• Published 13th Dec 2015
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Age of Wizardry - Doodle Note

With the king of the Mainland taken away by a triangular demon, the travelers go on another journey with a wizard and two witches on a quest to save all the wizards and witches before wizard kind will be destroyed.

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Chapter 6: Cheese Sandwich

The travelers fell into a throne room falling onto each other. They thought it was a trap, but they think it was Cheese Sandwich who made the doors suck them inside. The travelers soon got off each other.

"Is everyone okay?" Twilight asked.

Everyone nodded yes.

Dipper got up on his feet and saw his crystal glowing brighter. "Guys! My crystal found him here! But he could be anywhere."

"Why don't you look behind you?" A voice asked sternly.

The travelers turned around and saw an orange earth stallion with a brown mane and green eyes wearing a yellow crystal and a yellow cape holding a piece of Swiss cheese on a toothpick sitting on his throne.

The stallion turned and saw Pixal and her students. "If it isn't Pixal and her two proteges. We meet again." He pops the cheese cube into his mouth.

"It's Cheese Sandwich." Spongebob said. "We fell into his trap."

"I know, right?" Gumball replied.

"Cheese Sandwich, let me explain everything." Pixal said. "Wizard kind is at stake, and-"

"And Mr. Bill is taking their magic to become the most strongest being alive?" Cheese Sandwich interrupted.

Pixal nodded yes.

"So what brings you here?" Cheese Sandwich asked. "Do you need my help to stop Mr. Bill?"

"We have the Pine Tree." Pixal answered.

Cheese Sandwich wore a surprised face. "What? Who is he?"

Dipper walked next to Pixal looking at Cheese Sandwich. "That would be me."

"Benson sent me and my students on a quest to find the Pine Tree." Pixal explained. "We found him at the Mainland with the Elements of Harmony. And that's when Bill took the king. The problem is Dipper needs to control his magic before we return to Stellari Kombar."

"The only option to stop the war." Cheese Sandwich said as he got off his throne and walked up to Dipper. "I will teach you to control your magic. You just need to face me at the War Pit."

"The War Pit?" The others asked in unison.

After the talk with Cheese Sandwich, they were now at the War Pit. Dipper was in the pit with the others in the audience. And many fish were cheering seeing a green pegasus with an orange and yellow mane and gold eyes wearing a red bow tie and black boots on each leg named Lightning Dust walk into the War Pit.

"Welcome to the War Pit!" Lightning Dust shouted seeing all the fish cheer.

"This place is full of insane people!" Jay yelled. "First a band of fish tried to steal the crystal, then the entrance sucked us inside, and now this!"

"I have to agree with you." Pinkie replied. "Everyone here is crazy!"

"At least this isn't like the time Plankton locked us in the dungeon with Discord." Sandy added.

Diamond Tiara turned to Sandy. "You guys went to Plankton's castle?"

"It's a long story." Mabel told Diamond Tiara.

"On one side, you know him, you love him, our ruler, Cheese Sandwich!" Lightning Dust shouted.

Cheese Sandwich walked into the pit seeing the fish chant his name.

"On the other side, we have a new guy." Lightning Dust said. "And his name is the Pine Tree!"

Dipper walked into the pit seeing the fish booing at him.

"What are the rules?" Spike asked.

"There are no rules in the War Pit." Silver Spoon answered.

"NO RULES?!" Spike yelled.

Silver shook her head no. "No rules."

'This is bad.' Spike thought. 'This is very, very, VERY, bad.'

"This is how Cheese Sandwich taught you guys how to control your magic?!" Cole asked in shock. "Going against him in a violent magic dual?!"

"That's how he always teaches the students." Gumball said.

Dipper took a deep breath. "You can do this, Dipper. You can do this."

"Let the battle begin!" Lightning Dust shouted walking away from the battle.

Cheese Sandwich smirked. "Go ahead. Take your best shot at me."

Dipper clenched his right fist creating a blue orb of magic and threw it at Cheese Sandwich. Unfortunately, he missed. All the fish in the audience started laughing at Dipper. The others wore faces of concern.

