• Published 4th Jun 2012
  • 718 Views, 7 Comments

Siphoned - mindboggled

  • ...

A Pocket

“Girls,” Fluttershy said to the CMC. “What’s going on? Who are these ponies, how did they get here, and how do they know my name?”

“Oh, sorry Fluttershy, we just kind of... know stuff,” Pistachio apologized.

The Doctor coughed and stepped forward. “Hello, I’m the Doctor, and I believe I can help explain. But first, I need a pocket. Do you know where I can find a pocket? It is imperative that I have a pocket!”

“Sure,” whispered Fluttershy. “I’m sure Carousel Boutique has pockets, but I don’t know where the owner is...”

“No problem,” said the Doctor. “If you’d be so kind as to take my friends and I there, I can explain everything to you on the way.”

“Cool!” piped up Scootaloo. “Can we come too?”

“Sure,” Kiwi rolled her eyes. “Why not? In fact, we might as well have a parade and invite Derpy Hooves!”

“Cool!” came a voice from overhead. “I was just in the area and I love a good para—“


Derpy smashed into a nearby tree. Everypony flinched and Kiwi face hoof’d. “Only in Equestria... Does sarcasm not work here or something?”

“You tell me,” muttered the Doctor. “You two seem to know a lot about this place... How is that?”

“Oh, I can answer that,” Pistachio chuckled as she came over to join the conversation. “See, back at home, there’s this show, and we... We basically tune in every week to watch these adorable little ponies be adorable. I just didn’t know actually coming here was even possible. Although dimension-hopping seems to open a few doors...”

“Oh, well yes, I imagine it does," the Doctor mused.

“It's just so amazing that we're actually here!” Kiwi beamed, turning to watch the Crusaders trying to explain what they had seen to yellow and gray pegasi. “Time to head to Carousel Boutique. You have to explain us to Fluttershy and Derpy.”


Fluttershy was worried and confused. Apple Jack and Twilight had been gone almost a week with no explanation or warning. Pinkie Pie disappeared about three days ago, and Rarity had been gone for more than twenty four hours. And then Rainbow Dash had left that morning to look for them, but had been gone for hours. The yellow pegasus was all alone, and now three strange ponies had fallen out of the sky in a big blue box, and were babbling on and on without making much sense. And now the two odd mares had moved on from Derpy and were now somehow both hugging her affectionately, regardless of the fact that they were all walking out of the orchard. She didn’t know them, and was slightly afraid, but mostly just confused. Fluttershy tried very hard to concentrate on what she was being told.

“So you’re a... timelord?” she asked the pony who called himself the Doctor. “And you can travel anywhere in time and space in your... box.”

“Exactly,” beamed the Doctor. “See, you’re catching on fast. And my “box” is actually called the TARDIS, which stands for—“

“Time And Relative Dimension In Space,” the blue and pink ponies interrupted.

The brown pony turned to look at them. “Wasn’t I explaining, or were you two just going to cut in whenever... Never mind. Explaining.” He turned back to the other two mares. “Any questions?”

Derpy nodded. “So all three of you are timelord... things?

“No actually,” replied the Doctor. “I... I’m the only one... Sorry, sore subject. But no, they’re not timelords.”

“Then what are they?” Fluttershy asked, eyes widening. “Because they look like ponies.”

“Oh. No, Kiwi and I aren’t ponies,” Pistachio clarified. “Well, right now we’re ponies, but we’re not usually ponies. We’re still trying to figure that part out.” We’re really... um... humans.”

“What’s that?” asked Derpy.

“Long story, can’t really explain it all,” said Kiwi. “But... you would basically think of us as giant furless bipeds with smooshed faces, and hands with fingers instead of hooves.”

“What are fing... Never mind,” said Fluttershy. “That sounds rather... scary.”

“Scary? Are you kidding?” piped up Scootaloo, a little ways behind them. “They sound downright ugly!”

“Scootaloo!” Scolded Apple Bloom. “You need ‘ta be more polite ‘ta these nice ponies.”

“Oh, it’s quite alright,” said the Doctor. “I also normally fit Kiwi’s description. Timelords look like humans... Actually, humans look like ti—you know what? Never mind. But I suppose you would find us... different, and we are currently still getting used to these new, very different forms. Though I must say I miss my exceptionally good looks...”

“Who says ‘ya still ain’t got ‘em?” Kiwi winked.

