• Published 2nd Dec 2015
  • 822 Views, 16 Comments

Achievement Hunter and the Battle Against the Sirens - Blacksmith

AH gets sucked into the "Equestria Girls" universe right before Rainbow rocks takes place. They get mixed with the girls and must stop the sirens in their own way.

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(3) 17 Again (get it, because of the movie)

Michael sat down in bewilderment and awe at what was happening. He took off his glasses and rubbed them, just in case he believed he had gone crazy. His proportions were strange and his entire body fit the cartoonish look of everything around him. Upon looking about a little more he noticed a massive school in front of him. In Bold yellow read," Canterlot High, Home of the Wondercolts."

"Is that... No, it can't be. There is no way I'm here," he said. Upon looking at the sky he quickly realized it was early in the morning. Maybe it was six or seven o'clock, Michael wasn't too sure. After a few minutes of looking around he heard the other guys scramble to their feet whilst holding a hand to each of their own heads. Michael got up and looked around confirming to himself that this place was definitely what he thought it was and his change in physique was definitely a sign that this was no prank.

The first of the recently awoken to speak up was Gavin.

"Whot 'appened? Where ah' we? The British man looks around to see the same thing Michael and responds more confused than his friend. "The 'ell." He looked around a little longer and it occurs to him that this place does not look quite right. Upon looking down at himself he lets out a yelp in surprise raising the heads of his still grounded co-workers.

"Whoa, what the fuck happened to us," Jack asked to nobody in particular. Him along with Geoff, Ryan, and Jeremy were now at their feet surveying their cartoonish bodies.

"Jeremy you fuck!" Geoff screamed. "What did you do!" Worried and confused Jeremy responded quickly,

"I don't know, first the new router had some difficulty then a thunderstorm appeared out of butt fuck no where."

"Well figure it out or I'm going to lose my fucking shit!"

"Guys?" Michael called in a moderately loud voice, but to no avail because he was being drowned out by Geoff's screaming. "Guys?" He said a little louder. Michael's face began to appear red as steam began to blow out his ears along with the faint sound of a tank engine train. "HOLY SWISS FUCKING CHEESE! Shut the fuck up you absolute goddamn motherfucking assholes!" The heads of the entire Achievement Hunter crew whipped to face Michael, giving him full attention. Taking a few deep breaths he did his absolute best to try to explain what was going on. " You guys won't believe me when i say this but I'm about one hundred percent sure we're in a different universe. To be more specific the universe of My Little Pony." Silence overtook the group as what Michael said sunk in. All that could be heard was the sound of singing birds and the light wind throughout the area.

Then in almost perfect unison, everyone but Michael burst out laughing, "Oh my God Michael," Geoff cackled, "are you fuckin' serious. That's fucking hilarious. Honestly that's probably the funniest thing I have ever heard in my entire life."

Michael stared blankly, not even the slightest of smiles on his face. almost without emotion he the pointed behind the group. When they turned around they saw a high school student sprint past them muttering under her breath about being late. She had oddly large long boots and rainbow hair. What got the guys attention though was not the spectral haircut, but her cyan blue-like skin. She ran to the building's front steps, swung the door open and dashed inside (get it).

"Now you believe me, at least that we're in a different universe?" Michael questioned. The group responded with a slow confused nod. "Alright then, you guys stop playing with your dicks, and then we can figure out what to do with this situation. If i remember correctly this is either taking place in the first or second My Little Pony Equestria Girls movie. So in either situation there will be at some point a purple lady called Twilight that knows magic."

"What do you suggest we do until then?" Ryan asked "I mean it's not like we can sit around here 'till them."

"We're going to act as students in the school until we can make contact with someone who'll help."

"Am I missing something? I don't have any idea how that's suppose to work. Everyone but you and I have beards, not to mention none of us exactly look like we're in high school." With Ryan's statement everyone became skeptical of Michael's plan.

"Alright, just say you're substitute teachers or something, just trust me it'll work. In this world you can apparently walk up to a school and say you wish to learn there."

"Okay then mighty leader," Geoff says sarcastically, "Lead the way." The group moved closer to the entrance , and as they entered they were greeted by a tall white faced women with a warm smile on her face.

"Hello, my name is Principal Celestia. You three must be our new students and I assume you others are our new replacement teachers for Shop class, Gym, and Science? It's so kind of you to make it on such short notice after the original teachers' abrupt leave" Ryan was the first to speak, "Yes I am the uhhmm," he frantically looked at his peers "the new science teacher. Mister, uhhhh Haywood. Yes that's it, definitely the new science teacher."

Afterwards Jack new exactly what his response will be. "Yeah my name is Mister Pattillo I'm your new Shop teacher, I'm ready to participate, just point me in the direction of the room."
"And I guess I'm your gym teacher, I assume that the sound of sneakers and basketballs is where the gymnasium is, so I'm just gonna go."

After meeting her new "staff" Celestia gave Jack directions to Shop Class, and looked toward Ryan. "Alright Mister Haywood, you're classroom is on the second floor in room 117, the biology room."

Biology. Hmmm, I can work with this, Ryan thought. "Alright Principal I shall make my way there with haste."
The tall, young woman then looked towards Gavin, Michael and Jeremy. "Alright you three, may I have your names please?"

Michael was the first to speak, "My name is Michael Jones, this is Jeremy Dooley and Gavin Free. My apologies, but may I request the three of us to be placed into the same homeroom if possible. I know we're new, so maybe it would be easier this way."

The principal smiled at Michael," I'll see what I can do, until then though, remain here and I will have one of my students give you a tour of the building." After that she walked away while the three morons looked at each other in confusion.

"How the fuck did that even work?" Jeremy questioned. To which Gavin responded,

"I dunno, plot convenience?" The Brit then turned his head to stare at the wall beside him.

'Gavin, what the fuck are you looking at?"
"Not sure. I thought something would happen if I did that."

Author's Note:

It has been too long my friends. Sorry for the short update but i literally forgot about this story and this website existing until this morning. So here you go . I guess.

Comments ( 3 )

It's back. Now I hope the next update doesn't take so long. Not trying to sound mean. Glad to see you back.

I have been waiting for this story to update for some time and you have not disappointed me.

Glad to see the story lives and I look forward to more as I want to see how the AH crew handles this situation.

Also loved that last line with Gavin.

Jack would be the wood shop teacher. He's got the beard for it.

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