• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 374 Views, 16 Comments

An Angel and a Pony - The Daughter of the Moon

Gold Wing, the son of a rich noblecolt, lives a life of luxury, where all his needs are fulfilled at the clap of a hoof. But when he loses everything, his life takes an unexpected turn.

  • ...


...He turned around to see a dagger flying at him. Gold Wing shut is eyes and braced himself. But when he opened his eyes, Silver Moon stood in front of him, impaled with Blood Moon's dagger.

"Silver Moon!!" Gold Wing cried, falling to his knees.

Gold Wing saw blood pouring out of Silver Moon's chest. He looked over to Blood Moon. Silver Moon's left arm was laying in front of her. Tears started falling from his eyes. Gold Wing tried to stop it, but the tears just kept falling. Why was he crying? He wasn't sad, was he? Silver Moon was a servant. She was angel. She had made a promise. She wouldn't die so easily…

"You really don't know anything, do you, Gold Wing?"

"That's right… Blood Moon had said…" Gold Wing murmured. He looked at Silver Moon. She was… still standing?! Gold Wing wiped the tears from his eyes.

Silver Moon took the dagger out of chest and threw it on the ground.

"S-silver Moon?" Gold Wing stammered, his heart hammering.

"You would dare hurt my young master?" Silver Moon whispered, glaring at Blood Moon.

Blood Moon starting laughing hysterically.

"You would actually risk your life for that colt?!"

Silver Moon kept glaring at Blood Moon.

"Silver Moon…" Gold Wing murmured.

"My lord, order me to capture Blood Moon."


"If you order me to do so, I shall carry it out without fail."

"That's right… Silver Moon will carry my orders without fail…" Gold Wing remembered. He shook his head.

"B-but what about you?! You were impaled with a dagger, and your left arm got dismembered!" Gold Wing protested as tears started falling from his eyes.

"My lord?"

"I-I don't w-want you to g-get hurt-t…." Gold Wing sobbed.

Silver Moon knelt down in front of Gold Wing.


Silver Moon embraced Gold Wing in a hug.

"...Silver Moon?"

"Never worry about me, my lord. I am just your servant. A tool. You never worry about your tools, do you?"


Silver Moon looked Gold Wing in the eye.

"Never worry about me. Do you understand?"

Gold Wing nodded, wiping the tears from his eyes. He turned to Silver Moon.

"Wait, where did Blood Moon go?" Gold Wing asked.

Gold Wing heard someone tapping on glass.

"That was nice and all, but how long are you going to stay in that bubble?" Blood Moon asked, her voice muffled.

Gold Wing looked around him. He and Silver Moon were in a glass dome that apparently had kept Blood Moon at bay for the time being.


"My lord."


Gold Wing took a deep breathe. He turned to Silver Moon.

"Silver Moon, I order you to capture Blood Moon!"

"Yes, my lord."

Silver Moon passed through the glass as if it was air, leaving Gold Wing to spectate the battle.

"Oh, getting serious now, are we?" Blood Moon taunted.

Blood Moon fired multiple spells at Silver Moon, but she dodged them all. Silver Moon tackled Blood Moon, knocking her to the ground. Blood Moon attempted to stab Silver Moon with her horn, but she flipped Blood Moon onto her stomach.

"You've certainly improved your fighting tactics, Silver Moon!" Blood Moon remarked, breathing heavily.

"What about you?" Silver Moon asked, throwing Blood Moon against a wall. "You're a bit rusty!"

Blood Moon threw her dagger at Silver Moon, slitting her cheek. Blood ran down Silver Moon's face.

"Who's rusty now?"

Silver Moon wiped the blood from her cheek, smearing it.

"Why don't you put back your arm first? Maybe then you'll be a competent opponent." Blood Moon sneered.

"Good idea."


Silver Moon raced over to her dismembered arm, laying on the ground. She picked it up, and it instantly reattached to her shoulder.

"Gross." Gold Wing thought.

"Now I'm fired up."

"Me and my big mouth." Blood Moon complained.

Silver Moon ran and punched Blood Moon in the stomach, making her cough up blood.

"What about me being a competent opponent?" Silver Moon teased calmly.

Blood Moon scowled, wiping her mouth.

"Silver Moon! Why do you keep playing around with this mare?!" Gold Wing demanded, tapping on the glass dome that surrounded him.

"My lord?" Silver Moon questioned, surprised.

"Just deal with her already!" Gold Wing ordered impatiently.

"My deepest apologies, my lord." Silver Moon said. She hit Blood Moon, knocking her out.

"What kind of a battle was that?!" Gold Wing demanded, looking at Blood Moon, who was tied up and was sitting on the ground.

"Oh Goldy, it wasn't that boring." Colorful Skies replied, playing with Gold Wing's mane. "They did almost kill each other and such."

Gold Wing slapped Colorful Skies' hoof.

"Ow! Goldy!" Colorful Skies complained.

"Yes, it was. After their bantering, all Silver Moon did was tackle Blood Moon and tied her up!"

"It was a most effective strategy, was it not?" Silver Moon asked.

Gold Wing sighed.

"I can't wait to go home…"

"Silver Moon, did you find out the location of the other mares?" Gold Wing asked.

"Yes, my lord. They are all being held in an abandoned warehouse not too far from here."

"Great. You free them. I'm going back to the carriage."

"Yes, my lord. But what shall I do with Miss Blood Moon?"

"Hmm… Take her to the princess. I'm sure she or that Black Feather guy will take care of her."

"Yes, my lord." Silver Moon said as he left.

"Wait for me, Goldy!"

"Blood Moon, what took you so long?! You were supposed to get captured right away!" Black Feather scolded.

"Sorry, sorry. Can't I just have a little fun?" Blood Moon replied nonchalantly.

Black Feather checked his pocket watch.

"Thankfully, your mishaps did not affect my plan significantly."

"But seriously, how can Gold Wing 'get used to' his job if he's not in danger?" Blood Moon asked.

"He's supposed to ease into it! He's not supposed to be in mortal danger the very first time!"


"Next time, you are not to get sidetracked." Black Feather instructed Blood Moon. "Understood?"

Blood Moon sighed.

"Sure. Whatever." Blood Moon complied. "It wasn't that fun anyway…"

"So all of the mares who were captured are now safe?" Princess Lilac asked.

"Yes, your highness." Gold Wing replied.

Princess Lilac sighed.

"Thank goodness. Thank you for your hard work, Gold Wing."

"You're very welcome, your highness."

Black Feather opened the throne room doors.

"You may take your leave now."

Gold Wing bowed, and he and Silver Moon went back to the mansion.

"Things are about to get much more interesting…" Black Feather thought, smirking.