• Published 1st Nov 2015
  • 5,056 Views, 669 Comments

The Unequal - Invinsible

Starlight Glimmer is victorious in stealing everypony's cutie marks. But a mysterious and creepy filly is immune to her magic. While Starlight searches for a way to beat the filly, one thing is clear...there's something wrong with that girl.

  • ...

The Finale

“He, he, he, he…ha, ha, ha, ha…aha, he, he, he…”

Deep within the secret cutie mark vault that Starlight had stored thousands of special talents, laughter could be heard from behind the stage. The gathered mares, stallions, colts, and fillies exchanged glances as they waited. Discord and a strange little filly had built a huge stage with big red curtains in front of the vault. It was all done for the sake of theatrics, but the ponies found they couldn’t say no to the filly’s playful smile. Half an hour later though, the ponies were getting tired of waiting for the show to begin. But the return of their special talents would have to wait until whoever was backstage stopped laughing like a hyena.

“Eh, he, he, he, he!”

The Element bearers and Spike all cautiously watched the filly as she continued to stare at the red curtains. Her smile was as wide as her bloodshot eyes and her entire body was shaking from both her creepy giggling and the multiple twitches that were dancing all over her.

“Yeah, she’s been like that for over twenty minutes now,” Spike told his friends.

“Poor kid,” Rainbow Dash sighed. “What Starlight did to her really messed her up.”

Twilight fidgeted a little. “We shouldn’t say things like ‘messed up’ when we’re talking to her. I don’t want to make assumptions, but I think she’s had…mental health problems long before she met Starlight.”

Spike frowned. He reached over to the filly and tapped her on the shoulder. “Hey. Uh, you okay?”

The filly slowly spun her head around to stare at Spike with a big creepy smile. “I’ve been waiting for you…”

Spike’s eyes widened as he bolted out of the room. “Spike! What’s gotten into you?” Twilight shouted after him.

“I’ve read enough horror stories to know where this is going!”

“Spike! I told you not to read those books until you turned-”

The startled Twilight jumped as she felt the filly’s hoof rest on her wings. “He has been such a nervous Nelly lately, hasn’t he?”

Rainbow raised an eyebrow at the filly. “Um, are you feeling okay, kid? Spike told us you’ve just been staring at nothing for like twenty minutes.”

“Bet it feels even longer than that, eh Pinkie?” The filly giggled as Pinkie titled her head in confusion. “She knows what I’m talking about! He, he, he!”

Rarity cleared her throat. “Well, yes. Anyway, I for one wish to thank you for taking the bullet, as it were. If you hadn’t exposed Starlight for what she is, we may have never even realized she would go so far as to harm a child to get what she wants. Every pony in Equestria will soon have their cutie marks back. It’s taken us all far to long to see past Starlight Glimmer’s web of lies but you have shown us the truth. You’ve sacrificed so much to help us see Starlight as the heartless creature she really is, so it’s fitting that this ceremony be your time to shine, darling.”

The filly’s grinning face settled into a more relaxed smile. “You flatter me, dearies.” Her eyes lit up as her creepy smile returned. “Ooh! There’s another thought! He, he, he, he!”

“Heh, some pony’s got a case of the giggles. What’s on your mind?” Pinkie asked.

“Oh, all number of things Pinkie.” The filly’s eyes narrowed as she stared at a corner of the room. “Cut off one head and two more take its place, eh? Not if I burn the stumps! He, he, he, he!”

“Um, are you talking about a hydra?” Fluttershy asked. “Because you really shouldn’t be-”

But the filly interrupted her with another chuckle. “A pretty good guess, Flutter-butter! Don’t read too deeply into my insider jokes, though. I’m just making plans for after I leave Equestria.”

“Wait, back up! What are you doing?” a wide-eyed Rainbow asked.

The filly smiled. “You have all been very patient with me. I appreciate what you girls have done to protect this strange little pony planet. But sadly, this world has no place in it for a freak like me. Once Starlight Glimmer isn’t a problem, I’ll shuffle off this stage and move onto the next show.”