Fluttershy arched an eyebrow before breaking into the conversation. “Well look at that. Here we are; Carousel Boutique.”

“Wow,” said Pistachio. “Bigger than I expected.”

“Right then,” announced the Doctor. “Let’s go get ourselves a pocket.” He walked up to the front door and tried to open it. It was locked. He tried harder to gain entry, but did not succeed.

“Normally I would just sonic it, but seeing as my sonic dematerialized... Kiwi? Are you ready to try something really basic?”

“Yep! Let’s do this!”

“Okay,” said the Doctor, “I’m not exactly sure how this is going to work, since I don’t exactly have a manual for this type of situation... I can only suggest you try focusing on the lock really hard. So, just look at it and think.”

“Right. Here goes.”

Kiwi walked up to the front door of Carousel Boutique and lowered her horn to the lock. She tensed her body, staring at the lock, and closed her eyes. Her body began to shake with effort and her horn began to faintly glow a bit green. Everypony watched in interest as tiny sparks emitted from her horn. A small popping noise followed and Kiwi, panting, sat down hard on the ground and shook her head.

“I can’t do it.”

Everypony let out an exasperated sigh and the Doctor groaned and face hoof’d.

“You can’t even undo a basic lock.” He looked at Kiwi. “That’s pathetic.”

“Well it’s pretty hard! What the heck am I supposed to be focusing on? I can’t just stare at it and will it to open! Should I be picturing it? I can’t—“

“Shut up,” the Doctor said quietly. “I don’t have time for this. I need a pocket to fix the TARDIS, find out why we’re here, and leave.” He turned to Fluttershy. “Who is the owner of this shop, and when are they getting back?”

“Um, it’s owned by a pony named Rarity, but, um... she’s gone missing.”

“She’s gone? Wonderful...” muttered the Doctor.

Kiwi’s head perked up. “Wait, Rarity’s gone? Where? For how long?”

“For more than a day now. That normally would only be a little troubling, but Twilight, Apple Jack and Pinkie Pie – they’re all friends of mine— are all gone too! Twilight and Apple Jack have been gone almost a week now!”

“And Rainbow Dash?” prompted Pistachio.

Fluttershy raised an eyebrow and continued. “Rainbow Dash left this morning to go looking for them. She hasn’t come back yet...”

Wait, what?” asked the Doctor. “And how does this concern us?”

“It concerns us, because something is very wrong here,” said the blue unicorn.

“Yes,” agreed Pistachio, “It may have something to do with why we’re here.”

“That could be true,” murmured the Doctor, “We may look into it after I fix my TARDIS, which brings us to this door again,” he said, turning back to the door, which was swinging wide open.

“But how did it--? It was locked...”

Oh, sorry,” said Sweetie Belle. “I guess I forgot to mention the key under the mat.”

The Doctor sighed. “Alright, that’s okay; let’s just go get a pocket. I wonder if I could find a fez...”

“Based on Rarity’s sense of fashion, I doubt it,” smiled Pistachio as she walked past the Doctor and into Carousel Boutique.

I’d like to meet this Rarity, the Doctor thought to himself as he entered the upscale boutique. I’d like to meet her, and calmly explain to her that fezzes are at the height of fashion... Somewhere in another dimension... Realizing he didn’t have a clue how to back up that statement, he shook his head, and went in search of a pocket.

“If I were a pocket, where would I hide?” he mused.

Fluttershy arched an eyebrow. Again.

“Fluttershy,” your face is going to stick like that!” Kiwi laughed as she trotted past to check another pile of fabric. Pistachio chuckled as she poked her head into a drawer.

“So, Doctor, are you looking for a jacket or something?

“Well, jackets are nice,” replied the brown stallion, “But I’d have to get one that fits, maybe tailored... But I have no idea what my sizes would be... Do ponies even have sizes?” he wondered rhetorically as he headed into another room.

“Is he usually that... eccentric?” asked Ditzy.

“Yeah,” answered Kiwi and Pistachio.

“But don’t worry,” said the light pink pony. “He has very... unorthodox methods, but you get used to it.”

Fluttershy came over, glanced on the direction of the other room and asked, “Does he get that angry often?”

“No,” sighed Kiwi. “He’s usually very patient. Sometimes infuriatingly patient.”

“Oh, okay,” said Fluttershy. “But then why is—“

“OOH! What’s this?” the Doctor called from the other room.

