• Published 25th Jan 2016
  • 169 Views, 0 Comments

A Stranger in this Land - Shadikal

It's a simple goal, but one that's not in the very least easy. Not in this day and age and most certainly, not in a time of political strife. Unbeknownst to our traveler, he begins his trek to the capitol of Equestria: Canterlot.

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A Cool Welcoming

A Stranger in this Land.

"You are here, no escape from the visions of the world." -Aura


I cast my vision out upon the darkened plane obscured by shadow, beyond the mesa cradled by earth and toward the mountains where the great capitol stands; sentinel and stoic. As still and as unchanging as ever. A breeze bringing with it a bitter sweet sensation as it passes through me, to which I return a grateful smile to nature as I bow my head to her. It was enlightening to me- these whispered lullabies, singing to the trees while they dance in ceremonious rhythm. It was late noon but the day had already begun to cool down and with it coming the dew. Complimenting it's grassy threshold, the suns rays glow and bounce from them like little diamonds they glint and soon envelope me. A comforting atmosphere indeed. If only everyone felt this way, could just let themselves go for a few seconds and embrace the freedom that was so captivating.

Ironic really...

But it's true that many can't even experience a feeling like this- see the world like this.

So I let my imagination take control, begin pacing back and forth, allowing the thoughts within to unfurl and spread out as I project them into reality. Others stand before me, behind me, around me and they too enjoy- share my feelings. We converse in hushed mutters, each in our groups and together with the ones we love, me to myself intermingling with the others. With them, yet not. A paradox of uncertainty where my body and mind linger in places apart; chained yet detached.

Unaware of the time that had passed before me but fully conscious of the now setting sun coming to its rest, I heave a sigh and close my eyes for only a moment before once again rising to my feet.

But when did my legs give out?

The clifftops calm for a winter eve allowed me to spend time looking out at the continent without being disturbed and indulge in the more simple pleasures of life. But to a level of dismay, all good things must come to an end. Bringing myself back down, several thoughts relay through my mind as I try to remember what I was doing.

I had only stumbled upon this monolithic cliff by chance when first catching light break the almost endless forest, and thought to myself that I had finally reached freedom. The feeling of escape was enough to make one shiver, but the thought of now having to turn back almost makes me want to cry. I have no idea how long I'd been travelling for, lost in the mass of fauna where only green upon green and earth upon earth were visible, where the canopy felt the closest to the heavens, the most free I'd ever be when thinking how great it would've been to have just flown my way out.

And that's when I remember what I've been trying to do this whole time. Get to the capitol. Get to Canterlot. So as I face the ensemble once again, they prepare to accept me back into their embrace, pulling forward with reluctant yet steady strides I approach them, diving into the unknown. I scope out a narrow pathway out to the west of the cliffs which breaks out of the forest and it'll be dark by the time I reach the mouth of the jagged paths but it'll be worth every hour to know that I'm so much closer than before.

My previous sojourn through this forest had been quite educational, though a rather bleak experience. As is life though, teaching one lesson at a time no matter how disinterested you might be, and the lesson for me was to bring someone who actually had knowledge of the lay. A navigator, a guide, someone to help me through.

The sentinels protecting this haven also made up the perfect habitat for predators and prey, a home and a hunting ground for the inhabitants who dwell here. As a chorus of birds sang, their voices scattered through the air in wild harmony, desired by the hearts of the wild while the leaves cheered in satisfaction, an uproar so ascending I had become completely lost in the passion of natures lullaby. Too many times do I find myself entranced, so distracted by everything. How eccentric can I get?



Tear yourself away from desire and from the fields.
Listen to the voices. . .
I can hear them, I can hear their cries.
They sing for freedom.
The sweet brutality of a life long lie.”

The pages of the book fall away into darkness.


I'm cold. The night's sleep rough when mind- plagued by dreams- became restless; to which I've not forgotten. It frustrates me that something so surreal could keep me stuck here in reality, a paradox once again. Tired, hungry, cold and alone. I really know how to pack for long trips, don't I? Luckily, despite the distance to the nearest source of open land there is a field of grass down toward the bottom of the hills and thanks to that I know I can at the very least eat, use the nearby woodlands to shelter myself and if time permits, set up a fire.

So, while walking down the jagged outcrops of the path way cutting through the cliffs edge, I take an occasional look outward while remaining as far inward as possible. The fear of falling pushes me to the wall, but the yearning for beauty draws me to the edge and it's the excitement I feel while conflicted by these feelings that quickens my pace yet slows my mind. I feel as if I'm drifting down like a feather letting the weight of my own body, the momentum and gravity pull me as if being submerged by pure force.

Dashing down the path, I curve around one corner to the next, surrounded by limbs of rock that part every now and again. It's almost as if I'm running through a downward valley, just a little more dangerous. The wind beats against me, but I slice through it and my legs begin to strain not even after a few mere minutes yet my body keeps moving. The pure exhilaration is endless, I become elated and- wanting to push myself further, move faster. In my mind I'm shining, I'm smiling and it's warm there, I'm laughing and time ceases to care. But the more I linger on the feeling the more I begin to think, the more I become aware and the more time slows back down, to the sadness of it all, my form and breathing is noticed. I remember now. Coming to a maintainable pace becomes difficult but manageable and as if to illustrate my mistakes, my lungs turn to heaving stone lumps. Pace turns to a burdening trudge and the winds echo through the crevices of the jaw-like cliffs, crashing against the stone surface; pushing me from all directions.