“Now hold on darling. After Starlight has finally left us all alone, on the day we finally reclaim our special talents, our dreams and aspirations, our destiny!” Rarity said dramatically before she coughed delicately at the odd looks her friends were giving her. “…You’re just going to leave?”

“Trust me Rarity, if I don’t have to be in Equestria, it’s a good thing. I only stick around a place if the bad guys still need blowing up.”

“Uh…blowing up?” Applejack asked with a raised eyebrow. “Sugarcube, you’ve been saying a lot of weird things lately…you wanna explain any of that?”

The filly grinned. “I was hoping you’d ask me that. You see, before we really light this party up, there are things I want to get off my back. Or rather, your backs.” The filly bowed her head and said, “First of all, I’m sorry for nailing that smiling, dead rat to the door.”

“WHAT!” the ponies all exclaimed.

“W-what you are saying?!” Twilight asked.

“Exactly what it sounds like. That dead rat that showed up on the front door of Starlight’s Brainwash Fun-Times House? The one I was sent to when I first arrived? Who else did you really think it was?”

Rainbow frowned at her. “Look kid, are you trying to make a joke? Because it’s not funny.”

“Funny is a matter of perspective, Dashie. You guessed right about the Timberwolves though. Once I found a pack of hungry wolves I scared them off and stole their dinner. After that it was simple enough to nail the rat and my message to the door before sneaking back into the hut that I so easily escaped from.” The filly chuckled. “Oh ho, your security is terrible, sweethearts.”

“But…why?!” Fluttershy cried.

“Now see, this is why I’m finally saying sorry. Fluttershy, sweet little Fluttershy, I never meant to hurt you. And don’t you remember how I helped you give that poor rat a decent burial? His final farewell party? It was never my intention to hurt you or the rat, my friends. Just Starlight.”

“Kid, if you’re telling the truth, then you hurt a whole lot of ponies with that stunt,” Applejack warned her.

“Oh, that stunt couldn’t hurt you. It served as a reminder that you could be hurt. Starlight had you all believing that no special talents meant no conflict and therefore no danger. But once you saw my…encouragement for you all to start genuinely smiling, well things got pretty dangerous pretty fast, didn’t they?”

“Oh, don’t give me that look, Miss Pie. You’re the smile expert Pinkie. In your heart, you know I’m right.” She reached up and brushed her hoof along Pinkie’s cheek, causing the older pony to jump back.

“While I’m at it, sorry for hypnotising you Fluttershy.”

“What?! You tried to brainwash Fluttershy?!” Rainbow shouted.

Hypnotise, dearie. There’s a big difference. To put Flutters under my spell, I had to get her permission first. Little lady didn’t think a goofy kid like me could pull it off. I also couldn’t get her to do something that she would strongly disagree with. So really Fluttershy, deep down in your heart…you never had a problem when I played mind games with you, now do you?”

Fluttershy hid behind her mane. “M…maybe. But I don’t even remember half the time you hypnotised me. How do I know you didn’t make me do something awful?!”

“Now Fluttershy, sweetheart, I was only after Starlight. Where’s the fun in torturing someone as innocent as you?”

“Fun?!” Twilight asked, her eyes beginning to narrow.

“I suppose I should keep going. Oh yes! I’m sorry for breaking into Diamond Tiara’s house and ripping off her mom’s fur and hair. Well, actually no, I’m not,” the filly giggled.

“WHAT!” the ponies all exclaimed.

“Hey, two for two!” the filly cheered.

Twilight stared at her in horror. “But…but how? Why?”

“Oh, the how was easy. You’d be surprised at the kind of chemistry cookbooks that Zecora left behind in her hut. Now, saying that it was child’s play to create sleeping potions feels a little cliché, but then I did mix up those smoke bombs during recess.”

