• Published 29th Oct 2015
  • 6,522 Views, 129 Comments

The Nightmares of Equestria - The Warmaster

Me and my friends get the Nightmare Animatronic suits from the Internet. We get sent to Equestria. Problem is, we can only interact with others in ponies dreams.

  • ...

Chapter Nine: The Nightmare, Part Two

One Week later….

Nightmare looked down upon Manehatten, his claws slick with the blood of innocents. Within a single week, The Nightmare had gone through Manehatten’s stock of Fillies and Colts, even killing some, gathering a large amount of energy.

”It looks like this all-you-can eat-buffet has finally been picked clean,” He chuckled, watching as the citizens shuffled around nervously. ”I suppose it is time to find a new source of food.” He turned back from his perch, looking out at the train station. ”Let's see where fortune takes us next…”


“Celestia, I have tried to catch this beast threatening our fair ponies, but it is smarter than most creatures of the Dream Realm.” Luna explained, exhausted. A week of trying to hunt this creature down had drained the strength of the Lunar Princess, and her fatigue was

“I know, my sister, but we cannot allow this monster to run free. We must find a way to stop it.” The Solar Princess replied, looking out the window to her city below. “Perhaps you can teach somepony the art of Dreamwalking? I know it is your most guarded secret after what happened last time, but you can't keep hunting this thing on your own.”

“Celestia...you know we cannot. Not after what happened with She Who Shall Not Be Named.” She yawned, her flowing mane disheveled.

“Please, Luna. It is the only way we can stop this Nightmare. You can't keep fighting Nightmare alone.” Celestia pleaded, putting a hoof on her Sister’s shoulder. “Our ponies are suffering because of this, and you can't hunt it alone.”

"I…..” Luna gulped, her wings shuffling. “....I will teach one pony the art of Dreamwalking. But only one. And once this ordeal is over, we shall remove their memories of the ability to dreamwalk.”

"Luna, mind-altering magic has been outlawed for centuries, even before you were banished. I cannot allow you to alter a pony’s mind.” Celestia said, her eyes narrowing. “This is not negotiable.”

"But Sister, thou know not how they will use the Dreamwalking magic. We cannot allow anypony else to use it!” Luna replied, anger shooting through her eyes.

“And we do not know how many more innocent foals the Nightmare will hurt before you catch him by yourself!” Celestia yelled, causing Luna to flinch. “I know you do not want to ever go through that experience again, Luna,” She continued, softening her voice, “But our ponies are suffering. Nopony can do something this important alone. Please, Luna, we cannot allow Nightmare to roam free. You can't beat him by yourself. I implore you to teach somepony the art of Dreamwalking, without the use of mind-altering magic.”

Luna stood there for a moment, before sighing. “Very well, Sister. Though we have our reservations for teaching our magic, tis for the good of the ponies we rule over. Dost thou have a pony in mind?” Luna relented, lowering her head.

“Possibly, though we might have to wait for her.” Celestia nodded. “But for now, there is something you must do.”

"What is it?” Luna looked up, confused.

“I want you to go to Ponyville on Nightmare Night, to interact more with our citizens.” Celestia said, and Luna’s ears drooped.

“But Sister...what if they still fear us?” Luna asked.

"Trust me, they won't. And even if they do, they will quickly come around.” Celestia reassured her sister, wrapping a hoof around her and pulling her into a hug. “If you simply stay locked away in this castle, nothing will change. By opening up to our citizens, we let them know we are their friends, not just their rulers.”

“Yes, Sister. We understand.” Luna nodded, turning. “We shall prepare our guards for the coming holiday.” She walked out of the room.

On the Train heading towards Ponyville

Nightmare chuckled as he gave chase to his current prey. It would take a while for the train to arrive at it’a destination, a town called ‘Ponyville’. Nightmare mentally recoiled at the horrible pun, before refocusing on his prey. The two were within the Dream Realm, and Nightmare had generated a school building from his host’s memories. Just enjoying toying with this one, he used all the cliche’s he could think of for a school building.

As the mare entered a classroom, he created a mental construct of a little filly, who screamed as she ran past the door, before vanishing back into the Dreamscape. The mare jumped, turning around. She carefully trotted up to the door, looking around the corner of the door frame.

At the end of the hall was a filly, hanging by the neck. Nightmare chuckled as the mare’s face turned green, horror clear in her eyes. He decided to end this little game, having absorbed a great deal of her fear. He tapped her on the back, dragging his clawed finger down her spine. She stopped, slowly turning her head towards Nightmare.

Nightmare roared, bearing his teeth as he brought his jaw closer to her head. She screamed, vanishing into a puff of smoke as her dream ended. The school collapsed around Nightmare, before he reappeared in the real world. Nightmare grinned as the mare jumped out of her chair, screaming as she woke, and waking most of the other ponies.

Nightmare floated above the train, before noticing something. The movement of phasing through the roof of the train had been...slower, as if the roof was resisting him. He raised his claw, noticing that it seemed a bit more...physical. It was more difficult to see through it, as if it was beginning to manifest into reality. Nightmare’s grin grew wider.

”So, this is what it is for…” He chuckled, closing his claw into a fist. He began laughing, and the ears of the ponies inside the train twitched, hearing the barest echo of laughter.

Author's Note:

So sorry this is so short. I've been trying to come up with something for this, and it just felt like a completed chapter to me.

But next Chapter should (hopefully) finish up Nightmare'a arrival arc, and return us to our current timeline.

That being said, I do not know when the next chapter will be done. I am currently juggling a bunch of stories that I either need to update to the point where I feel there's enough content to leave it alone for a while to focus on other stories, or just flat out need to update.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed! Please give an up vote and maybe a Favorite and Tracking! And you can check out some of my other content, since I've been working hard!

Stay tuned till next time! And if you see any errors or whatnot, please leave a comment so I can try to correct it!