• Published 9th Nov 2015
  • 236 Views, 1 Comments

Too Many Enemies, Too Many Ponies - tony752

What happens when Equestria is introduced to power of machine and technology as a new race of creatures emerges.

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Chapter 1: The Metal Behemoth

Chapter 1: The Metal Behemoth

“Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle, residents of Ponyville claimed to have found what they describe as a “metal behemoth” outside of Ponyville, within the Everfree Forest. I request that you and your friends investigate this to find out if these claims are true.” Twilight read allowed.

“Sounds serious.” Spike commented as he took his seat next to Twilight’s.

“I just hope whatever this metal behemoth is, it’s friendly” Twilight spoke. The rest of the Elements of Harmony were in Ponyville, most likely on their way back as for the sun was now beginning to set.

“Should we have dinner first and then tell them?” Spike asked.

“I believe it would be best to tell them before dinner. I mean for all we know this metal behemoth could be not as scary as we make it out to be and discussing after dinner rather than before could make everypony be anxious due to such a short notice of important information.” Twilight answered

“I don’t think anypony would really notice the difference Twi” Spike deadpanned

“I know Spike”

Suddenly the throne room’s doors swung open and in walked the rest of the Elements of Harmony.

“What’s for dinner? I’m starved!” Announced Rainbow Dash. She looked at Twilight and Spike and saw she had something say. “Everyone be quiet.” She told the rest of her friends.

“None of us was talkin’ except you, Rainbow Dash.” Applejack mumbled. Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes.

“Everypony,” Twilight began, “Princess Celestia has alerted me of the presence of a “metal behemoth within the Everfree forest.”

Fluttershy’s eyes widened; the Everfree Forest was the last place she wanted to be…. Well, there were lots of other places Fluttershy was scared of too but the Everfree Forest ranked pretty high on her list of ‘Last Places to Visit’

“I don’t really know if what were up against is hostile or not. According to some reports of local residents, the behemoth hasn’t moved since it was found. It’s quite possible it’s dead which means whatever is left could be used for research purposes. We need to know what we’re up against if we should encounter a live one later.”

“Sounds Spooky!” Pinkie Pie dramatically proclaimed.

The rest of the group looked at Pinkie Pie for a moment before continuing.

“So we tacklin’ this thing tonight after dinner or tomorrow?” Applejack asked.

“I was hoping to do it after dinner if that was alright with you guys” Twilight said.

Everypony gave a simple nod or ‘Yeah’, everypony except Fluttershy. Shy didn’t object to giving this situation attention as it was important after all but she personally didn’t want to enter the Everfree Forest to go and find this thing; not tonight, not tomorrow, not ever. Rarity picked up on this.

“Oh darling don’t fret, we’ll be doing it together, as friends.” Rarity said with a calm voice, “Plus if need be I’m sure Twilight could get some of those handsome guards to come with us.” She seemed like she was in her own fantasy in that last part.

“Yeah I guess that makes it ok.” Fluttershy whispered.

“So does that mean we’ve got your go?” Applejack asked.

“Yeah.” Fluttershy answered.

“Alright girls, lets have some dinner and than be on our way.


It was dark outside and the Mane 6 was about to encroach on the Metal Behemoth. They were guided by the moonlight and aided by a small amount of light Twilight created using her magic.

“We arriving alone here, or will there be other ponies there to?” Applejack inquired

“I would suspect a few royal guards would be stationed nearby to make sure the behemoth doesn’t move and quite possibly to protect us while we’re there.” Twilight replied.

“I hope so.” Rarity daydreamed.

“Oh hush!” Rainbow Dash joked.

The group slowly began to approach a vaguely, smoking, hulk of metal. Indeed there were royal guards but only one; one of the pegasus types.

“Good evening Princess Twilight Sparkle and company!” The pegasus casually saluted. He knew Twilight was a laid-back type of Princess so he was more lax.

“Hello…. Erm” Twilight started.

“The name’s Sky Dodger.” The pegasus finished.

“Nice to meet you.” Twilight resumed, “you wouldn’t happen to know what this is would you?” motioning towards the metal hulk.

“Not a clue. What I can tell is some fine pointers of the body of it though. It would appear the main tube-shaped body of the metal carcass has two sets of fixed wings. Two small ones in the back with an upward facing vertical fin and two larger ones about mid way up the body. What confuses me is the fixed wings. How does something with fixed wings take off? It can’t flap so what type of propulsion is it? It may just be fins used for bodies of water and I’m the one misinterpreting them but these look like wings for the sky” He motioned upwards towards the starry night

“Have you checked inside the tube body yet?” Twilight asked.