“After I heard Spoiled Brat, I mean Rich, torment her daughter like that, I just couldn’t help myself! So, late at night I threw my special little remedies through the window to make sure everyone stayed asleep while I broke in. I already chugged a dozen bottles of energy drinks to keep myself awake and after I had tied Spoiled Rich to her bed I shoved another bottle down her throat. And when she woke up, that’s when the fun really began, he, he, he…”

“But…how could you even think about shaving off a mare’s fur? Her hair?! Her pride and joy?!” Rarity cried.

“Pride and joy? Rarity darling, take a look through the curtain.” She walked over to the middle of the stage and pulled the curtain back a little and pointed. “Right here. Tell me what you see.”

Rarity cautiously followed the filly and looked at where she was pointing. “I see the Rich family.”

“So, do I, darling. I see them happy. Spoiled Rich was acting like a materialistic, kid-hating witch. So, I served up a dozen helpings of humble pie, and look at her now! She’s being a better pony for her family…” The evil grin returned to the filly’s face. “Because she knows what will happen if she ticks me off again.”

“Now listen here missy!” Applejack shouted. “None of that makes up for the rat or you shaving off her fur!”

“Sure. I ‘shaved off’ her fur. Let’s go with that,” the filly chuckled. “It’s probably better if you don’t know all the details. Just a head’s up though, candy coloured pony fur doesn’t taste as good as it looks.”

Applejack grabbed the filly’s ear. “The hay is wrong with you?! You think this is some kinda joke?! What you’re doing is wrong!” she cried.

The filly chuckled and shrugged her way out of Applejack’s grip. “Is that all you have to say, Jackie? I’ve done far worse than that. I’ve poisoned Starlight’s dreams, corrupted the Crystal Heart with my own insanity, and heck, I still haven’t played any of my wilder cards yet!”

Twilight glared at the filly. “You know we can’t let you get away with all this.”

“Oh sweetheart, sure you can! And do you know why?” A dangerous glint entered the filly’s eye. “I’m done censoring myself for your sake. I’m not gonna lie anymore. I’m insane. I’m an evil genius. I’m a bloodthirsty psychopath. But you know something funny? Even though I’m far more dangerous than any creature on this planet, Starlight Glimmer is a far more evil than I am. My target in this whole psychological game was Starlight. Ponyville and the Crystal Empire got a little caught in the crossfire, and I am sorry about that. But the damage I’ve done to your homes will fade over time. Not so much if I had stayed out of Starlight’s way.”

The filly’s face twisted into an unsettling scowl. “That egotistical, jealous, control freak of a unicorn wanted to destroy what made us all special. What made us all happy. You six may have been able to beat all your other enemies with the magic of friendship, but Starlight came the closest to winning. I may be the high queen of insanity, but a world where the bad guys win?!” The filly swung her hoof down, smashing a gaping hole in the wooden stage floor beneath them. She glared up at them. “Not happening sweethearts! Never, ever, EVER!”

The ponies all stared at the fuming filly. None of them knew how to react to her any more. Pinkie cleared her throat and bravely spoke up. “Even if Starlight was being a bully, you shouldn’t have done all those things just to torment her.”

“Pinkie’s right. Two wrongs don’t make a right,” Twilight said.

"But three rights make a left!" the filly giggled. "If you have a problem with my methods, next time defeat the villain before I step in."

“We’re being serious little one. This really isn’t something a filly like you should be doing,” Fluttershy said.

“Filly? Girls, I’m a teenager,” the filly told them.

“…Say what?” Pinkie asked.

“What, I never told you? I’m like sixteen years old.” The filly paused and scratched her chin. "Or was it fifteen? Seventeen? Somewhere around there."

“But…but you look the same age as my sister!” Applejack exclaimed.

“It’s called being short for my age. Thank you for pointing that out, you overly judgemental apple kicker!” the filly said with a giggle.

“Uh, hey guys?” They turned around to see Spike approaching the group. “The crowd’s getting pretty impatient out there. What’s going on?”

