• Published 7th Nov 2015
  • 456 Views, 5 Comments

Harmony: Braves of the Six Elements - TooShyShy

Rainbow Dash, proclaiming herself the "Strongest Mare in the World", is chosen as one of the Braves of the Six Elements.

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The Strongest Mare in the World

Over one thousand years ago, a powerful and malevolent creature appeared in Equestria. It was known as “Sombra” or “The Demon King”. Soon after it appeared, it began to attack the inhabitants of the once-peaceful land. It would slaughter hundreds and then split its body to create beings known as “beast who would kill even more. All of the great armies were defeated in mere days, unable to stand up to the power of the Demon King and his minions. The empire was destroyed, the royal family killed, and the villages mere ashes in the wind. It appeared as if the Demon King would be victorious and all who remained were doomed. But then, to the astonishment of the citizens who had lost all hope, a beautiful alicorn appeared. She bore the image of a crystal heart on her flank and was therefore known as “The Goddess of the Crystal Heart”. With her immense power, she drove the Demon King to the edge of Equestria. After a long battle, she succeeded in defeating King Sombra. She returned to the few survivors and they all rejoiced over her triumph. However, after the festivities had ended, she spoke sternly to the gathered ponies. She claimed the Demon King was not dead. He would return in precisely three hundred years' time. Hence, the Goddess of Love split her power into six parts. When the Demon King resurrected, six heroes would appear, each bearing a portion of her power within them. They would be known as the “Braves of the Six Elements” or simply “The Six Elements”. Their mission would be to drive the Demon King away and then defeat him. Those chosen would have the mark of a crystal heart appear on their flank, replacing their Cutie Mark. As promised, three hundred years later the Demon King revived. Six ponies, the very first Braves of the Six Elements, appeared in Equestria. They were Commander Hurricane, leader of the Great Pegasi Army, her subordinate Private Pansy, Chancellor Puddinghead of the Earth Ponies, her adviser Smart Cookie, Princess Platinum of the unicorns, and the great intellectual Clover the Clever. Working together, they managed to defeat the Demon King. Three hundred years after this, again the Demon King revived and the next Six Elements triumphed over her, although they lost a few of their numbers in the process. It is always six ponies who are chosen. Those chosen will assemble along with their comrades at the gates of Tartarus. Thus the battle for Equestria against the Demon King shall begin!

“Apples! Get your fresh apples here! Best in Equestria! Favored by the royal family!”

“Apple pie! Apple pudding! Apple cider! We've got it all! Only five bits!”

The shouts of vendors promoting their wares filled the bustling city of Canterlot, serenaded by the loud clinking of bits being passed from hoof to hoof. The wonderful scent of apples dominated, overtaking any competition with ease. Canterlot was known for having the best fruit, especially apples, in all of Equestria. Ponies came from far and wide to sample the historically praised red fruit. On this day, the forever-moving groups, seldom less than thirty ponies, had flooded into the city at dawn. One could hardly move in the absolute mob of ponies gathered in the streets, blocking access to stalls and escape routes alike.

A blue pegasus wove expertly through the crowd, silent and unnoticed. She trotted with the dexterity of a snake, sliding between closely packed groups. Occasionally she would brush against a still body in the chaos, but she managed to slip away like a shadow before the victim could turn their head. Although her wings were folded, her hoofsteps were so light and precise it was as if she was hovering an inch or so from the ground. A smile crossed her mouth as she made her way to the arena at the edge of the city.

Meanwhile, at the destination of the cyan-colored equine, a pair of trumpets blared to signal the beginning of an event. Cheers rose from the immense crowd seated at the edges of the arena, a few young pegasi taking flight in their enthusiasm. There were ponies from all over Equestria, as well as dignitaries from the esteemed Griffon Kingdom and the Dragon Lands. They occupied the most envied of seats, directly next to his Royal Highness Prince Blueblood in a box seat magically elevated above the rest. As the crowd watched in anticipation, a grey-maned Earth pony stepped to the edge of the box and addressed the crowd in a booming voice heightened by an enchantment.

“Welcome, fillies and gentlecolts, to the moment you've all been waiting for! Today, the two warriors who've proved themselves the mightiest will face each other in combat! They are evenly matched physically and mentally, the very best fighters of their respective villages. Fillies and gentlecolts, I introduce to you…...”

