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Twily is a Pretty Princess

Twilight softly scampered through the alabaster halls of Canterlot Castle. She had finished her studies for the day. The orange light of the setting sun cast a warm glow upon the walls. Soon, Princess Celestia would have to set the sun. Twilight was bored. She thought about visiting her big brother who was probably in the barracks. Or he might be out with his buddies in the Guard. Still, hanging out with the Guard was always fun. She liked to watch them practice and some of them would slip her candy if she asked lots of questions. She guessed it was to reward her for being so curious. It was the sticky kind of candy that made it sort of hard to open her mouth.

Just as she was about to make her way to the barracks she paused at the Princess's door. Two guards were posted there. One nodded and smiled to her kindly. Twilight had assumed that the Princess was holding court. If the guards were at her room that meant she was in her room, probably reading or doing Princess things. While the guards were nice, nothing was more fun than talking to her mentor! She could ask her some questions about the homework she'd just finished. She had been just a little confused about the relationship of thaumaturgical sigils to runes as used in the Northern system of magic. She looked up at the guard. "Um, Mister Guard, sir? Can I see the Princess?"

The guard, who was new, looked to his comrade who answered. "Twilight Sparkle is authorized to enter the Princess's chambers at any time."

The guards stood back. "Go on. The Princess is reading, I believe." The guards opened the door and Twilight scampered inside before the guards closed the door once more. The chambers of her mentor were comforting with soft blue colored walls and a plush, violet carpet that Twilight's hooves nearly sank into. A bookshelf to the far wall held countless tomes packed together. Some were so recent that Twilight recognized them. There were even a few novels. Others were ancient and dusty, their bindings flaking. They were written in ancient languages Twilight only vaguely recognized and others were so ancient Twilight didn't recognize them at all. A blue wall hanging was decorated with a starburst and moons.

There was a fire merrily crackling away in the hearth, casting a warm glow over a red cushion where an alicorn slept, a book resting beside her. Her cosmic, rainbow mane and tail still floated in an eternal breeze, but it did so slowly. Her soft, white coat rose up and down with her breath. Her forelegs were tucked up under her and her wings were spread out. A light sound came from her slightly parted lips that could not have been snoring because the Goddess of the Sun, She Who Calls Forth Light From Darkness, High Queen of All Ponydom, did not snore.

For a few stunned seconds Twilight stared at the slumbering princess. The most shocking thing about it was that the princess was naked. Her golden shoes were gone, her hooves so bare that Twilight could have gone up and tickled them the same way the Princess did to her as a prank. For a moment she thought about it, but the idea was immediately dismissed. Her royal torc was gone, leaving her chest bare to any assassins. Seized by panic, Twilight looked around. There were no assassins in sight. Most shockingly of all, her crown was gone.

She looked like a regular pony that just happened to have both wings and a horn. Twilight took a few hesitant steps forward, gazing more closely at her mentor. Then, she looked around for the missing regalia. She located it on a dresser. Twilight stared at the crown, the torc and the shoes. Sacred symbols of Equestrian royalty, the unity of the Pony empire. That's what one of Twilight's books called them. All Twilight knew was that the Princess looked beautiful in them.

She wondered if she would look beautiful in them too. The moment the thought entered her mind she valiantly resisted the temptation. She should run out of the room now, to flee from the temptation. Still, she did wonder how she'd look in them. Would she be as pretty as the princess?

Putting on the shoes shouldn't be so bad. The Princess would surely forgive such an infraction. She lit up her horn, carefully guiding the shoes off the dresser. Then she stopped, put them back and hopped up on the dresser so she could look at herself in the mirror. She slid her hooves into the shoes. The golden shoes swallowed up both her front and back hooves, but they did make her hooves look pretty.

Next came the torc which she laid over her back and neck. A few moments of fiddling with it let her put it on. She stared at herself. While the torc hung off of her, the amethyst matched her eyes! Unfortunately, it was too heavy so she reluctantly slid it off. Next came the crown which hung onto her horn.

She looked to the mirror. She looked just like a princess! She excitedly reared up and the weight of the crown nearly knocked her off the dresser. She caught herself at the last minute and noticed a strange, pink vial. Investigation revealed that it was a tube of eyeliner. She used her magic to lift it up and drew two lines beneath her eyes, just like the Princess did. Now she really looked like a princess! She couldn't help but rear up again, though this time she was a lot more careful about it. Her front hooves came down with a large crack.

Celestia stirred, opening her bleary eyes. "Wha...who's there?"

Twilight gasped and for a second the apprentice and the teacher stared at each other. Celestia's lips twitched as she rose up. Twilight's lip trembled. She lifted her hooves from the shoes and laid the crown back where it was. Then she hopped off the dresser, hung her head, walked to the wall and pressed her muzzle to the corner.

It was all too much for Celestia. Little giggles and snorts escaped her lips. Soon, she was rolling around on her back, laughing so hard tears were streaming down her face, her legs doing hoofy kicks as she guffawed. From her spot in her self-imposed time-out Twilight's ear and tail flicked in annoyance.

Finally, the laughing fit stopped. Celestia spread her wing. "Twilight, come here. You're not in trouble."

Twilight hopped out of the corner and was soon covered in the safety of Celestia's wing. She snuggled into the Princess's side. "I just wanted to be pretty like you."

Celestia nuzzled her. "Twilight, you don't need my regalia to be pretty."

Twilight returned the nuzzle. "I don't?"

"No, Twilight. Besides, it's not what you wear that makes you pretty. While you are a very pretty filly, it's not just being pretty outside that counts."

Twilight said nothing, waiting for her to continue. "It's on the inside. Your kindness. Your eagerness to learn. Your goodness. That's what makes you pretty."

Twilight smiled shyly. "Really?"

Celestia placed a kiss below her horn. "Really. Though if you want to be a princess, you could try it out for a while." She levitated the crown over and laid it on Twilight's head.

The guards stared as Celestia galloped down the hall and towards the throne room. Twilight had her hooves around Celestia's neck and was wearing her crown.

Celestia giggled. "All hail Princess Twilight!"

Twilight lifted up her forelegs. "Free ice cream for everypony!"

Author's Note:

Something short, sweet and silly.

I think I gave myself diabetes.