“Just the last little build up before the finale. Shall we get started?” the filly chuckled as she and Spike walked towards the curtain.

“Wait just a minute! Why would you confess everything you’ve done now? Why would you tell us all this?” Rarity asked.

“I truly am sorry if I have ever hurt you, dearies. But we just have different ways of fighting evil. You six are heroes. I’m the villain’s villain. Friendship would have never worked between us in the long run. May you remember me as the innocent filly you thought I was instead of the monster I am. Because after tonight that’s all I’ll be to you…

“A memory.”

The filly and Spike walked out through the curtains and away from the Element bearers. On stage, the filly smiled and waved to the cheering crowd.

“I’m sorry you and the girls aren’t friends anymore. But I’m glad you finally told them the truth,” Spike said to the filly. “So, what now? Do you give a big speech to the crowd before you smash the cutie mark vault open and give every pony their special talents back?”

The filly smirked at him. “Oh, you would think that, wouldn’t you…Starry?”

Spike’s eyes widened in surprise as the filly grabbed him by the chin and ripped his head off his shoulders. Spike disappeared in cloud of smoke and Starlight Glimmer was left behind gasping for breath and shivering with fear. “W-what?! WHAT?! What was that?!”

“Aw, poor little Starry. You’re really losing it, aren’t you?”

“What is this?!” Starlight screamed. “Another nightmare?!”

“Nope! You’re wide awake, dearie. And experiencing quite a hallucination, I must say. Oh, just look at you! White as a sheet! In fact…even whiter than that, I’d say.”

The filly lifted Starlight’s left foreleg for her to see. Starlight’s eyes widened in horror as a splotch of white began to spread over her pink coat of fur. “What are you doing to me?!”

The filly grinned. “Relax dearie, this is just a visual metaphor. You won’t be getting my lovely complexion just yet. Still, you’re coming along nicely. With every passing hour you’re becoming more like me.”

“I’ll never be like you!” Starlight hissed.

“You sure, dearie? You’ve got my evil glare down perfectly! Now all we need to work on is your SMILE.”

Starlight’s glare intensified as the filly’s eyes seemed to glow with pure malevolence. “You won’t get away with this.”

“Starry, haven’t you figured it out? Even though it’s the theatrical thing to do, do you really think I’d free their cutie marks, after my speech? Just so you could interrupt me? I got away with it five minutes ago.”

The filly grinned and pointed at something over her shoulder. The hallucination melted away and Starlight found herself standing in a field of grass, all alone, with a fair bit of droll on her chin. She wiped the droll away and almost screamed as she saw several dots of light shooting into the sky. Off in the distance, cutie marks were being released from the cutie mark vault. Starlight was too late to stop it.

“No. No, no, no, no, NO, NO, NO!” she screamed as she levitated herself and rocketed toward the vault at air speeds that would have made Spitfire proud.

Meanwhile, the filly looked up at the cheering crowd of once more colourful ponies. Being the closest to the vault, they were the first group to get their special talents back. Cutie marks were still zipping out of the vault and to the far corners of Equestria to reach the ponies were too bedridden to make it. But looking at the crowd of smiling faces, the filly felt that any pony around Granny Smith’s age no longer had to worry about that.

“You feel that everyone?! Don’t you just feel alive?!” the filly shouted. Her grin widened as the ponies cheered louder. Behind her on the stage, the Element bearers and the Princesses of Equestria stared uneasily at the filly. Soon though, none of that would matter. “Well folks, now would be the perfect time for a speech, but I think you’ve all heard enough outta this chatterbox. I’ll turn the microphone over to Princesses Sun and Moon soon enough. One last bit of advice from your old friend. When the world pushes you down, get back up. Fight for what you believe in, and fight dirty. Confront life. Embrace life!”

“No, no, no, no, no!” Starlight continued to scream as she flew closer and closer to the vault.