A barred gate at the right side of the arena lifted as the bespectacled mare paused. The crowd erupted in yet more cheering as a large stallion, a blue-maned unicorn attired in gold-plated armor and a matching helmet, emerged from the darkness and into the sun's illumination. He trotted slowly to the center of the arena, bathed in the admiring shouts of the audience. Reaching his goal, he came to a halt and offered the gathered citizens a confident smile. Held aloft in his magic was a spear, the tip gleaming a menacing silver.

“…..Captain of the Royal Guard, Shining Armor!”

A few of the mares in the audience screamed, overcome by excitement at the name of their most beloved stallion. Shining Armor had built up quite a fan club in recent years. It had grown significantly when he publicly announced his plans to enter the competition. If one could be chosen as an Element through popularity alone, he would have been a front-runner.
“And facing him in this sacred arena, we have yet another specimen of power and determination! Fillies and gentlecolts, I introduce to you…...”

From the left entered a red Earth pony, his straw-colored mane tied back in a manageable short ponytail. He was larger than the unicorn, his coat and hooves those of a stallion who'd battled farm life and won. His build was thicker, his muscles more prominent than those of Shining Armor. He may not have had magic, but he gave the impression of one who could tear a unicorn's horn clean off with a mere snap of his hoof. The intimidation was illustrated by his choice to wear a helmet adorned with what appeared to be the head of some vicious lupine creature. He had chosen, perhaps as a silent mockery, to do without a weapon.

“……...Leader of the Ponyville Mercenaries, Big Macintosh!”

This time the cheers mainly originated from Big Macintosh's comrades in the audience. He was good-looking, but hadn't amassed the enviable female following of Shining Armor. For this, he was surprisingly grateful. Being constantly fawned over by adoring mares was his idea of troublesome.

The announcer, known in her less professional work as “Mayor Mare of Ponyville”, gestured to another magically elevated box seat. This one contained several ponies, the majority of them gathered around one who was seated on a throne-like chair in the center. The mare in the center waved at the crowd as all eyes came to rest on her. She was attired in a long flowing white gown, her visage and mane obscured by a veil. Many beautiful jewels hung from her neck and she wore bright golden anklets. The other ponies in the box were keeping the heat away from her with immense fans.

“The winner of this duel will receive the privilege of facing Miss Rarity, the Goddess of Blades!” continued Mayor Mare dramatically. “A pitiful weakling does not deserve such a right!”

The sound became almost deafening as Miss Rarity's fans screamed their support for the beautiful Goddess. Although her face could not be seen, the crowd could not fail to notice the unicorn horn protruding from her forehead and the long, elegant wings aloft at her sides.

“Remember, warriors!” declared Mayor Mare sternly. “You are fighting one another in the presence of both the Prince of Canterlot and the divine Goddess of the Crystal Heart Princess Cadence! Cheating will not be tolerated in the slightest! You will have a clean fight and accept victory or defeat with dig--”

She stopped, frowning at a slight commotion in the arena.

A mare, attired in a cloak and a hood over her face, was rudely shoving her way through the assembled guards. Her mouth sprouting insincere apologies, she pushed each surprised guard to the side, ignoring their sputtered protests. She trotted to the center of the arena as if she belonged there, halting in front of the two bemused warriors. The sudden intrusion caused the entire crowd to go unusually silent, each puzzled face turned to the brash newcomer. The mare threw back the hood of her cloak to reveal a cyan-colored head topped with a dazzling, yet unkempt, rainbow mane. Underneath a pair of eyebrows bowed in determination sat two rose-colored eyes. Seemingly unconcerned by the disruption she'd caused, she directed a wide grin at the audience.

“Excuse me!” she uttered cheerfully. “I think it's about time we changed the rules! Whose with me?”

Mayor Mare took a moment to find her senses, her shocked silence mirroring that of the crowd. She shook her head, barely able to comprehend such abrupt, unexpected insolence. But despite her bemusement and her astonishment, she arranged her features into a stern expression as she gazed down at the disrespectful pony.

“And who are you?” she demanded, dropping all semblance of manners.

The pony's grin widened as the question she had been waiting for was finally asked. She stood up even straighter on her hooves, thrusting out her chest slightly. A pair of wings unfurled from the inside of the cloak, smaller than those of the Goddess of Blades but standard size for pegasi. The mare held her head higher, her eyes alive with defiance.

“My name is Rainbow Dash!” she announced confidently. “I'm the strongest mare in the world!”

She turned her gaze to the immense statue at one side of the arena. This was one of the most sacred objects in all of Equestria. It towered over them, overseeing the proceedings with its vacant stone eyes. It was the statue of Princess Cadence, the Goddess of the Crystal Heart who'd constructed the arena thousands of years previous. Supposedly, despite having been deceased for many centuries, she still watched over the citizens of Equestria as her lingering magic chose the Braves of the Six Elements.