The four mares rushed in to find the Doctor standing on his hind legs, fumbling with something around his neck. Fluttershy looked at the scattered textiles and sketches in the room and explained.

“Oh, Rarity has been telling me about this collection she’s been working on. It’s a retake on some classic sophistication for next year’s gala. She predicts that it’s where fashion is heading... Um, Doctor? What are you doing?”

Pistachio face hoof’d and Kiwi giggled.

“I’m trying to put on this bow tie, but it’s rather difficult with hooves...”

“Do you need any help?” asked Fluttershy.

“No, no, I got it,” said the Doctor, waving away her offer. “There,” he muttered. “If I just... No, that’s not right... there... oh, no, that’s horrid... if I... here. Aaaaand, perfect!”

He turned to show them the bow tie.

“Well? How does it look?”

All four mares grimaced.

“Red... classic,” Kiwi said with a half smile.

“It’s... nice,” mumbled Fluttershy.

"It's very... fabric-y," Derpy said, neither eye focusing on the pony she was addressing.

Pistachio just stared, one eye occasionally twitching. She inconspicuously nodded to Kiwi, and mouthed "Please fix it."

The blue unicorn nodded in response.

"Shouldn't we get back to looking for a pocket?" Fluttershy asked.

"No need," grinned the Doctor. "I found one ages ago. I was just looking around to see what else there was!"

"So now what?" asked Derpy.

"To my TARDIS!" he exclaimed as he trotted past the four slightly irked mares and out of Carousel Boutique. He was so consumed in thoughts of his TARDIS, he didn’t notice as the thin stream of magic snaked from Kiwi's horn and straightened his bow tie as he trotted past.

Pistachio exhaled a large breath.

"Thanks that would have driven me crazy."

"No problem for basic magic," Kiwi smiled. "Now let's go get that TARDIS fixed!"

Ah, back to the TARDIS, Pistachio thought as the little herd trotted back to Sweet Apple Acres. Although I hope the Doctor doesn’t lose it... again. I mean, I get that he loves his box, but... I’m just worried about how scarred we’re going to leave the Crusaders.

Upon re-entering Sweet Apple Acres, Apple Bloom, ever the gracious hostess, offered snacks to everypony. The Doctor looked around at the fruit of the nearby trees and smiled weakly.


Pistachio rolled her eyes before addressing the little filly. “I’d love something to eat, Apple Bloom.”

The other mares and fillies nodded in agreement, so Apple Bloom went over to the nearest tree, squared herself in front of it, and bucked it as hard as she could. Nothing happened. Her little ears flopped down as she sighed. “Ah think we have some apples in the barn, but Ah—“

“Oh, but you were so close!” Pistachio interrupted, as she trotted over.

“No, Ah wuzn’t. Ah can’t buck the apples cuz ahm too little,” the precious pony pouted.

“Nonsense,” smiled Pistachio. “You have all the needed force; it’s just that the aim of your trajectory is a bit off. See, when you buck; you, the ground, and the trunk of the tree form a triangle, your body being the hypotenuse. Now, your front hooves and the ground form one of the three vertices, and if you just increase the angle of that particular vertex, you’ll be hitting the tree higher. So if you increase the angle of that vertex by 10%, you should hit the tree about seven and a half inches higher, so... about here,” she smiled, gesturing to a spot on the trunk.

“Uh, okay...” the confused yellow filly muttered. She scrunched up her face in concentration and weakly bucked the tree again. Nothing happened. Then, all of the apples in the tree came raining down around the ponies.

“Wow. Cool!” Scootaloo exclaimed.

“That’s amazing!” Sweetie Belle squeaked. “Maybe now you can get your cutie mark!”

“Really? Ya’ think so?” asked Apple Bloom.

“... ANYWAY, let’s be going back to the TARDIS now that you all have... food,” the Doctor urged.

“Are you sure you don’t want anything to eat?” Fluttershy asked.

“Is there anything to eat other than apples?”

“There’s pears!” said Apple Bloom.

The Doctor’s eye twitched.

“No, no, let’s get back to the TARDIS.”

A couple of the ponies groaned or rolled their eyes, but they got up and continued down the path. As they crested the hill the blue box became visible, surrounded by trees. The Doctor stood atop the hill, gazing at his beloved box, for a while when the pocket (tucked into his bow tie) began to briefly glow a golden color. His eyes widened and a childlike grin spread across his face.

“Here we go,” he muttered to himself. “I’m coming.”

