• Published 22nd Nov 2015
  • 323 Views, 0 Comments

Eeyup - Pablo Arthur Fawkes

Big Mac is in love, but how will his family take the news?

  • ...

Chapter 1

It was applebucking season and Big Mac should have been helping with the harvest. His sister, Applejack, had enough friends to help her with the job, so she could get it done in a few days, at most. Mac felt bad about what he was doing. He knew it was wrong to lie, especially to get out of work in the busiest time of the year for their family, but the love he felt was way to strong not to. Besides, Applejack couldn't have been serious about trying to buck every apple in the whole orchard by herself. Could she?

He was getting some rest like his granny had told him to. His bandages were itchy and rubbed against him; the covers didn't help the matter much. He was biding his time until his so called "best friend" came to "check up on him". Nobody knew of their love. It wasn't exactly a secret, just a well hidden truth. Granny Smith was the loving kind, but she could be a bit stuck in her old ways and Mac didn't know how she would react. Applejack would accept him and not tell anyone, but Applebloom would probably tell her friends and they would spread it by accident to the whole town, and the residents of ponyville weren't all the most accepting folk. He couldn't tell some of his family and not the others, so he decided to keep it between himself and the one person he had ever truly loved.

He heard the door. He could barely stop himself from rushing down to see if it was the one pony he wanted to see. The door was answered and he heard Applebloom's high pitched voice directing somepony to his room. She did this with every visitor, telling them exactly where to go, even if they'd been at the house every day of that week. It was just her way. He still hadn't heard the visitor, he could only hope it was his boyfriend. He blushed at this word, which didn't make much of a difference to his thick deep red coat.

It was as Mac had hoped, wished. RlYoshi was there, thanking Applebloom for her hospitality. He walked in and closed the door, his coat shimmering in the summer sun. Mac practically leaped out of bed, embracing his partner in a deep, warm, loving hug

."You're so gay", Yoshi said, with an accent vaguely resembling that of Twilight when she'd first arrived to Ponyville.

"Eeyup!" Mac replied, nuzzling his beloved. He lightly sniffed Yoshi's blue coat, hoping he wouldn't notice. He was ashamed to admit it, but he loved the way Yoshi smelled. He wasn't sure what it was about the fragrance, maybe the soap he used, or just his natural odor, but he loved it. It almost drove him wild every time, and he could never confess this to Yoshi.

"Come here," Yoshi said lightly, "I have a present for you." Mac looked up, not understanding. He hadn't seen Yoshi come in with anything, not even saddlebags. As he was in the middle of wondering, Yoshi planted a long hard kiss onto his lips. He was shocked. Not resistant; it was quite pleasant, they'd just not been this close before. Mac closed his eyes, immersing himself into the kiss. He felt Yoshi pull away, his jaw slackening. Mac didn't want to stop. He pushed himself onto his lover. he saw Yoshi's Eyes, startled and wide. Mac felt terrible, he'd made his one true love, the only person he cared about in this way, uncomfortable. he felt his eyes tear up. He quickly pulled back, ready to apologize.
"Oooh, Big Mac's got a special soomepooony!"

Mac knew what was wrong with Yoshi. He hadn't done anything wrong. He turned around and saw Applebloom, a tray with two cups of cider on lay beside her as she jumped up and down in joy. "I'm going to tell Granny Smith! She'll be so happy for you!" The filly ran to the stairs, rushing to the rocking chair where the old mare napped.

"Are you okay?" Yoshi asked. Mac snapped out of his trance, unsure what had or hadn't actually occurred. "Di.. did all that just happen?" Mac quivered. He didn't know how he felt. He may have split his family into two. He may have crushed the friendships he had in Ponyville. He didn't care right now, though. He felt a release of stress, he wouldn't need to confront anypony about it this way. Right now, he only wanted to be with Yoshi.

"Yeah, it did Mac. So, are you okay"? Mac looked at Yoshi's shiny blue coat, bright blond hair with brown spikes and twinkling emerald eyes. He thought over his sweetheart's intense scientific knowledge and talent for playing video games.

Mac kissed Yoshi softly on the lips.


Author's Note:

RLYoshi is owned by Max Allan.