• Published 9th Dec 2015
  • 577 Views, 2 Comments

Mane 6: The Next Generation - Dark Nightshade

Being the daughter of a superhero isnt easy, Aurora Estrella can tell you that. But when her mother and her new friends mothers are in trouble, will she and her friends step up and don the masks to protect the ones they love?

  • ...

The Element of Kindness

Author's Note:

Laughter is next.

When Faith started nearing home, she knew something was different, which made her nervous.

What's happening? Is mom trying to give me a surprise party for not calling to come home on the first day? she wondered. She mentally kicked herself. Come on, mom knows I don't like being surprise.[/i Then she realized there was the slight smell of smoke in the air, at which point she started running to the house. She opened the door, afraid of what she might see, but instead saw her mom airing the room out with a fan. The smoke was coming from a small slightly burned cake.

"Uh, mom, what's going on?" Faith asked. Fluttershy turned around, definitely surprised.

"Oh, you're back. Sorry about the smoke, I was trying to make a cake for you surviving the first day of school," Fluttershy said.

"Um, a cake? I know I didn't call home at all, but don't you think you're overdoing it just a little? I did the same last year and you made some cupcakes, not that I'm complaining," Faith said. There was a brief look of annoyance on her mom's face, but only for a second.

"So, did you meet anyone? Like, maybe, the other daughters of the Elements of Harmony?" Fluttershy asked. Faith started to get the uneasy feeling back.

"Why so specific?" she asked.

"Just answer it!" Fluttershy said, almost yelling. Just then, the door opened behind Faith, and in walked Fluttershy.

"Oh, Faith, you're home early," she said before she saw the other Fluttershy. They both stared, and after a couple of seconds, the one with the cake grinned evilly.

"So are you!" she yelled, before being engulfed with green flames. 5 seconds later, it died down to reveal a weird, black bug like pony with wings and a horn, covered with holes. Before anyone could react, it grabbed the real Fluttershy, and raced out of the house, making a hole in the wall. Fluttershy was screaming something, but Faith couldn't hear what she was saying. It sounded like she was telling her to go to Fluttershy's bedroom. Strangely, that was pretty much what her plan was in the first place, except she was going to hide there. She started climbing the stairs, pausing every time there was a squeak. She finally got to her moms room, and was started to wonder what to do, when a very gruff sounding man said "What happened? There was an explosion, and something happened to Fluttershy!" Faith squeaked, and tried to find the source of the voice.

"Oh, how rude of me, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Kindness. And who are you? There's something familiar about you," the voice named Kindness said.

"I-I'm Faith!" squeaked Faith.

"Faith. Wait, you're Fluttershy's daughter! I knew there was something familiar about you!" Kindness said.

"Really? Where are you, by the way?" Faith asked.

"Flick the switch right behind you. The one to the left," Kindness said.

"Oh, thank you," Faith said as she flipped the left switch. The floorboards opened up, and a glass tube on a silver floor began to rise from it. In the glass tube, there was a cool looking costume. It had a cool looking helmet with what looked like butterfly wings and green stained visor. Most of the costume was yellow, with a light blue near the top with a pink butterfly in the center (and a bit below) of the neck. There weren't any sleeves, but the matching yellow gloves would cover most of them anyway. There was another pink crystal butterfly just above the crotch.

"Wow," said Faith.

"Yeah, it look's pretty cool, right?" said Kindness.

"Yeah. You're surprisingly kind, too. When you first spoke, I thought there was someone else that was going to kidnap me. Sorry," Faith said.

"It's ok. And I chose this voice because you can find kindness in anyone, even if they sound scary," Kindness said.

"That makes sense. So, what should I do with the costume and where are you?" Faith asked.

"Put the costume on, and I am the crystal butterfly," Kindness said. Faith looked startled. "I'm supposed to put it on? And how are you alive?" she asked.

"I'm magic, ok? I am the Element of Kindness. Your mom's Element. And don't worry, it's ok to put it on, you are the next in line," Kindness said.

"Really? Wow. What do you mean, I'm the next in line?" she asked.

"Only people that are descended from the original can wear the suit and harness my power," Kindness said.

"Oh, wow," said Faith. she started taking her clothes off, and after that, started putting the costume on. About halfway thru, Kindness said, "By the way, prepare yourself for a pretty big power surge."

"Oh, thanks for the heads up!" said Faith. As soon as she lowered the helmet on, there was the power surge.

"Oh, wow, that was pretty big," she said as she steadied herself. "So, what now?"

"We train! Oh, wait, I'm getting a transmission from Magic," Kindness said.

"Who's Magic?" Faith asked.

"I'm Magic. You're ok, right? I can't sense Fluttershy, so who's in the suit? Twilight's gone, and I have her daughter, Aurora," Magic peppered.

"Hi," said Aurora.

"Aurora? Something happened to your mom too?" Faith asked.

"Faith? You're already harnessing Kindness? That was fast," Aurora said.

"Faith? That's the daughter of Fluttershy, right?" Magic asked.

"Yes. Also, Faith, before you ask, yes, the Elements go by the trait that they represent," said Kindness.

"Ok, thank you," Faith said.