“I'm here to make a very important announcement,” continued Rainbow Dash, her voice turning completely pompous. “You know the Goddess of the Crystal Heart? Well, she's going to choose me to be one of the Braves of the Six Elements!”

She turned back to the two warriors, smirking at their astonished faces.

“But first, I'm gonna have to humiliate you two colts! How about it, Prissy Armor and Little Macintosh? Do you think you can take on a real warrior? Do you think you can win against the strongest mare in the world?”

She laughed at the very idea, a loud mocking sound that echoed through the silent arena. She spun to face the audience as if she expected applause, but naturally received nothing except an enduring quiet. This did not seem to concern her, her grin remaining strong even as she was met with nothing except gaping mouths and wide eyes.

Shining Armor casually laid his spear aside, his astonishment fading. He had been utterly at a loss for words before, but now he saw this newcomer as she really was: A gutsy, childish braggart. It was plain to the eye that both stallions towered over her. She was small, even for a female pony.

“Can somepony please get rid of this idiot?” he requested of the surrounding guards.

The guards, who had been staring dumbly with their spears laying uselessly at their sides, snapped out of their trance. Each seized their weapon, their faces hardening as they regarded the intruder. Shining Armor and Big Macintosh stepped away, giving the guards a clearer space for action. The guards moved in closer, their spears outstretched in threat. They surrounded the completely serene pegasus, forming an impenetrable circle as they closed in.

Rainbow Dash casually thrust a hoof into one of her bulky saddlebags. As the guards closed in, she retrieved what appeared to be a small, round green ball. Laughing, she tossed this ball to the ground at her hooves. Smoke, carrying the foul smell of strong chemicals, erupted from the interior of the bomb. It spread with haste, covering the area around her in an instant. As gasps rose from the audience, the suddenly blind guards stumbled around, coughing heavily and dropping their spears. Rainbow Dash's back hooves lashed out almost rhythmically in the relative chaos, each blow making contact with a solid body. One guard stumbled forward and attempted to seize her, only to be met with a slight pinch on the side of his neck. The unfortunate stallion lurched backwards, what remained of his vision going blurry as the poison took effect. The other guards were met with much the same fate as more darts flew, whipped from Rainbow Dash's saddlebag and thrown with startling accuracy. By the time the smoke cleared thirty seconds later, all of the guards either lay on the ground unconscious or were stumbling around in a daze as their stomachs heaved.

Shining Armor and Big Macintosh remained, neither hurt by the needles or struck by Rainbow Dash's hooves in the melee. The former held several of the projectiles in his magic, whilst the latter calmly removed one of the poison needles from his forehead and flicked it away as if it was a mosquito. Their expressions had rapidly shifted from amusement to contempt. Shining Armor, his face set gravely, released the needles from his magic and stepped forward. Big Macintosh followed, his nostrils flaring as he neared the mare. Both stepped casually over the fallen guards and weaved through the dazed ones.

Rainbow Dash charged forward, her wings outstretched and her head bowed in a common pegasus attack pose. Shining Armor's spear was poised to meet her as she charged, the tip glinting menacingly in the sunlight. Flashing the unicorn a smile, Rainbow Dash leaped forward, her wings giving her a needed boost. She landed briefly on the handle of the spear, using it to successfully vault over the startled stallion. As she did so, her back hooves closed around his mane, her momentum pulling him backward along with her. Skillfully, she flipped herself and him in midair, threw him to the ground with unexpected strength given by her wings. Not entirely phased, Shining Armor seized himself in his magic and righted himself before the impact. In less than a second, he grasped his spear in yet another portion of his magic. Rainbow Dash avoided the wide arc, the blade lightly brushing her mane as it passed. Her hoof darted into her saddlebag yet again, this time pulling out an odd, fuse-shaped device. This she placed in her mouth and bit down on. Shining Armor leaped back in fear as a tail of flame erupted from her mouth. As he stumbled backwards, Big Macintosh lunged forward, his hoof aiming for her side. Rainbow Dash avoided the attack with ease, ducking underneath the stallion and rolling onto her back. She slammed her two back hooves into his underside, propelling him over her. But the Earth pony landed on his hooves and charged, sweeping one of his front hooves in her direction as if swatting a fly. A burst of sparkly emerald liquid exploded in his face, causing him to jump back. Meanwhile, Shining Armor, recovering from the flames, ran for the blue pegasus, his horn aglow with an impending spell. Rainbow Dash dodged yet again, her hoof connecting with the spear held in his magic. She successfully knocked it away, catching the unicorn off guard. Before he could attempt another spell, Rainbow Dash had dropped another bomb, forcing him to envelop himself in a magical shield. Regardless of the shield, the explosion sent him flying across the arena. Rainbow Dash flew to the other side in a blur of color to meet him. She spat a poison needle in his direction before he landed. To his further astonishment, the needle penetrated his magic shield and buried itself in the back of his head. The shield flickered out and he fell to the ground, unprotected and barely conscious. Rainbow Dash landed next to Big Macintosh, whom was grimacing in pain, several bald spots dotted across his coat.

