• Published 20th Dec 2015
  • 7,996 Views, 307 Comments

John Honeycrisp Apple - Robo Bro

The human farmer, John Apple, has been injured. With no family to inherit, he is set to lose his farm. Unable to cope, he seeks to end it all. Much to his confusion, he wakes up as a pony and surrounded by talking ponies who are calling him "father".

  • ...

Chapter 8

Applejack knocked on the door of Golden Oaks Library where her friend, Twilight Sparkle, lived. The library was carved out of the interior of a great, big tree, hardly a practical way to construct a building, but it left a considerable impact on those who saw it. After a few moments, the door opened to reveal Twilight Sparkle.

“There you are, Applejack! You’re late!”

“Sorry ‘bout that, Twi, ah had a lot o’ chores to do today.”

“I understand, we all have jobs to do, though some could stand to take their own a little more seriously.”

Applejack chuckled as the image of a blue, rainbow maned pegasus entered her mind. Rainbow Dash certainly could do with some better work ethic, half the time that mare was napping on the very clouds she was supposed to be clearing.

“Anyway, the others are all here already, come in!”

Applejack followed Twilight inside the building. As she had said, all of her friends were already present. The ever well groomed white unicorn, Rarity, was sipping politely from a cup of tea as she spoke with Fluttershy. The timid, yellow pegasus was nodding along with a quiet smile to the gossip that she was hearing. Pinkie Pie was at the snack table, shovelling more sweets into her mouth than most ponies would eat in a month. Rainbow Dash, ever eager to show off her newest stunt routines, was soaring through the limited airspace of the library, doing weaves, dives, dips, flips and loop de loops in a marvellous display of her abilities as a flyer. Applejack only saw the tail end of her performance as she, perhaps inevitably, crashed head first into one of the myriad of bookshelves and was buried beneath a cascade of falling books.

“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight shouted at her reckless friend. Said friend’s head popped out from beneath the mountain of now misplaced books.

“What’s up, Twilight?” The rainbow framed face asked nonchalantly.

“What did I say about doing your flying stunts in the library?”

“I dunno. You kinda rambled on for awhile there, so I stopped listening.”

Twilight ears twitched furiously as she spoke through gritted teeth. “I said don’t do it!”

“Really? Why’d you talk my ear off last time if all you wanted to say was to not do it?”

“I...just...argh! Forget it!” Twilight trotted to the stairs leading to the second floor. “Spike!”

“Yes, Twilight?” A small, purple, baby dragon stepped out from a door near the top of the steps.

“I’m going to need you to help clean up this mess Rainbow made.”

Spike’s nose wrinkled with disappointment. “Shouldn’t she clean up her own mess?”

“Normally I’d agree, but there’s no way that she’d follow my system for categorizing books and I am not going to stand for an improperly sorted library.”

“She’s totally right, I’d just shove them back on at random.” Rainbow exclaimed in an oddly proud tone, earning a glare from Twilight.

“But I was about to read the new issue of Power Ponies! Can’t I do it later? Besides, Rainbow is probably just going to make another mess anyway.”

“Fine, but if I end up having to clean this mess up by myself again, then you won’t be getting any gems for a month.”

Spike shuddered at the threat as he walked back through the door from whence he came. “Don’t worry, I won’t forget.”

“Now that we’re all here, perhaps you would be so kind as to let us know what this big announcement of yours is.” Rarity requested of Twilight.

“Oh! Oh! Oh! Is it about that pony you found outside the Everfree yesterday?!” Pinkie Pie bounced towards Twilight, eager to get an answer.

“There was a pony near the Everfree?” Fluttershy cut in with a concerned tone. “Are they okay?”

Applejack fidgeted nervously over the direction that the conversation was taking, but bit her lip and kept quiet.

“Yes, it is about that pony, and he’s fine...mostly. His back is injured, but he should recover.”

“Yes! I knew there was a new pony in town!” Pinkie jumped into the air and pumped a hoof in excitement only to quickly restrain herself. “I mean no, it’s terrible that he’s hurt! I know! I’ll throw him a huge Welcome to Ponyville and Sorry About Your Back Being Hurt party!” Her temporary restraint faded as she dragged out her party cannon and blasted the entire room with confetti, adding to the mess that Spike would need to clean later.