"Perhaps this wasn't the best idea." I mutter to myself, but even I can't catch the words I speak- let alone speak them- over the whirring gusts rushing past me.

Not too much further now. I tell myself, now struggling to make progress down the slope.

Just another hour now- I'll get there... Before Sunset hopefully...

Turning back, I notice just how far down I've gotten since starting and it brings a little joy to me knowing that I'm so close to- at the very least- making a days journey in a much shorter time than expected. Having seen and memorized the general direction of my path I know I can make it to the bottom of the mountain path before sunset, and possibly somewhere sheltered in the forest before nightfall.
I wonder though, what it's actually like to live in Canterlot, The City of Stone. The architecture, fauna, the politics and the structural hierarchy of society. Is it different to the many other places here in Equestria? How far does the light of Princess Celestia shine? There is so much to learn, so much knowledge to garner from this world; the very picture of fascination. And so, smiling away at the thought of wondrous things, I try to once again lose myself in this self-induced bliss.

Managing a smile as the distance between myself and the edge of the woodland closes, a sense of fulfillment runs through me. It'll be very good for me to rest up here within the shallow confines, and with the little knowledge I managed to take in during my school days, I knew at the very least I could make myself a fire albeit my lack of instinctive survival skills. However, when everything becomes calm under the fiscal breeze I hear an entrancing sound almost a few tones from ambient. Water... The trickling, the liquid flow and the soft crash of velvet smooth life in aquatic essence. To think that the river would branch so far off from it's stem, cutting through the forest in such a way that it would actually come this far is quite the surprise.

So, with what little non-existent energy remains, I meander toward the sound of water with a feeling of relief inside and if it weren't for this endless day perhaps some exhilaration too. Breaking through the foliage, powerless step after step followed by the crush of leaves- dirt, twigs and the like brings a smell of damp uplift that protrudes me, but I'm drawn toward the water helpless to a volition not my own. A glimmer of light breaks off of the water, shimmering with promise and as careless as the wind.

Unable to mumble even the soundest words, I let go of my legs, collapsing without much hesitation or forethought, but with a loud thump and grunt. My travels had felt without end and with few reward. This was one of those few. Creeping to the edge of the bank I dip my lips, slowly at first and hold them there to test the water. Cool being the only word that could come to mind. Sip after sip, pulling away every next mouthful, I feel the sensations reaching through my veins, my body a container to the chill that fills me and soon after; my thirst is sated. I know I could drink more, I should drink more but I simply can't. I'm satisfied with the amount I've had, so not to further tempt myself I creep back into the tree line; body dragging against the moistened, blackened soil.

"This could be a very good time to rest up." I think to myself, exhausted.

Looking through the breach in canopy, the colours of purples and oranges are painted across the sky, hues growing bolder and overpowering; reminiscent of the future. Looking back at it now makes it feel so unnatural. Under this visor I continue to lie, sinking into the earth warming like a course blanket and my eyes glazed with absence grant an empty stare as my consciousness fades away into nothingness.


Ah, the softness of silk is unparalleled. Everything in comparison just seems to fade away against the royal luxuries. Well- almost everything... Her coat, hues that would turn the language in on itself, flowing with utmost exuberance...


I'm humbled by the scouring sunlight beaming through the stained glass as I walk through the hallways, velvet beneath me caresses and softens my mind, hooves swept and sweeping against the red and gold trimmed carpets.

Exiting the illustrious gateway, doors large enough to make a mountain bow and heavy enough to make the ocean cry; open before me in a slow yet bellowing swiftness. The grim whiteness envelopes my being as I step forward into the unknown.

There were no sounds afterward. There was no time. No feeling, neither taste nor smell could fill this completion. Only one thought- one word came across my mind.



I'm face to face with a rabbit I encountered while trekking down the shore, eyeing it up and down I notice Its fur ruffled, thin whiskers twitching, ears flitting back and forth as little teeth nibble away at some form of vegetation. We stare at each other, myself motionless save the light wavers of my mane gently rocking in the wind; the rabbit alert and ready. I begin to move again, the cluttering of stones shift around as I walk startle the rabbit back into the bush with hastened bounds that I could barely follow.
What a weird meeting.

And so the day has begun, sun whispering through the tree tops as small tongues of light flicker through the canopy's soft movements. Birds chime away, their calls echoing back and forth between the silent distance and over the hushed trickles of the nearby riverbed. I notice a small crossing in the river, a shallow break where the water barely rises over the knee at it's deepest and also where it's most calm. Sans care, I tread through the water and am quite shocked with how cold it actually is, the water against my hooves slowly progresses upward as I move forward, the current becomes stronger and swift strides turn to heavy trudging but before too long, becomes the reverse and I'm back on land again. I'm not afraid of the water to be honest, though I wouldn't say my swimming is exactly the strongest. Though I'm not completely soaked, I feel a little uncomfortable with my legs still being wet from all the wading a stand to shake off as much water as possible, despite much of it clinging to my coat.

Thankfully however, upon crossing the break I manage to glance a small parting in the foliage not too far out, a well traveled path with plenty of breathing room. Much unlike my previous sojourns through these woods; cramped and difficult.

Dare I venture it though? Naturally. Says my intuition. Perhaps I'll even meet some travelers along the way. Wouldn't that be a nice experience?


Author's Note:

Yes, I'm aware that I've rushed this story along with little to no premise on what's actually happening, but hopefully I'm able to start developing character introductions a little better once I get the hang of writing this story.

At the very least, I've got the setting but nothing past that is clearly established and trust me, I'm slowly but surely working on it.