“Sorry about that,” she apologized, her voice sincere. “They'll grow back in a few weeks!”

She turned to the box seat occupied by Mayor Mare, her grin returning in all its glory.

“Do you see?” she demanded, her voice heavy with feeling. “The Goddess of the Crystal Heart has to choose me, for I am the strongest ma--”

She never got a chance to complete her speech. The rainbow-maned pegasus was abruptly tackled by no less than five guards who'd arrived a moment previous. As the wind was knocked out of her, she vaguely heard the booing of the crowd and the venomous shouts of Mayor Mayor demanding her imprisonment.

Mayor Mare regarded the pegasus as if she was an insect beneath her hoof.

“You don't feel any remorse, do you?” she accused, seething with wrath. “You ruined a sacred tournament, completely disrespecting the rules laid out by the Goddess of the Crystal Heart herself, all to satisfy your ego! Are you happy, Ms. Dash? Are you proud of your unforgivable actions?!”

Rainbow Dash shrugged, the chains on her hooves rattling. She was decidedly nonplussed about the whole thing. She hadn't said a word of objection as she was forcibly ejected from the arena, the audience cheering loudly as she was taken from the premises by the guards and followed by a livid Mayor Mare. She had not even protested as her saddlebags were confiscated, even though she suspected the contents were to be destroyed. She stared at Mayor Mare with quiet rebellion in her eyes, seemingly unaware of how much trouble her little stunt had caused her.

Mayor Mare's ire grew at the lack of a response. They were going to blame her for this, she just knew it! Prince Blueblood would find a way to make it seem as if this entire thing was her fault, as if she'd no less than invited Rainbow Dash to the tournament with her actions in mind. Her voice hard with anger, she turned to the guards.

“Lock her up!” she ordered. “She is not to leave her cell until tomorrow morning, when her sentence shall be decided!”

She emphasized the last four words, hoping to strike at least a small amount of fear into Rainbow Dash's heart. However, the pegasus merely gazed at her calmly as if she couldn't bother to be afraid. This mare's insolence was truly infuriating! If there hadn't been witnesses, Mayor Mare would have taken a few swings at her.

Rainbow Dash was led to the somewhat crowded prison. She went complacently with the guards, ignoring them as they jabbed at her with their spears to inspire haste. The filthy room contained only two cells, one tightly packed and the other vacant. She knew that days like this were ripe for street brawls and drunken confrontations, hence the uniquely large number of occupants. She was taken to the vacant cell, which she noticed was rather cleaner than the other. Rainbow Dash locked eyes with many of the other prisoners as she passed, occasionally sticking out her tongue at them. The larger of the two guards pushed her roughly into the cell and slammed the door behind her. Rainbow watched with little concern as he made a point of turning the key in the lock. If he was trying to make her feel isolated and trapped, he was doing a mediocre job. When the guards had left, slamming the big iron door behind them, Rainbow Dash lay down on the cell's lone untidy bed and closed her eyes. Prisons weren't new to her. In fact, she found it much easier to sleep in a place like this because she was more used to it than slumbering in an actual house.

Rainbow Dash awoke more than five hours later when the iron door opened. Jolted from a lovely dream about ice cream and beasts, she opened her eyes and turned toward the sound. She saw that a young mare had entered the room. She looked to be about Rainbow's age, although a lot more well-kept. A long, purple mane flowed down her shoulders, liberated yet carefully styled as it framed her head. A unicorn horn was clearly visible on her head as she stepped into the moonlight flowing from an open window. She wore a dark blue dress, the hem adorned with a few tiny gemstones and a single large crystal shard sewn at the front of the neck. She frowned at the array of prisoners in the crowded cell, but turned with a smile to Rainbow Dash and approached as if they were old friends.

“You're that brash pony from the tournament, aren't you?” she greeted her.

Rainbow Dash jumped off her bed and trotted to the bars, grinning at the newcomer.

