• Published 19th Nov 2015
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Changeling Quest Book 1: Enemy Found - LoveEspeon

Changelings are invading. Twilight must uncover the mystery of the invasion in order to save Equestria. In order to do so, she needs help from a certain group of ponies and an unexpected friend

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Chapter 7 : Finding a Camp

Flash sneaked into the medical tent. He had to see Twilight, even at this early hour. As he treaded through sleeping ponies and the sleeping changeling, he was trying to think of a way to explain why he woke Twilight so early in the morning. But as soon as he entered the tent he was surprised to see Twilight sitting on her sleeping bag, flipping through a book and occasionally relighting her oil lamp. He coughed softly and stepped into full view. Twilight looked startled for a moment, then her expression softened.

"Uh...Flash? What are you doing here?" she asked.

Flash put a hoof to his muzzle.

"You ready to go find that new campsite tomorrow?"

Twilight lowered her head. Flash came closer. When he got a full view of Twilight he could see that she wasn't ready to go. Her mane was unusually messy and there were dark circles under her eyes. Even that usual sparkle in her violet eyes was gone.

"Oh. Uh.....apparently you aren't ready.."

Twilight lit up her horn and pointed it to her broken wing. It lit up with a magenta glow, revealing the bandages around the joint. There were feathers sticking up randomly in every direction, which was unusual for a tidy pony like Twilight. She usually kept her fur neatly groomed. Then Twilight pointed her horn to one of her hooves. It was wrapped up in bandages too. She moved it a little bit.

"It's fine."

Twilight let the light from her horn falter and eventually burn out. She relit the oil lamp. "I couldn't sleep anyway." Flash took a step back.

"Why not?"

Twilight lifted her bandaged wing. Then she raised her eyebrow. "Ohhh." Flash headed for the entrance. "Well, if you are feeling any better, let me know. Then we can go look for the campsite," he said. "Goodnight Twilight." He didn't hear Twilight's reply as he treaded outside. Flash really hoped she felt better soon. They had to get out of here. Soon.

Flash pushed through the flaps of the med tent. He was relieved to see Twilight stretching out her bandaged hoof and wing. Apparently the bandages were off. Twilight could fold back her right wing now. Even though her hoof hadn't recovered fully, she could still limp. Flash went over, unaware that there was a book on the ground. He tripped over it and bumped into something soft and feathery.


Twilight fell over as Flash smashed into her left wing. Not her right one, thank Celestia. It had to fully recover first before she could fly again. She pushed herself up with one hoof, kneeling with the hurt one. Flash got up and helped her to stand.

"What were you doing?" teased Twilight, sticking her tongue out at him while winking.

Flash felt his ears go flat and his cheeks go hot. "Whoops, sorreh." Twilight gave him a playful nudge and limped outside.

"Were you looking for me?"

Flash nodded. "You set to go exploring?" Twilight nodded. Flash stretched out his wings. Twilight stared blankly at him.

"Can't fly remember?"

Flash folded back his wings. "Sorry," he said sheepishly. Then he followed Twilight outside. Rainbow Dash gave them the all-clear and they trotted into the outside world.

Twilight was panting. She and Flash had trekked miles into the wilderness without rest. Flash had suggested taking a rest but Twilight had insisted that they keep on going. At last they reached a somewhat dense forest. It was..well....black. Twilight rolled her eyes. Everything here was black. What's up with that? Flash looked at Twilight.

"You ok back there?"

Twilight nodded. "Let's go in." Just as she took a step forward Flash barred her way with a hoof. Twilight's wings flew up in surprise. "Wha?" Flash gave her a concerned look.

"You just got attacked by a changeling dragon. You really want to go in there?"

Twilight sighed. "The others' safety is more important. If changelings found us we would be in big trouble. Yes, I can't fly as well. Yes, I can't walk well either. But I care more about my friends."

Flash smiled at her. "Ok. Then let's go."