“Calm down, Pinkie, you can only throw him a party if he’s feeling well enough for one.” Twilight chastised her pink friend.


“Anyway, I didn’t invite you all here just to say that I found some random pony, what really matters is who he is.”

“Oooo! Is he a celebrity?!” Pinkie shouted excitedly, clearly ignoring Twilight’s request to calm down.

“Is it a Wonderbolt?” Rainbow Dash asked as she finally finished pulling herself out of the book pile.

“Or maybe it’s the editor of a world famous fashion magazine looking for up and coming designers to showcase in his next issue!” Rarity piped in with her own guess and then proceeded to stare off dreamily into the distance as she imagined the possibilities.

“No, no, nothing like that!” Twilight swiftly dismissed all of her friends’ speculations and moved to stand next to Applejack. “His name is Honeycrisp Apple, and he’s Applejack’s long lost father!”

Pinkie Pie gasped theatrically. “Is that really true? Oh my gosh! That’s amazing!”

Applejack gave a weak smile. “Yup, ah guess it is.”

“If you don’t mind me saying, Applejack, you don’t seem nearly as happy as one would expect of a pony who had just been reunited with their father.” Rarity observed. “Whatever is the matter?”

“It’s nothin’.” Applejack denied, though was unable to meet Rarity’s gaze as she did so.

“Don’t give me that, you’re the worst liar I know.” Rainbow Dash stated bluntly.

“What’s wrong? I thought you were happy about this?” Twilight asked, her brow etched with concern.

“Ah was, at first at any rate.”

“Then what happened to change your mind?” Twilight pressed.

“Well...he says he don’t remember none of us ‘cept fer Granny.”

“Oh dear...that must be terrible for you.” Fluttershy gasped.

“Ah admit that it hurts to have yer father not recognize ya, but ah could get over that. He’s nice enough an’ all an’ ah wanna give him a chance, but...” Applejack trailed off.

“But what, darling?” Rarity asked. Applejack took a moment to organize her thoughts before answering.

“But ah get the feelin’ that he’s hidin’ something from us. Any time we talk ‘bout his past, he gets all nervous. Ah think he’s lyin’ to us ‘bout not knowin’ where he’s been.”

“Do you think he’s doing it maliciously?” Twilight asked.

AJ’s face scrunched up as she thought on it. “Ah’m not sure, but ah don’t think so. He seems to really care ‘bout us and hasn’t done nothin’ too bad. Ah have a hard time thinkin’ of him as a bad pony.”

“Maybe he’s a changeling! They could totally look like your father and be trying to suck out all your love!” Rainbow Dash suggested eagerly.

As Applejack winced at Dash's words, Rarity and Twilight both glared at her as if to say ‘you’re not helping.’

“What?” Rainbow shrunk beneath their combined anger. “I just thought it would be awesome to go another round with the changelings.”

“Ah hadn’t thought ‘bout that. Ah suppose it might explain his spotty memory, and why he’d keep his past from us. But no, why would a changelin’ pretend to be my father an’ say he don’t know who we are? It jus’ don’t make a lick o’ sense.” Applejack sighed. “Ah jus’ wish he trusted me enough to tell me what he’s been hidin’.”

“Have you tried asking him?” Pinkie Pie stated as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

“Ah beg yer pardon?”

“You said you don’t think he’s hiding stuff to be mean and that he’s a nice pony, right? Well then, shouldn’t you just ask him?”

“Ah...uh...” Applejack stammered as she processed the simplicity of the suggestion. “Ah hadn’t thought ‘bout that, either.” She admitted with a blush.

“Well then, let’s go! You can ask him and I can meet your father!” Pinkie Pie suggested, trotting happily to the door.

“Yeah, ah think that’s a good idea.” Applejack agreed as she too began to leave, though she was blocked off by Rainbow Dash.

“Hold it!” Dash screeched. “What if he really is a changeling?”

“I’m pretty sure he’s not a changeling, Dash.” Twilight tried to argue.

“But what if he is?” She argued right back. “I’m not letting you confront him without me!”

“I for one would love to meet Applejack’s father,” Rarity chimed in as she stared irritably at Dash, “I’m sure he’s a perfect gentlecolt and not a changeling.”