“Why, yes, I am!” she confirmed proudly. “Let me guess…. You're one of my many admirers who wants an autograph from the strongest mare in the world?”

The unicorn didn't seem bothered by her lack of modesty. She sat down on a bench outside of the cell, holding a glowing lantern in her magic. This she placed beside her, then turned back to the egotistical pegasus.

“I guess you could say I'm becoming an admirer of yours,” she replied. “You really were excellent at the tournament. I've never seen anypony fight like that before. Who trained you, if I may ask?”

Rainbow Dash, who was drinking the praise as if it were apple cider, paused for a moment to bask in the adoring words. In truth, this pony was the very first one to compliment her over her tremendous skill at the tournament. She hadn't exactly been showered with fan mail since she was locked up. But she hadn't expected to be, what with how uptight the citizens of Equestria were.

“You've probably heard of her,” Rainbow Dash answered pleasantly. “Her name's Spitfire. She taught me everything I know!”

The unicorn frowned as she placed the name. She'd heard it before, years previous, in connection with some less than savory opinions.

“Spitfire?” she echoed. “I think I have heard of her.”

She didn't elaborate. She instead moved on to the next question, giving the other mare an indulgent smile.

“What made you decide to enter the tournament?” she asked curiously. “Why did you want to be one of the Six Elements?”

Rainbow Dash's bravado faded slightly. The confident, grinning mare who'd fearlessly infiltrated a sacred tournament, who'd spoken bravely to a statue of the Goddess of the Crystal Heart, who'd faced her imprisonment with indifference, seemed to waver, as if there was something underneath trying to claw its way out.

“I'm the strongest mare in the world!” she responded pompously. “I have to be one of the Six Elements!”

She adjoined, more to change the subject than anything else,

“How'd you get in here, anyway? I didn't think servants were allowed.”

The unicorn waved a hoof, brushing away the question. Rather than answer, she stood up from the bench. She grasped the lantern in her magic, allowing it to follow her akin to faithful bird as she moved. She trotted to the other side of the bars, her eyes remaining on Rainbow Dash and the lantern casting a warm glow over her visage.

“But what if you aren't chosen?” she asked, her voice light. “What will you do then, strongest mare in the world?”

However, Rainbow Dash shook her head firmly. The grin had returned with all its overwhelming confidence. She was able to, as if she was used to it, slip back into the role she'd given herself as if it was the skin of a snake.

“I'm gonna be chosen no matter what!” she answered firmly. “The Goddess of the Crystal Heart knows how strong I am. If she doesn't choose me, she'll be making a big mistake!”

The unicorn laughed, but without cruelty. She laid the lantern aside, placing it on the bench and shrouding herself in relative darkness. The only illumination was provided by the moon, casting a surprisingly pretty glow on her features. Her blue eyes had a fire to them unlike anything Rainbow Dash had ever seen. A slightly innocent, yet intense, fire that seemed to engulf her entire face. She looked as if she was prepared to go on a journey. Prepared to jump into the aggressively churning waters of a storm-battered ocean. She reminded Rainbow Dash of how she herself must have looked as she entered the arena.

“Will you shake my hoof?” asked the unicorn.

She stuck her perfectly manicured hoof through the bars, flashing that indulgent smile yet again.

Rainbow Dash blushed at the offer. Nopony had ever asked to shake her hoof before. Granted, it wasn't an extensively meaningful request, but it was the closest thing to a gesture between herself and a fan that she had ever experienced. This pony was a very odd servant. Barely able to keep the quiver out of it, Rainbow Dash reached forward and pressed her own hoof to the unicorn's. She found her senses drawn to the other mare's heartbeat that was just barely keeping pace with her own.

“You're blushing, darling,” observed the unicorn teasingly. “Are you not good with mares?”

Rainbow Dash yanked her hoof away as if burnt, annoyed that the unicorn had noticed the color on her cheeks. She reddened even more, backing away from the bars as if worried she might faint from being so close to her first official fan. This mare was undoubtedly attractive, despite being dressed in what passed for “plain” in the flamboyant city of Canterlot. But Rainbow coughed, hoping she'd be able to keep a tremble out of her voice when she spoke. Trying to ignore the unicorn's beauty, she offered her her signature grin.

“I'm good with everything!” she assured the other mare.

The unicorn raised a hoof to her mouth as she laughed again. She returned to the bench where her light source rested, her blue eyes bright with amusement. To her, Rainbow Dash's ego, or at least the ego she pretended to have, seemed even bigger than she'd made it out to be at the tournament.