"He's got a lot to learn about magic." Twilight said.

Cheese Sandwich laughed. "Is that the best you got, Pine Tree? I think not."

Dipper rolled his eyes and started to create another orb of magic. He then threw it at Cheese Sandwich. But this time, he got him at the head. All the fished gasped.

"Now he's getting it." Gumball added.

Cheese Sandwich shook his head and glared at Dipper. "I guess you're not so stupid after all. After all, you're still a student."

"And you need more practice!" Lightning Dust shouted making all the fish laugh.

Dipper glared at Lightning Dust and shot a ball at magic at her.

Lightning Dust saw the ball of magic and dodged it making it hit the ground.

Dipper turned to the audience. "That was a warning!"

"Yow." Lloyd said.

"Yow, indeed." Rainbow agreed.

"Alright, Pine Tree." Cheese Sandwich said lighting up his hooves with magic. "No more playtime. Let do this the old fashioned way!" He then started floating and shot a beam of magic at Dipper.

Dipper wore a shocked face as he dodges the beam. He got back up on his feet and was about to shoot a beam of magic at Cheese Sandwich.

Cheese Sandwich saw what Dipper was going to do as he shot yellow balls of magic at Dipper. "Bwah ha ha ha ha!"

Dipper cancelled the attack and dodged every attack Cheese Sandwich performed.

"He's going to be blown up over there! We have to help him!" Mabel yelled.

"We can't. It's too risky." Cole said to Mabel.

Spike puffed his chest and jump out of the audience to help Dipper.

Kai turned to Spike and saw him in the pit. "Spike! Get out of there!"

Spike didn't listen and kept running. He stopped and turned to Cheese Sandwich. "Hey!"

Cheese Sandwich turned to Spike seeing him blowing fire at him. He dodged the attack and shot a ball of magic at Spike. But Spike dodged the attack. Cheese Sandwich started to get impatient. "Come on, you tiny pest! You're wasting my time!"

Dipper turned and saw Spike running from Cheese Sandwich's attacks. He then realized what Spike was doing. Spike was distracting him so Dipper would get a chance to beat him. But Dipper didn't know what to do since Spike was distracting the ruler of Fishtopia.

Diamond Tiara wore a face of confidence. 'I believe in you.' She thought.

Dipper heard Diamond Tiara's thought in his head. 'You do?'

'You can do this, Dipper.' Diamond Tiara thought. 'I know you can.'

Dipper smiled and shot a ball of magic at Cheese Sandwich.

Cheese Sandwich felt the ball of magic hit him as he fell to the ground. He got back up and started lifting Spike with his magic. "Alright, dragon. Let's see if you can fly!"

"Spike!" Dipper yelled.

Cheese Sandwich threw Spike leaving him screaming.

The others saw Spike in the air.

"Fly away, Spike. Be free." Patrick said getting a slap in the back of the head by Mabel.

Coloratura ran to catch Spike. As she got closer, she finally caught him. "I got you. I got you." She them placed him on her back. "Don't scare us like that again."

"Promise." Spike said.

Cheese Sandwich turned to Dipper and shot a beam at Dipper. Dipper did the same. (Shooting beams of magic) The beams were now align, but Dipper's was more stronger. Dipper beam finally hit Cheese Sandwich leaving an explosion of magic. The explosion disappeared and everyone was now shocked. Cheese Sandwich was on the ground paralyzed of what he was.

Lightning Dust came out into the pit and looked around seeing Dipper standing and Cheese Sandwich on the ground. "The winner: The Pine Tree!"

Everyone in the audience cheered and chanted. "Pine Tree! Pine Tree! Pine Tree!"

Dipper walked to the middle of the pit. "Who likes magic?"

All the fish in the audience cheered.

An orange fish turned around and screamed in fear. All the fish turned around and saw Bill in the sky. The fish started running away trying not to get into Bill's grasp. The travelers turned and saw Bill.

"Something tells me that Cheese Sandwich told everyone a lot about Bill." Squidward said.