The filly grinned at the rapidly approaching light in the sky. “And when opportunity comes flying towards you, go for its FREAKING throat!”

The filly jumped in the air and grinned as Starlight tackled her. “Hi honey!” she managed to get out before she and Starlight crashed into the now empty vault.

“Starlight! What are you doing?!” Twilight cried.

Starlight glared down at the filly who was lying on the floor, practically laughing her lungs out. “I’m going to end her. End you all!” Her horn glowed with furious power but before she could incinerate the filly, Twilight blasted Starlight several feet away.

“YOU! Filthy traitor!” Starlight roared. “I’ve lost everything! Because of her! Because of you!” She fired a huge beam of magic at Twilight. The reawakened princess of magic and friendship teleported out of the way and fired a spell at Starlight.

“Starlight, stop this! It’s over!” Twilight cried as Starlight levitated herself in the air.

“Yes! Yes it is!” Starlight let out a crazed laugh. “And it’s all your fault! Everything! Everything burns!”

Twilight and Starlight both fired beams of magic that collided with each other. But the enraged Starlight’s magic was the stronger of the two, slowly pushing Twilight’s magic back.

Starlight’s face twisted into a creepy grin. “Yes! YES! My cutie mark! My magic! MINE!”

“That’s quite enough.” Starlight glanced behind her to see Princess Celestia’s horn glow. Starlight quickly canceled her spell and surrounded herself in a magical shield. She cringed as the beams of magic coming from Celestia and Twilight collided with and compressed her shield.

“Your tyranny ends today, Starlight Glimmer!” Princess Luna shouted as she fired a beam of magic at the shield too.

Starlight cried out in pain. She was more powerful than a magical alicorn princess, fair enough. Two was pushing the limit. But three alicorns at once? Her composure was cracking faster than her shield. She gulped as Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor fired their own spells at her shield. Too much. It was all too much. Starlight’s shield shattered like glass. She screamed in pain as she was zapped by five of the most powerful spell casters in Equestria all at once. She collapsed onto the stage floor and prayed for the day to be over.

In her blurry vision, she could see the filly standing over her. “We doing a barbeque? Something smells yummy! He, he, he!”

The filly’s hoof hovered over her head. But all Starlight could see was red. She teleported up into the air and cast a murderous glare at the ponies below her. “You’ll regret this! You’ll see! You will ALL regret this!”

With her last burst of strength, Starlight Glimmer teleported herself all the way to the Everfree forest. She crawled over to a moss-covered rock, buried her head against it, and groaned.

How many hours had passed, Starlight didn’t care anymore. Night had fallen over the Everfree, but she didn’t care. Monsters would probably come out to eat her, but she didn’t care. The mossy rock that she had been groaning into was covered in her blood, sweat, and tears. How could she care anymore?

Slowly, she pushed herself off the rock and crawled over to a puddle of water. Her reflection was murky but she could still see what she needed to. Her pale face, disheveled mane and tail, her puffy red eyes, and her cutie mark. She glared at her cutie mark for about a minute before she lowered her head to the puddle.

“Here lies everything
My plans all broken beyond repair
My heart’s drenched in despair
So hail to the queen
This is my final scene…”

Starlight shakily got back up on her hooves and walked deeper into the forest.

“Thought I had gotten ahead
Thought that equality had a voice
That harmony was my choice
But now my world is dead
And my mind is filled with dread…”

In another part of the forest, getting closer and closer to Starlight, an angry presence joined in the song.

“It’s a brand new day
And the moon is high
All the ponies are singing
That you’re gonna die
How I hesitated
Now I wonder why
It’s a brand new day
And your soul is mine!”

Starlight’s entire body jerked as she heard the filly’s singing getting closer. “No…leave me alone!” She fired a blast of magic into the forest and broke into a gallop far away from where she heard the voice.

But her desperate flee for survival was halted as a large rock sailed through the air and smacked into Starlight’s side, knocking her into a tree as she cried out in pain.