The brown stallion pulled the pocket from about his neck and extracted its contents; a gently glowing gold key. He dropped the now-empty pocket on the ground as he took off at a gallop downhill with the key.

“Doctor! You dropped your pocket!” Kiwi giggled.

“Should we follow him?” Derpy asked.

“Oh yeah,” nodded Pistachio. “You’re not going to want to miss this!”

The seven ponies still on the hill broke into a gallop after the Doctor. He was standing outside the TARDIS, and was (with a bit of difficulty) inserting and turning the key. Once the door was unlocked, the Doctor slipped behind it and into the tiny blue box.

“Oh, you look amazing! But then, when don’t you?” his voice echoed from within the box. “Now, how are your controls? Everything wibbly wob-“

“Oh my,” gasped Fluttershy as the mares and fillies arrived at the TARDIS. “That sounded terrible, I’m going to see if he’s okay.” The yellow one, followed by the derped one and the three fillies, hurried into the box.

“Doctor?” called Fluttershy, “Are you alri- oh my...”

Oh, this bit’s a timeless classic, Pistachio thought as she and Kiwi entered the TARDIS and closed the door.

“Can’t miss this cliché, now can we?” smiled the blue unicorn.

“It’s so... big...” Derpy breathed.

“But it’s small...” mused Fluttershy. “It’s bigger on the insi-” she trailed off, turning towards the Doctor, who was lying sprawled out on the shiny floor, amidst a fallen pile of rubbish, murmuring lovingly to the floor itself.

“Hello there floor. You’re as slick as ever.” He groaned a bit and lifted himself back up, acknowledging the others. “Stairs to console, slick floor, hooves, pile of rubbish, crash. Now... Console!” He whipped back around to quickly, but carefully, climb the five or so stairs up to the main console. He went straight to the nearest section and –sort of— hugged it.

“Ah, you sexy box. Fixed up and new again,” he smiled to himself. The eccentric stallion then commenced in fiddling about with the switches and levers, and, once satisfied with the beeps and boops, and whatnot, he slowly turned to face the other seven ponies.

Scootaloo’s ear twitched.

Fluttershy arched an eyebrow (bet you didn’t see that coming!).

Apple Bloom smiled in a oh-that’s-nice-I’ll-just-be-going-now kind of way while Sweetie Belle and Derpy just stared (albeit, one was staring in multiple directions).

The Doctor slowly descended the steps towards them again. He coughed awkwardly. “So... What do you think of the TARDIS?

“It’s awesome!” Scootaloo approved. (Type-40 TARDIS: now Scootapproved)

“Yea?” said the Doctor, “But you haven’t even seen the pool yet!”

“There’s a POOL?!” Derpy exclaimed.

“Yup, I’m not sure where it is. Probably not in the library anymore…”

“Why would a pool be in the library?” asked Fluttershy.

“Don’t ask,” smiled Pistachio. “It isn’t your average Twilight Sparkle library.”

“How do you know Twa’light?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Long story,” Kiwi cut in. “Hey, you guys should go find the pool and go swimming!”

“Really? Can we?” Sweetie Belle asked excitedly.

“Of course!” said the Doctor. “I’m not stopping you, although I should warn you, there are a lot of hallways, so don’t get lost.”

“Um, I’d feel better if Derpy and I went with the girls,” interjected Fluttershy. “This place is massive…”

“Yea, I’ll go with you guys too,” agreed the gray pegasus.

“Alright, you lot do that, but be back in an hour or so,” the Doctor said.

“Awesome! Bye!” The CMC shouted as they sped down the nearest hallway.

“Girls! Slow down! I’m coming!” Fluttershy cried as she and Derpy raced off after the receding fillies.

“Well,” chuckled Kiwi. “I hope they find the pool!”

“Yes,” the Doctor agreed as his smile fell. “That would be nice… Pistachio, may I have a word?”

The pink pony glanced at Kiwi and then the Doctor. “Um, sure. Of course.” She walked up the stairs to the console and over to where the stallion was leaning on the platform’s rail. “You wanted something?”

The Doctor’s face grew slightly troubled. “Earlier, when you helped Apple Bloom, how did you know? I would have been able to come up with that eventually, but you got it immediately… How?”

“I-I don’t know,” stammered Pistachio. “I just said it, and I understood it, but I don’t know how I know…”

“Hey Pistachio!” Kiwi called from bellow. “What were you doing when the TARDIS crashed?”