Cheese Sandwich got up and saw Bill coming to him.

"I think Bill is here for Cheese Sandwich!" Silver Spoon said.

Bill arrived above the the pit. "Whoa. Cheese Sandwich? Long time, no see. I saved you a ticket. To my bubble!" Bill shot Cheese Sandwich putting him in a bubble. "Don't worry. The party's inside the big bubble." He threw Cheese Sandwich into the big bubble.

"Oh, come on!" Rainbow yelled. "First the king, now Cheese Sandwich!"

"Run!" Pixal yelled.

The travelers ran away from the pit. Dipper ran out of the pit and joined the others. The travelers ran out of the town into the forest. After they went out of the forest, they found the boat and floated away from the island.

Bill turned and saw the travelers. "That's it. Run away like you mean it. I don't need you. I have all the wizards and witches over here in my bubble."

That night, the travelers were in the middle of the sea trying to forget of what they saw. A burning flame was glowing bright in front of the travelers.

Dipper turned to Pixal. "So, what's next?"

Pixal turned to Dipper. "Now that you got to control your magic, you need to know the origins of Bill."

"Where do we go to do that?" Dipper asked.

"There is this mare named Suri Polomare." Pixal explained. "She knows the origins of Bill. She lives on an island castle. And we have to go there."

Dipper nodded.

"Do any of you have any secrets?" Diamond Tiara asked.

The others turned to Diamond Tiara.

"You mean share our secrets?" Zane asked.

Diamond Tiara nodded. "Who would like to go first?"

Everyone was silent.

Twilight sighed. "My mother was the greatest mother ever. She was the family guardian. Her name was Twilight Velvet. To my dad, Night Light, she was his guardian angel. But to me and my brother, she was Supermom. Taking care of us at day, fighting monsters at night. She was a soldier working for the king of Cassio."

"You had one tough mother." Rainbow said.

"I know, right?" Kai replied.

"I lived with my mother in a snug cabin in the woods." Fluttershy said. "But that's when changelings killed her and took me away. They left me chained to a tree and there was nothing I could do about it. But that's when Zane found me."

"My parents sent me to Stellari Kombar when I found my magic." Gumball added. "I was the newest kid in wizard school and got lots of attention from all of the students. Which is how Silver Spoon, Kenny, and I became friends, and how I became one of Ms. Pixal's proteges."

"Anyone else?" Diamond Tiara asked.

Everyone was silent again.

"I have one." Lloyd said wearing a sad face.

The others turned to Lloyd.

"Rainbow and Squidward knows my secret because I told them." Lloyd again.

"What is it?" Mabel asked.

Lloyd started to untie his headband. Everyone got suspicious of Lloyd. As Lloyd took off his headband, a pair of rabbit ears matching the color of his hair popped up shocking everyone.

Lloyd tied his headband around his wrist. "I'm hiding myself from everyone so no one could see the real me."

Everyone stayed silent.

"Do any of you know what a Faunira is?" Squidward asked.

Everyone stayed silent, not knowing what a Faunira is.

"I know what it is." Diamond Tiara added. "It means 'Animal Hybrid'. They are humans with animal parts. And they have lived for years. Until they became extinct when an illness with no cure killed them all. That sickness killed all of them but one. Which makes him the last of his kind."

Fluttershy felt pity for Lloyd. "Oh, Lloyd. I am so sorry."

"If you are the last of your kind, then why did you shoot a ball of green energy at that changeling the first time we met?" Twilight asked.

"My dad was a wizard. And my mom was a Faunira" Lloyd answered. "His magic might have fused into my blood."

Rarity threw up on the inside. "I just threw up on the inside."

Cole patted Rarity on the back.

Lloyd tied his headband back onto his head hiding his ears.

Dipper turned to Gumball. "When will we be at Suri's?"

"Maybe until sunrise." Gumball said. "We need rest for tomorrow."

The others nodded and drifted to sleep.

Author's Note:

Who is Suri Polomare? What will Dipper learn about Bill?

Find out on the next chapter of Age of Wizardry!