“Nope. Not even the earlier watchmen did. They left it for you to do I assume.” Dodger replied.

“Care to check it out with us?” Twilight offered.

“Sure, why not?” he said smiling.

They trotted over to a large hole that nearly separated the front half of the body from the back half.

“I’m assuming this is probably dead guessing by the giant hole.” Rainbow Dash commented.

“I would also assume so too. The hole was already on the body when we arrived. At first we thought it was a part of the body’s intentional design but we soon determined it was an injury.” Dodger added.

As they entered the body of the behemoth they could hear squelching and high pitch noises coming from the front.

“What could be making that dreaded noise?” Rarity asked.

“I dunno” Rainbow Dash replied before grinning, “but lets check it out”

“Be careful” Dodger cautioned.

Twilight approached a metal door that the noises were hiding behind. She looked behind here, her friends just a few feet behind her prompting her to open it.

“Here goes….” Twilight mumbled.

As she opened the door the dark room they were in filled with light that shown through windows located in the room ahead. It was strange. There were chairs bolted into the floor behind the windows with what looked like controls to operate the metal behemoth. Was this thing not actually alive but was instead controlled by somepony inside? Twilight had seen nothing like this before.

The high pitched noise returned which seemed to be coming from forward and below them. Twilight cautiously walked down some steps located between the two chairs as her friends filed into the small room. After safely descending the tedious stairs she looked up to see there was an unconscious figure sitting on a small chair in the behemoths nose! It looked like a pony but it had shorter hair and a denser coat then most of the ponies Twilight knew. It sported a full-body green suit. The high pitch noise returned coming from something the figure was wearing.

“Lucky Strike, Lucky Strike ya there?”

There was silence. Twilight wasn’t sure what to do.

“God I hope you’re alive. Lucky Strike, Lucky Strike do ya copy?” it squawked again.

Twilight approached the unconscious figure and turned its head. It had a massive nose compared to Twilight and it had brown marking on certain parts of its face such as its eyebrows and lower muzzle that streaked back across the sides of its face. Its eye remained closed. Twilight looked at a small box with holes on two ends of it on the front of his vest. She picked it up and looked at it.

“Find anything Twi?” Applejack called down from the area with the two chairs above.

“Yeah I found this small metal box and a body.” She replied back. Twilight heard multiple gasps from above, “I don’t think it’s dead, I think it’s just asleep.” The statement was followed by a series of sighs of relief. “Here I’ll come back up and show you what I found.” Twilight climbed back up the short, narrow stairs back up to the room that had the two bolted-down chairs and showed her friends the small metal box.

“What do you think it is?” Fluttershy asked?

“I don’t know but it was saying something earlier. It was calling out for someone named Lucky Strike.”

“OH NO! This tiny-whiny little box is missing its bestie!” Pinkie Pie loudly gasped.

“I'm guessing Lucky Strike is that pony down there.” Dash assumed.

“I don’t think it’s a pony. To be honest, it kind of looked like a pony-sized dog.” Twilight replied. She heard a series of ‘wha’s?’ from here friends.

“I don’t understand. A dog? Like the kind that goes woof?” Applejack tried to understand.

“What else did you think she meant? Goose?” Pinkie Pie asked bouncing up and down.

“I think he needs medical attention,” Twilight said, “Sky Dodger, do you think we will be able to bring this dog back with us?”

“I don’t know, he could be trying to infiltrate Canterlot by sneaking in as an injured person.” Sky Dodger replied. “Though I guess we have no choice right now.” Sky dodger down to where Twilight was a few minutes ago and called down for help carrying him. Applejack went down and helped drag the dog back up and outside the metal behemoth.

“Alright, I advise that Twilight and friends go on ahead and head back. Me and Applejack will carry this dog back.”

“You should have one more pony with you just in case something happens.” Twilight suggested

“Good idea. Rainbow Dash? Will you escort us back?” Dodger asked?

“Sure thing, Flightless!” Dash happily replied.

Twilight and her friends went on ahead and left the trio and 4th company behind them.

“Flightless? I’m a pegasus too you know!” Sky Dodger rebuttaled.

“Haven't seen you fly yet.” Dash playfully shot back.

“That’s because I have no need! I’ve been standing there the whole time” Dodger said while pointing behind him.

“Eh whatever!” Dash knew Dodger could fly but enjoyed riling up ponies. It made the present more interesting. She never liked being too serious. It was exhausting and not always enjoyable. That being said, the reason for being serious isn’t always enjoyable either. However that didn’t mean it didn’t have to be.