“Umm...I’d like to come too, if that’s okay.” Fluttershy added in barely above a whisper.

“I think all of us want to be there to support you, Applejack.” Twilight Sparkle stated.

A smile broke out on AJ’s face as she looked between her friends’ eager faces.

“Thanks, y’all.”


“After spendin’ most the rest o’ the day tryin’ to find him, ah realized he was gone an’ it was my fault. Ah ran back home an’ locked myself up in my bedroom where ah couldn’t hurt nopony no more. Y’all know the rest.” Big Macintosh finished his tale and took to staring forlornly at the hay covered floor.

“There, now you all know what I do.” Cheerilee addressed the Apple family as a whole and then specifically Big Mac with her next words. “Doesn’t it feel better now that you’ve gotten all that off of your chest?”

“Nope.” Big Mac sulked, refusing to meet the eyes of anyone else in the barn.

“Ya shouldn’t feel so bad, Big Mac.” Granny Smith attempted to comfort him. “It was an accident. ‘Sides, yer father came back and he’s fine, ya didn’t kill him or nothin’.”

John swallowed the lump that had developed in his throat. Big Mac had just come clean over a secret he had held for a dozen years, one that he was afraid his family would hate him for having kept hidden for so long, much like he himself feared would happen if he kept his own secret much longer. He couldn’t let them go on believing the lie, not when this stallion had just demonstrated such courage of his own through admitting the truth. He cleared his throat in an effort to gain their attention.

“Ah have somethin’ ah need to tell y’all too.”

“Hmm? Did Big Mac’s story cause ya to remember somethin’?”

“Uhh...not exactly, no.” John fidgeted nervously.

“Well don’t keep us in suspense! Out with it!” Granny Smith encouraged.

“Not yet.” John shook his head. “Ah want the whole family to hear this.”

“So we gotta wait fer Applejack?” Apple Bloom asked with a hint of disappointment.

“No need to wait on my account.”

John nearly jumped out of his skin at the intrusive voice of Applejack. The entire assembly of ponies turned to see her trotting into the barn, and she wasn’t alone. With her were five other mares of varying colour. The last one to enter, a particularly well groomed white unicorn mare, looked as uncomfortable in the barn as she was out of place. With each step she placed her hoof very carefully so to avoid stepping in anything unpleasant.

“How long were ya standin’ there?” John asked.

“Long enough to hear a good chunk o’ Big Mac’s story.”

“Ya shoulda said somethin’!” He complained.

Applejack smirked. “Not so fun on the other hoof, is it?”

“Hold on jus’ a minute, what are y'all doin’ in my barn?”

“We’re here to provide back up for Applejack!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed in a surprisingly unhelpful manner.

“Uhh...what?” Apple Bloom asked in confusion.

“Speak for yourself, Dashie! I’m here to make a new friend!” The purely pink pony bounced over to John, grabbed his hoof with her own and shook it vigorously. “Hi! I’m Pinkie Pie! What’s your name? Is it Honeycrisp, or something else that's more bug like?”

“What?” John echoed Apple Bloom’s previous sentiment as it was all he could think to say at the incredibly unusual question. What could she possibly mean by bug like?

“I need to know what name to put on your cake!” She answered with a big, friendly grin.

Before John could react, the pink pony was dragged off by the tail thanks to a blue and rainbow Pegasus.

“So...” Applejack spoke up again, absently kicking at some loose hay on the floor and avoiding eye contact. “Ya were sayin’ somethin’ ‘bout havin’ somethin’ to tell us?” She took a deep breath to steady herself and forced herself to lock eyes with him. “Well, ah have some questions ah want to ask ya, too.”

John felt warning bells going off in his head, he may have waited too long already. “If it’s okay with ya, ah’d like to go first.”

Applejack nodded her assent, and John took his own steadying breath in preparation for the bombshell he was about to drop.

“Ah’m not really yer father.”

Silence fell over the barn as everybody processed his confession. Several jaws dropped at this news.

“Ya admit it jus’ like that?” Applejack broke the silence when she finally found her voice again.

“Yes. Ah’m not Honeycrisp Apple.”