Pistachio looked quizzically through the platform’s glass floor at the blue mare. “I was reading a big book.”

“This book?” Kiwi held up a large, tattered and charred used-to-be-a-book-jacket. She squinted at the mangled spine. “It’s called-”

“One trillion, seven hundred thirty billion, eighty six million, four hundred seventy eight thousand and two Things Every Time Traveler Should Know. Written by Wallace Samuel Hughes, and published in 3427 (Earth years). Yeah, that’s the one.” Pistachio nodded.

Kiwi blinked. “Mind equals blown.”

The Doctor’s eyes widened in surprise. “I second the motion, but the book seems to be more blown than Kiwi’s mind…”

“I see, and I’m sorry, but I swear I did not do that,” said Pistachio. “I just remember reading about the structure of a Type-40 TARDIS, and then we started crashing.”

The Doctor looked intently at the pink mare and then asked, “What was the next section of the book?”

“TARDIS console configuration.”

The spark of an idea flitted across the timelord’s face. “Close your eyes.”


“Do it,” he sternly commanded. “Kiwi, get up here. You’ll want to see this.”
“What do I do now?” Pistachio asked.
“Make a mental map of the TARDIS console.”
“But I can’t d-”
“Yes you can. Focus.”
Pistachio scrunched her eyes tighter and focused as hard as she could on the console layout. There was nothing in her mind’s eye but blackness. She took a deep breath, and a blue line shot through the dark. The line began to extend and turn to form corners and lines, and a map soon laid itself out in her head.
“Got it?” the Doctor smiled.
“I think…”
“Now…” he guided her to the controls, “I want you to point to the controls I say, while still keeping your eyes closed.
The earthpony’s eyebrows furrowed, but she nodded. “Let’s do this.”
“Okay, let’s start with something easy; ketchup.”
Pistachio’s hoof shot out to land on a tiny nozzle. The Doctor leaned down and sniffed it. “Yep, that’s ketchup. Output monitor.”
Pistachio shuffled around, reached up, and poked it.
“Main throttle, blue stabilizers, brakes, cloaking switch, zigzag plotter.”
Pistachio flawlessly indicated each mechanism.
“The buttons for; classical music, strobe lights, bottled water, spare change, protein bars (disgusting things), forks, spoons, safety pins, and sugar.”
Kiwi’s mouth dropped open as she watched her friend, who was a whirlwind of button-poking.
The Doctor grinned and shouted “Thermo-coupler!”
Pistachio paused. “That’s not technically part of the console, it’s below the platform.”
“Oh, you’re good.”
Ten minutes later, the Doctor was out of breath, Pistachio was panting and leaning heavily on the console, and Kiwi was lounging on an old armchair, all three grinning like idiots.
“Only one left,” the Doctor rasped.
“The WIBBLY LEVER!” Pistachio yelled as she pointed triumphantly at the named lever. She opened her eyes and beamed at Kiwi and the Doctor.
“Pistachio, that was brilliant,” the stallion praised.
“Girl, I think you just earned yourself a cutie mark!” Kiwi congratulated.
“Really!?” Pistachio whipped around to see her mark, an open book. “Awesome! But what does that make my talent? Just being ridiculously smart?”
“To a point of creepiness! I don’t know what else it would be!”
The two mares promptly squealed and danced like fan-girls.
“I presume that’s normal?” the Doctor inquired.
“Yep, perfectly normal,” smiled Kiwi.
“Alright then,” the Doctor said, looking unconvinced. “You two do that or whatever. I’m trying to figure out why we’re here. See, it’s almost like we were dragged here, because I had no control, yet we got here in one piece, and those two factors rarely go together. Something wanted us here…” he hit his forehead with a hoof, “but what?”
The dancing ponies stopped, both looking at the thinking stallion. Pistachio, also thinking, sat down in the arm chair. Kiwi retired to the couch as she asked, “Do you know if it specifically wanted us, or if it’s just pulling in a bunch of stuff?”
“That actually could make some sense,” the smallest pony pointed out. “I mean, the TARDIS is a huge ton of time energy all stuffed into a seemingly miniscule box. It seems pretty tempting.”
“Yes, and I might see that working,” the Doctor replied, “but firstly, if they wanted the energy and whatnot from the TARDIS, they wouldn’t want its occupants giving them any problems, so they bang the box up a bit to kill or at least weaken those inside to be disposed of at a later date. Secondly these… happenings are formed in rings, branching out in all horizontal directions, like a circle around a point. But this point and circle can only be on one plane, one dimension…”