“So, what happened with the tournament?” inquired Rainbow Dash.

The unicorn ran a hoof through her mane as she answered, her gaze shifting from Rainbow Dash to the moon through the open window. It was a big moon. The biggest there had been in a long time.

“They had to redo it,” she answered casually. “Shining Armor won. Of course, Miss Rarity beat him in the final round.”

Rainbow Dash nodded. Shining Armor was obviously a skilled fighter, although she thought Big Macintosh was the stronger of the two. She'd seen others like him in Cloudsdale: Warriors of great loyalty and prowess only restrained by their lack of magic. And even then, not having magic made little difference to them in battle. Magic was so rarely a force of aggression, Rainbow Dash had realized at an early age. It could create and it could manipulate, but it was not necessarily a weapon any more potent than a crossbow or a spear.

“We're running out of time,” commented the unicorn gravely. “The Orb of Fortune has turned red. There are screams from Tartarus. Foals are having horrific nightmares filled with crimson. The Demon King will revive before the year is over.”

Rainbow Dash, who had heard all of this from Spitfire, nodded in agreement. She hadn't even been alive the last time the Demon King revived, but she had heard stories. Terrible, chilling stories of villages destroyed, their inhabitants slaughtered by beasts. Stories of voices, malevolent and strong, echoing through the heads of those unfortunate enough to live near Tartarus. Stories of the Six Elements, weapons poised and will strong, driving the Demon King away from his innocent victims and defeating him with the power granted to them by the Goddess of the Crystal Heart. She had grown up with these stories, as had every other foal in Equestria.

“The Demon King is in for a surprise!” Rainbow Dash uttered, smirking. “And that surprise is me!”

The unicorn stood up again, seizing the lantern in her magic. The graveness had left her face, washed away by a smile.

“If you do become one of the Six Elements, I wish you good luck,” the unicorn uttered by way of farewell.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. She flopped down on her bed yet again, staring at the ceiling above her. It was cold in her cell, the temperature having dropped significantly in the night. But in truth, the cold did not bother her at all. She felt surprisingly warm.

“The world's strongest mare doesn't need good luck,” she scoffed. “Especially from a servant.”

The unicorn paused, appearing baffled. She regarded the blue pegasus as if she was some kind of alien creature. After a moment of staring, she put a hoof to her mouth and laughed. It wasn't the sweet, controlled laugh of before. This time she nearly bent over in her mirth, her hooves sliding forward slightly as if she would fall. It took her a while for her to reign herself in, tears of laughter swimming in her eyes.

“A servant?” she choked out, highly amused. “A servant?!”

Still chuckling to herself, she swung around and headed for the door. She glanced back as she trotted, shaking her head at the pegasus. But she did not elaborate on the cause of her mirth. She merely transferred the lantern to her mouth to carry. She seized the door in her magic and opened it. She hesitated as she slipped out into the passageway, peeking through a crack in the iron door at the rainbow-maned braggart.

She's not very smart, is she? she thought.

Shining Armor, Captain of the Royal Guard, delivered Rainbow Dash's sentence with perhaps more enthusiasm than was needed. He read from the scroll held in his magic, his eyes alive with victorious menace. They were direct orders from Prince Blueblood delivered into his hoof that very morning. He'd somehow managed to contain his excitement when he read them over. As it was, he spoke them with relish as he regarded the prisoner.

“Rainbow Danger Dash, you are sentenced to solitary imprisonment,” he announced. “The sentence length is…….indefinite.”

He spoke the last word with unconcealed satisfaction. That would teach her to disrupt a sacred tournament! He lowered the scroll, nodding at the two guards that stood at either side of the mare. He would have preferred it if she appeared at least somewhat remorseful or worried, but alas Rainbow Dash showed no emotion at all as her sentence was read out. He has to satisfy himself by imagining she was screaming on the inside. Armed with this thought, he couldn't keep his grin entirely under control as he and the other guards escorted her to the solitary imprisonment cell.

The cell was more of a hole in the ground than anything else. It was comprised of a deep opening, too deep for any Earth pony to simply climb out. Iron bars lay across the top, preventing pegasi from utilizing their flight to escape. Invisible, yet able to be sensed whenever a hoof passed over it, was a force field meant to suppress magic. The force field countered a unicorn's attempts to teleport out of the cell, as well as made it impossible for them to blast the bars apart or otherwise create an escape route. In the two centuries it had existed, nopony had ever escaped. This was made blatantly obvious by the equine skeleton lying in one corner.