“Not...Dad?” Apple Bloom said in an uncertain tone, more a statement of disbelief than a question. John stepped over to the little filly and put an oversized hoof on her shoulder.

“Look now, jus’ cause ah ain’t yer real father don’t mean ah care ‘bout ya any different. Y’all are very dear to me, an’ ah love every last one of ya.”

“Hold on one darn tootin’ moment!” Granny Smith interrupted with an ornery shout. “Not my Honeycrisp? Hogwash! Ah looked yer body over an’ found all manner o’ markings that only my son would have!”

“Are you a changeling?” The rainbow maned pegasus had zipped in front of John, nearly knocking Apple Bloom over in the process, earning a glare from several of the ponies in the barn, and started accosting him before he could respond to Granny’s objections. “’Cause I’m ready to go another round with you freaks any time!”

“Hold up, Dash.” AJ interrupted. “He admitted he ain’t my father, he deserves a chance to finish explainin’ himself.” With a dissatisfied grunt, Dash backed off, though she continued to glare at John.

“Thank you, Applejack.” John smiled at her, a gesture which she at least made an effort to return, even if it didn’t look all that natural. “Honestly, fer the longest time, ah thought ah was jus’ dreamin’ all this up. Everythin’ that’s happened these last couple days jus’ seemed so unbelievable.”

“You’re stalling.” Dash declared. “If you’re not AJ’s dad, then who are you?”

“Ah’m John Apple. Ah’m a farmer with no family to call my own, an’ ah’m not really a pony.”

“Not a pony? Are you really a changeling, then? It would certainly explain how you are able to look so much like Applejack’s father.” Twilight interrupted.

“Are those the shape shiftin’ monsters that Apple Bloom was sayin’ y’all fought awhile back?” Twilight nodded at his question. “Then no, ah’m not one o’ them, at least ah don’t think so.”

“Then what are ya?” Applejack pressed.

“Ah don’t know if y’all have even heard of ‘em here, but ah’m a human.”

“Human?” Granny Smith muttered to herself. “That sounds mighty familiar...”

“Can humans transform?” Twilight asked.

“No!” John practically shouted. “That’s why ah thought ah was dreamin’ up this whole place! Ah thought y’all were jus’ figments of my imagination made from my memories or somethin’!”

“Ah guess not bein’ my father would explain why ya don’t remember us,” AJ reflected on his words, “but why did ya lie ‘bout knowin’ Granny?”

“That’s the weird thing if all this is real, ah wasn’t lyin’. She really is jus’ like my own Ma, jus’ a pony an’ not a human.”

“Wait, you mean to say there’s a Granny Smith where you come from, too?” Twilight asked.

“Well, she didn’t call herself Granny Smith, an’ she died a good dozen years back or so, but yup. An’ that’s not all, ah had some horses on my farm...uh...they’re like big ponies ‘cept not smart, an’ they were named Mack, Jackie an’ Blossom. What’s more, Ma an’ Pa gave me the nickname of Honeycrisp when ah was a kid.”

“That don’t make no sense.” AJ responded with a perplexed tone.

“So, you’re from some kind of parallel universe or something?” Twilight suggested.

“Para what now?” John asked.

“Parallel universe. It’s like a world that is similar to our own, but has certain key differences. In your case, the primary one would seem to be the species of its inhabitants.”

“Okay, let’s say that he’s from one o’ them other worlds yer talkin’ ‘bout. How did he get here?” AJ asked.

“Ah don’t know.” John answered her question. “All ah know is ah had hurt my back an’ was gonna lose my farm, so ah walked off into the woods, dizzy with painkillers, with the intent o’ killin’ myself. Ah don’t remember nothin’ from after gettin’ to those woods.”

“Hold on jus’ one second...ya said ya was human, right?” John nodded at his mother's inquiry. “Are they two legged critters, an’ wear a lot o’ clothes on account of them not havin’ much hair?”

“Yeah, how’d ya know?” John eyed his mother suspiciously.

“An’ ya said yer name was John Apple?”

“Yeah, but what difference does that make?” John huffed, a little annoyed at his mother’s lack of an answer to his questions.

Granny Smith smirked triumphantly. “Ya ain’t a human an’ ya never were.”

“What d’ya mean, Granny?” Applejack asked.

