.

Rainbow sat back down in her seat at the front of the grandly furnished room. “What are you up to, Applejack?” She closed her eyes and began a state of meditation, her thoughts focused on her mission. Then an image appeared in her mind. It was loud and harsh and was there for only a split second but it made her jump up with surprise and breathe heavily.

Rainbow spun around to search her room. It just felt like somepony was watching her. “Show yourself!” she demanded.

Rainbow yelled in frustration as she delivered a hurricane kick to the folding screen behind her. The screen was cut cleanly in two. Nothing was behind it. “More demon work,” she muttered. “Either that or I’m losing my head.” But why did the image of an eye pop into my head?