“Now the nightmare’s real
Now the Chaos Queen is here
To make you quake with fear
To make the whole world kneel
And I’ll make you feel …”

“DIE, FILTHY DEMON!” Starlight roared as she fired a colossal blast of magic in the direction of the song. Five trees lit up on fire from her spell, causing Starlight to grin madly. “That’s right! Burn! BURN!”

She spun around to set another tree on fire only to get knocked on her flank by a blunt instrument smashing her in the face.

“OW! What the-”

The filly emerged from the shadows and grinned at Starlight. The filly was wearing a dark green combat vest and a lumpy backpack that was emitting glowing, magical fumes. Her face was covered in black and red paint that made her look like a nightmarish clown.

Everything.” The filly finished the song, twirling a baseball bat around in her hooves.

Starlight struggled to get back up, but the filly swung the baseball bat again and struck Starlight at the base of her horn.

Starlight screamed in pain again before she glared up at the filly. “YOU!”

The filly giggled and spun the bat around in her hoof. “See the important thing to do is strike at the head first. Victim gets all fuzzy. With a curse-flinging witch, you get the added bonus of confusing them so much she can’t even cast a simple sparkler.”

“Why are you following me?! What more do you want! You’ve taken everything from me!” Starlight cried.

The filly smiled at her. “Not quite. I’ve broken your mind. Now I think I’m gonna break your body.”

“You sick, insane, unnatural monster,” Starlight snarled. “I’m DONE playing around. Time to show you what I’m made of.”

The filly’s smirk turned cold. “You hurt my friends Starry. The only things you’re made of are bones that break and blood that spills.”

“SHUT UP!” Starlight roared as she blasted the filly up against a tree.

“Bah, ha, ha!” the filly laughed as she kicked herself off the tree and swung the bat at Starlight again.

Starlight teleported out of the way and ripped the baseball bat out of the filly’s hooves. The filly laughed as Starlight brought the bat down on her and dodged out of the way. “That’s it Starry! Keep fighting! I want this moment to last!

“Hold still!” Starlight growled as she telekinetically swung the bat again. The filly grinned and grabbed the bat in mid-swing, snapping the wood in two with her bare hooves. Starlight screamed in outrage before she fired a curse at the filly, encasing her in solid crystal.

Starlight growled at the frozen filly. “HA! How do you like that?” But the large crack forming on the crystal made her swallow her words. Starlight ran deeper into the forest as the crystal continued to fall apart. Not even a minute had passed before she glanced behind her to see the filly hot on her hooves. “Doesn’t anything stop you!” she yelled as she fired another magic blast.

“What do you think, dearie?!” the filly called back as she side stepped the attack and kept running. “Run to the ends of the earth! Hide in the darkest shadows! Fight me with everything you’ve got!” The evil grin on her face widened. “The more you try to fight me, the stronger I become!”

Starlight growled. She stopped her retreat and telekinetically slammed the filly against a rock. But the filly didn’t let her bruises bother her. She used the rock to propel herself towards Starlight and lunged at her. She shoved Starlight onto the ground and took a big bite out of her neck.

“AAHH!” Starlight screamed in pain. But the filly wouldn’t relent. She raised her hoof and punched Starlight in the face over and over. By the seventh punch, Starlight’s vision was getting blurry. She couldn’t last any longer. She might have had the advantage when it came to magic but this filly was a beast. A savage, unstoppable monster. Stars above, this thing was going to kill her. She had to get away! She hurriedly blasted the giggling monster off her. She tried to gather enough magic for a teleport, but it seemed she had spent the last of her energy. Instead she struggled to get back on her hooves and run.

“You’ve lasted longer than most, I’ll give you that. But I’ve got another surprise for stubborn idiots like you,” the filly chuckled as she reached into her bag again. “When people won’t listen to reason, sometimes I really need to HAMMER the point home.”