As she peered into the cell, Rainbow Dash was abruptly shoved from behind. Caught unawares, she plunged downward into the hole that awaited her. The mare landed on a bale of hay strategically placed at the bottom, albeit it made the landing only slightly less painful. Whoever had thought to place it there had put safety first and comfort second. Rainbow Dash rolled over onto her back, all four hooves in the air. Her vision was slightly wobbly at the edges, but she noticed the bars of the cell being returned to their original place. Even if she'd been able to fly out, her chance had escaped her. She groaned in agony, unhappily aware of the fact that her wings were tied up. Shining Armor had insisted on doing it “as a precaution”. Naturally, they hadn't had the courtesy to untie her before pushing her in and leaving her to this fate.

Nice guys, she thought sarcastically. Remind me to give them flowers next time we meet.

Rainbow Dash waited until the guards left. They lingered for ten long minutes before she heard their retreating hoofsteps. Satisfied that she was alone, she rolled back onto her stomach. Her wings were beginning to ache from the ropes that bound them. She wondered, slightly panicked, if having them tied up for too long would make them less cooperative in the future. As she pondered this miserable prospect, she surveyed her new home. Fortunately, the bale of hay she had landed on could double as a bed, therefore saving her the hardship of having to sleep on the floor. Unfortunately, this was literally the only perk. The cell was grimy, damp, and smelled horrendous. In addition, the equine skeleton wasn't the best decoration. Sighing, Rainbow Dash stepped off the bale of hay. She could have shouted obscenities at the walls, but that wouldn't have made her feel better. Resigning herself, at least for the time being, she dropped to all four hooves and began doing push-ups.

Over the course of several long months, nothing of real interest happened. Rainbow Dash kept herself in shape with a strict training regimen. The guards tossed down food for her, usually raw potatoes and nearly spoiled fruit and vegetables. She became accustomed to bitter tastes, cringing whenever something sweet passed her tongue as a result. She found herself grateful whenever she could capture enough rain water in her hooves to drink. Rain, especially the heavy variety, came only between long intervals of beaming sunlight. Rainbow Dash was rapidly growing tired of the solitude, tired of the cell, tired of Shining Armor's sneering face above her almost every morning as he enjoyed his freedom. But most of all, she was tired of not being able to fly. Yet, despite all of this torment, Rainbow Dash resisted the urge to throw insults at the guards, to completely break down and begin ranting at the unresponsive skeleton. She remained quiet over the course of her imprisonment, almost defiant in her silence. Whenever a collapse seemed imminent, she increased the intensity of her training. Pushing herself until she nearly passed out somehow made her feel better.

On a dark night, nearly a year after Rainbow Dash was sentenced and imprisoned, she dreamed of the Demon King. Like most of the citizens of Equestria, his face had forever scarred her nightmares. His menacing depiction from the story books came to her in this dream, his mouth emitting the growls of a caged wolf. He gazed at her, his dark essence billowing behind him like a cape as he turned the sky a malevolent crimson. Rainbow Dash, gripped by a sense of terror she'd never experienced in her waking life, could only stare, motionless and quivering. The Demon King opened his mouth, revealing a pair of sharp fangs amongst his otherwise normal teeth. But he did not stop there. He opened his mouth wider, far wider than it was possible, a red mist pouring from his throat. Rainbow Dash screamed and flailed as the mist swirled around her, choking her. As it began to seep into her eyelids, she felt a strange burning sensation on her flank. She knew she would die if she did not focus on the mist, yet she could not stop herself from turning around as the burning shifted into pure agony. Another scream, this one borne from the pain in her flank, was ripped from Rainbow's throat. As the light faded before her eyes, she saw a single blue orb throbbing where her Cutie Mark should have been.

Rainbow Dash awoke with a cry. She sat up on the bale of hay, her chest heaving and her hooves shaking. It had been years since she'd had a nightmare so intense. Normally her dreams were confined to long adventures with her favorite heroes or battles she had yet to face in her lifetime. She could not remember ever having such a horrible dream, even when she was a filly. Panting slightly, Rainbow Dash collapsed on her makeshift bed. Images from the dream lingering, she reached behind her and touched her flank.

What the…? she thought, startled.

Her flank was warm. Almost hot. As if somepony had applied heat to it less than a moment ago. Surprised, Rainbow Dash leaped off the bale of hay and landed next to it on all four hooves. Moonlight was streaming into her cell from overhead, bathing the room. She turned to examine her flank, scowling in confusion. However, her scowl steadily turned to the exact opposite.

I knew it! she thought excitedly.