“Ah mean he’s makin’ all this up, whether he knows it or not.”

“Don’t be ridiculous! Do ya really think ah’d rather not be a part o’ this family?” John scolded his mother, but her smug smile didn’t leave her face.

“If yer a human an’ ya lived yer whole life as one, ya should be able to answer a few questions.” Granny countered.

John was taken aback by this challenge of hers. “Of course, ask me anythin’!”

“What’s my name?”

“Granny Smith.”

She shook her head. “Ah don’t mean here, ah mean yer human mother. Ya said she didn’t call herself Granny Smith. What was her name?”

John remained silent as he wracked his brain, but just like the last time he tried to remember his mother’s name, he couldn’t.

“Ah...ah don’t remember.” He confessed.

“An’ what ‘bout the nearest town where ya lived?”

“That’s easy! It was...it was...” John’s eyes bulged as he realized that name eluded him also. Granny’s smirk grew.

“Wait...ya don’t remember nothin’ ‘bout yer actual home neither?” Applejack interjected in confusion. “How the hay does that work?"

“He don’t remember none o’ it cause it ain’t real.” Granny explained. “Everythin’ he does know is jus’ a variation on somethin’ from here.”

“That ain’t true!” John shouted, desperately clinging to one of the things he knew he remembered. “Jacobs! He’s my neighbour, an’ ah left my farm to him in my will!”

“Ya mean Uncle Cobbs?” Apple Bloom piped up.


“She’s talkin’ ‘bout Rosewood’s brother, Juniper Cobbs.” Granny answered John’s question. “He ain’t the smartest, but he has a farm out in Appleloosa growin’ corn an’ juniper berries.”

John’s heart sank. Even Jacobs had a counterpart here? He felt like the earth beneath his hooves was giving way and he was left without the foundation he had always rested his entire life on.

“Hold on.” Twilight spoke up. “You say that nothing he remembers fails to have a counterpart in Equestria, but what about humans in general?”

“Ah still got an ace in reserve, little missy.” Granny calmly addressed her concern then turned back to her son. “Ya never did get ‘round to lookin’ through yer stuff in the shed, did ya?”

“No, ah didn’t.”

“Then ah think ya should be comin’ with me.”

The assembly of ponies watched as the elderly mare hobbled out of the barn. A few of them looked at each other in confusion before they followed after her out to a small storage shed.

“Now it’s a little crowded in there, jus’ give me a minute an ah’ll be right back out.” Granny told them before ducking inside the shed.

“What do you think she’s getting?” Fluttershy asked nobody in particular.

“Ooo! Maybe it’s a cake! I hope it’s a cake!” Pinkie Pie suggested exuberantly.

“Whyever would you think she keeps a cake inside a shed?” Rarity stared at her pink friend with exasperation.

“Doesn’t everypony?” Pinkie Pie responded with a question of her own.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “No, I’m pretty sure that’s just you.”

“Her loss!” Pinkie declared as she dug around inside a hole in a nearby tree, fishing out a triple layer cake with chocolate frosting that she subsequently shoved the entirety of in her mouth.

After a few moments of silence, barring the sound of Pinkie chewing, Apple Bloom spoke up. “So...did anypony else wonder what those weird glowin’ critters that Big Mac mentioned were? Maybe they had somethin’ to do with Dad’s disappearance.”

“Actually, I was thinking the same thing.” Twilight Sparkle answered with a twinkle in her eye. “I was planning on searching for my Creatures of the Everfree book when I got back to the library! I don't know if I'd be happier to find it there or not. It'd be so exciting to discover a new magical creature!”

“Ah’d be more interested in findin’ a way to help Dad.” AJ deadpanned.

“Found it!” Granny Smith shouted from within.

The group hushed their conversations as Granny stepped out of the shed with a box balanced on her back. She dropped it onto the ground and opened it. It was packed with old comic books. Granny sorted through them until she found the one she was looking for and pulled it out from the rest.

“Go ahead an’ take a gander at this an’ tell me if it don’t confirm what I was sayin’.”

John stepped forward and gazed down at the cover. There was an illustration of a big, red human carrying a big bag of seeds that he was sowing. John read the title aloud with no small measure of disbelief.

“The Adventures of Johnny Appleseed.”