Pistachio’s eyes widened. “We hopped dimensions, fell through the Void from another plane, so we couldn’t have been caught in the ring!”
“Wait, hold on a second,” Kiwi said. “Doctor, you said this… tractor beam, for lack of a better term, could have easily killed us on our way here, but when it was happening, you only warned of the pinching! At the time, did you know we could have been in danger?”
“Yes, I was fully aware,” the Doctor nodded.
“And you didn’t tell us?!”
“I would have only scared you two.”
It was Pistachio’s turn to yell. “So you LIED?”
“You two knew rule one when you came aboard. What was it?”
“The Doctor lies,” the mares muttered grudgingly.
“That’s right! I’m the Doctor, so I call the shots, so I CAN LIE!”
He sighed. “I lie to protect you. It’s for your own safety. You have to learn to believe me. You have to trust me.”
He looked slowly and intensely at the unicorn and earth pony. “Do you understand?”
“Understand what?” asked Sweetie Belle as the CMC came bouncing out of a nearby corridor.
“Oh, just some boring stuff,” said the Doctor, nodding to a tired Derpy and Fluttershy. “We were just finishing up.”
“Did you find the pool?” Kiwi asked.
“No,” said Apple Bloom. “But we did find a fully stocked kitchen, so we made some toast!”
Derpy’s eyes glazed over momentarily. “I never knew toast could be so messy…”
“Yeah, we kinda made a mess,” said Scootaloo, head down.
“Oh, that’s quite alright. I didn’t even know I had a kitchen!” the Doctor beamed.
“Okay, well we had a nice time,” thanked Fluttershy before turning to the Crusaders. “Girls, it’s getting late, and I think we’ve been imposing on these nice ponies too long. Come on, we should get you all home.”
“Aww…” whined the fillies. “Okay, thanks for letting us explore your box, Doctor. Bye!” And with that, the young ponies were herded out the door by Derpy, who thanked the Doctor on her way out too.
“So Fluttershy,” Kiwi prompted. “You’re still here because…”
“Oh, sorry,” the yellow pegasus muttered. “I just wanted to thank you three for an… interesting day.”
“Are we really that interesting?” asked Pistachio as she came around from the far side of the large console. “We just crashed down out of the sky in a bigger-on-the-inside box, demanding a pocket… Oh… Yea, that sounds a bit… Odd.”
Fluttershy nodded and gasped as her eyes alighted on Pistachio’s flank.
“You have a cutie mark now!”
“That I do,” smiled the pink mare, “I decided to stay out of sight until the fillies were gone.”
“Good thinking,” credited Kiwi. “Otherwise, there would have been a commotion.”
The Doctor furrowed his eyebrows as he looked pointedly at Fluttershy, his eyes troubled. “You’re scared,” he stated. “That’s why you stayed behind. But what has you so scared?”
Fluttershy glanced out the open door, to where Derpy was trying to extract the three fillies from a nearby apple tree, then back to the Doctor. “I keep getting these notes on my doorstep. They always say that there’s a hurt animal that needs help, and then it lists some random numbers. But the hoofwriting is the strangest thing; it’s too perfect to be written by anypony!”
“Oh dear…” the Doctor muttered.
“What is it?” asked the frightened pegasus. “What’s wrong?”
“I don’t know yet, but it’s probably nothing,” the tall earth pony lied. “I’ll just need to see one of those notes. Could you be a dear and run home and get one?”
“Um, sure. I’m just worried, because all my friends are missing…”
“It’s alright, nothing that can’t be fixed, if you just look harder for them. Maybe they don’t like you so they’re just avoiding you-” he slapped himself. “No! Why would you say that?! Right. Sorry.” He pointed to Fluttershy, “You get a note and come straight back here.”
“Okay,” Fluttershy nodded as she walked to the door.
“And Fluttershy!” the Doctor called after her.
She turned, halfway out of the TARDIS.
“You’re handling this very well,” the stallion said kindly. “No one has any idea that you’re scared. You’re very brave.”
The yellow one blushed, smiled shyly and left the blue box, galloping past Derpy (who was still having trouble with the CMC) towards her cottage by the Everfree Forest.
The Doctor chuckled as he walked over to close the door of is TARDIS. “So… Ponies… This could turn out to be the most adorable adventure I’ve ever been on.”