The Crystal Heart. The sign borne by the Braves of the Six Elements. Rainbow Dash, the strongest mare in the world, had been chosen to fight the Demon King.

“Hey, is anypony out there?” she called. “You'd better let me out of here! I've been chosen as one of the Elements!”

For a second, there was silence. Rainbow Dash worried that nopony was in the vicinity and she was going to be left there until it was too late. However, soon enough, there was the sound of shouting and frantic hoofsteps. It sounded as if somepony was trying to get past the guards, but the guards were reluctant to let them through. Eventually, after much pounding of hooves and a shrill voice yelling protests, the guards were apparently overwhelmed by this single pony and forced to allow them passage.

A figure appeared overhead, gazing down through the bars with an indulgent smile. It was the mare who had visited Rainbow Dash when she was in prison. Except her mane no longer cascaded down her shoulders and she no longer wore a rather simple dress. She was instead attired in an outfit more befitting of a warrior, albeit with more glamor to it. Her mane was styled into a long purple braid that hung over one shoulder.

“Allow me to introduce myself properly,” she greeted the pegasus. “I am Miss Rarity, Princess of Canterlot and the Goddess of Blades. I've been chosen as one of the Six Elements.”

She presented her flank to Rainbow Dash. Indeed, it bore the image of a crystal heart.

“M-Me, too!” stammered Rainbow Dash, somewhat overwhelmed.

Rarity nodded, as if she'd suspected it. She utterly ignored the guards, whom had been objecting to her visit. Now they stood completely quiet, gazing in astonishment at the rainbow-maned pegasus.

“Shall we go?” Rarity proposed.

Her horn began to glow. She concentrated on her powers, reaching past her regular magic to access the portion of her that held the Goddess of Blades. She seized this extension of her magic and yanked it forth into the very front of her brain. A thick, flat blade, about the shape of the head of a spear but much larger, appeared next to Rainbow Dash. It darted towards her, causing the pegasus to wince. But rather than cut her, the blade easily sliced through the ropes binding her wings.

For the first time in months, Rainbow Dash could move her wings. As the ropes fell away, she could feel the wind gently stroking her feathers. She stood up, balancing on her two back hooves, and for a moment allowed herself to simply enjoy the feeling of being liberated. She could smell the clouds again. She could envision worlds rushing past underneath her, cities coming and going in an instant as her speed increased. She hadn't quite realized how much she longed to feel the sky around her.

“Let me get those bars for you, darling,” offered Rarity, a mischievous glint in her eye.

Several blades, each larger than Rainbow Dash's hooves, materialized around her. As she stared, awed by the spectacle, the blades shot upward in flawless unison. They shifted their positions as they went, slicing effortlessly through the bars of Rainbow's cell. Many of them remained intact from the concentrated onslaught, but a pegasus-shaped opening had been created.

Whooping with joy, Rainbow Dash leaped into the air. Her wings reacted instinctively to the elevation, hastily spreading at her sides. Laughing, the pegasus soared out of the cell, into delicious freedom. The cold night air whipped around her, greeting her with the familiarity of a sister. Steadily, as if it was a mere dream, the aroma of the cell melted away.

“Mi-Miss Rarity!” stammered one of the guards, flabbergasted. “Your audience with….”

A wild laugh of uncontrolled mirth in her throat, Rarity turned and broke into a gallop. Blades came into being as she moved, circling around her in a somewhat beautiful display. In darkness only broken by the moon, she looked like a solar system moving rapidly through the night. The effect was heightened as she spread her wings, scattering the blades a little further out in their rotation. With one mighty leap, she took to the sky, trailing fresh blades as if they were smoke from a newly launched rocket. Despite how deadly it appeared at close range, far away it looked absolutely gorgeous. This mare was clearly one for showing off when she was suitably excited. She looked over her shoulder and saw Rainbow Dash catching up with her, the blue pegasus expertly dodging the trailing blades.

“You're quite fast, dear!” Rarity complimented her. “If we keep up this pace, we'll get to Tartarus in no time!”

Rainbow Dash drew up beside the alicorn, grinning.

“First we'll stop by my hideout,” she replied. “Then we'll meet up with the other Elements at the temple. Then...to Tartarus!”

The words sent a thrill of excitement through her body. They were going to meet the other Elements. They were going to see Tartarus. They were going to fight the Demon King. It felt so unreal, so much like a fairytale.

“Yes,” agreed Rarity with a slight smile. “To Tartarus….”

The two mares exchanged a grin, then turned their gazes to the moon overhead. It was a beautiful night. A truly beautiful night.