• Published 22nd Dec 2015
  • 23,328 Views, 447 Comments

FireStarter - Cereal-Killer

Have you ever had a building collapse on top of you? It hurts a lot. Now imagine it's on fire.

  • ...

ALT Chapter VII: The One Where It's A Valentine's Day Thing

The final day.

My new residence will be Ponyville Castle, Twilight was happy to have me around, especially seeing as I was going to be doing some experiments combining Human science with Equestrian magic.

Moonflower has completely stopped talking to me, not even attending the sessions about teaching me to be a captain, meaning I had to ask Celestia if I could borrow her one.

Captain Swift was a grey old pegasus stallion, not really much to talk about, not too good in conversation. He's the kind of teacher who just gives you a textbook and tells you to copy down whatever is in there.

It's for that reason I won't bother detailing the sessions.
I woke up slowly and comfortably, for once. No Celestia yanking off the covers, or Lavan telling me to get up.

Not even a Thestral mare waiting for me by the fire or in the corridor.

Solemnly, I get up. Why am I so unhappy? I'm going to be free of the castle. I'll still have Lavan and Twilight.


Getting dressed, I head down to the dining hall. Celestia is waiting for me, along with Discord and... Luna?
Discord is his usual self, but it's clear that Celestia is less jovial than usual.

"Hello. Having a good morning?" I yawn, sitting in front of my bacon and eggs, beginning to ravage them. They were cooked how I like them, thanks to the kitchen staff. I actually taught them how to make a pretty nice curry, which has apparently gone off well with the nobles.

Discord perked up at my voice, "Johnny! Are you ready to go to Ponyville? I've been asked to take you, it's going to be a lot of fun with another abomination around town!" Discord had created a chariot made of chocolate, poised next to a hole in the wall. Well at least I won't get hungry on the way there.

Celestia was next, "I expect letters from you on our new guards, Captain, as well as some of your findings about this scientific-magic hybrid subject you've theorised.

Luna, ever the charmer, asked me bluntly: "Why has my captain begun slacking? I assume it is because of you, for thou art rather close to her, or you 'were' rather close to her."

"I have some idea but it's rather far-fetched." REALLY far-fetched.

"If you were to do me one thing before you leave, could you help her, she seems rather hopeless. I will not have any of those under my command unwell. She is too useful to have in such a state of disarray." So she only wants her to be better so she can work.

"Fine, I haven't said goodbye to her yet anyway." A few more strips of bacon and I would be done with breakfast anyway. I heard Discord sigh, then making a noise not unlike a car locking. A car would be nice at some point...

Eating the last scraps of food, I push off of the table, making my way to the barracks, a large building just at the edge of the training yard.


The looks I'm getting from guards as I walk in doesn't full me with confidence. I know Each captain has their own room, at the back of the barracks, behind their subordinates' quarters. I swiftly made my way passed a couple of glaring day guards, one of them trying to look badass, brandishing his spear.

Moon was sat at her desk, writing something I couldn't get a good look at. Once she noticed me, her concentrated gaze dropped, and she just scowled at me.

Our eyes met, locking as we faced off against each other.

"I'm going." I made for the door, behind me I heard shuffling, and Moonflower was stood next to me.

"Umm..." She leaped onto my chest, dropping me to the floor, "Moon? Wh- mmph!" I stood there in shock as the mare who had been my best friend in this strange world kissed me.

She was kissing me. Moon was kissing me.

Did I mention she was kissing me?

She tasted... fruity?

Far too quickly, she pulled away, both of us were panting. Once she had caught her breath, she pushed back in, and we locked lips again, this time I reciprocated, pushing back with my own. She moaned into my mouth, and I felt her canines lightly graze my mouth. The sense of danger and the slight pain only intensified the pleasure. Once again our lips parted, leaving us both breathless as we stared at each other

Her gaze trailed downwards, towards my chest, then to my crotch.

The return of the whyboner.

Her demeanor suddenly became more sultry as she moved backwards slightly.

Oh, boy.


THE END (Not really)

Author's Note:

This chapter is ALT for a reason.

This never happened.

Shhhhhhh. Just forget about it.