Starlight cried out in pain as the filly whipped out a large hammer and smashed it down. Her leg let out a sickening crack as the hammer crushed her bones. Sweet Celestia, the demon had broken her leg! She was gonna die! “No! No, no, no, no!” Starlight cried as she frantically crawled across the ground, searching for something, ANYTHING, to get her out of there!

“Try not to sound too surprised Starlight. You knew this was going to end this way.” Starlight shuddered as she heard the monster’s ice cold whisper.

“Stop…please…” Starlight whimpered as the filly forcibly rolled her over until she was lying on her back. The filly stepped on her chest and placed her hoof over Starlight’s throat as she leaned in closer.

“No Starlight. That’s the idea. I’ll never stop. I’m the thing that gives nightmares their nightmares. I’m the reason that evil wakes up screaming in the dead of night. I’m the demon that lurks in the corners of every darkened mind. I’m your guilty conscience, baby. You know what you did Starlight, and I’ll eat your soul for it.”

Starlight gasped as she saw a knife glinting in the dark.

“The only way you can fight your guilt is to surrender to it. But you’re too proud to do that, aren’t you dearie?” The filly licked her lips. “If it makes you feel better, you’re gonna taste delicious.”

“No! No, no, no, no! Stop! STOP! STOP, PLEASE!” Starlight screamed as the knife drew closer and closer. As the knife scratched at the skin of her throat she shut her eyes tight. “I’m sorry! I’M SORRY, I’M SORRY!”

She continued to cower under her own crippling pain and paralysing fear. But when she couldn’t feel the knife any more, she hesitantly opened her eyes again.

The filly was staring at her. There was no evil grin or crazed smile. She stared at Starlight with quiet curiosity. She dropped the knife and pulled out another item from her bag. A needle with glowing green liquid in it that she promptly injected into Starlight’s leg. But instead of crying out in agony Starlight let out a gasp as the pain from her existing injuries faded away.

“What are you sorry for?” the filly asked.

"W...what?" Starlight whimpered.

"I asked what you’re sorry for. Three strikes and you’re out, so answer the question before I ask again, dearie."

Starlight gulped and answered. “Everything. I’m sorry I didn’t tell Sunburst how I felt. I’m sorry I ran away from home. I’m sorry I stole cutie marks. I’m sorry I forced ponies to give up what made them happy. I’m sorry I converted Princess Twilight and her friends into my stupid cult. I’m sorry I dethroned the princesses. Most of all I’m sorry for the way I treated everyone.”

The filly smiled at her, without a trace of mischief or malice. “Oh Starlight, that’s all I ever wanted to hear from you.”

“W…what?” the stunned unicorn asked. “You...you’re not going to kill me?”

“Now where would be the fun in that, sweetheart?” Sweetheart. It was the one word the filly had never called her. She called everyone darling, or dearie, or any other kind of strange, flamboyant, condescending nickname. She only called a pony sweetheart if she liked them.

The filly pulled out a wet washcloth out of her backpack and began to clean up Starlight’s bloody cuts. “Here, let’s tidy ourselves up a bit. Then we’ll see what we can do about that broken leg.”

Starlight’s eyes widened further. As she watched the filly tend to her wounds, a relieved smile made its way onto her face. “At last…thank you. The nightmare is…finally over…” she sighed and leaned her head back against the ground.

“Not quite over yet, sweetheart. I’d say we have about two more chapters of our little story to go.”

“W…what?” Starlight asked. Her heart started pounding as the filly grinned at her. “NO! Please, I’m begging you! Don’t hurt me! I’ll do anything!”

The bright pink eyes lit up with glee. “Anything?”

“Anything! Please, just don’t hurt me anymore!” Starlight pleaded.

“I’m glad we could come to an agreement then, sweetie.”

Starlight sighed in relief before she nearly choked on the vial of glowing purple liquid that the filly shoved into her mouth. As she was forced to drink the magic potion, her vision began to fade.

What…now? Starlight thought to herself. As if the filly could read her mind, she got her answer.

“Now, you take a nap.”